Git Guide

This page is a brief guide on using Git, designed primarily for developers that are already used to Subversion.

See Also

Pro Git: Everything you need to know about Git.

Cloning a repository

Cloning a Git repository is similar to checking out a subversion repository, but instead of getting only a particular subversion commit, you end up with a full independent Git repository that contains the entire history of the Git repository that you are cloning.

Official Chaste repository locations

RepositoryDescription Chaste repository for development; contains history since version 3.0. Chaste repository; contains older history.<project_name>.gitOld Chaste project repositories.

Code developer

If you want to have your default local branch point to develop, so you can start using this branch straight away, you can use the -b flag to specify a branch to clone:

git clone -b develop

Note that all development work should proceed from a new branch off develop as per the Pull Request Strategy.

Code user

These commands will setup your local branch to point to a specific release tag from the remote repository, which is what we would recommend if you are using Chaste for the basis of a paper and want your paper to use a specific release of Chaste at the time of publication.

git clone -b <release-tag>

where <release-tag> is for a specific Chaste release e.g. 2024.1.

There are other options you can use. You may want to use the develop branch, which should pass all tests but will have some newer features – you will have to update your code more frequently to keep it in sync with the latest Chaste code.

BranchWhat it’s for
developBleeding-edge development code, new feature (issue) branches should branch off here to minimise conflicts.
Release TagsReleased code for past Chaste versions (e.g. 2024.1), also accessible from GitHub with nice instructions and zip/tar files.

Unlike Subversion, Git does not use directories to manage branches. Git branches are lightweight and considerably faster to use and merge with each other. Each branch is simply a pointer to the commit at the head of the branch.

Note that Git does not have a trunk; you are always working on a branch, although typically one branch fulfils the role of the trunk – for Chaste, this is the develop branch.

Local repository changes

This is just like svn – you commit to one repository (the local copy/clone of a git repository).


Inspecting your current local changes:

git status
git diff

You can add and remove files using the add and rm commands:

git add <file>
git rm <file>

If you want to commit all your local changes, you can use:

git commit -a -m "message"

The -a tells git to commit all changes. However, if you use this method you are missing out on the benefits of Git’s staging area, which allows you to add individual files (or lines of a file) to the staging area. This allows you to, for example, only add changes that belong to a particular issue.

git add <file1> <file2>
git add <directory>
git add -p <file3>

Committing your changes does not send them to the remote repository. To do this you must use the push command. Assuming you want to push back to the repository you have cloned, you can use push with no arguments

git push

Inspecting the history

  • Use log to inspect history. Use --oneline for a brief summary.
git log
git log --oneline
  • Use the diff command to see the differences between the working directory and the staging area.
  • The --staged option shows changes between the staging area and the last commit.
  • Use the HEAD pointer to see the changes between the working directory and the last commit
git diff <file>
git diff --staged
git diff HEAD

Undoing changes

  • Reset (not yet added to staging area) to the last committed version:
git checkout <file>
  • You can amend the current commit (e.g. change commit message, commit new changes etc)
git commit --amend
  • You can remove a file from the staging area (i.e. after using git add)
git reset HEAD <file>

Altering your history – reset vs revert

  • You can reset your history (soft reset) and optionally your working directory (hard reset) to a specified :
git reset <commit>
git reset --hard <commit>
  • You can remove a specified commit from the history (a new commit is made with the necessary changes)
git revert <commit>

Altering your history is best avoided unless you know what you are doing! And should DEFINITELY be avoided if you are messing with any commits that have already made it to the Chaste remote repositories.

Merging changes

You can provide the name of the branch you want to integrate to the git merge command

git checkout <this-branch>
git merge <name-of-other-branch-to-merge-into-this-one>

For example, say you are working on the develop branch and want to write a new feature. So you create a new branch to work on and make and commit a few changes like so

git checkout -b new_feature_name develop
edit file1.cpp
git commit -a -m "my wow new feature"

Now assume new code has been pushed to the remote develop branch while you were working on your feature. You want to merge the new code into your feature branch, so you go back to the develop branch and get the new commits (see pull below)

git checkout develop
git pull

Then you go back to your feature branch and merge in the new changes from develop

git checkout new_feature_name
git merge develop

Merge conflicts

If there are no conflicting changes to develop then merging will work fine. However, if there are conflicting edits on develop and new_feature_name you might get an error message like so

Auto-merging file1.cpp
CONFLICT (content): Merge conflict in file1.cpp
Automatic merge failed; fix conflicts and then commit the result.

If you open file1.cpp, you will see standard conflict-resolution markers like this:

<<<<<<< HEAD
This is the new line in new_feature_name
This is the new line in develop
>>>>>>> develop

Now you need to edit the file to resolve the merge, and then commit the result

git add file1.cpp
git commit -m "merged develop into new_feature_branch"


git commit -a -m "merged develop into new_feature_branch"
  • If you want to see which files are still unmerged at any point, you can use git status to see the current state of the merge

Working with remote repositories

Git is a distributed version control system. You can happily commit, branch and merge to your heart’s content on your own local Git repository. But eventually you will want to send these changes to the main Chaste repository or to another developer.

Setting remotes

These will be set automatically if you clone a remote repository, but you can manually change them too.

Your local repository has links to a number of remote repositories, you can get a list using

git remote -v

Assuming you cloned your local repository from the main Chaste repo, you should see something like

origin (fetch)
origin (push)

origin is the name of the remote (the cloned repo is always given this name by default).

You can add a remote repo using the remote command

git remote add <name> <url>

Getting and sending changes

Firstly, you should make sure you’ve done all the local changes you want (i.e. committed, see above).

Pull and fetch

You can get commits from a remote using the pull command

git pull

To get commits from a remote without merging them into your local repository, use the fetch command instead

git fetch

The branch command will then show both the local and remote branches

git fetch
git branch -a
* master

You can then merge any changes the remote branch (origin/master) into the current local branch (master)

git merge origin/master


To send your new commits to the default remote (normally origin), you can use the push command

git push

Say you have created a new branch <branch> that you want to share, then you can push it to <remote> using

git push <remote> <branch>

If you want to get a new branch pushed by another developer, you can use the checkout command to create a new branch and set it up to track the correct remote branch

For convenience on your own machine you can get git to remember your username for the Chaste repositories. (Search for git credential to find out how to store passwords securely on your OS too.)

git config --global credential. <your-username>

User projects

See User Projects for a guide on how to make new git user projects, or to convert existing svn ones to git.

Tips, tricks and troubleshooting

  • Ignoring changes to local files in the git repo

    The .gitignore file tells a repository the names of any files that should always be ignored for any/all copies of the repository. But sometimes it’s useful to have some local changes that you don’t want to involve in commits, or force on everyone with .gitignore. In this case, a command like this does the trick:

    git update-index --assume-unchanged <file>
  • Ignoring new files not in the git repo

    Use the .git/info/excludes file as explained here.