#include <cxxtest/TestSuite.h>
// Must be included before any other cell_based headers
#include "CellBasedSimulationArchiver.hpp"
#include "AbstractCellBasedTestSuite.hpp"
#include "CellBasedEventHandler.hpp"
#include "OffLatticeSimulation.hpp"
#include "VolumeTrackingModifier.hpp"
#include "CryptCellsGenerator.hpp"
#include "CellsGenerator.hpp"
#include "CylindricalHoneycombMeshGenerator.hpp"
#include "CryptCellCycleModel.hpp"
#include "PanethCellProliferativeType.hpp"
#include "TransitCellProliferativeType.hpp"
#include "CellAgesWriter.hpp"
#include "CellVolumesWriter.hpp"
#include "CellProliferativeTypesWriter.hpp"
#include "CellMutationStatesWriter.hpp"
#include "NodeVelocityWriter.hpp"
#include "GeneralisedLinearSpringForce.hpp"
#include "DifferentialAdhesionSpringForce.hpp"
#include "RepulsionForce.hpp"
#include "CellRetainerForce.hpp"
#include "CryptSimulationBoundaryCondition.hpp"
#include "CryptGeometryBoundaryCondition3d.hpp"
#include "MeshBasedCellPopulationWithGhostNodes.hpp"
#include "NodeBasedCellPopulation.hpp"
#include "SloughingCellKiller.hpp"
#include "PlaneBasedCellKiller.hpp"
#include "PetscSetupAndFinalize.hpp"
#include "Debug.hpp"
class TestCryptProliferationDistributionLiteratePaper : public AbstractCellBasedTestSuite
private :
double mLastStartTime ;
void setUp ()
mLastStartTime = std :: clock ();
AbstractCellBasedTestSuite :: setUp ();
void tearDown ()
double time = std :: clock ();
double elapsed_time = ( time - mLastStartTime ) / ( CLOCKS_PER_SEC );
std :: cout << "Elapsed time: " << elapsed_time << std :: endl ;
AbstractCellBasedTestSuite :: tearDown ();
public :
void Test3DCrypt () throw ( Exception )
// Model setup
// 1 - Pedigree
// 2 - Spatial Wnt
// 3 - Spatial Wnt at birth
// 4 - Mutant
TS_ASSERT ( CommandLineArguments :: Instance () -> OptionExists ( "-CCM" ));
unsigned cell_proliferation_model = ( unsigned ) atof ( CommandLineArguments :: Instance () -> GetStringCorrespondingToOption ( "-CCM" ). c_str ());
assert ( cell_proliferation_model == 1 || cell_proliferation_model == 2 || cell_proliferation_model == 3 || cell_proliferation_model == 4 );
bool contact_inhibition = CommandLineArguments :: Instance () -> OptionExists ( "-CI" );
bool wnt_dependent_ccd = CommandLineArguments :: Instance () -> OptionExists ( "-WDCCD" );
// Sim and sweep Params
TS_ASSERT ( CommandLineArguments :: Instance () -> OptionExists ( "-end_time" ));
double end_time = atof ( CommandLineArguments :: Instance () -> GetStringCorrespondingToOption ( "-end_time" ). c_str ());
TS_ASSERT ( CommandLineArguments :: Instance () -> OptionExists ( "-min" ));
double min_param = atof ( CommandLineArguments :: Instance () -> GetStringCorrespondingToOption ( "-min" ). c_str ());
TS_ASSERT ( CommandLineArguments :: Instance () -> OptionExists ( "-max" ));
double max_param = atof ( CommandLineArguments :: Instance () -> GetStringCorrespondingToOption ( "-max" ). c_str ());
assert ( min_param >= 0 );
if ( cell_proliferation_model == 2 || cell_proliferation_model == 3 ) // i.e wnt dependent
assert ( max_param <= 1 );
TS_ASSERT ( CommandLineArguments :: Instance () -> OptionExists ( "-num_sweeps" ));
double num_sweeps = atof ( CommandLineArguments :: Instance () -> GetStringCorrespondingToOption ( "-num_sweeps" ). c_str ());
TS_ASSERT ( CommandLineArguments :: Instance () -> OptionExists ( "-min_CI" ));
double min_CI_param = atof ( CommandLineArguments :: Instance () -> GetStringCorrespondingToOption ( "-min_CI" ). c_str ());
TS_ASSERT ( CommandLineArguments :: Instance () -> OptionExists ( "-max_CI" ));
double max_CI_param = atof ( CommandLineArguments :: Instance () -> GetStringCorrespondingToOption ( "-max_CI" ). c_str ());
TS_ASSERT ( CommandLineArguments :: Instance () -> OptionExists ( "-num_CI_sweeps" ));
double num_CI_sweeps = atof ( CommandLineArguments :: Instance () -> GetStringCorrespondingToOption ( "-num_CI_sweeps" ). c_str ());
// Crypt Setup
double cell_radius = 3.5 ;
double crypt_length = 70 ; //70
double crypt_radius = 8.0 / M_PI * 6.0 ; // Choosing same dimensions as for halted migration paper
// For this size domain there are about 75 cells in the bottom hemisphere so this makes about 20% Paneth cells
unsigned num_paneth_cells = 15 ; //15;
unsigned num_stem_cells = 60 ;
unsigned num_cells = num_paneth_cells + num_stem_cells ;
double stem_retainer_force_magnitude = 7.5 * 10 ;
double paneth_retainer_force_magnitude = 7.5 * 10 ;
for ( unsigned index = 0 ; index <= num_sweeps ; index ++ )
double param = min_param + ( double ) index / double ( num_sweeps ) * ( max_param - min_param );
PRINT_3_VARIABLES ( cell_proliferation_model ,
index ,
param );
// Extra code to calculate the generation if Model 1
unsigned upper_max_transit_generations = ( unsigned ) ceil ( param );
unsigned lower_max_transit_generations = ( unsigned ) floor ( param );
double prob_of_upper_max_transit_generations = param - floor ( param );
//Sweep over CI param
for ( unsigned CIindex = 0 ; CIindex <= num_CI_sweeps ; CIindex ++ )
double CIparam = min_CI_param + ( double ) CIindex / double ( num_CI_sweeps ) * ( max_CI_param - min_CI_param );
PRINT_2_VARIABLES ( CIindex , CIparam );
// Create some starter nodes
std :: vector < Node < 3 >*> nodes ;
for ( unsigned node_index = 0 ; node_index < num_cells ; node_index ++ )
double x = crypt_radius / 2.0 * sin ( node_index * 2.0 * M_PI / num_cells );
double y = crypt_radius / 2.0 * cos ( node_index * 2.0 * M_PI / num_cells );
double z = 0.0 ;
nodes . push_back ( new Node < 3 > ( node_index , false , x , y , z ));
// Convert this to a NodesOnlyMesh
NodesOnlyMesh < 3 > mesh ;
mesh . ConstructNodesWithoutMesh ( nodes , cell_radius * 3.0 );
MAKE_PTR ( PanethCellProliferativeType , p_paneth_type );
// Create cells
std :: vector < CellPtr > cells ;
CellsGenerator < CryptCellCycleModel , 3 > cells_generator ;
cells_generator . GenerateBasicRandom ( cells , mesh . GetNumNodes ());
//Change properties of the ccm
for ( unsigned cell_index = 0 ; cell_index < cells . size (); cell_index ++ )
cells [ cell_index ] -> GetCellData () -> SetItem ( "Radius" , cell_radius );
// Specify CCM
dynamic_cast < CryptCellCycleModel *> ( cells [ cell_index ] -> GetCellCycleModel ()) -> SetCellProliferationModel ( cell_proliferation_model );
dynamic_cast < CryptCellCycleModel *> ( cells [ cell_index ] -> GetCellCycleModel ()) -> SetIsContactInhibitionCellCycleDuration (( bool ) contact_inhibition );
dynamic_cast < CryptCellCycleModel *> ( cells [ cell_index ] -> GetCellCycleModel ()) -> SetIsWntDependentCellCycleDuration (( bool ) wnt_dependent_ccd );
// Set some default CCD parameters So total CCM is U[10,14] and (U[22,26] at base if variable)
dynamic_cast < CryptCellCycleModel *> ( cells [ cell_index ] -> GetCellCycleModel ()) -> SetMDuration ( 4.0 );
dynamic_cast < CryptCellCycleModel *> ( cells [ cell_index ] -> GetCellCycleModel ()) -> SetSDuration ( 4.0 );
dynamic_cast < CryptCellCycleModel *> ( cells [ cell_index ] -> GetCellCycleModel ()) -> SetG2Duration ( 2.0 );
dynamic_cast < CryptCellCycleModel *> ( cells [ cell_index ] -> GetCellCycleModel ()) -> SetTransitCellG1Duration ( 2.0 ); // so total CCM is U[10,14] at threshold
dynamic_cast < CryptCellCycleModel *> ( cells [ cell_index ] -> GetCellCycleModel ()) -> SetStemCellG1Duration ( 14.0 ); // so total CCM is U[10,14] at base
//Threshold and Generation specific parameters
if ( cell_proliferation_model == 1 ) // i.e Pedigree dependent
dynamic_cast < CryptCellCycleModel *> ( cells [ cell_index ] -> GetCellCycleModel ()) -> SetWntThreshold ( 1.0 );
if ( RandomNumberGenerator :: Instance () -> ranf () < prob_of_upper_max_transit_generations )
dynamic_cast < CryptCellCycleModel *> ( cells [ cell_index ] -> GetCellCycleModel ()) -> SetMaxTransitGenerations ( upper_max_transit_generations ); // Mutant = MAX_UNSIGNED
dynamic_cast < CryptCellCycleModel *> ( cells [ cell_index ] -> GetCellCycleModel ()) -> SetMaxTransitGenerations ( lower_max_transit_generations ); // Mutant = MAX_UNSIGNED
dynamic_cast < CryptCellCycleModel *> ( cells [ cell_index ] -> GetCellCycleModel ()) -> SetWntThreshold ( param );
dynamic_cast < CryptCellCycleModel *> ( cells [ cell_index ] -> GetCellCycleModel ()) -> SetMaxTransitGenerations ( UINT_MAX );
// Contact Inhibition specific parameters (Mutant, same CI)
dynamic_cast < CryptCellCycleModel *> ( cells [ cell_index ] -> GetCellCycleModel ()) -> SetEquilibriumVolume ( M_PI * 4.0 / 3.0 * cell_radius * cell_radius * cell_radius );
dynamic_cast < CryptCellCycleModel *> ( cells [ cell_index ] -> GetCellCycleModel ()) -> SetQuiescentVolumeFraction ( CIparam );
dynamic_cast < CryptCellCycleModel *> ( cells [ cell_index ] -> GetCellCycleModel ()) -> SetMutantQuiescentVolumeFraction ( CIparam );
// Make some cells paneth cells
for ( unsigned cell_index = 0 ; cell_index < num_paneth_cells ; cell_index ++ )
unsigned index = cell_index * num_cells / num_paneth_cells ;
if ( index > num_cells )
index = num_cells ;
cells [ index ] -> SetCellProliferativeType ( p_paneth_type );
// Create cell population
NodeBasedCellPopulation < 3 > crypt ( mesh , cells );
crypt . SetUseVariableRadii ( true );
// Output data
crypt . AddCellWriter < CellAgesWriter > ();
crypt . AddCellWriter < CellVolumesWriter > ();
crypt . AddCellWriter < CellProliferativeTypesWriter > ();
crypt . AddCellWriter < CellMutationStatesWriter > ();
crypt . AddPopulationWriter < NodeVelocityWriter > ();
crypt . SetAbsoluteMovementThreshold ( 50.0 );
WntConcentration < 3 >:: Instance () -> SetType ( LINEAR );
WntConcentration < 3 >:: Instance () -> SetCellPopulation ( crypt );
WntConcentration < 3 >:: Instance () -> SetCryptLength ( crypt_length );
// Create a contact inhibition simulator
OffLatticeSimulation < 3 > simulator ( crypt );
simulator . SetOutputDivisionLocations ( true );
simulator . SetDt ( 1.0 / 200.0 );
simulator . SetSamplingTimestepMultiple ( 200 );
simulator . SetEndTime ( end_time );
// Add Volume Tracking Modifier
MAKE_PTR ( VolumeTrackingModifier < 3 > , p_modifier );
simulator . AddSimulationModifier ( p_modifier );
//Create output directory
std :: stringstream out ;
if ( cell_proliferation_model == 1 )
out << "FitCCM_" << cell_proliferation_model << "_CI_" << contact_inhibition << "_WDCCD_" << wnt_dependent_ccd << "_MaxGen_" << param << "_CIthresh_" << CIparam ;
out << "FitCCM_" << cell_proliferation_model << "_CI_" << contact_inhibition << "_WDCCD_" << wnt_dependent_ccd << "_WntThresh_" << param << "_CIthresh_" << CIparam ;
std :: string output_directory = "CryptProlifFit/" + out . str ();
simulator . SetOutputDirectory ( output_directory );
// Create a force law and pass it to the simulation
MAKE_PTR ( DifferentialAdhesionSpringForce < 3 > , p_force );
p_force -> SetMeinekeSpringStiffness ( 30.0 ); //normally 15.0 but 30 in all CellBased Papers;
p_force -> SetCutOffLength ( cell_radius * 3.0 );
simulator . AddForce ( p_force );
// Apply a retainer to keep stem and paneth cells at the base of the crypt
MAKE_PTR ( CellRetainerForce < 3 > , p_retainer_force );
p_retainer_force -> SetStemCellForceMagnitudeParameter ( stem_retainer_force_magnitude );
p_retainer_force -> SetPanethCellForceMagnitudeParameter ( paneth_retainer_force_magnitude );
simulator . AddForce ( p_retainer_force );
// Apply a boundary condition to represent a 3d crypt
MAKE_PTR_ARGS ( CryptGeometryBoundaryCondition3d < 3 > , p_boundary_condition , ( & crypt , 0.0 ));
simulator . AddCellPopulationBoundaryCondition ( p_boundary_condition );
// Create cell killer and pass in to crypt simulation
MAKE_PTR_ARGS ( PlaneBasedCellKiller < 3 > , p_cell_killer ,( & crypt , crypt_length * unit_vector < double > ( 3 , 2 ), unit_vector < double > ( 3 , 2 )));
simulator . AddCellKiller ( p_cell_killer );
// Run simulation
simulator . Solve ();
// Extra Gubbins to get to loop: this is usually done by the SetUp and TearDown methods
WntConcentration < 3 >:: Instance () -> Destroy ();
SimulationTime :: Instance () -> Destroy ();
SimulationTime :: Instance () -> SetStartTime ( 0.0 );