This tutorial was generated from the file projects/Frontiers2014/test/TestGeneratingReferenceDataLiteratePaper.hpp at revision r23346. Note that the code is given in full at the bottom of the page.

Generate accurate reference traces and record a target error metric

On this wiki page we describe in detail the code that is used to run this example from the paper.

For each cell model, this runs a single action potential at high fidelity (CVODE with tight tolerance and small max timestep) as a ‘gold standard’ result for later comparison.

Also, it runs a single action potential with looser tolerances as a “typical simulation” to give an accuracy benchmark used to set time steps for other solvers in CalculateRequiredTimesteps.

At the end of this test this information is copied into the file test/data/error_summary.txt within the project.

Code overview

The first thing to do is to include the necessary header files.

// The testing framework we use
#include <cxxtest/TestSuite.h>

// Standard C++ libraries
#include <string>
#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <boost/assign/list_of.hpp>
#include <boost/foreach.hpp>

// Headers specific to this project
#include "CellModelUtilities.hpp"

// General Chaste headers
#include "AbstractCvodeCell.hpp"
#include "CellProperties.hpp"
#include "PetscTools.hpp"
#include "Warnings.hpp"

// This header is needed to allow us to run in parallel
#include "PetscSetupAndFinalize.hpp"

Next, we have the class that contains the code to run. As with most papers using Chaste, this is written as a test suite within our test framework. The TestGenerateTraces method does the work.

class TestGeneratingReferenceData : public CxxTest::TestSuite
    void TestGenerateTraces() throw (Exception)

Set up some references to various files and folders.

        FileFinder this_file(__FILE__);
        // Where to copy reference traces within this project
        FileFinder repo_data("data/reference_traces", this_file);
        // Base folder for simulations to write output to
        OutputFileHandler test_base_handler("Frontiers/ReferenceTraces/", false);

CellModelUtilities is a class of utility functions specifically for this project. This one gets a list of all the CellML models included.

        std::vector<FileFinder> models = CellModelUtilities::GetListOfModels();

Iterate over the available models, handling each one on a separate process if running in parallel.


        for (unsigned i=0; i<models.size(); ++i)
            if (i % PetscTools::GetNumProcs() != PetscTools::GetMyRank())
                continue; // Let another process handle this model

Generate the cell model from CellML.

            FileFinder& r_model = models[i];
            std::string model_name = r_model.GetLeafNameNoExtension();
            OutputFileHandler handler(test_base_handler.FindFile(model_name));
            boost::shared_ptr<AbstractCardiacCellInterface> p_cell = CellModelUtilities::CreateCellModel(r_model, handler, Solvers::CVODE_NUMERICAL_J, false);
            boost::shared_ptr<AbstractCvodeCell> p_cvode_cell = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<AbstractCvodeCell>(p_cell);

            // If there's an analytic Jacobian available, we'll switch it on.
            if (p_cvode_cell->HasAnalyticJacobian())

Set up solver parameters.

            p_cvode_cell->SetTolerances(1e-7 /* relative */, 1e-9 /* absolute */);

Create a reference solution with high tolerances, and fine output (sampling every 0.1ms). Note that the sampling interval is also the maximum time step CVODE is allowed to use.

            double period = CellModelUtilities::GetDefaultPeriod(p_cell);
            OdeSolution solution;
                solution = p_cvode_cell->Compute(0.0, period, 0.1);
            catch (const Exception &e)
                WARNING(model_name << " model failed to solve. It gave the error:\n" << e.GetMessage());

Write solution to file, and copy to repository folder.

            solution.WriteToFile(handler.GetRelativePath(), model_name, "ms", 1, false, 16, false);
            FileFinder results_dat = handler.FindFile(model_name + ".dat");
            FileFinder results_info = handler.FindFile(model_name + ".info");

Check that the solution looks like an action potential.

                std::vector<double> voltages = solution.GetVariableAtIndex(p_cell->GetVoltageIndex());
                CellProperties props(voltages, solution.rGetTimes());
                std::vector<std::pair<std::string, double> > properties;

Calculate some summary statistics of the AP that was produced.

                properties.push_back(std::pair<std::string, double>("Num_ODEs", (double)p_cvode_cell->GetNumberOfStateVariables()));
                properties.push_back(std::pair<std::string, double>("APD90", props.GetLastActionPotentialDuration(90.0)));
                properties.push_back(std::pair<std::string, double>("APD50", props.GetLastActionPotentialDuration(50.0)));
                properties.push_back(std::pair<std::string, double>("APD30", props.GetLastActionPotentialDuration(30.0)));
                properties.push_back(std::pair<std::string, double>("V_max", props.GetLastPeakPotential()));
                properties.push_back(std::pair<std::string, double>("V_min", props.GetLastRestingPotential()));
                properties.push_back(std::pair<std::string, double>("dVdt_max", props.GetLastMaxUpstrokeVelocity()));

Save these to a dedicated file for this model, and copy to reference data folder in the repository.

                out_stream p_summary_file = handler.OpenOutputFile(model_name + ".summary");
                for (unsigned i=0; i<properties.size(); i++)
                    std::cout << properties[i].first  << " = " << properties[i].second << std::endl;
                    *p_summary_file << properties[i].first << "\t" << properties[i].second << std::endl;
                FileFinder summary_info = handler.FindFile(model_name + ".summary");
            catch (const Exception& r_e)
                WARNING("Action potential properties calculation failed for model " << model_name);


The full code is given below

File name TestGeneratingReferenceDataLiteratePaper.hpp

// The testing framework we use
#include <cxxtest/TestSuite.h>

// Standard C++ libraries
#include <string>
#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <boost/assign/list_of.hpp>
#include <boost/foreach.hpp>

// Headers specific to this project
#include "CellModelUtilities.hpp"

// General Chaste headers
#include "AbstractCvodeCell.hpp"
#include "CellProperties.hpp"
#include "PetscTools.hpp"
#include "Warnings.hpp"

// This header is needed to allow us to run in parallel
#include "PetscSetupAndFinalize.hpp"

class TestGeneratingReferenceData : public CxxTest::TestSuite
    void TestGenerateTraces() throw (Exception)
        FileFinder this_file(__FILE__);
        // Where to copy reference traces within this project
        FileFinder repo_data("data/reference_traces", this_file);
        // Base folder for simulations to write output to
        OutputFileHandler test_base_handler("Frontiers/ReferenceTraces/", false);

        std::vector<FileFinder> models = CellModelUtilities::GetListOfModels();


        for (unsigned i=0; i<models.size(); ++i)
            if (i % PetscTools::GetNumProcs() != PetscTools::GetMyRank())
                continue; // Let another process handle this model

            FileFinder& r_model = models[i];
            std::string model_name = r_model.GetLeafNameNoExtension();
            OutputFileHandler handler(test_base_handler.FindFile(model_name));
            boost::shared_ptr<AbstractCardiacCellInterface> p_cell = CellModelUtilities::CreateCellModel(r_model, handler, Solvers::CVODE_NUMERICAL_J, false);
            boost::shared_ptr<AbstractCvodeCell> p_cvode_cell = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<AbstractCvodeCell>(p_cell);

            // If there's an analytic Jacobian available, we'll switch it on.
            if (p_cvode_cell->HasAnalyticJacobian())

            p_cvode_cell->SetTolerances(1e-7 /* relative */, 1e-9 /* absolute */);

            double period = CellModelUtilities::GetDefaultPeriod(p_cell);
            OdeSolution solution;
                solution = p_cvode_cell->Compute(0.0, period, 0.1);
            catch (const Exception &e)
                WARNING(model_name << " model failed to solve. It gave the error:\n" << e.GetMessage());

            solution.WriteToFile(handler.GetRelativePath(), model_name, "ms", 1, false, 16, false);
            FileFinder results_dat = handler.FindFile(model_name + ".dat");
            FileFinder results_info = handler.FindFile(model_name + ".info");

                std::vector<double> voltages = solution.GetVariableAtIndex(p_cell->GetVoltageIndex());
                CellProperties props(voltages, solution.rGetTimes());
                std::vector<std::pair<std::string, double> > properties;

                properties.push_back(std::pair<std::string, double>("Num_ODEs", (double)p_cvode_cell->GetNumberOfStateVariables()));
                properties.push_back(std::pair<std::string, double>("APD90", props.GetLastActionPotentialDuration(90.0)));
                properties.push_back(std::pair<std::string, double>("APD50", props.GetLastActionPotentialDuration(50.0)));
                properties.push_back(std::pair<std::string, double>("APD30", props.GetLastActionPotentialDuration(30.0)));
                properties.push_back(std::pair<std::string, double>("V_max", props.GetLastPeakPotential()));
                properties.push_back(std::pair<std::string, double>("V_min", props.GetLastRestingPotential()));
                properties.push_back(std::pair<std::string, double>("dVdt_max", props.GetLastMaxUpstrokeVelocity()));

                out_stream p_summary_file = handler.OpenOutputFile(model_name + ".summary");
                for (unsigned i=0; i<properties.size(); i++)
                    std::cout << properties[i].first  << " = " << properties[i].second << std::endl;
                    *p_summary_file << properties[i].first << "\t" << properties[i].second << std::endl;
                FileFinder summary_info = handler.FindFile(model_name + ".summary");
            catch (const Exception& r_e)
                WARNING("Action potential properties calculation failed for model " << model_name);