This tutorial was generated from the file projects/Frontiers2014/test/TestMonodomainSolvingTimesLiteratePaper.hpp at revision r23346. Note that the code is given in full at the bottom of the page.

Benchmark monodomain tissue simulation solving times with different numerical methods

On this wiki page we describe in detail the code that is used to run this example from the paper.

Code overview

The first thing to do is to include the necessary header files.

#include <cxxtest/TestSuite.h>

#include <boost/assign/list_of.hpp>
#include <boost/foreach.hpp>

// Headers specific to this project
#include "CellModelUtilities.hpp"
#include "DynamicModelCellFactory.hpp"

// Chaste headers
#include "MonodomainProblem.hpp"
#include "CellProperties.hpp"
#include "Timer.hpp"
#include "ChasteBuildRoot.hpp"

// This header is needed to allow us to run in parallel
#include "PetscSetupAndFinalize.hpp"

class TestMonodomainSolvingTimesLiteratePaper : public CxxTest::TestSuite
    void TestMonodomainSolvingTimes() throw (Exception)

Load the archived timesteps that are appropriate for each model/solver/pde_timestep combination out of the file test/data/required_timesteps_tissue.txt.

We load and print them to screen in a small separate method defined below, to avoid cluttering this test.


This test was run with the following values for PDE time step, based on the MonodomainConvergence results.

  • 0.01 ms (typically a fine timestep)
  • 0.1 ms (about average for most studies)

We also used a space step of 0.01 cm.

        std::vector<double> pde_timesteps = boost::assign::list_of(0.1)(0.01);
        double h = 0.01;

The models and ODE solvers that we want to do tissue simulations with.

        std::vector<std::string> models_to_use = boost::assign::list_of("luo_rudy_1991")

        std::vector<Solvers::Value> solvers = boost::assign::list_of(Solvers::CVODE_ANALYTIC_J)(Solvers::CVODE_NUMERICAL_J)

Only the master process writes timing information to file.

        OutputFileHandler overall_results_folder("Frontiers/MonodomainTimings/", true); // Wipe!
        out_stream p_file;
        if (PetscTools::AmMaster())
            p_file = overall_results_folder.OpenOutputFile(ChasteBuildType() + "_timings_tissue.txt");
            *p_file << std::setiosflags(std::ios::scientific) << std::setprecision(8);

Repository data locations.

        FileFinder this_file(__FILE__);
        FileFinder repo_data("data", this_file);
        FileFinder model_folder("../cellml", this_file);

In the main body of the test, we loop over all combinations of model & solver listed above.

        BOOST_FOREACH(std::string model, models_to_use)
            // Find the CellML file for this model.
            FileFinder model_to_use(model + ".cellml", model_folder);

            BOOST_FOREACH(Solvers::Value solver, solvers)
                // This is used to get the correct timestep to use later on...
                std::pair<std::string, Solvers::Value> model_solver_combo(model, solver);

                bool cvode_solver = ((solver==Solvers::CVODE_ANALYTIC_J) || (solver==Solvers::CVODE_NUMERICAL_J));

We simulate each model/solver combination both with and without the lookup tables optimisation.

                std::vector<bool> lookup_table_options = boost::assign::list_of(false)(true);
                BOOST_FOREACH(bool use_lookup_tables, lookup_table_options)
                    std::string lookup_tables_description = "";
                    if (use_lookup_tables)
                        lookup_tables_description = " with lookup tables";
                    std::cout << "Running timings for " << model << " with solver " << CellModelUtilities::GetSolverName(solver) << lookup_tables_description << std::endl;

                    // Define where to write result data for this combination
                    std::stringstream output_folder_stream;
                    output_folder_stream << "Frontiers/MonodomainTimings/" << model << "/" << CellModelUtilities::GetSolverName(solver) << "_" << use_lookup_tables;
                    std::string output_folder = output_folder_stream.str();
                    OutputFileHandler base_model_handler(output_folder);

                    // Specify how to create cells for the simulations in this loop
                    DynamicModelCellFactory cell_factory(model_to_use,

We will auto-generate a mesh this time, and pass it in, rather than provide a mesh file name. This is how to generate a cuboid mesh with a given spatial stepsize h.

Using a DistributedTetrahedralMesh is faster than TetrahedralMesh when running on multiple processes. However, it permutes the node ordering for output. Most of time time this won’t matter, but later in this test we want to access specific node indices. One method of doing this is to ask HeartConfig to use the original node ordering for the output.

                    DistributedTetrahedralMesh<1,1> mesh;
                    mesh.ConstructRegularSlabMesh(h, 1 /*length*/);

                    BOOST_FOREACH(double pde_timestep, pde_timesteps)

Set the simulation duration, etc. One thing that should be noted for monodomain problems, the intracellular conductivity is used as the monodomain effective conductivity (not a harmonic mean of intra and extracellular conductivities). So if you want to alter the monodomain conductivity call HeartConfig::Instance()->SetIntracellularConductivities().

                        HeartConfig::Instance()->SetSimulationDuration(500); //ms

                        double ode_timestep = pde_timestep; // Default

                        bool found = false;
                        bool accurate_enough = false;
                        if (pde_timestep==0.1)
                            std::map<std::pair<std::string, Solvers::Value>, std::pair<double,bool> >::iterator it = mTimestepsPde0_1.find(model_solver_combo);
                            if (it != mTimestepsPde0_1.end())
                                ode_timestep = (mTimestepsPde0_1[model_solver_combo]).first;
                                found = true;
                                if ((mTimestepsPde0_1[model_solver_combo]).second)
                                    accurate_enough = true;
                        else if (pde_timestep==0.01)
                            std::map<std::pair<std::string, Solvers::Value>, std::pair<double,bool> >::iterator it = mTimestepsPde0_01.find(model_solver_combo);
                            if (it != mTimestepsPde0_01.end())
                                ode_timestep = (mTimestepsPde0_01[model_solver_combo]).first;
                                found = true;
                                if ((mTimestepsPde0_01[model_solver_combo]).second)
                                    accurate_enough = true;
                            EXCEPTION("Summat went wrong. pde_timestep = " << pde_timestep << ", which wasn't in my files.");

Skip this model/solver combination if we couldn’t find a required time step, or it wasn’t accurate enough.

                        if (!found)
                            WARNING("No suggested timestep found for " << model << " with '" << CellModelUtilities::GetSolverName(solver)
                                    << "' for pde timestep " << pde_timestep << ".\nSkipping this.");
                        if (!accurate_enough)
                            WARNING("Timestep " << ode_timestep << " for " << model << " with '" << CellModelUtilities::GetSolverName(solver) << "' for pde timestep " <<
                                    pde_timestep << " is not accurate enough, took longer than CVODE in calculate timesteps.\nSo skipping this.");
                        std::cout << "Model: " << model << " is being solved with " << CellModelUtilities::GetSolverName(solver)
                            << lookup_tables_description << " with ODE timestep = " << ode_timestep << "ms." << std::endl;

If using CVODE we set the PDE timestep as the maximum ODE timestep; the ’timestep’ loaded from file is used to set tolerances instead. For all ODE solvers we set the output sampling timestep as 0.1ms, which is at least as large as the largest PDE timestep used in this study.

                        if (cvode_solver)
                            HeartConfig::Instance()->SetOdePdeAndPrintingTimeSteps(pde_timestep, pde_timestep, 0.1);
                            HeartConfig::Instance()->SetOdePdeAndPrintingTimeSteps(ode_timestep, pde_timestep, 0.1);

Define where and how to write result data for this simulation.

                        std::stringstream output_subfolder;
                        output_subfolder << "/results_pde_" <<  pde_timestep;

                        HeartConfig::Instance()->SetOutputDirectory(output_folder + output_subfolder.str());

Now we declare and initialise the problem class. If a mesh-file-name hasn’t been set using HeartConfig, we have to pass in a mesh using the SetMesh method (which must be called before Initialise).

                        MonodomainProblem<1> monodomain_problem( &cell_factory );

The cells should now be set up, we can ‘hack in’ and alter CVODE tolerances. Here we want to change tolerances on the fly, so we do it by getting the CVODE system for each node of the mesh and then altering the CVODE tolerance settings.

An alternative (and possibly tidier/easier way to do this in general) is to set this in the cell factory if you know in advance what tolerance you would like to use.

                        if (cvode_solver)

Note that we have special methods to iterate over nodes of a distributed mesh which will work in parallel settings too.

                            DistributedVectorFactory* p_factory = mesh.GetDistributedVectorFactory();
                            Vec monodomain_vec = p_factory->CreateVec();
                            DistributedVector monodomain_distributed_vec = p_factory->CreateDistributedVector(monodomain_vec);

                            for (DistributedVector::Iterator index=monodomain_distributed_vec.Begin();
                                 index != monodomain_distributed_vec.End();
                                AbstractCardiacCellInterface* p_cell = monodomain_problem.GetMonodomainTissue()->GetCardiacCell(index.Global);
                                // We hijacked the timestep in the log file to provide a refinement level.
                                CellModelUtilities::SetCvodeTolerances(p_cell, (unsigned)(ode_timestep));

Solve as usual, but do it in a try catch so we can carry on if anything goes wrong.

Also time how long the ODE and total solving time takes.

                        double total_elapsed_time;
                        double ode_elapsed_time;
                            total_elapsed_time = Timer::GetElapsedTime();
                            ode_elapsed_time = HeartEventHandler::GetElapsedTime(HeartEventHandler::SOLVE_ODES)/1000.0; // convert to seconds
                        catch (Exception& e)
                            std::cout << model << " failed to solve with ODE timestep " << ode_timestep << ", got: " << e.GetMessage() << std::endl << std::flush;
                            WARNING(model << " failed to solve with ODE timestep " << ode_timestep << ", got: " << e.GetMessage());
                        // Print the time taken for each component of the simulation to screen.

Analysing the results is done only by the master process, since it is not easily distributed.

                        if (PetscTools::AmMaster())

Read some of the results data back in, and evaluate AP properties at the last node, as per the single cell stuff.

                            Hdf5DataReader data_reader = monodomain_problem.GetDataReader();
                            std::vector<double> times = data_reader.GetUnlimitedDimensionValues();
                            std::vector<double> last_node = data_reader.GetVariableOverTime("V", mesh.GetNumNodes()-1u);

                                std::vector<double> errors = CellModelUtilities::GetTissueErrors(times, last_node, model, pde_timestep);

                                std::cout << "Model: " << model << " and PDE step " << pde_timestep << ":\nTime taken = " <<
                                        ode_elapsed_time << "/" << total_elapsed_time << " (ode/total)\nSquare error = " <<
                                        errors[0] << ", APD90 error = " << errors[1] << ", APD50 error = " << errors[2] <<
                                        ", APD30 error = " << errors[3] << ", V_max error = " << errors[4] << ", V_min error = " <<
                                        errors[5] << ", dVdt_max error = " << errors[6] << ", MRMS error = " << errors[7] << std::endl;

                                // Write to file too.
                                *p_file << model << "\t" << solver << "\t" << use_lookup_tables << "\t" << pde_timestep << "\t" << ode_timestep  << "\t"
                                        << total_elapsed_time << "\t" << ode_elapsed_time;
                                for (unsigned i=0; i<errors.size(); i++)
                                    *p_file << "\t" << errors[i];
                                *p_file << std::endl;
                            catch(Exception &e)
                                WARNING("Model " << model << ": analysis of voltage at last node failed.");

                    // Free memory for lookup tables if used

        if (PetscTools::AmMaster())

The following member variables are just a convenient way of storing information read in by the LoadTimestepFile() method.


A map between the model/solver/pde-timestep and the ODE timestep/whether it’s a ‘refined enough’ result. See MonodomainCalculateRequiredTimesteps.

For PDE step 0.1ms.

    std::map<std::pair<std::string, Solvers::Value>, std::pair<double,bool> > mTimestepsPde0_1;

A map between the model/solver/pde-timestep and the ODE timestep/whether it’s a ‘refined enough’ result. See MonodomainCalculateRequiredTimesteps.

For PDE step 0.01ms.

    std::map<std::pair<std::string, Solvers::Value>, std::pair<double,bool> > mTimestepsPde0_01;

A helper method that populates mTimesteps from the stored data file in Frontiers2014/test/data/required_steps.txt

    void LoadTimestepFile()
        FileFinder this_file(__FILE__);
        FileFinder summary_file("data/required_steps_tissue.txt", this_file);

        std::ifstream indata; // indata is like cin; // opens the file
        { // file couldn't be opened
            EXCEPTION("Couldn't open data file: " + summary_file.GetAbsolutePath());

        while (indata.good())
           std::string this_line;
           getline(indata, this_line);

           if (this_line=="" || this_line=="\r")
               if (indata.eof())
               {    // If the blank line is the last line carry on OK.
                   EXCEPTION("No data found on this line");
           std::stringstream line(this_line);

           // Load a standard data line.
           std::string model_name;
           double tmp, pde_timestep, ode_timestep;
           bool is_satisfactory;
           int solver_index;

           line >> model_name;
           line >> pde_timestep;
           line >> solver_index;
           line >> ode_timestep;
           for (unsigned i=0; i<CellModelUtilities::NUM_ERROR_METRICS; i++)
               line >> tmp;
           line >> is_satisfactory;

           //std::cout << model_name << "\t" << solver_index << "\t" << pde_timestep << "\t" << ode_timestep << "\t" << is_satisfactory << "\n";

           Solvers::Value solver = (Solvers::Value)(solver_index); // We can read an int from this
           std::pair<std::string, Solvers::Value> model_solver_combo(model_name,solver);
           std::pair<double, bool> timestep_pair(ode_timestep, is_satisfactory);
           if (pde_timestep==0.1)
               mTimestepsPde0_1[model_solver_combo] = timestep_pair;
               mTimestepsPde0_01[model_solver_combo] = timestep_pair;

        if (!indata.eof())
            EXCEPTION("A file reading error occurred");

//        std::cout << "Other format:\n";
//        // Print to screen just to check they are correct...
//        for (std::map<std::pair<std::string, Solvers::Value>, std::pair<double, bool> >::iterator it = mTimestepsPde0_1.begin();
//             it!=mTimestepsPde0_1.end();
//             ++it)
//        {
//            if (!((it->second).second))
//            {
//                WARNING("Using non-satisfactory timestep for model " << (it->first).first << " and solver "
//                        << CellModelUtilities::GetSolverName((it->first).second));
//            }
//            // Print model, solver, timestep and whether it was satisfactory for a converged answer.
//            std::cout << (it->first).first << "\t'" << CellModelUtilities::GetSolverName((it->first).second) << "'\t" << (it->second).first << "\t" << (it->second).second << std::endl;
//        }

        std::cout << std::flush;


The full code is given below

File name TestMonodomainSolvingTimesLiteratePaper.hpp

#include <cxxtest/TestSuite.h>

#include <boost/assign/list_of.hpp>
#include <boost/foreach.hpp>

// Headers specific to this project
#include "CellModelUtilities.hpp"
#include "DynamicModelCellFactory.hpp"

// Chaste headers
#include "MonodomainProblem.hpp"
#include "CellProperties.hpp"
#include "Timer.hpp"
#include "ChasteBuildRoot.hpp"

// This header is needed to allow us to run in parallel
#include "PetscSetupAndFinalize.hpp"

class TestMonodomainSolvingTimesLiteratePaper : public CxxTest::TestSuite
    void TestMonodomainSolvingTimes() throw (Exception)

        std::vector<double> pde_timesteps = boost::assign::list_of(0.1)(0.01);
        double h = 0.01;

        std::vector<std::string> models_to_use = boost::assign::list_of("luo_rudy_1991")

        std::vector<Solvers::Value> solvers = boost::assign::list_of(Solvers::CVODE_ANALYTIC_J)(Solvers::CVODE_NUMERICAL_J)

        OutputFileHandler overall_results_folder("Frontiers/MonodomainTimings/", true); // Wipe!
        out_stream p_file;
        if (PetscTools::AmMaster())
            p_file = overall_results_folder.OpenOutputFile(ChasteBuildType() + "_timings_tissue.txt");
            *p_file << std::setiosflags(std::ios::scientific) << std::setprecision(8);

        FileFinder this_file(__FILE__);
        FileFinder repo_data("data", this_file);
        FileFinder model_folder("../cellml", this_file);

        BOOST_FOREACH(std::string model, models_to_use)
            // Find the CellML file for this model.
            FileFinder model_to_use(model + ".cellml", model_folder);

            BOOST_FOREACH(Solvers::Value solver, solvers)
                // This is used to get the correct timestep to use later on...
                std::pair<std::string, Solvers::Value> model_solver_combo(model, solver);

                bool cvode_solver = ((solver==Solvers::CVODE_ANALYTIC_J) || (solver==Solvers::CVODE_NUMERICAL_J));

                std::vector<bool> lookup_table_options = boost::assign::list_of(false)(true);
                BOOST_FOREACH(bool use_lookup_tables, lookup_table_options)
                    std::string lookup_tables_description = "";
                    if (use_lookup_tables)
                        lookup_tables_description = " with lookup tables";
                    std::cout << "Running timings for " << model << " with solver " << CellModelUtilities::GetSolverName(solver) << lookup_tables_description << std::endl;

                    // Define where to write result data for this combination
                    std::stringstream output_folder_stream;
                    output_folder_stream << "Frontiers/MonodomainTimings/" << model << "/" << CellModelUtilities::GetSolverName(solver) << "_" << use_lookup_tables;
                    std::string output_folder = output_folder_stream.str();
                    OutputFileHandler base_model_handler(output_folder);

                    // Specify how to create cells for the simulations in this loop
                    DynamicModelCellFactory cell_factory(model_to_use,

                    DistributedTetrahedralMesh<1,1> mesh;
                    mesh.ConstructRegularSlabMesh(h, 1 /*length*/);

                    BOOST_FOREACH(double pde_timestep, pde_timesteps)
                        HeartConfig::Instance()->SetSimulationDuration(500); //ms

                        double ode_timestep = pde_timestep; // Default

                        bool found = false;
                        bool accurate_enough = false;
                        if (pde_timestep==0.1)
                            std::map<std::pair<std::string, Solvers::Value>, std::pair<double,bool> >::iterator it = mTimestepsPde0_1.find(model_solver_combo);
                            if (it != mTimestepsPde0_1.end())
                                ode_timestep = (mTimestepsPde0_1[model_solver_combo]).first;
                                found = true;
                                if ((mTimestepsPde0_1[model_solver_combo]).second)
                                    accurate_enough = true;
                        else if (pde_timestep==0.01)
                            std::map<std::pair<std::string, Solvers::Value>, std::pair<double,bool> >::iterator it = mTimestepsPde0_01.find(model_solver_combo);
                            if (it != mTimestepsPde0_01.end())
                                ode_timestep = (mTimestepsPde0_01[model_solver_combo]).first;
                                found = true;
                                if ((mTimestepsPde0_01[model_solver_combo]).second)
                                    accurate_enough = true;
                            EXCEPTION("Summat went wrong. pde_timestep = " << pde_timestep << ", which wasn't in my files.");

                        if (!found)
                            WARNING("No suggested timestep found for " << model << " with '" << CellModelUtilities::GetSolverName(solver)
                                    << "' for pde timestep " << pde_timestep << ".\nSkipping this.");
                        if (!accurate_enough)
                            WARNING("Timestep " << ode_timestep << " for " << model << " with '" << CellModelUtilities::GetSolverName(solver) << "' for pde timestep " <<
                                    pde_timestep << " is not accurate enough, took longer than CVODE in calculate timesteps.\nSo skipping this.");
                        std::cout << "Model: " << model << " is being solved with " << CellModelUtilities::GetSolverName(solver)
                            << lookup_tables_description << " with ODE timestep = " << ode_timestep << "ms." << std::endl;

                        if (cvode_solver)
                            HeartConfig::Instance()->SetOdePdeAndPrintingTimeSteps(pde_timestep, pde_timestep, 0.1);
                            HeartConfig::Instance()->SetOdePdeAndPrintingTimeSteps(ode_timestep, pde_timestep, 0.1);

                        std::stringstream output_subfolder;
                        output_subfolder << "/results_pde_" <<  pde_timestep;

                        HeartConfig::Instance()->SetOutputDirectory(output_folder + output_subfolder.str());

                        MonodomainProblem<1> monodomain_problem( &cell_factory );

                        if (cvode_solver)
                            DistributedVectorFactory* p_factory = mesh.GetDistributedVectorFactory();
                            Vec monodomain_vec = p_factory->CreateVec();
                            DistributedVector monodomain_distributed_vec = p_factory->CreateDistributedVector(monodomain_vec);

                            for (DistributedVector::Iterator index=monodomain_distributed_vec.Begin();
                                 index != monodomain_distributed_vec.End();
                                AbstractCardiacCellInterface* p_cell = monodomain_problem.GetMonodomainTissue()->GetCardiacCell(index.Global);
                                // We hijacked the timestep in the log file to provide a refinement level.
                                CellModelUtilities::SetCvodeTolerances(p_cell, (unsigned)(ode_timestep));

                        double total_elapsed_time;
                        double ode_elapsed_time;
                            total_elapsed_time = Timer::GetElapsedTime();
                            ode_elapsed_time = HeartEventHandler::GetElapsedTime(HeartEventHandler::SOLVE_ODES)/1000.0; // convert to seconds
                        catch (Exception& e)
                            std::cout << model << " failed to solve with ODE timestep " << ode_timestep << ", got: " << e.GetMessage() << std::endl << std::flush;
                            WARNING(model << " failed to solve with ODE timestep " << ode_timestep << ", got: " << e.GetMessage());
                        // Print the time taken for each component of the simulation to screen.

                        if (PetscTools::AmMaster())
                            Hdf5DataReader data_reader = monodomain_problem.GetDataReader();
                            std::vector<double> times = data_reader.GetUnlimitedDimensionValues();
                            std::vector<double> last_node = data_reader.GetVariableOverTime("V", mesh.GetNumNodes()-1u);

                                std::vector<double> errors = CellModelUtilities::GetTissueErrors(times, last_node, model, pde_timestep);

                                std::cout << "Model: " << model << " and PDE step " << pde_timestep << ":\nTime taken = " <<
                                        ode_elapsed_time << "/" << total_elapsed_time << " (ode/total)\nSquare error = " <<
                                        errors[0] << ", APD90 error = " << errors[1] << ", APD50 error = " << errors[2] <<
                                        ", APD30 error = " << errors[3] << ", V_max error = " << errors[4] << ", V_min error = " <<
                                        errors[5] << ", dVdt_max error = " << errors[6] << ", MRMS error = " << errors[7] << std::endl;

                                // Write to file too.
                                *p_file << model << "\t" << solver << "\t" << use_lookup_tables << "\t" << pde_timestep << "\t" << ode_timestep  << "\t"
                                        << total_elapsed_time << "\t" << ode_elapsed_time;
                                for (unsigned i=0; i<errors.size(); i++)
                                    *p_file << "\t" << errors[i];
                                *p_file << std::endl;
                            catch(Exception &e)
                                WARNING("Model " << model << ": analysis of voltage at last node failed.");

                    // Free memory for lookup tables if used

        if (PetscTools::AmMaster())


    std::map<std::pair<std::string, Solvers::Value>, std::pair<double,bool> > mTimestepsPde0_1;

    std::map<std::pair<std::string, Solvers::Value>, std::pair<double,bool> > mTimestepsPde0_01;

    void LoadTimestepFile()
        FileFinder this_file(__FILE__);
        FileFinder summary_file("data/required_steps_tissue.txt", this_file);

        std::ifstream indata; // indata is like cin; // opens the file
        { // file couldn't be opened
            EXCEPTION("Couldn't open data file: " + summary_file.GetAbsolutePath());

        while (indata.good())
           std::string this_line;
           getline(indata, this_line);

           if (this_line=="" || this_line=="\r")
               if (indata.eof())
               {    // If the blank line is the last line carry on OK.
                   EXCEPTION("No data found on this line");
           std::stringstream line(this_line);

           // Load a standard data line.
           std::string model_name;
           double tmp, pde_timestep, ode_timestep;
           bool is_satisfactory;
           int solver_index;

           line >> model_name;
           line >> pde_timestep;
           line >> solver_index;
           line >> ode_timestep;
           for (unsigned i=0; i<CellModelUtilities::NUM_ERROR_METRICS; i++)
               line >> tmp;
           line >> is_satisfactory;

           //std::cout << model_name << "\t" << solver_index << "\t" << pde_timestep << "\t" << ode_timestep << "\t" << is_satisfactory << "\n";

           Solvers::Value solver = (Solvers::Value)(solver_index); // We can read an int from this
           std::pair<std::string, Solvers::Value> model_solver_combo(model_name,solver);
           std::pair<double, bool> timestep_pair(ode_timestep, is_satisfactory);
           if (pde_timestep==0.1)
               mTimestepsPde0_1[model_solver_combo] = timestep_pair;
               mTimestepsPde0_01[model_solver_combo] = timestep_pair;

        if (!indata.eof())
            EXCEPTION("A file reading error occurred");

//        std::cout << "Other format:\n";
//        // Print to screen just to check they are correct...
//        for (std::map<std::pair<std::string, Solvers::Value>, std::pair<double, bool> >::iterator it = mTimestepsPde0_1.begin();
//             it!=mTimestepsPde0_1.end();
//             ++it)
//        {
//            if (!((it->second).second))
//            {
//                WARNING("Using non-satisfactory timestep for model " << (it->first).first << " and solver "
//                        << CellModelUtilities::GetSolverName((it->first).second));
//            }
//            // Print model, solver, timestep and whether it was satisfactory for a converged answer.
//            std::cout << (it->first).first << "\t'" << CellModelUtilities::GetSolverName((it->first).second) << "'\t" << (it->second).first << "\t" << (it->second).second << std::endl;
//        }

        std::cout << std::flush;