This tutorial was generated from the file projects/Frontiers2014/test/TestOdeSolvingTimesLiteratePaper.hpp at revision r23346. Note that the code is given in full at the bottom of the page.
Benchmark ODE solving times with different numerical methods
On this wiki page we describe in detail the code that is used to run this example from the paper.
For each cell model, we load the required timestep for the target accuracy, as calculated by CalculateRequiredTimesteps.
We then time solving all models under most solvers, using a simulation duration that should give about 5 seconds of real time based on the calculations in CalculateRequiredTimesteps.
Code overview
The first thing to do is to include the necessary header files.
// The testing framework we use
#include <cxxtest/TestSuite.h>
// Standard C++ libraries
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <boost/foreach.hpp>
#include <boost/shared_ptr.hpp>
#include <boost/assign/list_of.hpp>
#include <boost/tuple/tuple.hpp>
#include <boost/tuple/tuple_comparison.hpp>
// Headers specific to this project
#include "CellModelUtilities.hpp"
// General Chaste headers
#include "Timer.hpp"
#include "Warnings.hpp"
#include "ChasteBuildRoot.hpp"
#include "AbstractCvodeCell.hpp"
// This header is needed to allow us to run in parallel
#include "PetscSetupAndFinalize.hpp"
How many repeat simulations to perform for timing robustness. We treat the quickest run as being the most reliable.
static unsigned NUM_RUNS = 3u;
class TestOdeSolvingTimes : public CxxTest::TestSuite
These are some type aliases to save typing.
typedef boost::tuple<std::string, Solvers::Value, bool> KeyType; // Keys in the map types below
typedef std::map<KeyType, double> TimestepMapType; // Type of the map giving suggested timesteps
typedef std::map<KeyType, bool> TimestepOkMapType; // Type of the map indicating converged solutions
This is a small visual check that we have the expected CellML models available.
void TestListingModels() throw (Exception)
if (PetscTools::AmMaster())
std::vector<FileFinder> models(CellModelUtilities::GetListOfModels());
std::cout << "Available models:" << std::endl;
BOOST_FOREACH(FileFinder& r_model, models)
std::cout << " " << r_model.GetLeafNameNoExtension() << std::endl;
TS_ASSERT_LESS_THAN(20u, models.size());
This is the main test that actually does the benchmarking.
void TestSolvingTimes() throw (Exception)
First load the suggested time steps to use.
const double required_mrms_error = 0.05; // 5%
The model / solver combinations to find a suitable time step for.
std::vector<FileFinder> models = CellModelUtilities::GetListOfModels();
std::vector<Solvers::Value> solvers = boost::assign::list_of
Create the output folder structure before isolating processes, to avoid race conditions.
OutputFileHandler test_base_handler("Frontiers/SingleCellTimings/", false);
BOOST_FOREACH(FileFinder& r_model, models)
OutputFileHandler model_handler(test_base_handler.FindFile(r_model.GetLeafNameNoExtension()), false);
Each process writes its timings to a separate file as we go along, in case of catastrophe.
out_stream p_file = test_base_handler.OpenOutputFile(ChasteBuildType() + "_timings_", PetscTools::GetMyRank(), ".txt");
*p_file << std::setiosflags(std::ios::scientific) << std::setprecision(8);
Each process writes its catastrophes too.
out_stream p_errors_file = test_base_handler.OpenOutputFile(ChasteBuildType() + "_errors_", PetscTools::GetMyRank(), ".txt");
*p_errors_file << std::setiosflags(std::ios::scientific) << std::setprecision(8);
Iterate over model/solver combinations, distributed over processes.
unsigned iteration = 0u;
BOOST_FOREACH(FileFinder& r_model, models)
std::string model_name = r_model.GetLeafNameNoExtension();
BOOST_FOREACH(Solvers::Value solver, solvers)
if (iteration++ % PetscTools::GetNumProcs() != PetscTools::GetMyRank())
continue; // Let another process do this combination
std::string solver_name = CellModelUtilities::GetSolverName(solver);
bool cvode_solver = ((solver==Solvers::CVODE_ANALYTIC_J) || (solver==Solvers::CVODE_NUMERICAL_J));
std::vector<bool> lookup_table_options = boost::assign::list_of(false)(true);
BOOST_FOREACH(bool use_lookup_tables, lookup_table_options)
std::string using_tables = (use_lookup_tables ? " and lookup tables" : "");
Get timestep to use if available; if no timestep was recorded then we assume we won’t be able to
simulate this combination.
Note that the CreateCellModel
method below sets suitable tolerances for CVODE.
double suggested_timestep = 0.0; // Signifies 'not set'
double time_to_simulate = 0; // seconds, will be overridden below
KeyType key(model_name, solver, false);
TimestepMapType::iterator dt_iter = mTimesteps.find(key);
if (dt_iter != mTimesteps.end())
suggested_timestep = dt_iter->second;
time_to_simulate = mSimulationTime[key];
std::cout << "Simulating " << model_name << " with solver '" << solver_name << "'" << using_tables
<< " using timestep " << suggested_timestep << std::endl;
std::cout << "No timestep result found for " << model_name << " with solver '" << solver_name << "'"
<< using_tables << ", skipping it." << std::endl;
We catch any errors in the rest of the loop and write them to the catastrophes file.
Generate the cell model from CellML.
std::stringstream folder_name;
folder_name << model_name << "/" << solver;
if (use_lookup_tables)
folder_name << "_Opt";
OutputFileHandler handler(test_base_handler.FindFile(folder_name.str()));
boost::shared_ptr<AbstractCardiacCellInterface> p_cell = CellModelUtilities::CreateCellModel(r_model, handler, solver, use_lookup_tables);
if (cvode_solver)
// We hijacked the timestep in the log file to record a refinement level.
unsigned refinement_idx = (unsigned)(suggested_timestep);
CellModelUtilities::SetCvodeTolerances(p_cell.get(), refinement_idx);
double period = CellModelUtilities::GetDefaultPeriod(p_cell);
Run a single pace to check accuracy. This will also set up lookup tables if they are requested, and thus prevent the one-off setup cost being timed.
OdeSolution solution = p_cell->Compute(0.0, period, 0.1);
solution.WriteToFile(handler.GetRelativePath(), model_name, "ms", 1, false, 16, false);
Double check the accuracy is what we expect before a timing run.
std::vector<double> errors = CellModelUtilities::GetErrors(solution, model_name);
std::cout << "Model " << model_name << " solver '" << solver_name << "'" << using_tables << " MRMS error = " << errors[7] << std::endl;
if (errors[7] > required_mrms_error)
WARNING("Model " << model_name << " with solver '" << solver_name << "'" << using_tables
<< " did not reach error target. Wanted " << required_mrms_error << ", got " << errors[7] << ".");
Time simulating multiple paces.
double elapsed_time = TimeSimulation(p_cell, time_to_simulate);
std::cout << "Model " << model_name << " solver '" << solver_name << "'" << using_tables << " took time " << elapsed_time << "s per simulated sec" << std::endl;
Record the result.
*p_file << model_name << "\t" << solver << "\t" << use_lookup_tables << "\t" << elapsed_time;
for (unsigned i=0; i<errors.size(); i++)
*p_file << "\t" << errors[i];
*p_file << std::endl;
if (use_lookup_tables)
// Report on lookup table usage, for information
AbstractLookupTableCollection* p_tables = p_cell->GetLookupTableCollection();
std::cout << "Model " << model_name << " solver '" << solver_name << "' has tables";
unsigned total = 0u;
BOOST_FOREACH(std::string key_var, p_tables->GetKeyingVariableNames())
std::cout << "; " << key_var << ": " << p_tables->GetNumberOfTables(key_var);
total += p_tables->GetNumberOfTables(key_var);
std::cout << "; total " << total << " with " << p_tables->GetKeyingVariableNames().size() << " keys." << std::endl;
// Free memory for lookup tables (see comment in ./CalculateRequiredTimesteps for rationale).
catch (const Exception& r_e)
std::stringstream error_message;
error_message << "Error simulating model " << model_name << " with solver '" << solver_name << "'" << using_tables << ": " << r_e.GetMessage();
std::cout << error_message.str() << std::endl;
*p_errors_file << error_message.str() << std::endl;
Close each process’ results files.
*p_file << "## Complete" << std::endl;
Turn off process isolation and wait for all files to be written.
Master process writes the concatenated files.
if (PetscTools::AmMaster())
// Do both the timings and errors files.
std::vector<std::string> file_types = boost::assign::list_of("timings")("errors");
BOOST_FOREACH(std::string file_type, file_types)
out_stream p_combined_file = test_base_handler.OpenOutputFile(ChasteBuildType() + "_" + file_type + ".txt", std::ios::out | std::ios::trunc | std::ios::binary);
for (unsigned i=0; i<PetscTools::GetNumProcs(); ++i)
std::stringstream process_file_name;
process_file_name << test_base_handler.GetOutputDirectoryFullPath() << ChasteBuildType() << "_" << file_type << "_" << i << ".txt";
std::ifstream process_file(process_file_name.str().c_str(), std::ios::binary);
*p_combined_file << process_file.rdbuf();
Utility methods used by the tests above go here.
* Find out how long it takes to simulate the given model.
* The cell will be reset to initial conditions prior to simulation.
* We assume the cell has a regular square wave stimulus defined.
* Note that we don't check the results are sensible, or do a pre-simulation to avoid
* counting lookup tables setup.
* We convert the result so that it tells us how many wall clock seconds are required
* for a simulation of one second of electrophysiology.
* @param pCell the cell model to simulate, with solver attached
* @param timeToSimulate the amount of time to simulate in seconds
* @return number of wall clock seconds to simulate one second's worth of this model activity.
double TimeSimulation(boost::shared_ptr<AbstractCardiacCellInterface> pCell,
double timeToSimulate)
// Drop any fractional part of the simulation time (converted to ms) so it is divisible by the timestep
double millisecs_to_simulate = floor(timeToSimulate * 1000.0);
//std::cout << "Simulating " << millisecs_to_simulate << "ms of activity." << std::endl;
// Run NUM_RUNS simulations and record the quickest
double minimum = DBL_MAX;
for (unsigned i=0; i<NUM_RUNS; i++)
pCell->SolveAndUpdateState(0.0, millisecs_to_simulate);
double elapsed_time = Timer::GetElapsedTime();
if (elapsed_time < minimum)
minimum = elapsed_time;
Convert the elapsed time into a time per simulated second.
return 1000*minimum/millisecs_to_simulate;
* A map between the model/solver/use of lookup tables, and the timestep which gave a 'refined enough' result.
* See TestCalculateRequiredTimestepsLiteratePaper.hpp
TimestepMapType mTimesteps;
* A map between the model/solver and the number of paces we should simulate.
* This is set by looking at how long one pace took in #LoadTimestepFile.
TimestepMapType mSimulationTime;
* A map between the model/solver/use of lookup tables, and whether the timestep in #mTimesteps
* gave a 'refined enough' result.
* See TestCalculateRequiredTimestepsLiteratePaper.hpp
TimestepOkMapType mTimestepIsSatisfactory;
* A helper method that populates #mTimesteps etc. from the stored data file in
* Frontiers2014/test/data/required_steps.txt
void LoadTimestepFile()
FileFinder this_file(__FILE__);
FileFinder summary_file("data/required_steps.txt", this_file);
std::ifstream indata;; // opens the file
if (!indata.good())
{ // file couldn't be opened
EXCEPTION("Couldn't open data file: " + summary_file.GetAbsolutePath());
while (indata.good())
std::string this_line;
getline(indata, this_line);
if (this_line=="" || this_line=="\r")
if (indata.eof())
{ // If the blank line is the last line carry on OK.
EXCEPTION("No data found on this line");
std::stringstream line(this_line);
// Load a standard data line.
std::string model_name;
double tmp, timestep;
bool is_satisfactory, lt_used;
int solver_index;
double time_taken;
line >> model_name;
line >> solver_index;
line >> lt_used;
line >> timestep;
for (unsigned i=0; i<CellModelUtilities::NUM_ERROR_METRICS; i++)
line >> tmp;
line >> is_satisfactory;
line >> time_taken;
Solvers::Value solver = (Solvers::Value)(solver_index); // We can read an int from this.
KeyType key(model_name, solver, lt_used);
mTimesteps[key] = timestep;
mTimestepIsSatisfactory[key] = is_satisfactory; // We always have the most refined last in the file, so this overwriting should work.
// Now calculate a sensible amount of time to 'time' each model/solver for.
// We'll aim for 5 seconds of simulation
double target_time = 5.0; // seconds
mSimulationTime[key] = target_time/time_taken;
if (!indata.eof())
EXCEPTION("A file reading error occurred");
// Warn for any model/solver combination not satisfactory
for (TimestepOkMapType::iterator it = mTimestepIsSatisfactory.begin();
if (!it->second)
WARNING("Using non-satisfactory timestep for model " << (it->first).get<0>() << " and solver "
<< CellModelUtilities::GetSolverName((it->first).get<1>())
<< ((it->first).get<2>() ? " with lookup tables" : ""));
// Print to screen just to check they are correct...
for (TimestepMapType::iterator it = mTimesteps.begin();
// Print model, solver, timestep and whether it was satisfactory for a converged answer.
std::cout << (it->first).get<0>() << "\t'" << CellModelUtilities::GetSolverName((it->first).get<1>()) << "'\t" << (it->first).get<2>() << "\t"
<< it->second << "\t" << mTimestepIsSatisfactory[it->first] << std::endl;
The full code is given below
File name TestOdeSolvingTimesLiteratePaper.hpp
// The testing framework we use
#include <cxxtest/TestSuite.h>
// Standard C++ libraries
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <boost/foreach.hpp>
#include <boost/shared_ptr.hpp>
#include <boost/assign/list_of.hpp>
#include <boost/tuple/tuple.hpp>
#include <boost/tuple/tuple_comparison.hpp>
// Headers specific to this project
#include "CellModelUtilities.hpp"
// General Chaste headers
#include "Timer.hpp"
#include "Warnings.hpp"
#include "ChasteBuildRoot.hpp"
#include "AbstractCvodeCell.hpp"
// This header is needed to allow us to run in parallel
#include "PetscSetupAndFinalize.hpp"
static unsigned NUM_RUNS = 3u;
class TestOdeSolvingTimes : public CxxTest::TestSuite
typedef boost::tuple<std::string, Solvers::Value, bool> KeyType; // Keys in the map types below
typedef std::map<KeyType, double> TimestepMapType; // Type of the map giving suggested timesteps
typedef std::map<KeyType, bool> TimestepOkMapType; // Type of the map indicating converged solutions
void TestListingModels() throw (Exception)
if (PetscTools::AmMaster())
std::vector<FileFinder> models(CellModelUtilities::GetListOfModels());
std::cout << "Available models:" << std::endl;
BOOST_FOREACH(FileFinder& r_model, models)
std::cout << " " << r_model.GetLeafNameNoExtension() << std::endl;
TS_ASSERT_LESS_THAN(20u, models.size());
void TestSolvingTimes() throw (Exception)
const double required_mrms_error = 0.05; // 5%
std::vector<FileFinder> models = CellModelUtilities::GetListOfModels();
std::vector<Solvers::Value> solvers = boost::assign::list_of
OutputFileHandler test_base_handler("Frontiers/SingleCellTimings/", false);
BOOST_FOREACH(FileFinder& r_model, models)
OutputFileHandler model_handler(test_base_handler.FindFile(r_model.GetLeafNameNoExtension()), false);
out_stream p_file = test_base_handler.OpenOutputFile(ChasteBuildType() + "_timings_", PetscTools::GetMyRank(), ".txt");
*p_file << std::setiosflags(std::ios::scientific) << std::setprecision(8);
out_stream p_errors_file = test_base_handler.OpenOutputFile(ChasteBuildType() + "_errors_", PetscTools::GetMyRank(), ".txt");
*p_errors_file << std::setiosflags(std::ios::scientific) << std::setprecision(8);
unsigned iteration = 0u;
BOOST_FOREACH(FileFinder& r_model, models)
std::string model_name = r_model.GetLeafNameNoExtension();
BOOST_FOREACH(Solvers::Value solver, solvers)
if (iteration++ % PetscTools::GetNumProcs() != PetscTools::GetMyRank())
continue; // Let another process do this combination
std::string solver_name = CellModelUtilities::GetSolverName(solver);
bool cvode_solver = ((solver==Solvers::CVODE_ANALYTIC_J) || (solver==Solvers::CVODE_NUMERICAL_J));
std::vector<bool> lookup_table_options = boost::assign::list_of(false)(true);
BOOST_FOREACH(bool use_lookup_tables, lookup_table_options)
std::string using_tables = (use_lookup_tables ? " and lookup tables" : "");
double suggested_timestep = 0.0; // Signifies 'not set'
double time_to_simulate = 0; // seconds, will be overridden below
KeyType key(model_name, solver, false);
TimestepMapType::iterator dt_iter = mTimesteps.find(key);
if (dt_iter != mTimesteps.end())
suggested_timestep = dt_iter->second;
time_to_simulate = mSimulationTime[key];
std::cout << "Simulating " << model_name << " with solver '" << solver_name << "'" << using_tables
<< " using timestep " << suggested_timestep << std::endl;
std::cout << "No timestep result found for " << model_name << " with solver '" << solver_name << "'"
<< using_tables << ", skipping it." << std::endl;
std::stringstream folder_name;
folder_name << model_name << "/" << solver;
if (use_lookup_tables)
folder_name << "_Opt";
OutputFileHandler handler(test_base_handler.FindFile(folder_name.str()));
boost::shared_ptr<AbstractCardiacCellInterface> p_cell = CellModelUtilities::CreateCellModel(r_model, handler, solver, use_lookup_tables);
if (cvode_solver)
// We hijacked the timestep in the log file to record a refinement level.
unsigned refinement_idx = (unsigned)(suggested_timestep);
CellModelUtilities::SetCvodeTolerances(p_cell.get(), refinement_idx);
double period = CellModelUtilities::GetDefaultPeriod(p_cell);
OdeSolution solution = p_cell->Compute(0.0, period, 0.1);
solution.WriteToFile(handler.GetRelativePath(), model_name, "ms", 1, false, 16, false);
std::vector<double> errors = CellModelUtilities::GetErrors(solution, model_name);
std::cout << "Model " << model_name << " solver '" << solver_name << "'" << using_tables << " MRMS error = " << errors[7] << std::endl;
if (errors[7] > required_mrms_error)
WARNING("Model " << model_name << " with solver '" << solver_name << "'" << using_tables
<< " did not reach error target. Wanted " << required_mrms_error << ", got " << errors[7] << ".");
double elapsed_time = TimeSimulation(p_cell, time_to_simulate);
std::cout << "Model " << model_name << " solver '" << solver_name << "'" << using_tables << " took time " << elapsed_time << "s per simulated sec" << std::endl;
*p_file << model_name << "\t" << solver << "\t" << use_lookup_tables << "\t" << elapsed_time;
for (unsigned i=0; i<errors.size(); i++)
*p_file << "\t" << errors[i];
*p_file << std::endl;
if (use_lookup_tables)
// Report on lookup table usage, for information
AbstractLookupTableCollection* p_tables = p_cell->GetLookupTableCollection();
std::cout << "Model " << model_name << " solver '" << solver_name << "' has tables";
unsigned total = 0u;
BOOST_FOREACH(std::string key_var, p_tables->GetKeyingVariableNames())
std::cout << "; " << key_var << ": " << p_tables->GetNumberOfTables(key_var);
total += p_tables->GetNumberOfTables(key_var);
std::cout << "; total " << total << " with " << p_tables->GetKeyingVariableNames().size() << " keys." << std::endl;
// Free memory for lookup tables (see comment in ./CalculateRequiredTimesteps for rationale).
catch (const Exception& r_e)
std::stringstream error_message;
error_message << "Error simulating model " << model_name << " with solver '" << solver_name << "'" << using_tables << ": " << r_e.GetMessage();
std::cout << error_message.str() << std::endl;
*p_errors_file << error_message.str() << std::endl;
*p_file << "## Complete" << std::endl;
if (PetscTools::AmMaster())
// Do both the timings and errors files.
std::vector<std::string> file_types = boost::assign::list_of("timings")("errors");
BOOST_FOREACH(std::string file_type, file_types)
out_stream p_combined_file = test_base_handler.OpenOutputFile(ChasteBuildType() + "_" + file_type + ".txt", std::ios::out | std::ios::trunc | std::ios::binary);
for (unsigned i=0; i<PetscTools::GetNumProcs(); ++i)
std::stringstream process_file_name;
process_file_name << test_base_handler.GetOutputDirectoryFullPath() << ChasteBuildType() << "_" << file_type << "_" << i << ".txt";
std::ifstream process_file(process_file_name.str().c_str(), std::ios::binary);
*p_combined_file << process_file.rdbuf();
* Find out how long it takes to simulate the given model.
* The cell will be reset to initial conditions prior to simulation.
* We assume the cell has a regular square wave stimulus defined.
* Note that we don't check the results are sensible, or do a pre-simulation to avoid
* counting lookup tables setup.
* We convert the result so that it tells us how many wall clock seconds are required
* for a simulation of one second of electrophysiology.
* @param pCell the cell model to simulate, with solver attached
* @param timeToSimulate the amount of time to simulate in seconds
* @return number of wall clock seconds to simulate one second's worth of this model activity.
double TimeSimulation(boost::shared_ptr<AbstractCardiacCellInterface> pCell,
double timeToSimulate)
// Drop any fractional part of the simulation time (converted to ms) so it is divisible by the timestep
double millisecs_to_simulate = floor(timeToSimulate * 1000.0);
//std::cout << "Simulating " << millisecs_to_simulate << "ms of activity." << std::endl;
// Run NUM_RUNS simulations and record the quickest
double minimum = DBL_MAX;
for (unsigned i=0; i<NUM_RUNS; i++)
pCell->SolveAndUpdateState(0.0, millisecs_to_simulate);
double elapsed_time = Timer::GetElapsedTime();
if (elapsed_time < minimum)
minimum = elapsed_time;
return 1000*minimum/millisecs_to_simulate;
* A map between the model/solver/use of lookup tables, and the timestep which gave a 'refined enough' result.
* See TestCalculateRequiredTimestepsLiteratePaper.hpp
TimestepMapType mTimesteps;
* A map between the model/solver and the number of paces we should simulate.
* This is set by looking at how long one pace took in #LoadTimestepFile.
TimestepMapType mSimulationTime;
* A map between the model/solver/use of lookup tables, and whether the timestep in #mTimesteps
* gave a 'refined enough' result.
* See TestCalculateRequiredTimestepsLiteratePaper.hpp
TimestepOkMapType mTimestepIsSatisfactory;
* A helper method that populates #mTimesteps etc. from the stored data file in
* Frontiers2014/test/data/required_steps.txt
void LoadTimestepFile()
FileFinder this_file(__FILE__);
FileFinder summary_file("data/required_steps.txt", this_file);
std::ifstream indata;; // opens the file
if (!indata.good())
{ // file couldn't be opened
EXCEPTION("Couldn't open data file: " + summary_file.GetAbsolutePath());
while (indata.good())
std::string this_line;
getline(indata, this_line);
if (this_line=="" || this_line=="\r")
if (indata.eof())
{ // If the blank line is the last line carry on OK.
EXCEPTION("No data found on this line");
std::stringstream line(this_line);
// Load a standard data line.
std::string model_name;
double tmp, timestep;
bool is_satisfactory, lt_used;
int solver_index;
double time_taken;
line >> model_name;
line >> solver_index;
line >> lt_used;
line >> timestep;
for (unsigned i=0; i<CellModelUtilities::NUM_ERROR_METRICS; i++)
line >> tmp;
line >> is_satisfactory;
line >> time_taken;
Solvers::Value solver = (Solvers::Value)(solver_index); // We can read an int from this.
KeyType key(model_name, solver, lt_used);
mTimesteps[key] = timestep;
mTimestepIsSatisfactory[key] = is_satisfactory; // We always have the most refined last in the file, so this overwriting should work.
// Now calculate a sensible amount of time to 'time' each model/solver for.
// We'll aim for 5 seconds of simulation
double target_time = 5.0; // seconds
mSimulationTime[key] = target_time/time_taken;
if (!indata.eof())
EXCEPTION("A file reading error occurred");
// Warn for any model/solver combination not satisfactory
for (TimestepOkMapType::iterator it = mTimestepIsSatisfactory.begin();
if (!it->second)
WARNING("Using non-satisfactory timestep for model " << (it->first).get<0>() << " and solver "
<< CellModelUtilities::GetSolverName((it->first).get<1>())
<< ((it->first).get<2>() ? " with lookup tables" : ""));
// Print to screen just to check they are correct...
for (TimestepMapType::iterator it = mTimesteps.begin();
// Print model, solver, timestep and whether it was satisfactory for a converged answer.
std::cout << (it->first).get<0>() << "\t'" << CellModelUtilities::GetSolverName((it->first).get<1>()) << "'\t" << (it->first).get<2>() << "\t"
<< it->second << "\t" << mTimestepIsSatisfactory[it->first] << std::endl;