This tutorial was generated from the file projects/FunctionalCuration/test/TestFunctionalCurationLiteratePaper.hpp at revision changeset:27416/git_repo. Note that the code is given in full at the bottom of the page.
High throughput functional curation of cellular electrophysiology models
This test reproduces the results from our reference publication on Functional Curation (J. Cooper, G. Mirams, S. Niederer; Prog Biophys Mol Biol; 107(1):11-20, 2011).
It is kept up-to-date to run using the latest version of the framework, and tested automatically each week to ensure that the results are, to within tolerances, essentially unchanged from those published.
(Aside: the reference data included in this project do not all exactly match those used in the paper. For one model subsequent investigation has revealed the results in the paper to be slightly incorrect. Tightening of tolerances and refinement of sampling intervals have also improved the quality of the results for several models, especially under the ICaL protocol, beyond the default comparison tolerance of 0.5%.
Another model (Faber-Rudy) shows extremely high sensitivity to code generation settings in the peak transmembrane potential, which in turn affects the APD90 calculation in the S1-S2 protocol. However, all these results have been verified manually to match the original publication qualitatively.
Another notable exception is that (through the process of functional curation) we found that the Decker 2009 model did not replicate results shown in its original paper (the S1-S2 curve was very different). This led to us finding a bug in the CellML encoding which we have corrected, and now the Decker 2009 model gives a sensible S1-S2 curve, unlike that shown in our paper!)
You can run these simulations using the following command from within the Chaste source tree:
scons cl=1 b=GccOptNative ts=projects/FunctionalCuration/test/TestFunctionalCurationPaper.hpp
If you have multiple cores available, these may be used to speed up simulation. For instance, to use 8 cores, run
scons cl=1 b=GccOptNative_8 ts=projects/FunctionalCuration/test/TestFunctionalCurationPaper.hpp
Output will appear in /tmp/$USER/testoutput/FunctionalCuration
by default (unless the
environment variable CHASTE_TEST_OUTPUT
is set to point elsewhere; it defaults to
. This location should be on local disk). The test should pass
(printing an ‘OK’ line towards the end) to show that the protocol results generated are
consistent with those in the paper. (We also compare against some additional reference results,
for model/protocol combinations analysed after the paper was published.)
Note that some warnings will be printed at the end of the test output. These are generally expected, for model/protocol combinations where we cannot run the protocol to completion (for instance, some models lack extracellular calcium and so the ICaL protocol is not appropriate).
The test starts by including required headers.
#include <boost/pointer_cast.hpp> // NB: Not available on Boost 1.33.1
#include <boost/shared_ptr.hpp>
#include <boost/foreach.hpp>
#include <cxxtest/TestSuite.h>
#include "OutputFileHandler.hpp"
#include "AbstractCvodeCell.hpp"
#include "AbstractCardiacCellInterface.hpp"
#include "AbstractSystemWithOutputs.hpp"
#include "ProtocolRunner.hpp"
#include "ProtoHelperMacros.hpp"
#include "PetscTools.hpp"
#include "PetscSetupAndFinalize.hpp"
#include "UsefulFunctionsForProtocolTesting.hpp"
typedef N_Vector VECTOR;
This class contains the main functionality for the test.
It begins with private utility methods; the main method which runs the protocols (TestProtocolsForManyCellModels
is at the end.
class TestFunctionalCurationPaper : public CxxTest::TestSuite
/** Keep track of the current directory */
boost::shared_ptr<OutputFileHandler> mpHandler;
* Set up #mpHandler to point to the correct model and protocol subfolder.
* @param rCellMLFileBaseName The name of the cellML file (without .cellml on the end).
* @param rProtocolName The protocol name.
* @param reset Whether to wipe the directory (defaults to false).
* @return The directory path relative to $CHASTE_TEST_OUTPUT
std::string SetupOutputFileHandler(const std::string& rCellMLFileBaseName, const std::string& rProtocolName, bool reset=false)
std::string dirname = "FunctionalCuration/" + rCellMLFileBaseName + "/" + rProtocolName;
mpHandler.reset(new OutputFileHandler(dirname, reset)); // Create a new directory for this model
return dirname;
* Run the S1-S2 protocol on a single model.
* @param rCellMLFileBaseName the CellML file to dynamically load and use.
* @param s1PacingCycleLength the S1 duration to use (to correspond with experimental data for the particular species)
void RunS1S2Protocol(std::string& rCellMLFileBaseName, double s1PacingCycleLength)
std::string dirname = SetupOutputFileHandler(rCellMLFileBaseName, "S1S2");
FileFinder cellml_file("projects/FunctionalCuration/cellml/" + rCellMLFileBaseName + ".cellml", RelativeTo::ChasteSourceRoot);
ProtocolFileFinder proto_xml_file("projects/FunctionalCuration/protocols/xml/S1S2.xml", RelativeTo::ChasteSourceRoot);
ProtocolRunner runner(cellml_file, proto_xml_file, dirname);
runner.GetProtocol()->SetInput("s1_interval", CONST(s1PacingCycleLength));
// Special case for non-conservative models which break after lots of paces.
std::set<std::string> non_conservative_models {
if (non_conservative_models.find(rCellMLFileBaseName) != non_conservative_models.end())
runner.GetProtocol()->SetInput("steady_state_beats", CONST(10));
// Augment the plot specification for the S1-S2 curve to match presentation settings used in the original paper.
BOOST_FOREACH(PlotSpecificationPtr p_plot_spec, runner.GetProtocol()->rGetPlotSpecifications())
if (p_plot_spec->rGetTitle() == "S1-S2 curve")
p_plot_spec->SetGnuplotTerminal("postscript eps enhanced size 12.75cm, 8cm font 18");
std::vector<std::string> extra_setup;
extra_setup.push_back("set xtics 400");
p_plot_spec->SetStyle("linespoints pointtype 7");
* Run the ICaL protocol on the given model.
* @param rCellMLFileBaseName the CellML file to dynamically load and use.
void RunICaLVoltageClampProtocol(std::string& rCellMLFileBaseName)
std::string dirname = SetupOutputFileHandler(rCellMLFileBaseName, "ICaL");
FileFinder cellml_file("projects/FunctionalCuration/cellml/" + rCellMLFileBaseName + ".cellml", RelativeTo::ChasteSourceRoot);
ProtocolFileFinder proto_xml_file("projects/FunctionalCuration/protocols/xml/ICaL.xml", RelativeTo::ChasteSourceRoot);
ProtocolRunner runner(cellml_file, proto_xml_file, dirname);
// A special case - some versions of CVODE fail to solve this model for some test potentials otherwise!
if (rCellMLFileBaseName == "iribe_model_2006")
boost::shared_ptr<AbstractSystemWithOutputs> p_model = runner.GetProtocol()->GetModel();
dynamic_cast<AbstractCvodeCell*>(p_model.get())->SetTolerances(1e-5, 1e-7);
// Augment the (single) plot specification to match presentation settings used in the original paper.
BOOST_FOREACH(PlotSpecificationPtr p_plot_spec, runner.GetProtocol()->rGetPlotSpecifications())
p_plot_spec->SetGnuplotTerminal("postscript eps enhanced size 12.75cm, 8cm font 18");
std::vector<std::string> extra_setup;
extra_setup.push_back("set xrange [-60:80]");
p_plot_spec->SetStyle("linespoints pointtype 7");
This method creates the S1-S2 restitution curves for the reference experimental data using Gnuplot. Originally the protocol versions also used this method, but plot generation is now built in to the main code.
void GenerateGnuplotsS1S2Curve(const std::string& rDirectory,
const std::string& rFilenamePrefix)
std::string filename = "";
out_stream p_gnuplot_script = mpHandler->OpenOutputFile(filename);
std::string output_dir = mpHandler->GetOutputDirectoryFullPath();
*p_gnuplot_script << "## Gnuplot script file generated by Chaste." << std::endl;
// Put the plot data in a single file
std::string data_prefix = output_dir + rFilenamePrefix + "_";
std::string data_file_name = data_prefix + "S1-S2_curve_gnuplot_data.csv";
*p_gnuplot_script << "## Second plot is of the resulting restitution curve." << std::endl;
*p_gnuplot_script << "set terminal postscript eps size 12.75cm, 8cm font 18" << std::endl; // This is different
*p_gnuplot_script << "set output \"" << output_dir << "S1S2.eps\"" << std::endl;
*p_gnuplot_script << "set title \"" << GetTitleFromDirectory(rDirectory) << "\"" << std::endl;
*p_gnuplot_script << "set xlabel \"Diastolic Interval (ms)\"" << std::endl;
*p_gnuplot_script << "set xtics 400" << std::endl; // This line is additional to the default script
*p_gnuplot_script << "set ylabel \"APD90 (ms)\"" << std::endl;
*p_gnuplot_script << "set grid" << std::endl;
*p_gnuplot_script << "set autoscale" << std::endl;
*p_gnuplot_script << "set key off" << std::endl;
*p_gnuplot_script << "set datafile separator \",\"" << std::endl;
*p_gnuplot_script << "plot \"" + data_file_name + "\" using 1:2 with linespoints pointtype 7"; // This is now different to default
*p_gnuplot_script << std::endl << std::flush;
// Run Gnuplot on the script written above to generate image files.
EXPECT0(system, "gnuplot " + output_dir + filename);
This method creates the Gnuplots of the ICaL IV curves for the reference experimental data. Originally the protocol versions also used this method, but plot generation is now built in to the main code.
void GenerateGnuplotsIVCurves(const std::string& rDirectory,
const std::string& rFilenamePrefix)
std::string filename = "";
out_stream p_gnuplot_script = mpHandler->OpenOutputFile(filename);
std::string output_dir = mpHandler->GetOutputDirectoryFullPath();
*p_gnuplot_script << "## Gnuplot script file generated by Chaste." << std::endl;
// Generate a single file with the plot data
std::string data_prefix = output_dir + rFilenamePrefix + "_";
std::string data_file_name = data_prefix + "IV_curve_gnuplot_data.csv";
*p_gnuplot_script << "## Second plot is of the resulting restitution curve." << std::endl;
*p_gnuplot_script << "set terminal postscript eps enhanced size 12.75cm, 8cm font 18" << std::endl; // This is different
*p_gnuplot_script << "set output \"" << output_dir << "ICaL_IV.eps\"" << std::endl;
*p_gnuplot_script << "set title \"" << GetTitleFromDirectory(rDirectory) << "\"" << std::endl;
*p_gnuplot_script << "set xlabel \"Test Voltage (mV)\"" << std::endl;
*p_gnuplot_script << "set ylabel \"Maximum Current ({/Symbol m}A/cm^{2})\"" << std::endl;
*p_gnuplot_script << "set grid" << std::endl;
*p_gnuplot_script << "set autoscale" << std::endl;
*p_gnuplot_script << "set xrange [-60:80]" << std::endl; // This is additional to the default script
*p_gnuplot_script << "set key off" << std::endl;
*p_gnuplot_script << "set datafile separator \",\"" << std::endl;
*p_gnuplot_script << "plot ";
unsigned num_cols = 3u;
for (unsigned i=1; i<=num_cols; ++i)
*p_gnuplot_script << "\"" + data_file_name + "\" using 1:" << i+1
<< " with linespoints pointtype 7";
if (i != num_cols)
*p_gnuplot_script << ",<br/>";
*p_gnuplot_script << std::endl;
*p_gnuplot_script << std::endl << std::flush;
// Run Gnuplot on the script written above to generate image files.
EXPECT0(system, "gnuplot " + output_dir + filename);
The main test method which runs both protocols on all available CellML files.
void TestProtocolsForManyCellModels() throw(Exception, std::bad_alloc)
std::vector<std::string> cellml_files = GetAListOfCellMLFiles();
if (CommandLineArguments::Instance()->OptionExists("--models"))
cellml_files = CommandLineArguments::Instance()->GetStringsCorrespondingToOption("--models");
std::vector<std::string> ical_outputs {"min_LCC", "final_membrane_voltage"};
std::vector<std::string> s1s2_outputs {"APD90", "DI"};
We use Chaste’s process isolation facility to process models in parallel, if running on multiple processes. The main output folder needs to be created with a collective call (so we don’t have multiple processes trying to make the same folder) but thereafter each protocol run can be done completely independently.
OutputFileHandler("FunctionalCuration", false);
// Models corresponding to particular species
std::set<std::string> dog_models {"decker_2009",
std::set<std::string> human_models {"fink_noble_giles_model_2008",
This utility class handles comparing virtual experiment results against stored reference data.
HistoricalResultTester result_tester;
for (unsigned i=0; i<cellml_files.size(); ++i)
if (PetscTools::IsParallel() && i % PetscTools::GetNumProcs() != PetscTools::GetMyRank())
// Let someone else do this model
std::cout << "\nRunning protocols for " << cellml_files[i] << std::endl << std::flush;
// Figure out which S1 interval to use, to compare against different experimental data sets.
double s1_freq = 1000; // ms
if (dog_models.find(cellml_files[i]) != dog_models.end())
s1_freq = 2000;
if (human_models.find(cellml_files[i]) != human_models.end())
s1_freq = 600;
// Run each protocol and compare against historical data.
RunS1S2Protocol(cellml_files[i], s1_freq);
catch (Exception& e)
OUR_WARN(e.GetMessage(), cellml_files[i], "S1S2");
result_tester.CompareToHistoricalResults(*mpHandler, cellml_files[i], "S1S2", s1s2_outputs, 0.005, 1e-6); // 0.5% rel tol
try {
catch (Exception &e)
OUR_WARN(e.GetMessage(), cellml_files[i], "ICaL");
result_tester.CompareToHistoricalResults(*mpHandler, cellml_files[i], "ICaL", ical_outputs, 0.005, 1e-5); // 0.5% rel tol
Next, the master process makes comparison plots of some experimental data we got by digitising paper graphs.
std::vector<std::string> exp_data;
// Also specify the calcium experimental data.
// Note that this uses calcium concentrations of 0.1, 0.3, and 1.0 uM.
for (unsigned i=0; i<exp_data.size(); ++i)
// Copy the data from here
FileFinder finder("projects/FunctionalCuration/test/data/" + exp_data[i], RelativeTo::ChasteSourceRoot);
TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(finder.IsDir(), true);
// Creating and cleaning the output folder must be done as a collective call
mpHandler.reset(new OutputFileHandler("FunctionalCuration/" + exp_data[i], true));
if (PetscTools::AmMaster())
FileFinder dest = mpHandler->FindFile("");
BOOST_FOREACH(const FileFinder& r_data_file, finder.FindMatches("*"))
if (i<3)
{ // This is S1-S2 data
GenerateGnuplotsS1S2Curve(exp_data[i], exp_data[i]);
catch (Exception& e)
OUR_WARN(e.GetMessage(), exp_data[i], "S1S2");
{ // This is ICaL data
GenerateGnuplotsIVCurves(exp_data[i], exp_data[i]);
catch (Exception& e)
OUR_WARN(e.GetMessage(), exp_data[i], "ICaL");
Finally, we compute and print a summary of which model/protocol combinations failed across the whole run, since it can be tricky to determine this by hand when running on many processes.
We also display results for which no historical data has been saved yet.
The full code is given below
File name TestFunctionalCurationLiteratePaper.hpp
#include <boost/pointer_cast.hpp> // NB: Not available on Boost 1.33.1
#include <boost/shared_ptr.hpp>
#include <boost/foreach.hpp>
#include <cxxtest/TestSuite.h>
#include "OutputFileHandler.hpp"
#include "AbstractCvodeCell.hpp"
#include "AbstractCardiacCellInterface.hpp"
#include "AbstractSystemWithOutputs.hpp"
#include "ProtocolRunner.hpp"
#include "ProtoHelperMacros.hpp"
#include "PetscTools.hpp"
#include "PetscSetupAndFinalize.hpp"
#include "UsefulFunctionsForProtocolTesting.hpp"
typedef N_Vector VECTOR;
class TestFunctionalCurationPaper : public CxxTest::TestSuite
/** Keep track of the current directory */
boost::shared_ptr<OutputFileHandler> mpHandler;
* Set up #mpHandler to point to the correct model and protocol subfolder.
* @param rCellMLFileBaseName The name of the cellML file (without .cellml on the end).
* @param rProtocolName The protocol name.
* @param reset Whether to wipe the directory (defaults to false).
* @return The directory path relative to $CHASTE_TEST_OUTPUT
std::string SetupOutputFileHandler(const std::string& rCellMLFileBaseName, const std::string& rProtocolName, bool reset=false)
std::string dirname = "FunctionalCuration/" + rCellMLFileBaseName + "/" + rProtocolName;
mpHandler.reset(new OutputFileHandler(dirname, reset)); // Create a new directory for this model
return dirname;
* Run the S1-S2 protocol on a single model.
* @param rCellMLFileBaseName the CellML file to dynamically load and use.
* @param s1PacingCycleLength the S1 duration to use (to correspond with experimental data for the particular species)
void RunS1S2Protocol(std::string& rCellMLFileBaseName, double s1PacingCycleLength)
std::string dirname = SetupOutputFileHandler(rCellMLFileBaseName, "S1S2");
FileFinder cellml_file("projects/FunctionalCuration/cellml/" + rCellMLFileBaseName + ".cellml", RelativeTo::ChasteSourceRoot);
ProtocolFileFinder proto_xml_file("projects/FunctionalCuration/protocols/xml/S1S2.xml", RelativeTo::ChasteSourceRoot);
ProtocolRunner runner(cellml_file, proto_xml_file, dirname);
runner.GetProtocol()->SetInput("s1_interval", CONST(s1PacingCycleLength));
// Special case for non-conservative models which break after lots of paces.
std::set<std::string> non_conservative_models {
if (non_conservative_models.find(rCellMLFileBaseName) != non_conservative_models.end())
runner.GetProtocol()->SetInput("steady_state_beats", CONST(10));
// Augment the plot specification for the S1-S2 curve to match presentation settings used in the original paper.
BOOST_FOREACH(PlotSpecificationPtr p_plot_spec, runner.GetProtocol()->rGetPlotSpecifications())
if (p_plot_spec->rGetTitle() == "S1-S2 curve")
p_plot_spec->SetGnuplotTerminal("postscript eps enhanced size 12.75cm, 8cm font 18");
std::vector<std::string> extra_setup;
extra_setup.push_back("set xtics 400");
p_plot_spec->SetStyle("linespoints pointtype 7");
* Run the ICaL protocol on the given model.
* @param rCellMLFileBaseName the CellML file to dynamically load and use.
void RunICaLVoltageClampProtocol(std::string& rCellMLFileBaseName)
std::string dirname = SetupOutputFileHandler(rCellMLFileBaseName, "ICaL");
FileFinder cellml_file("projects/FunctionalCuration/cellml/" + rCellMLFileBaseName + ".cellml", RelativeTo::ChasteSourceRoot);
ProtocolFileFinder proto_xml_file("projects/FunctionalCuration/protocols/xml/ICaL.xml", RelativeTo::ChasteSourceRoot);
ProtocolRunner runner(cellml_file, proto_xml_file, dirname);
// A special case - some versions of CVODE fail to solve this model for some test potentials otherwise!
if (rCellMLFileBaseName == "iribe_model_2006")
boost::shared_ptr<AbstractSystemWithOutputs> p_model = runner.GetProtocol()->GetModel();
dynamic_cast<AbstractCvodeCell*>(p_model.get())->SetTolerances(1e-5, 1e-7);
// Augment the (single) plot specification to match presentation settings used in the original paper.
BOOST_FOREACH(PlotSpecificationPtr p_plot_spec, runner.GetProtocol()->rGetPlotSpecifications())
p_plot_spec->SetGnuplotTerminal("postscript eps enhanced size 12.75cm, 8cm font 18");
std::vector<std::string> extra_setup;
extra_setup.push_back("set xrange [-60:80]");
p_plot_spec->SetStyle("linespoints pointtype 7");
void GenerateGnuplotsS1S2Curve(const std::string& rDirectory,
const std::string& rFilenamePrefix)
std::string filename = "";
out_stream p_gnuplot_script = mpHandler->OpenOutputFile(filename);
std::string output_dir = mpHandler->GetOutputDirectoryFullPath();
*p_gnuplot_script << "## Gnuplot script file generated by Chaste." << std::endl;
// Put the plot data in a single file
std::string data_prefix = output_dir + rFilenamePrefix + "_";
std::string data_file_name = data_prefix + "S1-S2_curve_gnuplot_data.csv";
*p_gnuplot_script << "## Second plot is of the resulting restitution curve." << std::endl;
*p_gnuplot_script << "set terminal postscript eps size 12.75cm, 8cm font 18" << std::endl; // This is different
*p_gnuplot_script << "set output \"" << output_dir << "S1S2.eps\"" << std::endl;
*p_gnuplot_script << "set title \"" << GetTitleFromDirectory(rDirectory) << "\"" << std::endl;
*p_gnuplot_script << "set xlabel \"Diastolic Interval (ms)\"" << std::endl;
*p_gnuplot_script << "set xtics 400" << std::endl; // This line is additional to the default script
*p_gnuplot_script << "set ylabel \"APD90 (ms)\"" << std::endl;
*p_gnuplot_script << "set grid" << std::endl;
*p_gnuplot_script << "set autoscale" << std::endl;
*p_gnuplot_script << "set key off" << std::endl;
*p_gnuplot_script << "set datafile separator \",\"" << std::endl;
*p_gnuplot_script << "plot \"" + data_file_name + "\" using 1:2 with linespoints pointtype 7"; // This is now different to default
*p_gnuplot_script << std::endl << std::flush;
// Run Gnuplot on the script written above to generate image files.
EXPECT0(system, "gnuplot " + output_dir + filename);
void GenerateGnuplotsIVCurves(const std::string& rDirectory,
const std::string& rFilenamePrefix)
std::string filename = "";
out_stream p_gnuplot_script = mpHandler->OpenOutputFile(filename);
std::string output_dir = mpHandler->GetOutputDirectoryFullPath();
*p_gnuplot_script << "## Gnuplot script file generated by Chaste." << std::endl;
// Generate a single file with the plot data
std::string data_prefix = output_dir + rFilenamePrefix + "_";
std::string data_file_name = data_prefix + "IV_curve_gnuplot_data.csv";
*p_gnuplot_script << "## Second plot is of the resulting restitution curve." << std::endl;
*p_gnuplot_script << "set terminal postscript eps enhanced size 12.75cm, 8cm font 18" << std::endl; // This is different
*p_gnuplot_script << "set output \"" << output_dir << "ICaL_IV.eps\"" << std::endl;
*p_gnuplot_script << "set title \"" << GetTitleFromDirectory(rDirectory) << "\"" << std::endl;
*p_gnuplot_script << "set xlabel \"Test Voltage (mV)\"" << std::endl;
*p_gnuplot_script << "set ylabel \"Maximum Current ({/Symbol m}A/cm^{2})\"" << std::endl;
*p_gnuplot_script << "set grid" << std::endl;
*p_gnuplot_script << "set autoscale" << std::endl;
*p_gnuplot_script << "set xrange [-60:80]" << std::endl; // This is additional to the default script
*p_gnuplot_script << "set key off" << std::endl;
*p_gnuplot_script << "set datafile separator \",\"" << std::endl;
*p_gnuplot_script << "plot ";
unsigned num_cols = 3u;
for (unsigned i=1; i<=num_cols; ++i)
*p_gnuplot_script << "\"" + data_file_name + "\" using 1:" << i+1
<< " with linespoints pointtype 7";
if (i != num_cols)
*p_gnuplot_script << ",<br/>";
*p_gnuplot_script << std::endl;
*p_gnuplot_script << std::endl << std::flush;
// Run Gnuplot on the script written above to generate image files.
EXPECT0(system, "gnuplot " + output_dir + filename);
void TestProtocolsForManyCellModels() throw(Exception, std::bad_alloc)
std::vector<std::string> cellml_files = GetAListOfCellMLFiles();
if (CommandLineArguments::Instance()->OptionExists("--models"))
cellml_files = CommandLineArguments::Instance()->GetStringsCorrespondingToOption("--models");
std::vector<std::string> ical_outputs {"min_LCC", "final_membrane_voltage"};
std::vector<std::string> s1s2_outputs {"APD90", "DI"};
OutputFileHandler("FunctionalCuration", false);
// Models corresponding to particular species
std::set<std::string> dog_models {"decker_2009",
std::set<std::string> human_models {"fink_noble_giles_model_2008",
HistoricalResultTester result_tester;
for (unsigned i=0; i<cellml_files.size(); ++i)
if (PetscTools::IsParallel() && i % PetscTools::GetNumProcs() != PetscTools::GetMyRank())
// Let someone else do this model
std::cout << "\nRunning protocols for " << cellml_files[i] << std::endl << std::flush;
// Figure out which S1 interval to use, to compare against different experimental data sets.
double s1_freq = 1000; // ms
if (dog_models.find(cellml_files[i]) != dog_models.end())
s1_freq = 2000;
if (human_models.find(cellml_files[i]) != human_models.end())
s1_freq = 600;
// Run each protocol and compare against historical data.
RunS1S2Protocol(cellml_files[i], s1_freq);
catch (Exception& e)
OUR_WARN(e.GetMessage(), cellml_files[i], "S1S2");
result_tester.CompareToHistoricalResults(*mpHandler, cellml_files[i], "S1S2", s1s2_outputs, 0.005, 1e-6); // 0.5% rel tol
try {
catch (Exception &e)
OUR_WARN(e.GetMessage(), cellml_files[i], "ICaL");
result_tester.CompareToHistoricalResults(*mpHandler, cellml_files[i], "ICaL", ical_outputs, 0.005, 1e-5); // 0.5% rel tol
std::vector<std::string> exp_data;
// Also specify the calcium experimental data.
// Note that this uses calcium concentrations of 0.1, 0.3, and 1.0 uM.
for (unsigned i=0; i<exp_data.size(); ++i)
// Copy the data from here
FileFinder finder("projects/FunctionalCuration/test/data/" + exp_data[i], RelativeTo::ChasteSourceRoot);
TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(finder.IsDir(), true);
// Creating and cleaning the output folder must be done as a collective call
mpHandler.reset(new OutputFileHandler("FunctionalCuration/" + exp_data[i], true));
if (PetscTools::AmMaster())
FileFinder dest = mpHandler->FindFile("");
BOOST_FOREACH(const FileFinder& r_data_file, finder.FindMatches("*"))
if (i<3)
{ // This is S1-S2 data
GenerateGnuplotsS1S2Curve(exp_data[i], exp_data[i]);
catch (Exception& e)
OUR_WARN(e.GetMessage(), exp_data[i], "S1S2");
{ // This is ICaL data
GenerateGnuplotsIVCurves(exp_data[i], exp_data[i]);
catch (Exception& e)
OUR_WARN(e.GetMessage(), exp_data[i], "ICaL");