On-Lattice Agent-based Simulation of Populations of Cells within the Open-Source Chaste Framework

Welcome to the Chaste wiki.

This section contains pages generated automatically from the source code accompanying “On-Lattice Agent-based Simulation of Populations of Cells within the Open-Source Chaste Framework”, our paper under awaiting publication in Royal Society Interface Focus.

Before running these examples you will need to install Chaste’s dependencies and the source code for version 3.1. The easiest way to do this is using an Ubuntu machine (or an Ubuntu virtual machine) as discussed on InstallGuides/UbuntuPackage.

For manual installation of each dependency, on any version of linux, see DeveloperInstallGuide.

The paper is organised around model examples that are annotated and explained here. The code required to run these examples can be downloaded from the main download site.

Section contents
