Chaste Units

This page provides information on the units used within Chaste.

Cardiac Units

Note: $F$=Farad, $S$=Siemen=Amp/Volt, $A$=Ampere

Length$cm$hence surface-area-to-volume ratio is $cm^{-1}$ etc.
Voltage or intra- or extracellular potential$mV$
Capacitance per unit surface area$\mu F \thickspace cm^{-2}$$C_m$ which we refer to as the capacitance, is actually a capacitance per unit area. The SI unit of capicitance is the Farad ( = Coulombs/Volts) ($C=Q/V$)
Conductivities$mS \thickspace cm^{-1}$
(Stimulus) currents per unit volume$\mu A \thickspace cm^{-3}$Applies to (intracellular) stimulus currents given to cells in mono/bidomain problems (ie a stimulus current as a RHS source term in the bidomain equations. Note we don’t allow RHS extracellular stimuli)
Currents per unit area$\mu A \thickspace cm^{-2}$Applies to all ionic currents (single-cell/mono/bidomain equations), intracellular stimuli in single-cell problems or applied as Neumann boundary conditions, and extracellular stimuli through electrodes (which are also Neumann boundary conditions)


LengthdimensionlessNondimensionalised by typical cell diameter (approx $10^{-5}$ m)


Material laws parameters, pressures, and active stresses (in cardiac electro-mechanics) are in kPa. For mechanics simulations the user is free to choose the units for all other quantities, but should do so consistently. For example, if gravity is applied, then [* gravitational acceleration](density) should be equal kPa/[length] (here [] denotes “units of”), since the governing equations state that divergence of stress summed with density times gravitational acceleration is zero.