
00001 /*
00003 Copyright (C) University of Oxford, 2005-2009
00005 University of Oxford means the Chancellor, Masters and Scholars of the
00006 University of Oxford, having an administrative office at Wellington
00007 Square, Oxford OX1 2JD, UK.
00009 This file is part of Chaste.
00011 Chaste is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
00012 under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published
00013 by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2.1 of the License, or
00014 (at your option) any later version.
00016 Chaste is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
00017 ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
00018 FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU Lesser General Public
00019 License for more details. The offer of Chaste under the terms of the
00020 License is subject to the License being interpreted in accordance with
00021 English Law and subject to any action against the University of Oxford
00022 being under the jurisdiction of the English Courts.
00024 You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
00025 along with Chaste. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
00027 */
00028 #include "DiFrancescoNoble1985OdeSystem.hpp"
00029 #include "OdeSystemInformation.hpp"
00030 #include <cmath>
00031 #include <cstdio>
00032 //#include <iostream>
00033 #include "Exception.hpp"
00036 /*Constructor*/
00037 DiFrancescoNoble1985OdeSystem::DiFrancescoNoble1985OdeSystem(AbstractIvpOdeSolver *pSolver,
00038                                            AbstractStimulusFunction *pIntracellularStimulus)
00039         : AbstractCardiacCell(pSolver, 16, 0, pIntracellularStimulus)
00040 {
00041     mpSystemInfo = OdeSystemInformation<DiFrancescoNoble1985OdeSystem>::Instance();
00043     //compute the fixed parameters
00044     Vcell= 3.141592654*pow(radius,2)*length;
00045     Vi=Vcell*(1.0-V_e_ratio);
00046     Vup=0.05*Vi;
00047     Vrel=0.02*Vi;
00048     Ve=Vi/(1.0-Vecs);
00049     RToNF=R*T/F;
00051     //initialise
00052     AbstractCardiacCell::Init();
00053 }
00058 DiFrancescoNoble1985OdeSystem::~DiFrancescoNoble1985OdeSystem(void)
00059 {    
00060 }
00071 void DiFrancescoNoble1985OdeSystem::EvaluateYDerivatives(double time,
00072                                                       const std::vector<double> &rY,
00073                                                       std::vector<double> &rDY)
00074 {
00075     double Vm = rY[0];
00076     double y_gate = rY[1];
00077     double s_gate = rY[2];
00078     double m_gate = rY[3];
00079     double h_gate = rY[4];
00080     double d_gate= rY[5];
00081     double f_gate = rY[6];
00082     double f2_gate = rY[7];
00083     double p = rY[8];
00084     double Nai = rY[9];
00085     double Cai = rY[10];
00086     double Kc = rY[11];
00087     double Ki = rY[12];
00088     double x_gate = rY[13];
00089     double Ca_up = rY[14];
00090     double Ca_rel = rY[15];
00091     VerifyStateVariables();  
00094    // gating variables and ionic fluxes have been scaled by a factor of 1,000 to convert them into milliseconds
00096     double Emh=RToNF*log((Nao+0.12*Kc)/(Nai+0.12*Ki));
00097     double E_na=RToNF*log(Nao/Nai);
00098     double E_k=RToNF*log(Kc/Ki);
00099     double E_ca=0.5*RToNF*log(Cao/Cai);
00100     //i_f parameters
00101     double i_fk=(Kc/(Kc+Kmf))*(g_fk*(Vm-E_k));
00102     double i_fna=(Kc/(Kc+Kmf))*g_fna*(Vm-E_na);
00103     double alpha_y=0.001*0.05*exp(-0.067*(Vm+52.0-10.0));
00104     double beta_y;
00106    if(fabs(Vm+52.0-10.0)<=0.0001) //i.e. if Vm = (-52)
00107     {
00108         #define COVERAGE_IGNORE
00109         beta_y=2.5*0.001;
00110         #undef COVERAGE_IGNORE
00111     }
00112     else
00113     {
00114         beta_y=0.001*(Vm+52.0-10.0)/(1.0-exp(-0.2*(Vm+52.0-10.0)));
00115     }
00116     double y_gate_prime=alpha_y*(1.0-y_gate)-beta_y*y_gate;
00118     //i_k parameters
00119     double I_K=i_kmax*(Ki-Kc*exp(-Vm/RToNF))/140.0;
00120     double alpha_x=0.001*0.5*exp(0.0826*(Vm+50.0))/(1.0+exp(0.057*(Vm+50.0)));
00121     double beta_x=0.001*1.3*exp(-0.06*(Vm+20.0))/(1.0+exp(-0.04*(Vm+20.0)));
00122     double x_gate_prime=alpha_x*(1.0-x_gate)-beta_x*x_gate;
00124     //i_to parameters
00125     double alpha_s=0.001*0.033*exp(-Vm/17.0);
00126     double beta_s=0.001*33.0/(1.0+exp(-(Vm+10.0)/8.0));
00127     double s_gate_prime=alpha_s*(1.0-s_gate)-beta_s*s_gate;
00129     // i_na parameters
00130     double alpha_m;
00131     if(fabs(Vm+41.0)<=0.00001) //i.e. if Vm = -41
00132     {
00133       #define COVERAGE_IGNORE
00134       alpha_m=2000*0.001;
00135       #undef COVERAGE_IGNORE
00136     }
00137     else
00138     {
00139         alpha_m=0.001*200.0*(Vm+41.0)/(1.0-exp(-0.1*(Vm+41.0)));
00140     }
00142     double beta_m=0.001*8000*exp(-0.056*(Vm+66.0));
00144     double m_gate_prime=alpha_m*(1.0-m_gate)-beta_m*m_gate;
00146     double alpha_h=0.001*20*exp(-0.125*(Vm+75.0));
00147     double beta_h=0.001*2000.0/(320.0*exp(-0.1*(Vm+75.0))+1.0);
00148     double h_gate_prime=alpha_h*(1.0-h_gate)-beta_h*h_gate;
00150     //d gate
00151     double alpha_d;
00152     if(fabs(Vm+24.0-5.0)<=0.0001) //i.e. if Vm = -24 
00153     {
00154         #define COVERAGE_IGNORE
00155         alpha_d=120*0.001;
00156         #undef COVERAGE_IGNORE
00157     }
00158     else
00159     {
00160         alpha_d=0.001*30*(Vm+24.0-5.0)/(1.0-exp(-(Vm+24.0-5.0)/4.0));
00161     }
00163     double beta_d;
00164     if(fabs(Vm+24.0-5.0)<=0.0001) //i.e. if Vm = -24 
00165     {
00166         #define COVERAGE_IGNORE
00167         beta_d=120*0.001;
00168         #undef COVERAGE_IGNORE
00169     }
00170     else
00171     {
00172         beta_d=0.001*12.0*(Vm+24.0-5.0)/(exp((Vm+24.0-5.0)/10.0)-1.0);
00173     }
00174     double d_gate_prime=alpha_d*(1.0-d_gate)-beta_d*d_gate;
00176     //f gate.
00177     double alpha_f;
00178     if(fabs(Vm+34)<=0.0001)
00179     {
00180         #define COVERAGE_IGNORE
00181         alpha_f=25*0.001;
00182         #undef COVERAGE_IGNORE
00183     }
00184     else
00185     {
00186         alpha_f=0.001*6.25*(Vm+34.0)/(exp((Vm+34.0)/4.0)-1.0);
00187     }
00188     double beta_f=0.001*50.0/(1.0+exp(-(Vm+34.0)/4.0));
00190     double f_gate_prime=alpha_f*(1.0-f_gate)-beta_f*f_gate;
00192     //f2_gate
00193     double alpha_f2=0.001*5.0;
00194     double beta_f2=0.001*Cai*alpha_f2/Kmf2;
00195     double f2_gate_prime=alpha_f2-(f2_gate*(alpha_f2+beta_f2));
00197     //p_gate
00198     double alpha_p=0.001*(0.625*(Vm+34.0))/(exp((Vm+34.0)/4.0)-1.0);
00199     double beta_p=0.001*5.0/(1.0+exp(-(Vm+34.0)/4.0));
00200     double p_prime=alpha_p*(1.0-p)-beta_p*p;
00203       //i_na
00204     double i_na=g_na*pow(m_gate,3)*h_gate*(Vm-Emh);
00206     //i_f
00207     double i_f=y_gate*(i_fk+i_fna);
00208     //i_k  
00209     double i_k=x_gate*I_K;
00210     //i_k1
00211     double i_k1=(g_k1*Kc/(Kc+Km1))*(Vm-E_k)/(1.0+exp((Vm-E_k+10)*2.0/RToNF));
00212     //i_to
00213     double i_to=((((s_gate*g_to*Cai*(0.2+Kc/(Kmto+Kc)))/(Km_Ca+Cai))*(Vm+10.0))/(1.0-exp(-0.2*(Vm+10.0))))*((Ki*exp((Vm*0.5)/RToNF))-(Kc*exp(-0.5*Vm/RToNF)));    
00214     //i_na_b
00215     double i_na_b=g_na_b*(Vm-E_na);
00216     //i_p
00217     double i_p=((I_P*Kc)/(KmK+Kc))*Nai/(Nai+KmNa);
00218     //i_naca
00219     double i_naca=(k_naca*((Cao*(exp((gamma*Vm*(n_naca-2))/(RToNF)))*(pow(Nai,n_naca)))-(Cai*(exp(((gamma-1.0)*(n_naca-2.0)*Vm)/(RToNF)))*(pow(Nao,n_naca)))))/((1.0+(d_naca*((Cai*pow(Nao,n_naca))+(Cao*pow(Nai,n_naca)))))*(1.0+(Cai/0.0069)));
00220     //i_b_ca
00221     double i_ca_b=g_ca_b*(Vm-E_ca);
00223     //i_si
00224     double i_sica=((4.0*P_si*(Vm-50.0))/(RToNF*(1.0-(exp((-2.0*(Vm-50.0))/RToNF)))))*((Cai*exp(100.0/RToNF))-(Cao*exp(-2.0*(Vm-50.0)/RToNF)))*d_gate*f_gate*f2_gate;
00225     double i_sik=((0.01*P_si*(Vm-50.0))/(RToNF*(1.0-(exp((-(Vm-50.0))/RToNF)))))*((Ki*exp(50.0/RToNF))-(Kc*exp(-(Vm-50.0)/RToNF)))*d_gate*f_gate*f2_gate;
00226     double i_sina=((0.01*P_si*(Vm-50.0))/(RToNF*(1.0-(exp((-(Vm-50.0))/RToNF)))))*((Nai*exp(50.0/RToNF))-(Nao*exp(-(Vm-50.0)/RToNF)))*d_gate*f_gate*f2_gate;
00227     double i_si=i_sik+i_sica+i_sina;
00229     //Na ionic concentrations
00230     double Nai_prime= -0.001*(i_na+i_na_b+i_fna+i_sina+3*i_p+(n_naca*i_naca)/(n_naca-2.0))/(Vi*F);//mM/ms
00232     //Ca ionic concentrations   
00233     double i_up=(2*F*Vi/(tau_up*Ca_up_max))*Cai*(Ca_up_max-Ca_up);//nA
00234     double i_tr=(2*F*Vrel/tau_rep)*p*(Ca_up-Ca_rel);//nA
00235     double i_rel=(2*F*Vrel/tau_rel)*Ca_rel*(pow(Cai,rCa))/(pow(Cai,rCa)+pow(KmCa,rCa));//nA
00237     double Ca_up_prime=0.001*(i_up-i_tr)/(2*Vup*F);//mM/ms
00238     double Ca_rel_prime=0.001*(i_tr-i_rel)/(2*Vrel*F);//mM/ms
00239     double Cai_prime=-0.001*(i_sica+i_ca_b+i_up-i_rel-2*(i_naca/(n_naca-2.0)))/(2*Vi*F);//mM/ms
00241     //K ionic concentrations
00242     double i_mk=(i_k1+i_k+i_fk+i_sik+i_to-2*i_p);//nA
00243     double Kc_prime=i_mk*0.001/(F*Ve)-pf*(Kc-Kb);//mM/ms
00244     double Ki_prime=(-i_mk*0.001/(Vi*F));//mM/ms
00246     //stimulus current
00247     double i_stim = GetStimulus(time);
00249     //calculate dV
00250     double Vm_prime = (-1.0/membrane_C)*(i_f+
00251                                          i_k+
00252                                          i_k1+
00253                                          i_to+
00254                                          i_na_b+
00255                                          i_p+
00256                                          i_naca+
00257                                          i_ca_b+
00258                                          i_na+
00259                                          i_si+
00260                                          i_stim);//mV/ms
00261     // do not update voltage if the mSetVoltageDerivativeToZero flag has been set
00262     if (mSetVoltageDerivativeToZero)
00263     {
00264         Vm_prime = 0;
00265     }
00267     rDY[0] = Vm_prime;
00268     rDY[1] = y_gate_prime;
00269     rDY[2] = s_gate_prime;
00270     rDY[3] = m_gate_prime;
00271     rDY[4] = h_gate_prime;
00272     rDY[5] = d_gate_prime;
00273     rDY[6] = f_gate_prime;
00274     rDY[7] = f2_gate_prime;
00275     rDY[8] = p_prime;
00276     rDY[9] = Nai_prime;
00277     rDY[10]= Cai_prime;
00278     rDY[11] = Kc_prime;
00279     rDY[12] = Ki_prime;
00280     rDY[13] = x_gate_prime;
00281     rDY[14] = Ca_up_prime;
00282     rDY[15] = Ca_rel_prime;
00283 }
00286 double DiFrancescoNoble1985OdeSystem::GetIIonic()
00287 {
00289     double Vm = mStateVariables[0];
00290     double y_gate = mStateVariables[1];
00291     double s_gate = mStateVariables[2];
00292     double m_gate = mStateVariables[3];
00293     double h_gate = mStateVariables[4];
00294     double d_gate= mStateVariables[5];
00295     double f_gate = mStateVariables[6];
00296     double f2_gate = mStateVariables[7];
00297     //double p = mStateVariables[8]; 
00298     double Nai = mStateVariables[9];
00299     double Cai = mStateVariables[10];
00300     double Kc = mStateVariables[11];
00301     double Ki = mStateVariables[12];
00302     double x_gate = mStateVariables[13];
00303     //double Ca_up = mStateVariables[14];
00304     //double Ca_rel = mStateVariables[15];
00306     /*
00307      * Compute the DiFrancescoNoble1985OdeSystem model
00308      */
00309     double Emh=RToNF*log((Nao+0.12*Kc)/(Nai+0.12*Ki));
00310     double E_na=RToNF*log(Nao/Nai);
00311     double E_k=RToNF*log(Kc/Ki);
00312     double E_ca=0.5*RToNF*log(Cao/Cai);
00314     //i_na
00315     double i_na=g_na*pow(m_gate,3)*h_gate*(Vm-Emh);   
00316     //i_f
00317     double i_fk=(Kc/(Kc+Kmf))*(g_fk*(Vm-E_k));
00318     double i_fna=(Kc/(Kc+Kmf))*g_fna*(Vm-E_na);
00319     double i_f=y_gate*(i_fk+i_fna);
00320     //i_k
00321     double I_K=i_kmax*(Ki-Kc*exp(-Vm/RToNF))/140.0;
00322     double i_k=x_gate*I_K;
00323     //i_k1
00324     double i_k1=(g_k1*Kc/(Kc+Km1))*(Vm-E_k)/(1.0+exp((Vm-E_k+10)*2.0/RToNF));
00325     //i_to
00326     double i_to=((((s_gate*g_to*Cai*(0.2+Kc/(Kmto+Kc)))/(Km_Ca+Cai))*(Vm+10.0))/(1.0-exp(-0.2*(Vm+10.0))))*((Ki*exp((Vm*0.5)/RToNF))-(Kc*exp(-0.5*Vm/RToNF)));    
00327     //i_na_b
00328     double i_na_b=g_na_b*(Vm-E_na);
00329     //i_p
00330     double i_p=((I_P*Kc)/(KmK+Kc))*Nai/(Nai+KmNa);
00331     //i_naca
00332     double i_naca=(k_naca*((Cao*(exp((gamma*Vm*(n_naca-2))/(RToNF)))*(pow(Nai,n_naca)))-(Cai*(exp(((gamma-1.0)*(n_naca-2.0)*Vm)/(RToNF)))*(pow(Nao,n_naca)))))/((1.0+(d_naca*((Cai*pow(Nao,n_naca))+(Cao*pow(Nai,n_naca)))))*(1.0+(Cai/0.0069)));
00333     //i_b_ca
00334     double i_ca_b=g_ca_b*(Vm-E_ca);
00335     //i_si
00336     double i_sica=((4.0*P_si*(Vm-50.0))/(RToNF*(1.0-(exp((-2.0*(Vm-50.0))/RToNF)))))*((Cai*exp(100.0/RToNF))-(Cao*exp(-2.0*(Vm-50.0)/RToNF)))*d_gate*f_gate*f2_gate;
00337     double i_sik=((0.01*P_si*(Vm-50.0))/(RToNF*(1.0-(exp((-(Vm-50.0))/RToNF)))))*((Ki*exp(50.0/RToNF))-(Kc*exp(-(Vm-50.0)/RToNF)))*d_gate*f_gate*f2_gate;
00338     double i_sina=((0.01*P_si*(Vm-50.0))/(RToNF*(1.0-(exp((-(Vm-50.0))/RToNF)))))*((Nai*exp(50.0/RToNF))-(Nao*exp(-(Vm-50.0)/RToNF)))*d_gate*f_gate*f2_gate;
00339     double i_si=i_sik+i_sica+i_sina;
00341     double i_ionic =   (i_f+
00342                          i_k+
00343                          i_k1+
00344                          i_to+
00345                          i_na_b+
00346                          i_p+
00347                          i_naca+
00348                          i_ca_b+
00349                          i_na+
00350                          i_si); /*this is in nA*/
00352     assert(!isnan(i_ionic));
00354     double i_ionic_in_microA_per_cm2=i_ionic*pow(10,-3)/0.075;
00355     return i_ionic_in_microA_per_cm2;
00356      /*   I_ion is in nA. I_ion*pow(10,-3) is in microA.
00357      *    Please note that in the mono/bidomain formulation, I_ion needs to be in microA/cm2.
00358      *    The cell capacitance is, from the paper, 0.075 microF.
00359      *    In order to get the cell density factor, we use the same method as in the Noble98 model and we obtain using the 
00360      *    Cm=0.075microF from the cell model and Cm=1.0microF/cm^2 from the mono/bidomain equations.
00361      *    Hence, the cell density factor is (1.0 microF/cm2)/(0.075 microF).
00362      */  
00363 }
00365 void DiFrancescoNoble1985OdeSystem::VerifyStateVariables()
00366 {
00367 //#ifndef NDEBUG
00368     const std::vector<double>& rY = rGetStateVariables();
00370     const double Vm = rY[0];
00371     const double y_gate = rY[1];
00372     const double r_gate = rY[2];
00373     const double m_gate = rY[3];
00374     const double h_gate = rY[4];
00375     const double d_gate= rY[5];
00376     const double f_gate = rY[6];
00377     const double f2_gate = rY[7];
00378     const double p = rY[8];
00379     const double Nai = rY[9];
00380     const double Cai = rY[10];
00381     const double Kc = rY[11];
00382     const double Ki = rY[12];
00383     const double x_gate = rY[13];
00384     const double Ca_up = rY[14];
00385     const double Ca_rel = rY[15];
00386     #define COVERAGE_IGNORE
00387     if (!(200>=Vm && Vm>=-200))
00388     {
00389         EXCEPTION(DumpState("Vm is really out of range!"));
00390     } 
00391     if (!(0.0<=y_gate && y_gate<=1.0))
00392     {
00393         EXCEPTION(DumpState("y gate has gone out of range. Check model parameters, for example spatial stepsize"));
00394     }
00395     if (!(0.0<=r_gate && r_gate<=1.0))
00396     {
00397         EXCEPTION(DumpState("r gate has gone out of range. Check model parameters, for example spatial stepsize"));
00398     }   
00399     if (!(0.0<=m_gate && m_gate<=1.0))
00400     {
00401         EXCEPTION(DumpState("m gate  has gone out of range. Check model parameters, for example spatial stepsize"));
00402     } 
00403     if (!(0.0<=h_gate && h_gate<=1.0))
00404     {
00405         EXCEPTION(DumpState("h gate  has gone out of range. Check model parameters, for example spatial stepsize"));
00406     }
00407     if (!(0.0<=d_gate && d_gate<=1.0))
00408     {
00409         EXCEPTION(DumpState("d gate  has gone out of range. Check model parameters, for example spatial stepsize"));
00410     }
00411     if (!(0.0<=f_gate && f_gate<=1.0))
00412     {
00413         EXCEPTION(DumpState("f gate for the plateau current has gone out of range. Check model parameters, for example spatial stepsize"));
00414     }
00415     if (!(0.0<=f2_gate && f2_gate<=1.0))
00416     {
00417         EXCEPTION(DumpState("f2 gate has gone out of range. Check model parameters, for example spatial stepsize"));
00418     }
00419     if (!(0.0<=p && p<=1.0))
00420     {
00421         EXCEPTION(DumpState("p gate has gone out of range. Check model parameters, for example spatial stepsize"));
00422     }
00423     if (!(Nai>0.0))
00424     {
00425         EXCEPTION(DumpState("intarcellular Na concentration is negative!"));
00426     }
00427     if (!(Cai>0.0))
00428     {
00429         EXCEPTION(DumpState("intarcellular Ca concentration is negative!"));
00430     }
00431     if (!(Kc>0.0))
00432     {
00433         EXCEPTION(DumpState("extracellular K concentration is negative!"));
00434     }
00435     if (!(Ki>0.0))
00436     {
00437         EXCEPTION(DumpState("intarcellular K concentration is negative!"));
00438     }
00439     if (!(0.0<=x_gate && x_gate<=1.0))
00440     {
00441         EXCEPTION(DumpState("x gate  has gone out of range. Check model parameters, for example spatial stepsize"));
00442     }
00443     if (!(Ca_up>0.0))
00444     {
00445         EXCEPTION(DumpState("Ca_up concentration is negative!"));
00446     }
00447     if (!(Ca_rel>0.0))
00448     {
00449         EXCEPTION(DumpState("Ca_rel concentration is negative!"));
00450     }
00451     #undef COVERAGE_IGNORE
00452 //#endif
00453 }
00455 template<>
00456 void OdeSystemInformation<DiFrancescoNoble1985OdeSystem>::Initialise(void)
00457 {
00458     this->mVariableNames.push_back("V");
00459     this->mVariableUnits.push_back("mV");
00460     this->mInitialConditions.push_back(-87.01);
00462     this->mVariableNames.push_back("y_gate");
00463     this->mVariableUnits.push_back("");
00464     this->mInitialConditions.push_back(0.2);
00466     this->mVariableNames.push_back("s_gate");
00467     this->mVariableUnits.push_back("");
00468     this->mInitialConditions.push_back(1.0);
00470     this->mVariableNames.push_back("m_gate");
00471     this->mVariableUnits.push_back("");
00472     this->mInitialConditions.push_back(0.01);
00474     this->mVariableNames.push_back("h_gate");
00475     this->mVariableUnits.push_back("");
00476     this->mInitialConditions.push_back(0.8);
00478     this->mVariableNames.push_back("d_gate");
00479     this->mVariableUnits.push_back("");
00480     this->mInitialConditions.push_back(0.005);
00482     this->mVariableNames.push_back("f_gate");
00483     this->mVariableUnits.push_back("");
00484     this->mInitialConditions.push_back(1.0);
00486     this->mVariableNames.push_back("f2_gate");
00487     this->mVariableUnits.push_back("");
00488     this->mInitialConditions.push_back(1.0);
00490     this->mVariableNames.push_back("p");
00491     this->mVariableUnits.push_back("");
00492     this->mInitialConditions.push_back(1.0);
00494     this->mVariableNames.push_back("Nai");
00495     this->mVariableUnits.push_back("");
00496     this->mInitialConditions.push_back(8.0);
00498     this->mVariableNames.push_back("Cai");
00499     this->mVariableUnits.push_back("");
00500     this->mInitialConditions.push_back(0.00005);
00502     this->mVariableNames.push_back("Kc");
00503     this->mVariableUnits.push_back("");
00504     this->mInitialConditions.push_back(4.0);
00506     this->mVariableNames.push_back("Ki");
00507     this->mVariableUnits.push_back("");
00508     this->mInitialConditions.push_back(140.0);
00510     this->mVariableNames.push_back("x_gate");
00511     this->mVariableUnits.push_back("");
00512     this->mInitialConditions.push_back(0.01);
00514     this->mVariableNames.push_back("Ca_up");
00515     this->mVariableUnits.push_back("");
00516     this->mInitialConditions.push_back(2.0);
00518     this->mVariableNames.push_back("Ca_rel");
00519     this->mVariableUnits.push_back("");
00520     this->mInitialConditions.push_back(1.0);
00522     this->mInitialised = true;
00523 }

Generated on Wed Mar 18 12:51:51 2009 for Chaste by  doxygen 1.5.5