
00001 /*
00003 Copyright (C) University of Oxford, 2005-2009
00005 University of Oxford means the Chancellor, Masters and Scholars of the
00006 University of Oxford, having an administrative office at Wellington
00007 Square, Oxford OX1 2JD, UK.
00009 This file is part of Chaste.
00011 Chaste is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
00012 under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published
00013 by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2.1 of the License, or
00014 (at your option) any later version.
00016 Chaste is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
00017 ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
00018 FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU Lesser General Public
00019 License for more details. The offer of Chaste under the terms of the
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00024 You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
00025 along with Chaste. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
00027 */
00031 #include "AbstractCardiacCell.hpp"
00032 #include "AbstractStimulusFunction.hpp"
00033 #include <vector>
00039 class DiFrancescoNoble1985OdeSystem : public AbstractCardiacCell
00040 {
00041 private:
00043     /* Constants for the DifrancescoNoble1985 model */
00044     static const double membrane_C = 75;//nanoF. It must be so because dV/dt is in mV/ms and currents are in nA.
00045     static const double radius = 0.05;//mm
00046     static const double length = 2;//mmm
00047     static const double V_e_ratio=0.1;//dimensionless
00048     static const double R=8314.472; //J/(kmol*Kelvin)
00049     static const double T=310; //Kelvin
00050     static const double F=96485.3415; //C/mol
00052     //conductances and the likes
00053     static const double g_fna = 3; //microS
00054     static const double g_fk = 3; //microS
00055     static const double g_na_b = 0.18; //microS
00056     static const double g_ca_b = 0.02; //microS
00057     static const double g_na = 750.0; //microS
00058     static const double g_k1 = 920; //microS
00059     static double const g_to = 0.28; //microS/mM
00060     static const double I_P = 125; //nA
00061     static const double i_kmax = 180;//nA
00062     static const double k_naca=0.02; //nA
00063     static const double P_si=15.0;//nA/mM
00064     //concentrations
00065     static const double Nao = 140; //mM
00066     static const double Cao = 2; //mM
00067     static const double Kb = 4;//mM
00068     static const double Kmf= 45; //mM
00069     static const double Km1= 210; //mM
00070     static const double Kmto= 10; //mM
00071     static const double KmK= 1; //mM
00072     static const double KmNa=40; //mM
00073     static const double Kmf2=0.001; //mM
00074     static const double KmCa=0.001;//mM
00075     static const double Km_Ca=0.0005;//mM
00076     //others
00077     static const double n_naca=3; //dimensionless
00078     static const double gamma=0.5; //dimensionless
00079     static const double d_naca=0.001; //dimensionless
00080     static const double rCa=2.0;//dimensionless
00081     static const double tau_up=0.025;//seconds. Must be seconds to cancel with numerator of F and give nA for i_up
00082     static const double tau_rep=2; //seconds. Must be seconds to cancel with numerator of F and give nA for i_rep
00083     static const double tau_rel=0.05; //seconds. Must be seconds to cancel with numerator of F and give nA for i_rel
00084     static const double Ca_up_max=5;//mM
00085     static const double pf=0.0007;//per millisecond
00086     static const double Vecs=0.05;//dimensionless
00087     //other parameters function of the above constants
00088     double Vi, Vup, Vrel, Ve;
00089     double Vcell;
00090     double RToNF;
00096     void VerifyStateVariables();
00098 public:
00099     // Constructor
00100     DiFrancescoNoble1985OdeSystem(AbstractIvpOdeSolver *pSolver,
00101                          AbstractStimulusFunction *pIntracellularStimulus);
00103     // Destructor
00104     ~DiFrancescoNoble1985OdeSystem();
00106     // This method will compute the RHS of the Difrancesco-Noble model
00107     void EvaluateYDerivatives(double time, const std::vector<double> &rY, std::vector<double> &rDY);
00109     double GetIIonic();
00111 };
00113 #endif // _DIFRANCESCONOBLE_HPP_

Generated on Wed Mar 18 12:51:51 2009 for Chaste by  doxygen 1.5.5