
00001 /*
00003 Copyright (C) University of Oxford, 2005-2009
00005 University of Oxford means the Chancellor, Masters and Scholars of the
00006 University of Oxford, having an administrative office at Wellington
00007 Square, Oxford OX1 2JD, UK.
00009 This file is part of Chaste.
00011 Chaste is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
00012 under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published
00013 by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2.1 of the License, or
00014 (at your option) any later version.
00016 Chaste is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
00017 ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
00018 FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU Lesser General Public
00019 License for more details. The offer of Chaste under the terms of the
00020 License is subject to the License being interpreted in accordance with
00021 English Law and subject to any action against the University of Oxford
00022 being under the jurisdiction of the English Courts.
00024 You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
00025 along with Chaste. If not, see <>.
00027 */
00028 #include "IngeWntSwatCellCycleOdeSystem.hpp"
00029 #include "CellwiseOdeSystemInformation.hpp"
00031 IngeWntSwatCellCycleOdeSystem::IngeWntSwatCellCycleOdeSystem(unsigned hypothesis, double wntLevel, const CellMutationState& rMutationState)
00032         : AbstractOdeSystem(22)
00033 {
00034     if (hypothesis!=1u && hypothesis!=2u)
00035     {
00036         EXCEPTION("You must set up this cell cycle ODE system with hypothesis one or two.");
00037     }
00038     mHypothesis = hypothesis;
00039     mMutationState = rMutationState;
00041     mpSystemInfo.reset(new CellwiseOdeSystemInformation<IngeWntSwatCellCycleOdeSystem>);
00069     Init(); // set up parameter values
00071     double d_d_hat = mDd + mXiD*wntLevel;
00072     double d_d_x_hat = mDdx + mXiDx*wntLevel;
00073     double d_x_hat = mDx + mXiX*wntLevel;
00074     double p_c_hat = mPc + mXiC*wntLevel;
00076     double sigma_D = 0.0; // for healthy cells
00077     double sigma_B = 0.0; // for healthy cells
00079     switch (mMutationState)
00080     {
00081         case HEALTHY:
00082         {
00083             break;
00084         }
00085         case LABELLED:
00086         {
00087             break;
00088         }
00089         case APC_ONE_HIT:
00090         {
00091             sigma_D = 0.5;
00092             break;
00093         }
00094         case APC_TWO_HIT:
00095         {
00096             sigma_D = 1.0;
00097             break;
00098         }
00099         case BETA_CATENIN_ONE_HIT:
00100         {
00101             sigma_B = 0.5;
00102             break;
00103         }
00104         default:
00105             // This can't happen if all mutation states are catered for
00106             NEVER_REACHED;
00107     }
00110     // Cell-specific initial conditions
00111     double steady_D = ((1.0-sigma_D)*mSd*mSx)/((1.0-sigma_D)*mSd*d_d_hat + d_x_hat*(d_d_hat + d_d_x_hat));
00112     SetInitialConditionsComponent(5u, steady_D); // Destruction complex (APC/Axin/GSK3B)
00114     double temp = (mSx*(d_d_hat+d_d_x_hat))/((1.0-sigma_D)*mSd*d_d_hat+d_x_hat*(d_d_hat+d_d_x_hat));
00115     SetInitialConditionsComponent(6u, temp);  // Axin
00117     double steady_Cf = ((mSc-mDc*mKd - mPu*steady_D)+sqrt(pow((mSc-mDc*mKd - mPu*steady_D),2) + (4.0*mSc*mDc*mKd)))/(2.0*mDc);
00118     temp = (mPu*steady_D*steady_Cf)/(mDu*(steady_Cf+mKd));
00119     SetInitialConditionsComponent(7u, temp); // beta-catenin to be ubiquitinated
00121     double theta = mDc+ (mPu*steady_D)/(steady_Cf + mKd);
00123     double steady_Co = ( mSc - p_c_hat - theta*mKc + sqrt(4.0*mSc*theta*mKc + pow((mSc - p_c_hat - theta*mKc),2)) )/(2.0*theta);
00124     SetInitialConditionsComponent(8u, steady_Co); // Open form beta-catenin
00126     double steady_Cc = steady_Cf - steady_Co;
00128     if ((steady_Cc < 0) && (steady_Cc+100*DBL_EPSILON > 0) ) // stop protein values going -ve
00129     {
00130         steady_Cc = 0.0;
00131     }
00132     SetInitialConditionsComponent(9u, steady_Cc); // Closed form beta-catenin
00134     SetInitialConditionsComponent(12u, mSa/mDa);  // 'Free' adhesion molecules
00136     SetInitialConditionsComponent(13u, mSa*mSca*steady_Co/(mDa*mDca)); // Co-A Adhesion complex
00138     SetInitialConditionsComponent(15u, mSt/mDt); // `Free' transcription molecules (TCF)
00140     SetInitialConditionsComponent(16u, mSct*mSt*steady_Co/(mDt*mDct)); // Co-T open form beta-catenin/TCF
00142     SetInitialConditionsComponent(17u, mSct*mSt*steady_Cc/(mDt*mDct)); // Cc-T closed beta-catenin/TCF
00144     temp = (mSct*mSt*mSy*steady_Cf)/(mDy*(mSct*mSt*steady_Cf + mDct*mDt*mKt));
00145     SetInitialConditionsComponent(20u, temp); // Wnt target protein
00147     SetInitialConditionsComponent(21u, wntLevel); // Wnt stimulus
00148 }
00150 void IngeWntSwatCellCycleOdeSystem::SetMutationState(const CellMutationState& rMutationState)
00151 {
00152     mMutationState = rMutationState;
00153 }
00155 IngeWntSwatCellCycleOdeSystem::~IngeWntSwatCellCycleOdeSystem(void)
00156 {
00157     // Do nothing
00158 }
00160 void IngeWntSwatCellCycleOdeSystem::Init()
00161 {
00162     // Swat (2004) parameters
00163     double k1 = 1.0;
00164     double k2 = 1.6;
00165     double k3 = 0.05;
00166     double k16 = 0.4;
00167     double k34 = 0.04;
00168     double k43 = 0.01;
00169     double k61 = 0.3;
00170     double k23 = 0.3;
00171     double a = 0.04;
00172     double J11 = 0.5;
00173     double J12 = 5.0;
00174     double J61 = 5.0;
00175     double J62 = 8.0;
00176     double J13 = 0.002;
00177     double J63 = 2.0;
00178     double Km1 = 0.5;
00179     double Km2 = 4.0;
00180     double Km4 = 0.3;
00181     double kp = 0.05;
00182     double phi_pRb = 0.005;
00183     double phi_E2F1 = 0.1;
00184     double phi_CycDi = 0.023;
00185     double phi_CycDa = 0.03;
00186     double phi_pRbp = 0.06;
00188     // Value of the mitogenic factor to make the van Leeuwen model influence cell cycle just the same
00189     double mitogenic_factorF = 1.0/25.0;
00191     // Non-dimensionalise parameters
00192     mk2d = k2/(Km2*phi_E2F1);
00193     mk3d = k3*mitogenic_factorF/(Km4*phi_E2F1);
00194     mk34d = k34/phi_E2F1;
00195     mk43d = k43/phi_E2F1;
00196     mk23d = k23*Km2/(Km4*phi_E2F1);
00197     mad = a/Km2;
00198     mJ11d = J11*phi_E2F1/k1;
00199     mJ12d = J12*phi_E2F1/k1;
00200     mJ13d = J13*phi_E2F1/k1;
00201     mJ61d = J61*phi_E2F1/k1;
00202     mJ62d = J62*phi_E2F1/k1;
00203     mJ63d = J63*phi_E2F1/k1;
00204     mKm1d = Km1/Km2;
00205     mkpd = kp/(Km2*phi_E2F1);
00206     mphi_r = phi_pRb/phi_E2F1;
00207     mphi_i = phi_CycDi/phi_E2F1;
00208     mphi_j = phi_CycDa/phi_E2F1;
00209     mphi_p = phi_pRbp/phi_E2F1;
00210     mk16d = k16*Km4/phi_E2F1;
00211     mk61d = k61/phi_E2F1;
00212     mPhiE2F1 = phi_E2F1;
00214     // Initialize van Leeuwen model parameters
00215     mSa = 20;   //  nM/h
00216     mSca = 250; //  (nMh)^-1
00217     mSc = 25;   //  nM/h
00218     mSct = 30;  //  (nMh)^-1
00219     mSd = 100;  //  h^-1
00220     mSt = 10;   //  nM/h
00221     mSx = 10;   //  nM/h
00222     mSy = 10;   //  h^-1
00223     mDa = 2;    //  h^-1
00224     mDca = 350; //  h^-1
00225     mDc = 1;    //  h^-1
00226     mDct = 750; //  h^-1
00227     mDd = 5;    //  h^-1
00228     mDdx = 5;   //  h^-1
00229     mDt = 0.4;  //  h^-1
00230     mDu = 50;   //  h^-1
00231     mDx = 100;  //  h^-1
00232     mDy = 1;    //  h^-1
00233     mKc = 200;  //  nM
00234     mKd = 5;    //  nM
00235     mKt = 50;   //  nM
00236     mPc = 0.0;  //  h^-1
00237     mPu = 100;  //  h^-1
00238     mXiD = 5;   //  h^-1
00239     mXiDx = 5;  //  h^-1
00240     mXiX = 200; //  h^-1
00241     if (mHypothesis==1)
00242     {
00243         mXiC = 0.0; //  h^-1 (FOR HYPOTHESIS ONE)
00244     }
00245     else
00246     {
00247         mXiC = 5000.0;   //  h^-1 (FOR HYPOTHESIS TWO)
00248     }
00249 }
00251 void IngeWntSwatCellCycleOdeSystem::EvaluateYDerivatives(double time, const std::vector<double> &rY, std::vector<double> &rDY)
00252 {
00253     double r = rY[0];
00254     double e = rY[1];
00255     double i = rY[2];
00256     double j = rY[3];
00257     double p = rY[4];
00259     double dx1 = 0.0;
00260     double dx2 = 0.0;
00261     double dx3 = 0.0;
00262     double dx4 = 0.0;
00263     double dx5 = 0.0;
00265     // Bit back-to-front, but work out the Wnt section first...
00267     // Variables
00268     double D = rY[5];
00269     double X = rY[6];
00270     double Cu = rY[7];
00271     double Co = rY[8];
00272     double Cc = rY[9];
00273     double Mo = rY[10];
00274     double Mc = rY[11];
00275     double A = rY[12];
00276     double Ca = rY[13];
00277     double Ma = rY[14];
00278     double T = rY[15];
00279     double Cot = rY[16];
00280     double Cct = rY[17];
00281     double Mot = rY[18];
00282     double Mct = rY[19];
00283     double Y = rY[20];
00284     double stimulus_wnt = rY[21];
00286     // Totals
00287     double Cf = Cc+Co;
00288     double Ct = Cct+Cot;
00289     double Mf = Mc+Mo;
00290     double Mt = Mct+Mot;
00292     double d_d_hat = mDd + mXiD*stimulus_wnt;
00293     double d_d_x_hat = mDdx + mXiDx*stimulus_wnt;
00294     double d_x_hat = mDx + mXiX*stimulus_wnt;
00295     double p_c_hat = mPc + mXiC*stimulus_wnt;
00297     double sigma_D = 0.0;   // for healthy cells
00298     double sigma_B = 0.0;   // for healthy cells
00300     switch (mMutationState)
00301     {
00302         case HEALTHY:
00303         {
00304             break;
00305         }
00306         case LABELLED:
00307         {
00308             break;
00309         }
00310         case APC_ONE_HIT:
00311         {
00312             sigma_D = 0.5;
00313             break;
00314         }
00315         case APC_TWO_HIT:
00316         {
00317             sigma_D = 1.0;
00318             break;
00319         }
00320         case BETA_CATENIN_ONE_HIT:
00321         {
00322             sigma_B = 0.5;
00323             break;
00324         }
00325         default:
00326             // This can't happen if all mutation states are catered for
00327             NEVER_REACHED;
00328     }
00330     // Now the cell cycle stuff...
00332     // dr
00333     dx1 = e/(mKm1d+e)*mJ11d/(mJ11d+r)*mJ61d/(mJ61d+p) - mk16d*r*j+mk61d*p-mphi_r*r;
00334     // de
00335     dx2 = mkpd+mk2d*(mad*mad+e*e)/(1+e*e)*mJ12d/(mJ12d+r)*mJ62d/(mJ62d+p) - e;
00336     // di - changed to include Ct+Mt - transcriptional beta-catenin
00337     dx3 = mk3d*(Ct+Mt) + mk23d*e*mJ13d/(mJ13d+r)*mJ63d/(mJ63d+p) + mk43d*j - mk34d*i*j/(1+j) - mphi_i*i;
00338     // dj
00339     dx4 = mk34d*i*j/(1+j) - (mk43d+mphi_j)*j;
00340     // dp
00341     dx5 = mk16d*r*j - mk61d*p - mphi_p*p;
00343     double factor = mPhiE2F1*60.0;  // Convert non-dimensional d/dt s to d/dt in hours.
00345     rDY[0] = dx1*factor;
00346     rDY[1] = dx2*factor;
00347     rDY[2] = dx3*factor;
00348     rDY[3] = dx4*factor;
00349     rDY[4] = dx5*factor;
00351     // The van Leeuwen ODE system
00352     rDY[5] = (1.0-sigma_D)*mSd*X - (d_d_hat + d_d_x_hat)*D;
00353     rDY[6] = mSx - (1.0-sigma_D)*mSd*X - d_x_hat*X + d_d_x_hat*D;
00354     rDY[7] = (mPu*D*Cf)/(Cf+mKd) - mDu*Cu;
00356     rDY[8] = (1.0-sigma_B)*mSc + mDca*Ca + mDct*Cot - (mSca*A + mSct*T + mDc)*Co
00357              - (p_c_hat*Co)/(Co + Mo + mKc) - (mPu*D*Co)/(Cf+mKd);
00359     rDY[9] = (p_c_hat*Co)/(Co + Mo + mKc) + mDct*Cct - (mSct*T + mDc)*Cc
00360              - (mPu*D*Cc)/(Cf+mKd);
00362     rDY[10] = sigma_B*mSc + mDca*Ma + mDct*Mot - (mSca*A + mSct*T + mDc)*Mo
00363              - (p_c_hat*Mo)/(Co + Mo + mKc);
00365     rDY[11] = (p_c_hat*Mo)/(Co + Mo + mKc) + mDct*Mct - (mSct*T + mDc)*Mc;
00366     rDY[12] = mSa + mDca*(Ca+Ma) - (mSca*(Co+Mo) + mDa)*A;
00367     rDY[13] = mSca*Co*A - mDca*Ca;
00368     rDY[14] = mSca*Mo*A - mDca*Ma;
00369     rDY[15] = mSt + mDct*(Ct+Mt) - mSct*(Cf+Mf)*T - mDt*T;
00370     rDY[16] = mSct*Co*T - mDct*Cot;
00371     rDY[17] = mSct*Cc*T - mDct*Cct;
00372     rDY[18] = mSct*Mo*T - mDct*Mot;
00373     rDY[19] = mSct*Mc*T - mDct*Mct;
00374     rDY[20] = (mSy*(Ct+Mt))/(Ct + Mt + mKt) - mDy*Y;
00375     rDY[21] = 0.0;  // don't interfere with Wnt stimulus
00376 }
00378 CellMutationState& IngeWntSwatCellCycleOdeSystem::rGetMutationState()
00379 {
00380     return mMutationState;
00381 }
00383 bool IngeWntSwatCellCycleOdeSystem::CalculateStoppingEvent(double time, const std::vector<double> &rY)
00384 {
00385     //std::cout << "Calculating Inge stopping event\t";
00386     std::vector<double> dy(rY.size());
00387     EvaluateYDerivatives(time, rY, dy);
00388     //std::cout << (rY[1] > 1.0 && dy[1] > 0.0) << std::endl;
00389     return (rY[1] > 1.0 && dy[1] > 0.0);
00390 }
00392 double IngeWntSwatCellCycleOdeSystem::CalculateRootFunction(double time, const std::vector<double> &rY)
00393 {
00394     //std::cout << "Calculating Inge root function\t" << rY[1]-1.0 << std::endl;
00395     return rY[1]-1.0;
00396 }
00399 template<>
00400 void CellwiseOdeSystemInformation<IngeWntSwatCellCycleOdeSystem>::Initialise(void)
00401 {
00402     this->mVariableNames.push_back("pRb");
00403     this->mVariableUnits.push_back("non_dim");
00404     this->mInitialConditions.push_back(7.357000000000000e-01);
00406     this->mVariableNames.push_back("E2F1");
00407     this->mVariableUnits.push_back("non_dim");
00408     this->mInitialConditions.push_back(1.713000000000000e-01);
00410     this->mVariableNames.push_back("CycD_i");
00411     this->mVariableUnits.push_back("non_dim");
00412     this->mInitialConditions.push_back(6.900000000000001e-02);
00414     this->mVariableNames.push_back("CycD_a");
00415     this->mVariableUnits.push_back("non_dim");
00416     this->mInitialConditions.push_back(3.333333333333334e-03);
00418     this->mVariableNames.push_back("pRb_p");
00419     this->mVariableUnits.push_back("non_dim");
00420     this->mInitialConditions.push_back(1.000000000000000e-04);
00422     this->mVariableNames.push_back("D");  // Destruction complex (APC/Axin/GSK3B)
00423     this->mVariableUnits.push_back("nM");
00424     this->mInitialConditions.push_back(NAN); // will be filled in later
00426     this->mVariableNames.push_back("X");  // Axin
00427     this->mVariableUnits.push_back("nM");
00428     this->mInitialConditions.push_back(NAN); // will be filled in later
00430     this->mVariableNames.push_back("Cu"); // beta-catenin to be ubiquitinated
00431     this->mVariableUnits.push_back("nM");
00432     this->mInitialConditions.push_back(NAN); // will be filled in later
00434     this->mVariableNames.push_back("Co"); // Open form beta-catenin
00435     this->mVariableUnits.push_back("nM");
00436     this->mInitialConditions.push_back(NAN); // will be filled in later
00438     this->mVariableNames.push_back("Cc"); // Closed form beta-catenin
00439     this->mVariableUnits.push_back("nM");
00440     this->mInitialConditions.push_back(NAN); // will be filled in later
00442     this->mVariableNames.push_back("Mo"); // Open form mutant beta-catenin
00443     this->mVariableUnits.push_back("nM");
00444     this->mInitialConditions.push_back(0.0);
00446     this->mVariableNames.push_back("Mc"); // Closed form mutant beta-catenin
00447     this->mVariableUnits.push_back("nM");
00448     this->mInitialConditions.push_back(0.0);
00450     this->mVariableNames.push_back("A");  // 'Free' adhesion molecules
00451     this->mVariableUnits.push_back("nM");
00452     this->mInitialConditions.push_back(NAN); // will be filled in later
00454     this->mVariableNames.push_back("Ca"); // Co-A Adhesion complex
00455     this->mVariableUnits.push_back("nM");
00456     this->mInitialConditions.push_back(NAN); // will be filled in later
00458     this->mVariableNames.push_back("Ma"); // Mo-A Mutant adhesion complex
00459     this->mVariableUnits.push_back("nM");
00460     this->mInitialConditions.push_back(0.0);
00462     this->mVariableNames.push_back("T"); // `Free' transcription molecules (TCF)
00463     this->mVariableUnits.push_back("nM");
00464     this->mInitialConditions.push_back(NAN); // will be filled in later
00466     this->mVariableNames.push_back("Cot"); // Co-T open form beta-catenin/TCF
00467     this->mVariableUnits.push_back("nM");
00468     this->mInitialConditions.push_back(NAN); // will be filled in later
00470     this->mVariableNames.push_back("Cct"); // Cc-T closed beta-catenin/TCF
00471     this->mVariableUnits.push_back("nM");
00472     this->mInitialConditions.push_back(NAN); // will be filled in later
00474     this->mVariableNames.push_back("Mot"); // Mo-T open form mutant beta-catenin/TCF
00475     this->mVariableUnits.push_back("nM");
00476     this->mInitialConditions.push_back(0.0);
00478     this->mVariableNames.push_back("Mct"); // Mc-T closed form mutant beta-catenin/TCF
00479     this->mVariableUnits.push_back("nM");
00480     this->mInitialConditions.push_back(0.0);
00482     this->mVariableNames.push_back("Y"); // Wnt target protein
00483     this->mVariableUnits.push_back("nM");
00484     this->mInitialConditions.push_back(NAN); // will be filled in later
00486     this->mVariableNames.push_back("Sw"); // Wnt stimulus
00487     this->mVariableUnits.push_back("nM");
00488     this->mInitialConditions.push_back(NAN); // will be filled in later
00490     this->mInitialised = true;
00491 }

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