
00001 /*
00003 Copyright (C) University of Oxford, 2005-2011
00005 University of Oxford means the Chancellor, Masters and Scholars of the
00006 University of Oxford, having an administrative office at Wellington
00007 Square, Oxford OX1 2JD, UK.
00009 This file is part of Chaste.
00011 Chaste is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
00012 under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published
00013 by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2.1 of the License, or
00014 (at your option) any later version.
00016 Chaste is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
00017 ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
00018 FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU Lesser General Public
00019 License for more details. The offer of Chaste under the terms of the
00020 License is subject to the License being interpreted in accordance with
00021 English Law and subject to any action against the University of Oxford
00022 being under the jurisdiction of the English Courts.
00024 You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
00025 along with Chaste. If not, see <>.
00027 */
00029 #include <map>
00030 #include <cstring>
00032 #include "MutableMesh.hpp"
00033 #include "OutputFileHandler.hpp"
00034 #include "TrianglesMeshReader.hpp"
00036 //Jonathan Shewchuk's triangle and Hang Si's tetgen
00037 #define REAL double
00038 #define VOID void
00039 #include "triangle.h"
00040 #include "tetgen.h"
00041 #undef REAL
00042 #undef VOID
00045 template<unsigned ELEMENT_DIM, unsigned SPACE_DIM>
00046 MutableMesh<ELEMENT_DIM, SPACE_DIM>::MutableMesh()
00047     : mAddedNodes(false)
00048 {
00049     this->mMeshChangesDuringSimulation = true;
00050 }
00052 template<unsigned ELEMENT_DIM, unsigned SPACE_DIM>
00053 MutableMesh<ELEMENT_DIM, SPACE_DIM>::MutableMesh(std::vector<Node<SPACE_DIM> *> nodes)
00054 {
00055     this->mMeshChangesDuringSimulation = true;
00056     Clear();
00057     for (unsigned index=0; index<nodes.size(); index++)
00058     {
00059         Node<SPACE_DIM>* p_temp_node = nodes[index];
00060         this->mNodes.push_back(p_temp_node);
00061     }
00062     mAddedNodes = true;
00063     NodeMap node_map(nodes.size());
00064     ReMesh(node_map);
00065 }
00067 template<unsigned ELEMENT_DIM, unsigned SPACE_DIM>
00068 MutableMesh<ELEMENT_DIM, SPACE_DIM>::~MutableMesh()
00069 {
00070     Clear();
00071 }
00073 template<unsigned ELEMENT_DIM, unsigned SPACE_DIM>
00074 unsigned MutableMesh<ELEMENT_DIM, SPACE_DIM>::AddNode(Node<SPACE_DIM>* pNewNode)
00075 {
00076     if (mDeletedNodeIndices.empty())
00077     {
00078         pNewNode->SetIndex(this->mNodes.size());
00079         this->mNodes.push_back(pNewNode);
00080     }
00081     else
00082     {
00083         unsigned index = mDeletedNodeIndices.back();
00084         pNewNode->SetIndex(index);
00085         mDeletedNodeIndices.pop_back();
00086         delete this->mNodes[index];
00087         this->mNodes[index] = pNewNode;
00088     }
00089     mAddedNodes = true;
00090     return pNewNode->GetIndex();
00091 }
00093 template <unsigned ELEMENT_DIM, unsigned SPACE_DIM>
00094 void MutableMesh<ELEMENT_DIM, SPACE_DIM>::Clear()
00095 {
00096     mDeletedElementIndices.clear();
00097     mDeletedBoundaryElementIndices.clear();
00098     mDeletedNodeIndices.clear();
00099     mAddedNodes = false;
00101     TetrahedralMesh<ELEMENT_DIM, SPACE_DIM>::Clear();
00102 }
00104 template<unsigned ELEMENT_DIM, unsigned SPACE_DIM>
00105 unsigned MutableMesh<ELEMENT_DIM, SPACE_DIM>::GetNumBoundaryElements() const
00106 {
00107     return this->mBoundaryElements.size() - mDeletedBoundaryElementIndices.size();
00108 }
00110 template<unsigned ELEMENT_DIM, unsigned SPACE_DIM>
00111 unsigned MutableMesh<ELEMENT_DIM, SPACE_DIM>::GetNumElements() const
00112 {
00113     return this->mElements.size() - mDeletedElementIndices.size();
00114 }
00116 template<unsigned ELEMENT_DIM, unsigned SPACE_DIM>
00117 unsigned MutableMesh<ELEMENT_DIM, SPACE_DIM>::GetNumNodes() const
00118 {
00119     return this->mNodes.size() - mDeletedNodeIndices.size();
00120 }
00128 template<>
00129 void MutableMesh<1, 1>::RescaleMeshFromBoundaryNode(ChastePoint<1> updatedPoint, unsigned boundaryNodeIndex)
00130 {
00131     assert(this->GetNode(boundaryNodeIndex)->IsBoundaryNode());
00132     double scaleFactor = updatedPoint[0] / this->GetNode(boundaryNodeIndex)->GetPoint()[0];
00133     double temp;
00134     for (unsigned i=0; i < boundaryNodeIndex+1; i++)
00135     {
00136         temp = scaleFactor * this->mNodes[i]->GetPoint()[0];
00137         ChastePoint<1> newPoint(temp);
00138         this->mNodes[i]->SetPoint(newPoint);
00139     }
00140     this->RefreshMesh();
00141 }
00143 template<unsigned ELEMENT_DIM, unsigned SPACE_DIM>
00144 void MutableMesh<ELEMENT_DIM, SPACE_DIM>::SetNode(unsigned index,
00145         ChastePoint<SPACE_DIM> point,
00146         bool concreteMove)
00147 {
00148     this->mNodes[index]->SetPoint(point);
00150     if (concreteMove)
00151     {
00152         for (typename Node<SPACE_DIM>::ContainingElementIterator it = this->mNodes[index]->ContainingElementsBegin();
00153              it != this->mNodes[index]->ContainingElementsEnd();
00154              ++it)
00155         {
00156             if (ELEMENT_DIM == SPACE_DIM)
00157             {
00158                 try
00159                 {
00160                     GetElement(*it)->CalculateInverseJacobian(this->mElementJacobians[ (*it) ],
00161                                                               this->mElementJacobianDeterminants[ (*it) ],
00162                                                               this->mElementInverseJacobians[ (*it) ]);
00163                 }
00164                 catch (Exception e)
00165                 {
00166                         EXCEPTION("Moving node caused an element to have a non-positive Jacobian determinant");
00167                 }
00168             }
00169             else
00170             {
00171                 c_vector<double,SPACE_DIM> previous_direction = this->mElementWeightedDirections[ (*it) ];
00173                 GetElement(*it)->CalculateWeightedDirection(this->mElementWeightedDirections[ (*it) ],
00174                                                             this->mElementJacobianDeterminants[ (*it) ]);
00176                 if ( inner_prod(previous_direction, this->mElementWeightedDirections[ (*it) ]) < 0)
00177                 {
00178                     EXCEPTION("Moving node caused an subspace element to change direction");
00179                 }
00181             }
00182         }
00183         for (typename Node<SPACE_DIM>::ContainingBoundaryElementIterator it = this->mNodes[index]->ContainingBoundaryElementsBegin();
00184              it != this->mNodes[index]->ContainingBoundaryElementsEnd();
00185              ++it)
00186         {
00187             try
00188             {
00189                 GetBoundaryElement(*it)->CalculateWeightedDirection(this->mBoundaryElementWeightedDirections[ (*it) ],
00190                                                                     this->mBoundaryElementJacobianDeterminants[ (*it) ]);
00191             }
00192             catch (Exception e)
00193             {
00194                 EXCEPTION("Moving node caused a boundary element to have a non-positive Jacobian determinant");
00195             }
00196         }
00197     }
00198 }
00200 template<unsigned ELEMENT_DIM, unsigned SPACE_DIM>
00201 void MutableMesh<ELEMENT_DIM, SPACE_DIM>::DeleteNode(unsigned index)
00202 {
00203     if (this->mNodes[index]->IsDeleted())
00204     {
00205         EXCEPTION("Trying to delete a deleted node");
00206     }
00207     unsigned target_index = (unsigned)(-1);
00208     bool found_target=false;
00209     for (typename Node<SPACE_DIM>::ContainingElementIterator it = this->mNodes[index]->ContainingElementsBegin();
00210          !found_target && it != this->mNodes[index]->ContainingElementsEnd();
00211          ++it)
00212     {
00213         Element <ELEMENT_DIM,SPACE_DIM>* p_element = GetElement(*it);
00214         for (unsigned i=0; i<=ELEMENT_DIM && !found_target; i++)
00215         {
00216             target_index = p_element->GetNodeGlobalIndex(i);
00217             try
00218             {
00219                 MoveMergeNode(index, target_index, false);
00220                 found_target = true;
00221             }
00222             catch (Exception e)
00223             {
00224                 // Just try the next node
00225             }
00226         }
00227     }
00228     if (!found_target)
00229     {
00230         EXCEPTION("Failure to delete node");
00231     }
00233     MoveMergeNode(index, target_index);
00234 }
00236 template<unsigned ELEMENT_DIM, unsigned SPACE_DIM>
00237 void MutableMesh<ELEMENT_DIM, SPACE_DIM>::DeleteNodePriorToReMesh(unsigned index)
00238 {
00239     this->mNodes[index]->MarkAsDeleted();
00240     mDeletedNodeIndices.push_back(index);
00241 }
00243 template<unsigned ELEMENT_DIM, unsigned SPACE_DIM>
00244 void MutableMesh<ELEMENT_DIM, SPACE_DIM>::MoveMergeNode(unsigned index,
00245         unsigned targetIndex,
00246         bool concreteMove)
00247 {
00248     if (this->mNodes[index]->IsDeleted())
00249     {
00250         EXCEPTION("Trying to move a deleted node");
00251     }
00253     if (index == targetIndex)
00254     {
00255         EXCEPTION("Trying to merge a node with itself");
00256     }
00257     if (this->mNodes[index]->IsBoundaryNode())
00258     {
00259         if (!this->mNodes[targetIndex]->IsBoundaryNode())
00260         {
00261             EXCEPTION("A boundary node can only be moved on to another boundary node");
00262         }
00263     }
00264     std::set<unsigned> unshared_element_indices;
00265     std::set_difference(this->mNodes[index]->rGetContainingElementIndices().begin(),
00266                         this->mNodes[index]->rGetContainingElementIndices().end(),
00267                         this->mNodes[targetIndex]->rGetContainingElementIndices().begin(),
00268                         this->mNodes[targetIndex]->rGetContainingElementIndices().end(),
00269                         std::inserter(unshared_element_indices, unshared_element_indices.begin()));
00272     if (unshared_element_indices.size() == this->mNodes[index]->rGetContainingElementIndices().size())
00273     {
00274         EXCEPTION("These nodes cannot be merged since they are not neighbours");
00275     }
00277     std::set<unsigned> unshared_boundary_element_indices;
00278     std::set_difference(this->mNodes[index]->rGetContainingBoundaryElementIndices().begin(),
00279                         this->mNodes[index]->rGetContainingBoundaryElementIndices().end(),
00280                         this->mNodes[targetIndex]->rGetContainingBoundaryElementIndices().begin(),
00281                         this->mNodes[targetIndex]->rGetContainingBoundaryElementIndices().end(),
00282                         std::inserter(unshared_boundary_element_indices, unshared_boundary_element_indices.begin()));
00285     if (this->mNodes[index]->IsBoundaryNode())
00286     {
00287         if (unshared_boundary_element_indices.size()
00288             == this->mNodes[index]->rGetContainingBoundaryElementIndices().size())
00289         {
00290             //May be redundant (only thrown in 1D tests)
00291             EXCEPTION("These nodes cannot be merged since they are not neighbours on the boundary");
00292         }
00293     }
00295     this->mNodes[index]->rGetModifiableLocation() = this->mNodes[targetIndex]->rGetLocation();
00297     for (std::set<unsigned>::const_iterator element_iter=unshared_element_indices.begin();
00298              element_iter != unshared_element_indices.end();
00299              element_iter++)
00300     {
00301         try
00302         {
00303             if (SPACE_DIM == ELEMENT_DIM)
00304             {
00305                 this->GetElement(*element_iter)->CalculateInverseJacobian(this->mElementJacobians[(*element_iter)],
00306                                                                           this->mElementJacobianDeterminants[(*element_iter)],
00307                                                                           this->mElementInverseJacobians[ (*element_iter) ]);
00308             }
00309             else
00310             {
00311                 this->GetElement(*element_iter)->CalculateWeightedDirection(this->mElementWeightedDirections[(*element_iter)],
00312                                                                             this->mElementJacobianDeterminants[(*element_iter)]);
00313             }
00315             if (concreteMove)
00316             {
00317                 this->GetElement(*element_iter)->ReplaceNode(this->mNodes[index], this->mNodes[targetIndex]);
00318             }
00320         }
00321         catch (Exception e)
00322         {
00323             EXCEPTION("Moving node caused an element to have a non-positive Jacobian determinant");
00324         }
00325     }
00327     for (std::set<unsigned>::const_iterator boundary_element_iter=
00328                  unshared_boundary_element_indices.begin();
00329              boundary_element_iter != unshared_boundary_element_indices.end();
00330              boundary_element_iter++)
00331     {
00333         this->GetBoundaryElement(*boundary_element_iter)->CalculateWeightedDirection(this->mBoundaryElementWeightedDirections[(*boundary_element_iter)],
00334                                                                                      this->mBoundaryElementJacobianDeterminants[(*boundary_element_iter)]);
00336         if (concreteMove)
00337         {
00338             this->GetBoundaryElement(*boundary_element_iter)->ReplaceNode(this->mNodes[index], this->mNodes[targetIndex]);
00339         }
00340     }
00342     std::set<unsigned> shared_element_indices;
00343     std::set_intersection(this->mNodes[index]->rGetContainingElementIndices().begin(),
00344                           this->mNodes[index]->rGetContainingElementIndices().end(),
00345                           this->mNodes[targetIndex]->rGetContainingElementIndices().begin(),
00346                           this->mNodes[targetIndex]->rGetContainingElementIndices().end(),
00347                           std::inserter(shared_element_indices, shared_element_indices.begin()));
00349     for (std::set<unsigned>::const_iterator element_iter=shared_element_indices.begin();
00350              element_iter != shared_element_indices.end();
00351              element_iter++)
00352     {
00353         if (concreteMove)
00354         {
00355             this->GetElement(*element_iter)->MarkAsDeleted();
00356             this->mElementJacobianDeterminants[ (*element_iter) ] = 0.0; //This used to be done in MarkAsDeleted
00357             mDeletedElementIndices.push_back(*element_iter);
00358         }
00359         else
00360         {
00361             this->mElementJacobianDeterminants[ (*element_iter) ] = 0.0;
00362         }
00363     }
00366     std::set<unsigned> shared_boundary_element_indices;
00367     std::set_intersection(this->mNodes[index]->rGetContainingBoundaryElementIndices().begin(),
00368                           this->mNodes[index]->rGetContainingBoundaryElementIndices().end(),
00369                           this->mNodes[targetIndex]->rGetContainingBoundaryElementIndices().begin(),
00370                           this->mNodes[targetIndex]->rGetContainingBoundaryElementIndices().end(),
00371                           std::inserter(shared_boundary_element_indices, shared_boundary_element_indices.begin()));
00373     for (std::set<unsigned>::const_iterator boundary_element_iter=shared_boundary_element_indices.begin();
00374              boundary_element_iter != shared_boundary_element_indices.end();
00375              boundary_element_iter++)
00376     {
00377         if (concreteMove)
00378         {
00379             this->GetBoundaryElement(*boundary_element_iter)->MarkAsDeleted();
00380             this->mBoundaryElementJacobianDeterminants[ (*boundary_element_iter) ] = 0.0; //This used to be done in MarkAsDeleted
00381             mDeletedBoundaryElementIndices.push_back(*boundary_element_iter);
00382         }
00383         else
00384         {
00385             this->mBoundaryElementJacobianDeterminants[ (*boundary_element_iter) ] = 0.0;
00386             this->mBoundaryElementWeightedDirections[ (*boundary_element_iter) ] = zero_vector<double>(SPACE_DIM);
00387         }
00388     }
00390     if (concreteMove)
00391     {
00392         this->mNodes[index]->MarkAsDeleted();
00393         mDeletedNodeIndices.push_back(index);
00394     }
00395 }
00397 template<unsigned ELEMENT_DIM, unsigned SPACE_DIM>
00398 unsigned MutableMesh<ELEMENT_DIM, SPACE_DIM>::RefineElement(
00399     Element<ELEMENT_DIM,SPACE_DIM>* pElement,
00400     ChastePoint<SPACE_DIM> point)
00401 {
00402     //Check that the point is in the element
00403     if (pElement->IncludesPoint(point, true) == false)
00404     {
00405         EXCEPTION("RefineElement could not be started (point is not in element)");
00406     }
00408     // Add a new node from the point that is passed to RefineElement
00409     unsigned new_node_index = AddNode(new Node<SPACE_DIM>(0, point.rGetLocation()));
00410     // Note: the first argument is the index of the node, which is going to be
00411     //       overriden by AddNode, so it can safely be ignored
00413     // This loop constructs the extra elements which are going to fill the space
00414     for (unsigned i = 0; i < ELEMENT_DIM; i++)
00415     {
00417         // First, make a copy of the current element making sure we update its index
00418         unsigned new_elt_index;
00419         if (mDeletedElementIndices.empty())
00420         {
00421             new_elt_index = this->mElements.size();
00422         }
00423         else
00424         {
00425             new_elt_index = mDeletedElementIndices.back();
00426             mDeletedElementIndices.pop_back();
00427         }
00429         Element<ELEMENT_DIM,SPACE_DIM>* p_new_element=
00430             new Element<ELEMENT_DIM,SPACE_DIM>(*pElement, new_elt_index);
00432         // Second, update the node in the element with the new one
00433         p_new_element->UpdateNode(ELEMENT_DIM-1-i, this->mNodes[new_node_index]);
00435         // Third, add the new element to the set
00436         if ((unsigned) new_elt_index == this->mElements.size())
00437         {
00438             this->mElements.push_back(p_new_element);
00439         }
00440         else
00441         {
00442             delete this->mElements[new_elt_index];
00443             this->mElements[new_elt_index] = p_new_element;
00444         }
00445     }
00447     // Lastly, update the last node in the element to be refined
00448     pElement->UpdateNode(ELEMENT_DIM, this->mNodes[new_node_index]);
00450     return new_node_index;
00451 }
00453 template<unsigned ELEMENT_DIM, unsigned SPACE_DIM>
00454 void MutableMesh<ELEMENT_DIM, SPACE_DIM>::DeleteBoundaryNodeAt(unsigned index)
00455 {
00456     if (!this->mNodes[index]->IsBoundaryNode() )
00457     {
00458         EXCEPTION(" You may only delete a boundary node ");
00459     }
00461     this->mNodes[index]->MarkAsDeleted();
00462     mDeletedNodeIndices.push_back(index);
00464     // Update the boundary node vector
00465     typename std::vector<Node<SPACE_DIM>*>::iterator b_node_iter
00466     = std::find(this->mBoundaryNodes.begin(), this->mBoundaryNodes.end(), this->mNodes[index]);
00467     this->mBoundaryNodes.erase(b_node_iter);
00469     // Remove boundary elements containing this node
00470     std::set<unsigned> boundary_element_indices = this->mNodes[index]->rGetContainingBoundaryElementIndices();
00471     std::set<unsigned>::const_iterator boundary_element_indices_iterator = boundary_element_indices.begin();
00472     while (boundary_element_indices_iterator != boundary_element_indices.end())
00473     {
00474         BoundaryElement<ELEMENT_DIM-1, SPACE_DIM>* p_boundary_element = this->GetBoundaryElement(*boundary_element_indices_iterator);
00475         p_boundary_element->MarkAsDeleted();
00476         mDeletedBoundaryElementIndices.push_back(*boundary_element_indices_iterator);
00477         boundary_element_indices_iterator++;
00478     }
00480     // Remove elements containing this node
00481     std::set<unsigned> element_indices = this->mNodes[index]->rGetContainingElementIndices();
00482     std::set<unsigned>::const_iterator element_indices_iterator = element_indices.begin();
00483     while (element_indices_iterator != element_indices.end())
00484     {
00485         Element<ELEMENT_DIM, SPACE_DIM>* p_element = this->GetElement(*element_indices_iterator);
00486         for (unsigned i=0; i<p_element->GetNumNodes(); i++)
00487         {
00488             Node<SPACE_DIM>* p_node = p_element->GetNode(i);
00489             if (!p_node->IsDeleted())
00490             {
00491                 p_node->SetAsBoundaryNode();
00492                 // Update the boundary node vector
00493                 this->mBoundaryNodes.push_back(p_node);
00494             }
00495         }
00496         p_element->MarkAsDeleted();
00497         mDeletedElementIndices.push_back(p_element->GetIndex());
00498         element_indices_iterator++;
00499     }
00500 }
00502 template <unsigned ELEMENT_DIM, unsigned SPACE_DIM>
00503 void MutableMesh<ELEMENT_DIM, SPACE_DIM>::ReIndex(NodeMap& map)
00504 {
00505     assert(!mAddedNodes);
00506     map.Resize(this->GetNumAllNodes());
00508     std::vector<Element<ELEMENT_DIM, SPACE_DIM> *> live_elements;
00510     for (unsigned i=0; i<this->mElements.size(); i++)
00511     {
00512         assert(i==this->mElements[i]->GetIndex()); // We need this to be true to be able to reindex the jacobian cache
00513         if (this->mElements[i]->IsDeleted())
00514         {
00515             delete this->mElements[i];
00516         }
00517         else
00518         {
00519             live_elements.push_back(this->mElements[i]);
00521             unsigned this_element_index = this->mElements[i]->GetIndex();
00522             if (SPACE_DIM == ELEMENT_DIM)
00523             {
00524                 this->mElementJacobians[live_elements.size()-1] = this->mElementJacobians[this_element_index];
00525                 this->mElementInverseJacobians[live_elements.size()-1] = this->mElementInverseJacobians[this_element_index];
00526             }
00527             else
00528             {
00529                 this->mElementWeightedDirections[live_elements.size()-1] = this->mElementWeightedDirections[this_element_index];
00530             }
00531             this->mElementJacobianDeterminants[live_elements.size()-1] = this->mElementJacobianDeterminants[this_element_index];
00532         }
00533     }
00535     assert(mDeletedElementIndices.size() == this->mElements.size()-live_elements.size());
00536     mDeletedElementIndices.clear();
00537     this->mElements = live_elements;
00538     unsigned num_elements = this->mElements.size();
00540     if (SPACE_DIM == ELEMENT_DIM)
00541     {
00542         this->mElementJacobians.resize(num_elements);
00543         this->mElementInverseJacobians.resize(num_elements);
00544     }
00545     else
00546     {
00547         this->mElementWeightedDirections.resize(num_elements);
00548     }
00549     this->mElementJacobianDeterminants.resize(num_elements);
00551     std::vector<Node<SPACE_DIM> *> live_nodes;
00552     for (unsigned i=0; i<this->mNodes.size(); i++)
00553     {
00554         if (this->mNodes[i]->IsDeleted())
00555         {
00556             delete this->mNodes[i];
00557             map.SetDeleted(i);
00558         }
00559         else
00560         {
00561             live_nodes.push_back(this->mNodes[i]);
00562             // the nodes will have their index set to be the index into the live_nodes
00563             // vector further down
00564             map.SetNewIndex(i, (unsigned)(live_nodes.size()-1));
00565         }
00566     }
00568     assert(mDeletedNodeIndices.size() == this->mNodes.size()-live_nodes.size());
00569     this->mNodes = live_nodes;
00570     mDeletedNodeIndices.clear();
00572     std::vector<BoundaryElement<ELEMENT_DIM-1, SPACE_DIM> *> live_boundary_elements;
00573     for (unsigned i=0; i<this->mBoundaryElements.size(); i++)
00574     {
00575         if (this->mBoundaryElements[i]->IsDeleted())
00576         {
00577             delete this->mBoundaryElements[i];
00578         }
00579         else
00580         {
00581             live_boundary_elements.push_back(this->mBoundaryElements[i]);
00583             this->mBoundaryElementWeightedDirections[live_boundary_elements.size()-1] = this->mBoundaryElementWeightedDirections[this->mBoundaryElements[i]->GetIndex()];
00584             this->mBoundaryElementJacobianDeterminants[live_boundary_elements.size()-1] = this->mBoundaryElementJacobianDeterminants[this->mBoundaryElements[i]->GetIndex()];
00585         }
00586     }
00588     assert(mDeletedBoundaryElementIndices.size() == this->mBoundaryElements.size()-live_boundary_elements.size());
00589     this->mBoundaryElements = live_boundary_elements;
00590     mDeletedBoundaryElementIndices.clear();
00592     unsigned num_boundary_elements = this->mBoundaryElements.size();
00594     this->mBoundaryElementWeightedDirections.resize(num_boundary_elements);
00595     this->mBoundaryElementJacobianDeterminants.resize(num_boundary_elements);
00597     for (unsigned i=0; i<this->mNodes.size(); i++)
00598     {
00599         this->mNodes[i]->SetIndex(i);
00600     }
00601     for (unsigned i=0; i<this->mElements.size(); i++)
00602     {
00604         this->mElements[i]->ResetIndex(i);
00605     }
00606     for (unsigned i=0; i<this->mBoundaryElements.size(); i++)
00607     {
00608         this->mBoundaryElements[i]->ResetIndex(i);
00609     }
00610 }
00612 template <unsigned ELEMENT_DIM, unsigned SPACE_DIM>
00613 void MutableMesh<ELEMENT_DIM, SPACE_DIM>::ReMesh(NodeMap& map)
00614 {
00615     // Make sure that we are in the correct dimension - this code will be eliminated at compile time
00616     #define COVERAGE_IGNORE
00617     assert( ELEMENT_DIM == SPACE_DIM );
00618     #undef COVERAGE_IGNORE
00620     // Avoid some triangle/tetgen errors: need at least four
00621     // nodes for tetgen, and at least three for triangle
00622     if (GetNumNodes() <= SPACE_DIM)
00623     {
00624         EXCEPTION("The number of nodes must exceed the spatial dimension.");
00625     }
00627     // Make sure the map is big enough
00628     map.Resize(this->GetNumAllNodes());
00629     if (mAddedNodes || !mDeletedNodeIndices.empty())
00630     {
00631         //Size of mesh is about to change
00632         if (this->mpDistributedVectorFactory)
00633         {
00634             delete this->mpDistributedVectorFactory;
00635             this->mpDistributedVectorFactory = new DistributedVectorFactory(this->GetNumNodes());
00636         }
00637     }
00638     if (SPACE_DIM==1)
00639     {
00640         // Store the node locations
00641         std::vector<c_vector<double, SPACE_DIM> > old_node_locations;
00642         unsigned new_index = 0;
00643         for (unsigned i=0; i<this->GetNumAllNodes(); i++)
00644         {
00645             if (this->mNodes[i]->IsDeleted())
00646             {
00647                 map.SetDeleted(i);
00648             }
00649             else
00650             {
00651                 map.SetNewIndex(i, new_index);
00652                 old_node_locations.push_back(this->mNodes[i]->rGetLocation());
00653                 new_index++;
00654             }
00655         }
00657         // Remove current data
00658         Clear();
00660         // Construct the nodes and boundary nodes
00661         for (unsigned node_index=0; node_index<old_node_locations.size(); node_index++)
00662         {
00663             Node<SPACE_DIM>* p_node = new Node<SPACE_DIM>(node_index, old_node_locations[node_index], false);
00664             this->mNodes.push_back(p_node);
00666             // As we're in 1D, the boundary nodes are simply at either end of the mesh
00667             if ( node_index==0 || node_index==old_node_locations.size()-1 )
00668             {
00669                 this->mBoundaryNodes.push_back(p_node);
00670             }
00671         }
00673         // Create a map between node indices and node locations
00674         std::map<double, unsigned> location_index_map;
00675         for (unsigned i=0; i<this->mNodes.size(); i++)
00676         {
00677             location_index_map[this->mNodes[i]->rGetLocation()[0]] = this->mNodes[i]->GetIndex();
00678         }
00680         // Use this map to generate a vector of node indices that are ordered spatially
00681         std::vector<unsigned> node_indices_ordered_spatially;
00682         for (std::map<double, unsigned>::iterator iter = location_index_map.begin();
00683              iter != location_index_map.end();
00684              ++iter)
00685         {
00686             node_indices_ordered_spatially.push_back(iter->second);
00687         }
00689         // Construct the elements
00690         this->mElements.reserve(old_node_locations.size()-1);
00691         for (unsigned element_index=0; element_index<old_node_locations.size()-1; element_index++)
00692         {
00693             std::vector<Node<SPACE_DIM>*> nodes;
00694             for (unsigned j=0; j<2; j++)
00695             {
00696                 unsigned global_node_index = node_indices_ordered_spatially[element_index + j];
00697                 assert(global_node_index < this->mNodes.size());
00698                 nodes.push_back(this->mNodes[global_node_index]);
00699             }
00700             this->mElements.push_back(new Element<ELEMENT_DIM, SPACE_DIM>(element_index, nodes));
00701         }
00703         // Construct the two boundary elements - as we're in 1D, these are simply at either end of the mesh
00704         std::vector<Node<SPACE_DIM>*> nodes;
00705         nodes.push_back(this->mNodes[0]);
00706         this->mBoundaryElements.push_back(new BoundaryElement<ELEMENT_DIM-1, SPACE_DIM>(0, nodes));
00708         nodes.clear();
00709         nodes.push_back(this->mNodes[old_node_locations.size()-1]);
00710         this->mBoundaryElements.push_back(new BoundaryElement<ELEMENT_DIM-1, SPACE_DIM>(1, nodes));
00712         this->RefreshJacobianCachedData();
00713     }
00714     else if (SPACE_DIM==2)  // In 2D, remesh using triangle via library calls
00715     {
00716         struct triangulateio mesher_input, mesher_output;
00717         this->InitialiseTriangulateIo(mesher_input);
00718         this->InitialiseTriangulateIo(mesher_output);
00720         this->ExportToMesher(map, mesher_input);
00722         // Library call
00723         triangulate((char*)"Qze", &mesher_input, &mesher_output, NULL);
00725         this->ImportFromMesher(mesher_output, mesher_output.numberoftriangles, mesher_output.trianglelist, mesher_output.numberofedges, mesher_output.edgelist, mesher_output.edgemarkerlist);
00727         //Tidy up triangle
00728         this->FreeTriangulateIo(mesher_input);
00729         this->FreeTriangulateIo(mesher_output);
00730     }
00731     else // in 3D, remesh using tetgen
00732     {
00734         struct tetgen::tetgenio mesher_input, mesher_output;
00736         this->ExportToMesher(map, mesher_input);
00738         // Library call
00739         tetgen::tetrahedralize((char*)"Qz", &mesher_input, &mesher_output);
00741         this->ImportFromMesher(mesher_output, mesher_output.numberoftetrahedra, mesher_output.tetrahedronlist, mesher_output.numberoftrifaces, mesher_output.trifacelist, NULL);
00742     }
00743 }
00745 template <unsigned ELEMENT_DIM, unsigned SPACE_DIM>
00746 void MutableMesh<ELEMENT_DIM, SPACE_DIM>::ReMesh()
00747 {
00748     NodeMap map(GetNumNodes());
00749     ReMesh(map);
00750 }
00752 template <unsigned ELEMENT_DIM, unsigned SPACE_DIM>
00753 bool MutableMesh<ELEMENT_DIM, SPACE_DIM>::CheckIsVoronoi(Element<ELEMENT_DIM, SPACE_DIM>* pElement, double maxPenetration)
00754 {
00755     assert(ELEMENT_DIM == SPACE_DIM);
00756     unsigned num_nodes = pElement->GetNumNodes();
00757     std::set<unsigned> neighbouring_elements_indices;
00758     std::set< Element<ELEMENT_DIM,SPACE_DIM> *> neighbouring_elements;
00759     std::set<unsigned> neighbouring_nodes_indices;
00761     // Form a set of neighbouring elements via the nodes
00762     for (unsigned i=0; i<num_nodes; i++)
00763     {
00764         Node<SPACE_DIM>* p_node = pElement->GetNode(i);
00765         neighbouring_elements_indices = p_node->rGetContainingElementIndices();
00766         for (std::set<unsigned>::const_iterator it = neighbouring_elements_indices.begin();
00767              it != neighbouring_elements_indices.end();
00768              ++it)
00769         {
00770             neighbouring_elements.insert(this->GetElement(*it));
00771         }
00772     }
00773     neighbouring_elements.erase(pElement);
00775     // For each neighbouring element find the supporting nodes
00776     typedef typename std::set<Element<ELEMENT_DIM,SPACE_DIM> *>::const_iterator ElementIterator;
00778     for (ElementIterator it = neighbouring_elements.begin();
00779          it != neighbouring_elements.end();
00780          ++it)
00781     {
00782         for (unsigned i=0; i<num_nodes; i++)
00783         {
00784             neighbouring_nodes_indices.insert((*it)->GetNodeGlobalIndex(i));
00785         }
00786     }
00788     // Remove the nodes that support this element
00789     for (unsigned i = 0; i < num_nodes; i++)
00790     {
00791         neighbouring_nodes_indices.erase(pElement->GetNodeGlobalIndex(i));
00792     }
00794     // Get the circumsphere information
00795     c_vector<double, SPACE_DIM+1> this_circum_centre;
00797     this_circum_centre = pElement->CalculateCircumsphere(this->mElementJacobians[pElement->GetIndex()], this->mElementInverseJacobians[pElement->GetIndex()]);
00799     // Copy the actualy circumcentre into a smaller vector
00800     c_vector<double, ELEMENT_DIM> circum_centre;
00801     for (unsigned i=0; i<ELEMENT_DIM; i++)
00802     {
00803         circum_centre[i] = this_circum_centre[i];
00804     }
00806     for (std::set<unsigned>::const_iterator it = neighbouring_nodes_indices.begin();
00807          it != neighbouring_nodes_indices.end();
00808          ++it)
00809     {
00810         c_vector<double, ELEMENT_DIM> node_location = this->GetNode(*it)->rGetLocation();
00812         // Calculate vector from circumcenter to node
00813         node_location -= circum_centre;
00815         // This is to calculate the squared distance betweeen them
00816         double squared_distance = inner_prod(node_location, node_location);
00818         // If the squared idstance is less than the elements circum-radius(squared),
00819         // then the Voronoi property is violated.
00820         if (squared_distance < this_circum_centre[ELEMENT_DIM])
00821         {
00822             // We know the node is inside the circumsphere, but we don't know how far
00823             double radius = sqrt(this_circum_centre[ELEMENT_DIM]);
00824             double distance = radius - sqrt(squared_distance);
00826             // If the node penetration is greater than supplied maximum penetration factor
00827             if (distance/radius > maxPenetration)
00828             {
00829                 return false;
00830             }
00831         }
00832     }
00833     return true;
00834 }
00836 template <unsigned ELEMENT_DIM, unsigned SPACE_DIM>
00837 bool MutableMesh<ELEMENT_DIM, SPACE_DIM>::CheckIsVoronoi(double maxPenetration)
00838 {
00839     // Looping through all the elements in the mesh
00841     for (unsigned i=0; i<this->mElements.size(); i++)
00842     {
00843         // Check if the element is not deleted
00844         if (!this->mElements[i]->IsDeleted())
00845         {
00846             // Checking the Voronoi of the Element
00847             if (CheckIsVoronoi(this->mElements[i], maxPenetration) == false)
00848             {
00849                 return false;
00850             }
00851         }
00852     }
00853     return true;
00854 }
00858 // Explicit instantiation
00861 template class MutableMesh<1,1>;
00862 template class MutableMesh<1,2>;
00863 template class MutableMesh<1,3>;
00864 template class MutableMesh<2,2>;
00865 template class MutableMesh<2,3>;
00866 template class MutableMesh<3,3>;
00869 // Serialization for Boost >= 1.36
00870 #include "SerializationExportWrapperForCpp.hpp"

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