Installing Chaste on Mac OS X 10.4 (experimental)

These instructions are based on source:tags/release_1/README_INSTALLATION.txt

A prerequisite for this installation is to have Xcode installed. It provides gcc and fundamental header files. You can find it in your Mac OS X installation DVD or download it directly from Apple.

wget is not available in Mac OS X v10.4. We suggest you to use your web browser or any other download management tool to get the tarballs mentioned in the installation readme. A workaround could be to install wget as in, do it a your own risk.


There's a Mac OS X version of boost-jam 3.1.17. Unfortunately, if I try to use it I get a Bus error message.

Download the platform-independent version of boost-jam 3.1.17 from:

Download the platform-independent version of boost 1.34.1 from:

tar -xvf boost-jam-3.1.17.tar
cd boost-jam-3.1.17
cd ..
tar -xvf boost_1_34_1.tar
cd boost_1_34_1
../boost-jam-3.1.17/bin.macosxx86/bjam "-sTOOLS=gcc" --prefix=$CHASTE_LIBS/boost install
cd ..

I'm getting the following summary:

...failed updating 54 targets...
...skipped 12 targets...
...updated 5592 targets...


MPI configuration is different, since Tiger and the shared memory controller of MPICH doesn't seem to get along very well.

./configure --prefix=$CHASTE_LIBS/mpi --enable-sharedlib --disable-f77 --with-device=ch_p4 -rsh=ssh

If you haven't done it before, you will need to start the Remote Login service in the Sharing section of your Preferences.