Please mention any changes to the code which will break users' code here - to be put in the release notes for the next release. Also mention any significant improvements or new features.

The real definitive release notes will be written in source:trunk/docs/ReleaseNotes.html at the time of release. To make that process easier, please structure this page in the same manner, rather than simply copying from LatestNews.

OlderReleaseNotes -- release notes for previous releases.

Changes since Release 2018.1

Headline features

  • Chaste is now compiled with C++14.
  • Chaste now supports up to and including Ubuntu 19.04 (Disco).
  • The minimum required CMake version for building Chaste is now 3.5.1.
  • Installing Chaste is now even easier using the new docker image for Chaste.

New dependency support

  • Chaste now supports PETSc up to 3.11, Boost up to 1.70, HDF5 up to 1.10.5, Xerces up to 3.2.2, SUNDIALS up to 3.1.0 and VTK up to 8.1.
  • Chaste no longer supports PETSc < 3.6, Boost < 1.58, HDF5 < 1.8.16, XSD < 4.0.0, Xerces < 3.1.3, SUNDIALS < 2.5.0 and VTK < 6.2.


  • Two new CMake build types have been added: AggressiveOpt which sets -Ofast -march=native -DNDEBUG and is good for release builds with more aggressive optimisation, and DebugOpt which sets -Og -g and is a good default for an edit-compile-debug workflow.
    • TestChasteBuildInfo.hpp is now displaying correct information for C++ compiler flags for both cmake and the old scons build system.
  • Dropping support for XSD 3.x should prevent Chaste builds from emitting warnings about deprecated std::auto_ptr.
  • The docs directory has been refactored to contain more relevant information, and now includes a JOSS paper about Chaste and recent publications it has enabled.
  • The unused interface Hdf5DataWriter::DefineFixedDimensionUsingMatrix() was deleted.


  • Intracellular calcium is now converted consistently into milliMolar within the action potential models and so the method AbstractCardiacCellInterface::GetIntracellularCalciumConcentration() (used by mechanics models) always returns calcium in milliMolar. Note that this has changed the state variable ordering in the PyCML-generated C++ models, so any archives of these variables will need to be updated.
  • Tweaks to SteadyStateRunner class which might provide a speed-up for getting certain action potential models to steady state, by removing maximum time step from CVODE and solving separately during stimulus and non-stimulus regions.
  • The behaviour of AbstractCardiacProblem<>::SetOutputNodes() and SingleTraceOutputModifier has been altered. When running in parallel node indices into the original mesh are now automatically converted to indices into then permuted runtime mesh.

Future Plans

  • This is the last release of Chaste to support Xerces < 3.1.2.