Chaste source installation guides
Note: Most new users/developers will want to go to the main install page at InstallGuides/InstallGuide.
The guides most likely of interest to general users are:
- InstallGuide: The main Chaste installation guide
- UbuntuPackage: Installing Chaste on Ubuntu using our packages
- ChasteInstallationOnMountainLion: Installing Chaste on Mac OS X (Mountain Lion)
- Windows: Installing (cell-based) Chaste on Windows (experimental)
- DependencyVersions: Which versions of third-party libraries we support
The following is an alphabetical listing of all installation guides written by Chaste users or developers. Many recount installations on particular systems, and some are certainly out of date.
- Archer Installing Chaste on Archer
- Centos Chaste installation on Centos
- ChasteInstallationOnMountainLion Chaste on Mountain Lion
- ChasteInstallationOnSnowLeopard Installing Chaste on Mac OS X 10.6 (experimental)
- CheckoutUserProject Create a NEW project in the repository
- Comlab Installing Chaste on Oxford University Computing Laboratory machines
- Cygwin Installing Chaste on Cygwin (experimental)
- DebianEtch Installing Chaste on Debian Etch
- DependencyVersions Supported versions of our dependencies
- DeveloperUbuntuReinstall Installing (or reinstalling) with Ubuntu
- HPCInstallGuide HPC Install Guide
- Huygens Installing Chaste on Huygens
- InstallGuide Install Guide
- IntelCompiler Building Chaste for high performance with the Intel compilers
- IntrepidLaptop Jonathan's installation on his new laptop
- MacOsXTiger Installing Chaste on Mac OS X 10.4 (experimental)
- MathsInstitute Maths Institute Install Guide
- MatlabUbuntu How to install Chaste on Ubuntu in preparation for using the MATLAB interface to cell-based Chaste
- NonRootDeveloper Installing Chaste without root permissions
- Oerc On OeRC (Oxford Supercomputing Clusters) such as HAL and SAL
- TestingMultipleVersions Installing multiple versions of Chaste's dependencies for testing compatibility
- UbuntuBuildMachine Setting up an Ubuntu Build Machine
- UbuntuPackage Installing Chaste using the Ubuntu package
- Windows Installing Chaste on Windows