This tutorial is automatically generated from the file trunk/pde/test/TestSolvingLinearPdesTutorial.hpp at revision r5414. Note that the code is given in full at the bottom of the page.
Examples showing how to solve linear elliptic and parabolic PDEs
In this tutorial we show how Chaste can be used to solve linear PDEs. The first test uses the SimpleLinearEllipticAssembler to solve a linear elliptic PDE, and the second test uses the SimpleDg0ParabolicAssembler to solve a parabolic time-dependent linear PDE
The following header files need to be included. First we include the header needed to define this class as a test suite
#include <cxxtest/TestSuite.h>
On some systems there is a clash between Boost Ublas includes and PETSc. This can be resolved by making sure that Chaste's interface to the Boost libraries are included as early as possible.
#include "UblasCustomFunctions.hpp"
This is the class that is needed to solve a linear elliptic pde
#include "SimpleLinearEllipticAssembler.hpp"
This is the class that is needed to solve a linear parabolic PDE
#include "SimpleDg0ParabolicAssembler.hpp"
This is the parabolic PDE we will solve
#include "HeatEquationWithSourceTerm.hpp"
We will also solve this PDE
#include "SimplePoissonEquation.hpp"
This is needed to read mesh datafiles of the 'Triangles' format
#include "TrianglesMeshReader.hpp"
This class represents the mesh internally
#include "TetrahedralMesh.hpp"
These are used to specify boundary conditions for the PDEs
#include "BoundaryConditionsContainer.hpp" #include "ConstBoundaryCondition.hpp"
This class helps us deal with output files
#include "OutputFileHandler.hpp"
PetscSetupAndFinalize.hpp must be included in every test that uses PETSc. Note that it cannot be included in the source code.
#include "PetscSetupAndFinalize.hpp"
Test 1: Solving a linear elliptic PDE
Here, we solve the PDE: div(D grad u) + u = x2+y2, in 2D, where D is the diffusion tensor (1 1; 0 1) (ie D11=D12=D22=1, D21=0), on a square domain, with boundary conditions u=0 on x=0 or y=0, and (D gradu).n = 0 on x=1 and y=1, where n is the surface normal.
We need to create a class representing the PDE we want to solve, which will be passed into the solver. The PDE we are solving is of the type AbstractLinearEllipticPde, which is an abstract class with 3 pure methods which have to implemented. The template variable in the following line is the dimension of the space.
class MyPde : public AbstractLinearEllipticPde<2,2>
For efficiency, we will save the diffusion tensor that will be returned by one of the class' methods as a member variable. The diffusion tensor which has to be returned by the GetDiffusionTensor method in PDE classes is of the type c_matrix<double,SIZE,SIZE>, which is a u-blas matrix. We use ublas vectors and matrices where small vectors and matrices are needed. Note that ublas objects are only particularly efficient if optimisation is on (scons build=GccOpt ..).
c_matrix<double,2,2> mDiffusionTensor; public:
The constructor just sets up the diffusion tensor.
MyPde() { mDiffusionTensor(0,0) = 1.0; mDiffusionTensor(0,1) = 1.0; mDiffusionTensor(1,0) = 0.0; mDiffusionTensor(1,1) = 1.0; }
The first method which has to be implemented returns the constant (not dependent on u) part of the source term, which for our PDE is x2 + y2
double ComputeConstantInUSourceTerm(const ChastePoint<2>& rX) { return rX[0]*rX[0] + rX[1]*rX[1]; }
The second method which has to be implemented returns the coefficient in the linear-in-u part of the source term, which for our PDE is just 1.0
double ComputeLinearInUCoeffInSourceTerm(const ChastePoint<2>&, Element<2,2>* ) { return 1.0; }
The third method returns the diffusion tensor D
c_matrix<double,2,2> ComputeDiffusionTerm(const ChastePoint<2>& ) { return mDiffusionTensor; } };
Next, we define the test suite (a class). It is sensible to name it the same as the filename. The class should inherit from CxxTest::TestSuite
class TestSolvingLinearPdesTutorial : public CxxTest::TestSuite
All individual test defined in this test suite must be declared as public
Define a particular test
void TestSolvingEllipticPde()
First we declare a mesh reader which reads mesh data files of the 'Triangles' format. The path given is the relative to the main Chaste directory. The reader will look for three datafiles, [name].nodes, [name].ele and (in 2d or 3d) [name].edge. Note that the first template argument here is the dimension of the elements in the mesh (ELEM_DIM), and the second is the dimension of the nodes, i.e. the dimension of the space the mesh lives in (SPACE_DIM). Usually ELEM_DIM and SPACE_DIM will be equal.
TrianglesMeshReader<2,2> mesh_reader("mesh/test/data/square_128_elements");
Now declare a tetrahedral mesh with the same dimensions
TetrahedralMesh<2,2> mesh;
Construct the mesh using the mesh reader
Next we instantiate an instance of our PDE we which to solve
MyPde pde;
A set of boundary conditions are stored in a BoundaryConditionsContainer. The three template arguments are ELEM_DIM, SPACE_DIM and PROBLEM_DIM, the latter being the number of unknowns we are solving for. We have one unknown (ie u is a scalar, not a vector), so in this case PROBLEM_DIM=1.
BoundaryConditionsContainer<2,2,1> bcc;
Defining the boundary conditions is the only particularly fiddly part of solving PDEs, unless they are very simple, such as u=0 on the boundary, which could be done as follows
We want to specify u=0 on x=0 and y=0. To do this, get a boundary node iterator from the mesh
TetrahedralMesh<2,2>::BoundaryNodeIterator iter = mesh.GetBoundaryNodeIteratorBegin();
Then loop over the boundary nodes, getting the x and y value
while (iter < mesh.GetBoundaryNodeIteratorEnd()) { double x = (*iter)->GetPoint()[0]; double y = (*iter)->GetPoint()[1];
if x=0 or y=0..
if((x==0) || (y==0))
..create a new ConstBoundaryConditions object. This is a subclass of AbstractBoundaryCondition, and tells the caller what value to return given a particular point in space. In the first line below we say that value should be 0.0. The second line tells the BoundaryConditionsContainer object that it should associate this boundary condition with this node (*iter being a pointer to a Node<2>).
ConstBoundaryCondition<2>* p_dirichlet_boundary_condition = new ConstBoundaryCondition<2>(0.0); bcc.AddDirichletBoundaryCondition(*iter, p_dirichlet_boundary_condition); } iter++; }
Now we create Neumann boundary conditions for the surface elements on x=1 and y=1. Note that Dirichlet boundary conditions are defined on nodes, whereas Neumann boundary conditions are defined on surface elements. Note also that the natural boundary condition statement for this PDE is (D grad u).n = g(x) (where n is the outward-facing surface normal), and g(x) is a prescribed function, not something like du/dn=g(x). Hence the boundary condition we are specifying is (D grad u).n = 0.
Important note for 1D: This means that if we were solving 2uxx=f(x) in 1D, and wanted to specify du/dx=1 on the LHS boundary, the Neumann boundary value we have to specify is -2, as n=-1 (outward facing normal) so (D gradu).n = -2 when du/dx=1.
To define Neumann bcs, we define another constant boundary condition object (created using new - note that the BoundaryConditionsContainer object deals with deleting its AbstractBoundaryCondition objects), and then loop over surface elements, using the iterator provided by the mesh class.
ConstBoundaryCondition<2>* p_neumann_boundary_condition = new ConstBoundaryCondition<2>(0.0);
TetrahedralMesh<2,2>::BoundaryElementIterator surf_iter
= mesh.GetBoundaryElementIteratorBegin();
while (surf_iter < mesh.GetBoundaryElementIteratorEnd())
Get the x and y values of any node (here, the 0th) in the element
unsigned node_index = (*surf_iter)->GetNodeGlobalIndex(0); double x = mesh.GetNode(node_index)->GetPoint()[0]; double y = mesh.GetNode(node_index)->GetPoint()[1];
if x=1 or y=1..
if( (fabs(x-1.0) < 1e-6) || (fabs(y-1.0) < 1e-6) )
associate the boundary condition with the surface element
bcc.AddNeumannBoundaryCondition(*surf_iter, p_neumann_boundary_condition); }
and increment the iterator
surf_iter++; }
Next we define the assembler - the solver of the PDE. (Assembler is a bit of a misnomer - assemblers both assemble the finite element equations, and solve them. To solve AbstractLinearEllipticPde (which is the type of pde MyPde is), we use a SimpleLinearEllipticAssembler. The assembler, again templated over ELEM_DIM and SPACE_DIM, needs to be given (pointers to) the mesh, pde and boundary conditions.
SimpleLinearEllipticAssembler<2,2> assembler(&mesh,&pde,&bcc);
To solve, just call Solve(). A Petsc vector is returned.
Vec result = assembler.Solve();
It is a pain to access the individual components of a Petsc vector, even in sequential. A helper class called ReplicatableVector has been created. Create an instance of one of these, using the Petsc Vec as the data. The ith component of result can now be obtained by simply doing result_repl[i].
ReplicatableVector result_repl(result);
Let us write out the solution to a file. To do this, create an OutputFileHandler, passing in the directory we want files written to. This is relative to the directory defined by the CHASTE_TEST_OUTPUT environment variable - usually /tmp/chaste/testoutput. Note by default the output directory passed in is cleaned. To avoid this, false can be passed in as a second parameter
OutputFileHandler output_file_handler("TestSolvingLinearPdeTutorial");
Create an out_stream, which is a stream to a particular file. An out_stream is a pointer to a ofstream
out_stream p_file = output_file_handler.OpenOutputFile("linear_solution.txt");
Loop over the entries of the solution
for (unsigned i=0; i<result_repl.size(); i++) {
Get the x and y-values of the node corresponding to this entry. The method GetNode on the mesh class returns a pointer to a Node
double x = mesh.GetNode(i)->rGetLocation()[0]; double y = mesh.GetNode(i)->rGetLocation()[1];
Get the computed solution at this node from the ReplicatableVector
double u = result_repl[i];
Finally, write x, y and u to the output file. The solution could then be visualised in (eg) matlab, using the commands: sol=load('linear_solution.txt'); plot3(sol(:,1),sol(:,2),sol(:,3),'.');
(*p_file) << x << " " << y << " " << u << "\n"; }
All Petsc Vecs should be destroyed when they are no longer needed
VecDestroy(result); }
Test 2: Solving a linear parabolic PDE
Now we solve a parabolic PDE. We choose a simple problem so that the code changes needed from the elliptic case are clearer. We will solve du/dt = div(gradu) + u, in 3d, with boundary conditions u=1 on the boundary, and initial conditions u=1
void TestSolvingParabolicPde( void ) {
Create a 10 by 10 by 10 mesh in 3D, this time using the ConstructCuboid method on the mesh.
TetrahedralMesh<3,3> mesh; mesh.ConstructCuboid(10,10,10);
This returns a mesh over the region [0,10]3 with 10 elements in each direction, so we have to scale it down to [0,1]3
mesh.Scale(1.0/10, 1.0/10, 1.0/10);
Our PDE object should be a class that is derived from the AbstractLinearParabolicPde. We could write it ourselves as in the previous test, but since the PDE we want to solve is so simple, it has already been defined
HeatEquationWithSourceTerm<3> pde;
Create a new boundary conditions container and specify u=1.0 on the boundary
BoundaryConditionsContainer<3,3,1> bcc; bcc.DefineConstantDirichletOnMeshBoundary(&mesh, 1.0);
Create an instance of the assembler, passing in the mesh, pde and boundary conditions. The true template parameters says this is a NON_HEART problem (so the certain optimisations for cardiac problems are not used).
SimpleDg0ParabolicAssembler<3,3,true> assembler(&mesh,&pde,&bcc);
For parabolic problems, initial conditions are also needed. The assembler will expect a Petsc vector, where the i-th entry is the initial solution at node i, to be passed in. To create this Petsc Vec, we will use a helper function in the PetscTools class to create a Vec of size num_nodes, with each entry set to 1.0. Then we set the initial condition on the assembler
Vec initial_condition = PetscTools::CreateVec(mesh.GetNumNodes(), 1.0);
Next define the start time, end time, and timestep, and set them.
double t_start = 0; double t_end = 1; double dt = 0.01; assembler.SetTimes(t_start, t_end, dt);
Now we can solve the problem. The Vec that is returned can be passed into a ReplicatableVector as before
Vec solution = assembler.Solve(); ReplicatableVector solution_repl(solution);
Let's also solve the equivalent static PDE, ie set du/dt=0, so 0=div(gradu) + u. This is easy, as the PDE class has already been defined
SimplePoissonEquation<3,3> static_pde; SimpleLinearEllipticAssembler<3,3> static_assembler(&mesh, &static_pde, &bcc); Vec static_solution = static_assembler.Solve(); ReplicatableVector static_solution_repl(static_solution);
We can now compare the solution of the parabolic PDE at t=1 with the static solution, to see if the static equilibrium solution was reached in the former. (Ideally we should compute some relative error, but we just compute an absolute error for simplicity).
for(unsigned i=0; i<static_solution_repl.size(); i++) { TS_ASSERT_DELTA( solution_repl[i], static_solution_repl[i], 1e-3); }
All Petsc vectors should be destroyed when they are no longer needed
VecDestroy(initial_condition); VecDestroy(solution); VecDestroy(static_solution); } };
The full code is given below
#include <cxxtest/TestSuite.h> #include "UblasCustomFunctions.hpp" #include "SimpleLinearEllipticAssembler.hpp" #include "SimpleDg0ParabolicAssembler.hpp" #include "HeatEquationWithSourceTerm.hpp" #include "SimplePoissonEquation.hpp" #include "TrianglesMeshReader.hpp" #include "TetrahedralMesh.hpp" #include "BoundaryConditionsContainer.hpp" #include "ConstBoundaryCondition.hpp" #include "OutputFileHandler.hpp" #include "PetscSetupAndFinalize.hpp" class MyPde : public AbstractLinearEllipticPde<2,2> { private: c_matrix<double,2,2> mDiffusionTensor; public: MyPde() { mDiffusionTensor(0,0) = 1.0; mDiffusionTensor(0,1) = 1.0; mDiffusionTensor(1,0) = 0.0; mDiffusionTensor(1,1) = 1.0; } double ComputeConstantInUSourceTerm(const ChastePoint<2>& rX) { return rX[0]*rX[0] + rX[1]*rX[1]; } double ComputeLinearInUCoeffInSourceTerm(const ChastePoint<2>&, Element<2,2>* ) { return 1.0; } c_matrix<double,2,2> ComputeDiffusionTerm(const ChastePoint<2>& ) { return mDiffusionTensor; } }; class TestSolvingLinearPdesTutorial : public CxxTest::TestSuite { public: void TestSolvingEllipticPde() { TrianglesMeshReader<2,2> mesh_reader("mesh/test/data/square_128_elements"); TetrahedralMesh<2,2> mesh; mesh.ConstructFromMeshReader(mesh_reader); MyPde pde; BoundaryConditionsContainer<2,2,1> bcc; //bcc.DefineZeroDirichletOnMeshBoundary(&mesh); TetrahedralMesh<2,2>::BoundaryNodeIterator iter = mesh.GetBoundaryNodeIteratorBegin(); while (iter < mesh.GetBoundaryNodeIteratorEnd()) { double x = (*iter)->GetPoint()[0]; double y = (*iter)->GetPoint()[1]; if((x==0) || (y==0)) { ConstBoundaryCondition<2>* p_dirichlet_boundary_condition = new ConstBoundaryCondition<2>(0.0); bcc.AddDirichletBoundaryCondition(*iter, p_dirichlet_boundary_condition); } iter++; } ConstBoundaryCondition<2>* p_neumann_boundary_condition = new ConstBoundaryCondition<2>(0.0); TetrahedralMesh<2,2>::BoundaryElementIterator surf_iter = mesh.GetBoundaryElementIteratorBegin(); while (surf_iter < mesh.GetBoundaryElementIteratorEnd()) { unsigned node_index = (*surf_iter)->GetNodeGlobalIndex(0); double x = mesh.GetNode(node_index)->GetPoint()[0]; double y = mesh.GetNode(node_index)->GetPoint()[1]; if( (fabs(x-1.0) < 1e-6) || (fabs(y-1.0) < 1e-6) ) { bcc.AddNeumannBoundaryCondition(*surf_iter, p_neumann_boundary_condition); } surf_iter++; } SimpleLinearEllipticAssembler<2,2> assembler(&mesh,&pde,&bcc); Vec result = assembler.Solve(); ReplicatableVector result_repl(result); OutputFileHandler output_file_handler("TestSolvingLinearPdeTutorial"); out_stream p_file = output_file_handler.OpenOutputFile("linear_solution.txt"); for (unsigned i=0; i<result_repl.size(); i++) { double x = mesh.GetNode(i)->rGetLocation()[0]; double y = mesh.GetNode(i)->rGetLocation()[1]; double u = result_repl[i]; (*p_file) << x << " " << y << " " << u << "\n"; } VecDestroy(result); } void TestSolvingParabolicPde( void ) { TetrahedralMesh<3,3> mesh; mesh.ConstructCuboid(10,10,10); mesh.Scale(1.0/10, 1.0/10, 1.0/10); HeatEquationWithSourceTerm<3> pde; BoundaryConditionsContainer<3,3,1> bcc; bcc.DefineConstantDirichletOnMeshBoundary(&mesh, 1.0); SimpleDg0ParabolicAssembler<3,3,true> assembler(&mesh,&pde,&bcc); Vec initial_condition = PetscTools::CreateVec(mesh.GetNumNodes(), 1.0); assembler.SetInitialCondition(initial_condition); double t_start = 0; double t_end = 1; double dt = 0.01; assembler.SetTimes(t_start, t_end, dt); Vec solution = assembler.Solve(); ReplicatableVector solution_repl(solution); SimplePoissonEquation<3,3> static_pde; SimpleLinearEllipticAssembler<3,3> static_assembler(&mesh, &static_pde, &bcc); Vec static_solution = static_assembler.Solve(); ReplicatableVector static_solution_repl(static_solution); for(unsigned i=0; i<static_solution_repl.size(); i++) { TS_ASSERT_DELTA( solution_repl[i], static_solution_repl[i], 1e-3); } VecDestroy(initial_condition); VecDestroy(solution); VecDestroy(static_solution); } };