Documentation for Release 2024.1
Static Ventilation
This tutorial is automatically generated from TestStaticVentilationTutorial.hpp at revision 0a2ab4e09adf. Note that the code is given in full at the bottom of the page.
An example showing how to calculate ventilation distribution in an airway tree for a given flow rate at the trachea
In this tutorial we demonstrate the use of !MatrixVentilationProblem to calculate airflow distribution in an airway tree model. Homogeneous pressure boundary conditions are used at the terminals of the tree and a flow boundary condition is used at the trachea. We demonstrate how to calculate the total bronchial pressure drop at different flow rates.
The usual headers are included
#include <cxxtest/TestSuite.h>
#include "TrianglesMeshReader.hpp"
!MatrixVentilationProblem does most of the work in calculating a ventilation distribution.
#include "MatrixVentilationProblem.hpp"
Note that this tutorial only works with UMFPACK or KLU – we need to warn the user if it’s not installed
#include "Warnings.hpp"
!MatrixVentilationProblem uses the Petsc solver library. This setups up Petsc ready for use.
#include "PetscSetupAndFinalize.hpp"
Define the test
class TestStaticVentilationTutorial : public CxxTest::TestSuite
public: // Tests should be public!
void TestCalculatePressureDrop()
First we setup a !MatrixVentilationProblem and tell it to load an airway centerline mesh.
Note that the airway centerline mesh cannot have intermediate nodes/elements within an airway. Typically intermediate nodes are found in imaging derived airways centerlines. These can be removed using the !AirwayRemesher class.
See the note below about use of UMFPACK or KLU. If UMFPACK or KLU are not available we use a different (not realistic) airways mesh.
#if defined(LUNG_USE_UMFPACK) || defined(LUNG_USE_KLU)
MatrixVentilationProblem problem("lung/test/data/simplified_airways", 0u);
WARNING("Not compiled with UMFPACK or KLU. Using non-realistic airway tree.");
MatrixVentilationProblem problem("mesh/test/data/y_branch_3d_mesh", 0u);
Matrix ventilation problem uses SI units but the mesh is specified in mm. This method allows the solver to handle this discrepancy.
Airway meshes can have radii defined either on nodes (default) or on edges. Here we tell the solver that the mesh has radii defined on edges.
The ventilation solver can use different flow models. By default it uses the simplest Poiseuille flow model. Whilst this is quick to calculate the results are not accurate for high flow rates. Here we tell the solver to use a more accurate flow model based on Pedley 1970. Whilst this is more accurate simulations take longer!
We define some tracheal flow rates to test. The values are specified in m^3/s These give a range from 10 L/min to 100 L/min.
std::vector<double> flows;
Loop over the tracheal flow rates and solve
for (unsigned i = 0; i < flows.size(); ++i)
This sets the boundary conditions: flow at the trachea and homogeneous zero pressure at the terminal airways
Calculates flow on the tree
Here we obtain vectors containing the calculated pressures and fluxes at all nodes and elements in the mesh.
std::vector<double> flux, pressure;
problem.GetSolutionAsFluxesAndPressures(flux, pressure);
The vectors can be used to analyse the flow distribution in detail. However, for this example we just output the total bronchial pressure drop between the trachea and the terminal airways.
std::cout << "Total bronchial pressure drop for a tracheal flow rate of " << flows[i] << " m^3/s is " << pressure[0] << " Pa.\n";
// cout << pressure[1] << endl;
Ventilation problems lead to very badly conditioned matrices. Iterative solvers such as GMRES can stall on these matrices. When running problems on large airway trees it is vital that to change the linear solver to a direct solver such as UMFPACK or KLU. UMFPACK and KLU are not pre-requisites for installing Chaste, hence this is not (currently) the default linear solver for ventilation problems.
‘‘UMFPACK or KLU should be considered pre-requisites for large ventilation problems’’
To use UMFPACK or KLU, you need to have PETSc installed with UMFPACK/KLU.
To switch on UMFPACK or KLU on within chaste, set “ccflags=’-DLUNG_USE_UMFPACK’” or
“ccflags=’-DLUNG_USE_KLU’” in your or
open the file lung/src/ventilation/MatrixVentilationProblem.hpp
and uncomment the line
#define LUNG_USE_UMFPACK near the top of the file.
Full code
#include <cxxtest/TestSuite.h>
#include "TrianglesMeshReader.hpp"
#include "MatrixVentilationProblem.hpp"
#include "Warnings.hpp"
#include "PetscSetupAndFinalize.hpp"
class TestStaticVentilationTutorial : public CxxTest::TestSuite
public: // Tests should be public!
void TestCalculatePressureDrop()
#if defined(LUNG_USE_UMFPACK) || defined(LUNG_USE_KLU)
MatrixVentilationProblem problem("lung/test/data/simplified_airways", 0u);
WARNING("Not compiled with UMFPACK or KLU. Using non-realistic airway tree.");
MatrixVentilationProblem problem("mesh/test/data/y_branch_3d_mesh", 0u);
std::vector<double> flows;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < flows.size(); ++i)
std::vector<double> flux, pressure;
problem.GetSolutionAsFluxesAndPressures(flux, pressure);
std::cout << "Total bronchial pressure drop for a tracheal flow rate of " << flows[i] << " m^3/s is " << pressure[0] << " Pa.\n";
// cout << pressure[1] << endl;