Documentation for Release 2024.1
Writing Pde Solvers
This tutorial is automatically generated from TestWritingPdeSolversTutorial.hpp at revision 71ac325b969f. Note that the code is given in full at the bottom of the page.
Chaste can be used to set up solvers for more general (coupled) PDEs. To do this the user just needs to code up the integrands of any finite element (FE) matrices or vectors, without having to deal with set-up, looping over elements, numerical quadrature, assembly or solving the linear system. If you have a set of coupled linear PDEs for which it is appropriate to use linear basis functions for each unknown (for example, a reaction-diffusion system), then it is relatively straightforward to set up a solver that will be parallel and reliable, since all the base components are heavily tested.
Some solvers for general simple (uncoupled) linear PDEs are already provided in Chaste, such
as the SimpleLinearEllipticSolver
. These are for PDEs that can be written in a generic
form (SimpleLinearEllipticPde
, for example). However ‘‘coupled’’ PDEs can’t
be easily written in generic form, so the user has to write their own solver. In this tutorial
we explain how to do this.
For this tutorial the user needs to have read the solving-PDEs tutorials. It may also be helpful to read the associated lectures notes, in particular the slides on solving equations using finite elements if you are not familiar with this (lecture 2), the slides on the general design of the Chaste finite element solvers (lecture 3), and the first part of lecture 4.
Let us use the terminology “assembled in an FE manner” for any matrix or vector that is defined via a volume/surface/line integral, and which is constructed by: looping over elements (or surface elements, etc); computing the elemental contribution (i.e. a small matrix/vector) using numerical quadrature; and adding to the full matrix/vector.
We only consider linear problems here. In these problems the discretised FE problem leads to a linear system, Ax=b, to be solved once in static problems and at each time step in time-dependent problems. There are two cases to be distinguished. The first case is where BOTH A and b are assembled in an FE manner, b possibly being composed of a volume integral plus a surface integral. The other case is where this is not true, for example where b = Mc+d, where the vector d and matrix M are assembled in an FE manner, but not the vector c.
The Chaste PDE classes include ASSEMBLER classes, for setting up anything assembled in an FE manner, and SOLVER classes, for setting up linear systems. In the general case, solvers need to own assemblers for setting up each part of the linear system. However for the first case described above (in which both A and b in Ax=b are assembled), we can use the design where the solver IS AN assembler. We illustrate how to do this in the first tutorial.
Writing solvers
Let us write a solver for the coupled 2-unknown problem
$$ \begin{align*} \nabla^2 u + v &= f(x,y),\\\ \nabla^2 u + u &= g(x,y), \end{align*} $$
where $f$ and $g$ are chosen so that, with zero-dirichlet boundary conditions, the solution is given by $u = \sin(\pi x)\sin(\pi x)$, $v = \sin(2\pi x)\sin(2\pi x)$.
(As a brief aside, note that the solver we write will in fact work with general Dirichlet-Neumann boundary conditions, though the test will only provide all-Dirichlet boundary conditions. We save a discussion on general Dirichlet-Neumann boundary conditions for the second example.)
Using linear basis functions, and a mesh with N nodes, the linear system that needs to be set up is of size 2N by 2N, and in block form is:
[ K -M ] [U] = [b1]
[ -M K ] [V] [b2]
where K
is the stiffness matrix, M
the mass matrix, U
the vector of nodal values
of u, V
the vector of nodal values of v, b1
the vector with entries $\int f\phi_i dV$ ($i=1,\dots,N$)
and b2
has entries $\int g\phi_i dV$ (here $\phi_i$ are the linear basis functions).
This is the linear system which we now write a solver to set up.
The main Chaste solvers assume a STRIPED data format, i.e. that the unknown vector is:
[U_1 V_1 U_2 V_2 .. U_n V_n]
, not [U_1 U_2 .. U_n V_1 V_2 .. V_n]
We write down equations in block form as it makes things clearer, but have to remember that the code deals with STRIPED data structures. Striping is used in the code for parallelisation reasons.
These are some basic includes as in the solving-PDEs tutorials
#include <cxxtest/TestSuite.h>
#include "TetrahedralMesh.hpp"
#include "TrianglesMeshReader.hpp"
#include "BoundaryConditionsContainer.hpp"
#include "ConstBoundaryCondition.hpp"
#include "PetscSetupAndFinalize.hpp"
#include "TrianglesMeshWriter.hpp"
We need to include the following two classes if we are going to use a combination of
(element_dim, space_dim, problem_dim) that isn’t explicitly instantiated in
(see the bottom of that file) (without these includes this test will
fail to link).
#include "BoundaryConditionsContainerImplementation.hpp"
#include "AbstractBoundaryConditionsContainerImplementation.hpp"
These two classes will be used in writing the solver
#include "AbstractAssemblerSolverHybrid.hpp"
#include "AbstractStaticLinearPdeSolver.hpp"
We will solve a second problem, below, which will be time-dependent and will require the following class
#include "AbstractDynamicLinearPdeSolver.hpp"
The linear system is Ax=b where A and b are FE assembled, so we can use the solver-is-an-assembler
design. To construct our solver, we inherit from AbstractAssemblerSolverHybrid
which links
the solver clases to the assembler classes, and AbstractStaticLinearPdeSolver
. (For time-dependent
problems, the second parent would be AbstractDynamicLinearPdeSolver
). Note the template
parameter PROBLEM_DIM
below, in this case it is 2 as there are two unknowns.
class MyTwoVariablePdeSolver
: public AbstractAssemblerSolverHybrid<2/*elem_dim*/,2/*space_dim*/,2/*problem_dim*/,NORMAL/*amount of interpolation*/>,
public AbstractStaticLinearPdeSolver<2,2,2>
The function f
double f(double x,double y)
return -2*M_PI*M_PI*sin(M_PI*x)*sin(M_PI*y) + sin(2*M_PI*x)*sin(2*M_PI*y);
The function g
double g(double x,double y)
return -8*M_PI*M_PI*sin(2*M_PI*x)*sin(2*M_PI*y) + sin(M_PI*x)*sin(M_PI*y);
The abstract assembler parent classes know how to assemble matrices and vectors, but the concrete
class needs to provide the integrand of the elemental contribution to A and b. This first
method returns the elemental contribution of the matrix A, given the provided bases
, rGradPhi
). The ‘3’s here represent the number of bases per element (ie the number
of nodes as linear bases are being used). The returned matrix is 6 by 6 (problem_dim * num_bases_per_element = 2*3 = 6
c_matrix<double,2*3,2*3> ComputeMatrixTerm(c_vector<double,3>& rPhi /* the three bases for the current element, evaluated at the current quad pt*/,
c_matrix<double,2,3>& rGradPhi /* gradients of the three bases */,
ChastePoint<2>& rX /* physical coordinate of quad point */,
c_vector<double,2>& rU /* current solution (unused here as a linear static problem */,
c_matrix<double,2,2>& rGradU /* current solution gradient (unused here as a linear static problem */,
Element<2,2>* pElement)
Set up the matrix, which corresponds to the elemental contribution for the matrix
written above, taking into account the striped nature of the matrices and vectors.
(Note: the following can be done more efficiently using matrix slices and products,
see BidomainAssembler
for example).
c_matrix<double,2*3,2*3> ret = zero_matrix<double>(2*3, 2*3);
for (unsigned i=0; i<3; i++)
for (unsigned j=0; j<3; j++)
for (unsigned k=0; k<2; k++)
// stiffness matrix on diagonal 'blocks'
ret(2*i, 2*j) += rGradPhi(k,i)*rGradPhi(k,j);
ret(2*i+1,2*j+1) += rGradPhi(k,i)*rGradPhi(k,j);
// (negative) mass matrix on off-diagonal 'blocks'
ret(2*i+1, 2*j) = -rPhi(i)*rPhi(j);
ret(2*i, 2*j+1) = -rPhi(i)*rPhi(j);
return ret;
Similarly compute the elemental contribution to the RHS vector
c_vector<double,2*3> ComputeVectorTerm(c_vector<double, 3>& rPhi,
c_matrix<double, 2, 2+1>& rGradPhi,
ChastePoint<2>& rX,
c_vector<double,2>& rU,
c_matrix<double,2,2>& rGradU,
Element<2,2>* pElement)
c_vector<double,2*3> ret;
for (unsigned i=0; i<3; i++)
ret(2*i) = -f(rX[0],rX[1]) * rPhi(i);
ret(2*i+1) = -g(rX[0],rX[1]) * rPhi(i);
return ret;
These classes which inherit from both assemblers and solvers must provide the following method, which links the two. Just copy and paste the following.
void SetupLinearSystem(Vec currentSolution, bool computeMatrix)
SetupGivenLinearSystem(currentSolution, computeMatrix, this->mpLinearSystem);
The constructor takes in a mesh and boundary conditions container, and passes them to the parent classes.
MyTwoVariablePdeSolver(TetrahedralMesh<2,2>* pMesh,
BoundaryConditionsContainer<2,2,2>* pBoundaryConditions)
: AbstractAssemblerSolverHybrid<2,2,2,NORMAL>(pMesh,pBoundaryConditions),
That is the solver written. The usage is the same as see the PDE solvers described in the previous tutorials - have a look at the first test below.
A solver of 3 parabolic equations
Let us also write a solver for the following problem, which is composed of 3 parabolic PDEs
$$ \begin{align*} u_t &= \nabla^2 u + v,\\\ v_t &= \nabla^2 v + u + 2w,\\\ w_t &= \nabla^2 w + g(t,x,y), \end{align*} $$
where $g(t,x,y) = t$ if $x>0.5$ and $0$ otherwise. This time we assume general Dirichlet-Neumann boundary conditions will be specified.
The AbstractAssemblerSolverHybrid
deals with the Dirichlet and Neumann boundary parts of the implementation,
so, we, the writer of the solver, don’t have to worry about this. The user has to realise though that they are
specifying NATURAL Neumann BCs, which are whatever appears naturally in the weak form of the problem. In this case, natural
Neumann BCs are specification of: $\partial u/\partial n = s_1, \partial v/\partial n = s_2, \partial w/ \partial n = s_3$,
which coincide with usual Neumann BCs. However, suppose the last equation was $w_t = \nabla^2 w + \nabla . (D \nabla u)$,
then the natural BCs would be:
$\partial u/\partial n = s_1, \partial v/\partial n = s_2, \partial w/\partial n + (D\nabla u).n = s_3$.
We need to choose a time-discretisation. Let us choose an implicit discretisation, ie
(u^{n+1} - u^{n})/dt = Laplacian(u^{n+1}) + v^{n+1}
(v^{n+1} - v^{n})/dt = Laplacian(v^{n+1}) + u^{n+1} + 2w^{n+1}
(w^{n+1} - w^{n})/dt = Laplacian(w^{n+1}) + g(t^{n+1},x)
Using linear basis functions, and a mesh with N nodes, the linear system that needs to be set up is of size 3N by 3N, and in block form is:
[ M/dt+K -M 0 ] [U^{n+1}] = [b1] + [c1]
[ -M M/dt+K -2M ] [V^{n+1}] [b2] + [c2]
[ 0 0 M/dt+K ] [W^{n+1}] [b3] + [c3]
where K
is the stiffness matrix, M
the mass matrix, U^n
the vector of nodal values
of u at time t_n, etc, b1
has entries integral( (u^n/dt)phi_i dV )
, and similarly for
and b3
. Writing the Neumann boundary conditions for
u as du/dn = s1(x,y)
on Gamma, a subset of the boundary, then c1
has entries
integral_over_Gamma (s1*phi_i dS)
, and similarly for c2
and c3
Let us create a solver for this linear system, which will be written in a way in which the RHS
vector is assembled in an FE manner, so that the solver-is-an-assembler design can be used.
Note that this solver inherits from AbstractDynamicLinearPdeSolver
and PROBLEM_DIM is now equal
to 3. We don’t have to worry about setting up [c1 c2 c3] (we just need to take in a BoundaryConditionsContainer
and the parent will use it in assembling this vector). We do however have to tell it
how to assemble the volume integral part of the RHS vector, and the LHS matrix.
class ThreeParabolicPdesSolver
: public AbstractAssemblerSolverHybrid<2,2,3,NORMAL>,
public AbstractDynamicLinearPdeSolver<2,2,3>
Define the function g(t,x,y)
double g(double t, ChastePoint<2>& rX)
return t*(rX[0]>0.5);
Provide the (elemental contribution to the) LHS matrix. The matrix is 9 by 9, where 9 = 3*3 = PROBLEM_DIM * NUM_NODES_PER_ELEMENT
c_matrix<double,3*3,3*3> ComputeMatrixTerm(c_vector<double,3>& rPhi,
c_matrix<double,2,3>& rGradPhi,
ChastePoint<2>& rX,
c_vector<double,3>& rU,
c_matrix<double,3,2>& rGradU,
Element<2,2>* pElement)
c_matrix<double,9,9> ret = zero_matrix<double>(9,9);
// this is how to get the current timestep
double dt = PdeSimulationTime::GetPdeTimeStep();
for (unsigned i=0; i<3; i++)
for (unsigned j=0; j<3; j++)
// mass matrix on the diagonal blocks
ret(3*i, 3*j) = rPhi(i)*rPhi(j)/dt;
ret(3*i+1,3*j+1) = rPhi(i)*rPhi(j)/dt;
ret(3*i+2,3*j+2) = rPhi(i)*rPhi(j)/dt;
// mass matrix on some off-diagonal blocks
ret(3*i, 3*j+1) = -rPhi(i)*rPhi(j);
ret(3*i+1,3*j) = -rPhi(i)*rPhi(j);
ret(3*i+1,3*j+2) = -2*rPhi(i)*rPhi(j);
// stiffness matrix on the diagonal blocks
for (unsigned dim=0; dim<2; dim++)
ret(3*i, 3*j) += rGradPhi(dim,i)*rGradPhi(dim,j);
ret(3*i+1,3*j+1) += rGradPhi(dim,i)*rGradPhi(dim,j);
ret(3*i+2,3*j+2) += rGradPhi(dim,i)*rGradPhi(dim,j);
return ret;
Provide the volume elemental contribution to the RHS vector, ie the vector [b1 b2 b3]
c_vector<double,3*3> ComputeVectorTerm(c_vector<double, 3>& rPhi,
c_matrix<double, 2, 3>& rGradPhi,
ChastePoint<2>& rX,
c_vector<double,3>& rU,
c_matrix<double,3,2>& rGradU,
Element<2,2>* pElement)
c_vector<double,3*3> ret;
// get u,v,w out of the provided parameters
double u = rU(0);
double v = rU(1);
double w = rU(2);
// this is how to get the current time, timestep and inverse of the timestep
double t = PdeSimulationTime::GetTime();
double dt = PdeSimulationTime::GetPdeTimeStep();
double inverse_dt = PdeSimulationTime::GetPdeTimeStepInverse();
for (unsigned i=0; i<3; i++)
ret(3*i) = u* inverse_dt * rPhi(i);
ret(3*i+1) = v* inverse_dt * rPhi(i);
ret(3*i+2) = (w * inverse_dt + g(t+dt,rX)) * rPhi(i);
return ret;
Define this method as before
void SetupLinearSystem(Vec currentSolution, bool computeMatrix)
SetupGivenLinearSystem(currentSolution, computeMatrix, this->mpLinearSystem);
The constructor is similar to before. However: important - by default the dynamic solvers will reassemble the matrix each timestep. In this (and most other) problems the matrix is constant and only needs to be assembled once. Make sure we tell the solver this, otherwise performance will be destroyed.
ThreeParabolicPdesSolver(TetrahedralMesh<2,2>* pMesh,
BoundaryConditionsContainer<2,2,3>* pBoundaryConditions)
: AbstractAssemblerSolverHybrid<2,2,3,NORMAL>(pMesh,pBoundaryConditions),
this->mMatrixIsConstant = true;
Now the tests using the two solvers
class TestWritingPdeSolversTutorial : public CxxTest::TestSuite
Use the first solver to solve the static PDE. We apply zero Dirichlet boundary conditions on the whole of the boundary for both variables.
void TestMyTwoVariablePdeSolver()
TetrahedralMesh<2,2> mesh;
mesh.ConstructRegularSlabMesh(0.01 /*h*/, 1.0 /*width*/, 1.0 /*height*/);
// Boundary conditions for 2-unknown problem
BoundaryConditionsContainer<2,2,2> bcc;
bcc.DefineZeroDirichletOnMeshBoundary(&mesh,0); // zero dirichlet for u
bcc.DefineZeroDirichletOnMeshBoundary(&mesh,1); // zero dirichlet for v
// Use our purpose-made solver for this problem:
MyTwoVariablePdeSolver solver(&mesh,&bcc);
The AbstractStaticLinearPdeSolver
class from which our solver
inherits, provides a Solve
Vec result = solver.Solve();
ReplicatableVector result_repl(result);
Compare against the exact solution.
for (unsigned i=0; i<mesh.GetNumNodes(); i++)
double x = mesh.GetNode(i)->GetPoint()[0];
double y = mesh.GetNode(i)->GetPoint()[1];
double u = result_repl[2*i];
double v = result_repl[2*i+1];
double u_exact = sin(M_PI*x)*sin(M_PI*y);
double v_exact = sin(2*M_PI*x)*sin(2*M_PI*y);
TS_ASSERT_DELTA(u, u_exact, 0.002);
TS_ASSERT_DELTA(v, v_exact, 0.007);
Now run a test solving the parabolic-parabolic-parabolic PDE system.
void TestMyParaEllipticSetOfPdesSolver()
TetrahedralMesh<2,2> mesh;
mesh.ConstructRegularSlabMesh(0.05 /*h*/, 1.0 /*width*/, 1.0 /*height*/);
Set up the boundary conditions. v and w are zero on the entire boundary, and $\partial u/\partial n=1$ on the LHS and 0 otherwise.
BoundaryConditionsContainer<2,2,3> bcc;
bcc.DefineZeroDirichletOnMeshBoundary(&mesh,1 /*index of unknown, ie v*/);
bcc.DefineZeroDirichletOnMeshBoundary(&mesh,2 /*index of unknown, ie w*/);
ConstBoundaryCondition<2>* p_neumann_bc = new ConstBoundaryCondition<2>(1.0);
TetrahedralMesh<2,2>::BoundaryElementIterator iter = mesh.GetBoundaryElementIteratorBegin();
while (iter < mesh.GetBoundaryElementIteratorEnd())
if (fabs((*iter)->CalculateCentroid()[0])<1e-6)
bcc.AddNeumannBoundaryCondition(*iter, p_neumann_bc, 0 /*index of unknown, ie u*/);
Use our solver
ThreeParabolicPdesSolver solver(&mesh,&bcc);
The interface is exactly the same as the SimpleLinearParabolicSolver
solver.SetTimes(0.0, 2.0);
Vec initial_condition = PetscTools::CreateAndSetVec(3*mesh.GetNumNodes(), 0.0);
For this test we show how to output results to file for multiple sampling times. We start by specifying an output directory and filename prefix for our results file:
When an output directory has been specified, the solver writes output in HDF5 format. To
convert this to another output format, we call the relevant method. Here, we convert
the output to plain txt files. We also say how often to write the data, telling the
solver to output results to file every tenth timestep. The solver will create
one file for each variable and for each time, so for example, the file
is the results for $u$, over all nodes, at the 11th printed time.
Have a look in the output directory after running the test. (Note: the HDF5 data can also be
converted to VTK or cmgui formats).
We are now ready to solve the system.
Vec result = solver.Solve();
ReplicatableVector result_repl(result);
The plain txt output can be loaded into matlab for easy visualisation. For this we also need the mesh data - at the very least the nodal locations - so we also write out the mesh
TrianglesMeshWriter<2,2> mesh_writer("ThreeVarCoupledProblem", "mesh", false /*don't clean (ie delete everything in) directory!*/);
Note that we need to destroy the initial condition vector as well as the solution.
Visualisation: To visualise in matlab/octave, you can load the node file,
and then the data files. However, the node file needs to be edited to remove any
comment lines (lines starting with #
) and the header line (which says how
many nodes there are). (The little matlab script anim/matlab/read_chaste_node_file.m
can be used to do this, though it is not claimed to be very robust). As an
example matlab visualisation script, the following, if run from the output
directory, plots w:
pos = read_chaste_node_file('mesh.node');
for i=0:200
file = ['txt_output/results_Variable_2_',num2str(i),'.txt'];
w = load(file);
Full code
#include <cxxtest/TestSuite.h>
#include "TetrahedralMesh.hpp"
#include "TrianglesMeshReader.hpp"
#include "BoundaryConditionsContainer.hpp"
#include "ConstBoundaryCondition.hpp"
#include "PetscSetupAndFinalize.hpp"
#include "TrianglesMeshWriter.hpp"
#include "BoundaryConditionsContainerImplementation.hpp"
#include "AbstractBoundaryConditionsContainerImplementation.hpp"
#include "AbstractAssemblerSolverHybrid.hpp"
#include "AbstractStaticLinearPdeSolver.hpp"
#include "AbstractDynamicLinearPdeSolver.hpp"
class MyTwoVariablePdeSolver
: public AbstractAssemblerSolverHybrid<2/*elem_dim*/,2/*space_dim*/,2/*problem_dim*/,NORMAL/*amount of interpolation*/>,
public AbstractStaticLinearPdeSolver<2,2,2>
double f(double x,double y)
return -2*M_PI*M_PI*sin(M_PI*x)*sin(M_PI*y) + sin(2*M_PI*x)*sin(2*M_PI*y);
double g(double x,double y)
return -8*M_PI*M_PI*sin(2*M_PI*x)*sin(2*M_PI*y) + sin(M_PI*x)*sin(M_PI*y);
c_matrix<double,2*3,2*3> ComputeMatrixTerm(c_vector<double,3>& rPhi /* the three bases for the current element, evaluated at the current quad pt*/,
c_matrix<double,2,3>& rGradPhi /* gradients of the three bases */,
ChastePoint<2>& rX /* physical coordinate of quad point */,
c_vector<double,2>& rU /* current solution (unused here as a linear static problem */,
c_matrix<double,2,2>& rGradU /* current solution gradient (unused here as a linear static problem */,
Element<2,2>* pElement)
c_matrix<double,2*3,2*3> ret = zero_matrix<double>(2*3, 2*3);
for (unsigned i=0; i<3; i++)
for (unsigned j=0; j<3; j++)
for (unsigned k=0; k<2; k++)
// stiffness matrix on diagonal 'blocks'
ret(2*i, 2*j) += rGradPhi(k,i)*rGradPhi(k,j);
ret(2*i+1,2*j+1) += rGradPhi(k,i)*rGradPhi(k,j);
// (negative) mass matrix on off-diagonal 'blocks'
ret(2*i+1, 2*j) = -rPhi(i)*rPhi(j);
ret(2*i, 2*j+1) = -rPhi(i)*rPhi(j);
return ret;
c_vector<double,2*3> ComputeVectorTerm(c_vector<double, 3>& rPhi,
c_matrix<double, 2, 2+1>& rGradPhi,
ChastePoint<2>& rX,
c_vector<double,2>& rU,
c_matrix<double,2,2>& rGradU,
Element<2,2>* pElement)
c_vector<double,2*3> ret;
for (unsigned i=0; i<3; i++)
ret(2*i) = -f(rX[0],rX[1]) * rPhi(i);
ret(2*i+1) = -g(rX[0],rX[1]) * rPhi(i);
return ret;
void SetupLinearSystem(Vec currentSolution, bool computeMatrix)
SetupGivenLinearSystem(currentSolution, computeMatrix, this->mpLinearSystem);
MyTwoVariablePdeSolver(TetrahedralMesh<2,2>* pMesh,
BoundaryConditionsContainer<2,2,2>* pBoundaryConditions)
: AbstractAssemblerSolverHybrid<2,2,2,NORMAL>(pMesh,pBoundaryConditions),
class ThreeParabolicPdesSolver
: public AbstractAssemblerSolverHybrid<2,2,3,NORMAL>,
public AbstractDynamicLinearPdeSolver<2,2,3>
double g(double t, ChastePoint<2>& rX)
return t*(rX[0]>0.5);
c_matrix<double,3*3,3*3> ComputeMatrixTerm(c_vector<double,3>& rPhi,
c_matrix<double,2,3>& rGradPhi,
ChastePoint<2>& rX,
c_vector<double,3>& rU,
c_matrix<double,3,2>& rGradU,
Element<2,2>* pElement)
c_matrix<double,9,9> ret = zero_matrix<double>(9,9);
// this is how to get the current timestep
double dt = PdeSimulationTime::GetPdeTimeStep();
for (unsigned i=0; i<3; i++)
for (unsigned j=0; j<3; j++)
// mass matrix on the diagonal blocks
ret(3*i, 3*j) = rPhi(i)*rPhi(j)/dt;
ret(3*i+1,3*j+1) = rPhi(i)*rPhi(j)/dt;
ret(3*i+2,3*j+2) = rPhi(i)*rPhi(j)/dt;
// mass matrix on some off-diagonal blocks
ret(3*i, 3*j+1) = -rPhi(i)*rPhi(j);
ret(3*i+1,3*j) = -rPhi(i)*rPhi(j);
ret(3*i+1,3*j+2) = -2*rPhi(i)*rPhi(j);
// stiffness matrix on the diagonal blocks
for (unsigned dim=0; dim<2; dim++)
ret(3*i, 3*j) += rGradPhi(dim,i)*rGradPhi(dim,j);
ret(3*i+1,3*j+1) += rGradPhi(dim,i)*rGradPhi(dim,j);
ret(3*i+2,3*j+2) += rGradPhi(dim,i)*rGradPhi(dim,j);
return ret;
c_vector<double,3*3> ComputeVectorTerm(c_vector<double, 3>& rPhi,
c_matrix<double, 2, 3>& rGradPhi,
ChastePoint<2>& rX,
c_vector<double,3>& rU,
c_matrix<double,3,2>& rGradU,
Element<2,2>* pElement)
c_vector<double,3*3> ret;
// get u,v,w out of the provided parameters
double u = rU(0);
double v = rU(1);
double w = rU(2);
// this is how to get the current time, timestep and inverse of the timestep
double t = PdeSimulationTime::GetTime();
double dt = PdeSimulationTime::GetPdeTimeStep();
double inverse_dt = PdeSimulationTime::GetPdeTimeStepInverse();
for (unsigned i=0; i<3; i++)
ret(3*i) = u* inverse_dt * rPhi(i);
ret(3*i+1) = v* inverse_dt * rPhi(i);
ret(3*i+2) = (w * inverse_dt + g(t+dt,rX)) * rPhi(i);
return ret;
void SetupLinearSystem(Vec currentSolution, bool computeMatrix)
SetupGivenLinearSystem(currentSolution, computeMatrix, this->mpLinearSystem);
ThreeParabolicPdesSolver(TetrahedralMesh<2,2>* pMesh,
BoundaryConditionsContainer<2,2,3>* pBoundaryConditions)
: AbstractAssemblerSolverHybrid<2,2,3,NORMAL>(pMesh,pBoundaryConditions),
this->mMatrixIsConstant = true;
class TestWritingPdeSolversTutorial : public CxxTest::TestSuite
void TestMyTwoVariablePdeSolver()
TetrahedralMesh<2,2> mesh;
mesh.ConstructRegularSlabMesh(0.01 /*h*/, 1.0 /*width*/, 1.0 /*height*/);
// Boundary conditions for 2-unknown problem
BoundaryConditionsContainer<2,2,2> bcc;
bcc.DefineZeroDirichletOnMeshBoundary(&mesh,0); // zero dirichlet for u
bcc.DefineZeroDirichletOnMeshBoundary(&mesh,1); // zero dirichlet for v
// Use our purpose-made solver for this problem:
MyTwoVariablePdeSolver solver(&mesh,&bcc);
Vec result = solver.Solve();
ReplicatableVector result_repl(result);
for (unsigned i=0; i<mesh.GetNumNodes(); i++)
double x = mesh.GetNode(i)->GetPoint()[0];
double y = mesh.GetNode(i)->GetPoint()[1];
double u = result_repl[2*i];
double v = result_repl[2*i+1];
double u_exact = sin(M_PI*x)*sin(M_PI*y);
double v_exact = sin(2*M_PI*x)*sin(2*M_PI*y);
TS_ASSERT_DELTA(u, u_exact, 0.002);
TS_ASSERT_DELTA(v, v_exact, 0.007);
void TestMyParaEllipticSetOfPdesSolver()
TetrahedralMesh<2,2> mesh;
mesh.ConstructRegularSlabMesh(0.05 /*h*/, 1.0 /*width*/, 1.0 /*height*/);
BoundaryConditionsContainer<2,2,3> bcc;
bcc.DefineZeroDirichletOnMeshBoundary(&mesh,1 /*index of unknown, ie v*/);
bcc.DefineZeroDirichletOnMeshBoundary(&mesh,2 /*index of unknown, ie w*/);
ConstBoundaryCondition<2>* p_neumann_bc = new ConstBoundaryCondition<2>(1.0);
TetrahedralMesh<2,2>::BoundaryElementIterator iter = mesh.GetBoundaryElementIteratorBegin();
while (iter < mesh.GetBoundaryElementIteratorEnd())
if (fabs((*iter)->CalculateCentroid()[0])<1e-6)
bcc.AddNeumannBoundaryCondition(*iter, p_neumann_bc, 0 /*index of unknown, ie u*/);
ThreeParabolicPdesSolver solver(&mesh,&bcc);
solver.SetTimes(0.0, 2.0);
Vec initial_condition = PetscTools::CreateAndSetVec(3*mesh.GetNumNodes(), 0.0);
Vec result = solver.Solve();
ReplicatableVector result_repl(result);
TrianglesMeshWriter<2,2> mesh_writer("ThreeVarCoupledProblem", "mesh", false /*don't clean (ie delete everything in) directory!*/);