This tutorial was generated from the file projects/Frontiers2014/test/TestMonodomainCalculateRequiredTimestepsLiteratePaper.hpp at revision r23346. Note that the code is given in full at the bottom of the page.
Calculate the required ODE solver timesteps to meet target PDE accuracy
On this wiki page we describe in detail the code that is used to run this example from the paper.
This test performs a monodomain simulation with a range of models, using each ODE solver. It reduces the ODE time step used until the error metric is within tolerances based on the reference solutions from MonodomainConvergence.
This is intended to define a time step required for each method to get a numerical solution of comparable accuracy, for fair timing comparisons.
While this test can be run in parallel, for consistency with the paper results it is best to run it on a single process. Solving the PDE in parallel will lead to slight differences in the results, albeit within the numerical tolerances specified on the linear solver at each time step.
Code overview
The first thing to do is to include the necessary header files.
// The testing framework we use
#include <cxxtest/TestSuite.h>
// Standard C++ libraries
#include <fstream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <algorithm>
#include <map>
#include <vector>
#include <boost/assign/list_of.hpp>
#include <boost/foreach.hpp>
#include <boost/pointer_cast.hpp>
// Headers specific to this project
#include "CellModelUtilities.hpp"
#include "DynamicModelCellFactory.hpp"
// Chaste 'heart' headers
#include "MonodomainProblem.hpp"
#include "CellProperties.hpp"
#include "AbstractCvodeCell.hpp"
// Other Chaste headers
#include "FileFinder.hpp"
#include "OutputFileHandler.hpp"
// This header is needed to allow us to run in parallel
#include "PetscSetupAndFinalize.hpp"
class TestMonodomainCalculateRequiredTimestepsLiteratePaper : public CxxTest::TestSuite
void TestMonodomainCalculateTimesteps() throw (Exception)
const double required_mrms_error = 0.05; // 5%
This test runs with the following PDE time steps, selected by looking at the output of the convergence test:
- 0.01 ms (typically a fine timestep)
- 0.1 ms (about average for most studies)
We also use a space step of 0.01 cm, again chosen by considering the convergence results.
std::vector<double> pde_timesteps = boost::assign::list_of(0.1)(0.01);
double h = 0.01;
A list of cell models that we want to do tissue simulations with, and then the solvers to test.
std::vector<std::string> models_to_use = boost::assign::list_of("luo_rudy_1991")
std::vector<Solvers::Value> solvers = boost::assign::list_of
Only the master process writes ODE time step information to file.
OutputFileHandler overall_results_folder("Frontiers/MonodomainCalculateTimesteps/", false); // Don't wipe!
out_stream p_file;
if (PetscTools::AmMaster())
p_file = overall_results_folder.OpenOutputFile("required_steps_tissue.txt");
*p_file << std::setiosflags(std::ios::scientific) << std::setprecision(8);
Repository data locations.
FileFinder this_file(__FILE__);
FileFinder repo_data("data", this_file);
FileFinder model_folder("../cellml", this_file);
In the main body of the test, we loop over all combinations of model & solver listed above.
BOOST_FOREACH(std::string model, models_to_use)
// Find the CellML file for this model
FileFinder model_to_use(model + ".cellml", model_folder);
BOOST_FOREACH(Solvers::Value solver, solvers)
bool cvode_solver = ((solver==Solvers::CVODE_ANALYTIC_J) || (solver==Solvers::CVODE_NUMERICAL_J));
std::cout << "Calculating timestep for " << model << " with solver " << CellModelUtilities::GetSolverName(solver) << std::endl;
// Define where to write result data for this combination
std::stringstream output_folder_stream;
output_folder_stream << "Frontiers/MonodomainCalculateTimesteps/" << model << "/" << solver;
std::string output_folder = output_folder_stream.str();
OutputFileHandler base_model_handler(output_folder);
// Specify how to create cells for the simulations in this loop
DynamicModelCellFactory cell_factory(model_to_use,
false); // Whether to use lookup tables.
We will auto-generate a mesh this time, and pass it in, rather than provide a mesh file name. This is how to generate a cuboid mesh with a given spatial stepsize h.
Using a DistributedTetrahedralMesh
is faster than TetrahedralMesh
when running on multiple processes.
However, it permutes the node ordering for output. Most of time time this won’t matter, but later in this
test we want to access specific node indices. One method of doing this is to ask HeartConfig
to use the
original node ordering for the output.
DistributedTetrahedralMesh<1,1> mesh;
mesh.ConstructRegularSlabMesh(h, 1 /*length*/);
BOOST_FOREACH(double pde_timestep, pde_timesteps)
Set the simulation duration, etc.
One thing that should be noted for monodomain problems, the intracellular
conductivity is used as the monodomain effective conductivity (not a
harmonic mean of intra and extracellular conductivities). So if you want to
alter the monodomain conductivity call
HeartConfig::Instance()->SetSimulationDuration(500); //ms
unsigned timestep_divisor = 1u;
unsigned refinement_idx = 1u;
bool within_tolerance = false;
double sampling_time = 0.1; //ms
Keep solving with smaller ODE timesteps until we meet the desired accuracy
double ode_timestep = pde_timestep / timestep_divisor;
std::stringstream refinement_description_stream;
if (cvode_solver)
// Reset ODE timestep to be equal to the PDE timestep
HeartConfig::Instance()->SetOdePdeAndPrintingTimeSteps(pde_timestep, pde_timestep, sampling_time);
if (refinement_idx >= 7u)
// CVODE is struggling, probably because it is hitting a singularity?
ode_timestep = (double)(refinement_idx); // We just hijack this variable for the logs.
refinement_description_stream << " CVODE tolerances of " << pow(10,-1.0-refinement_idx) <<
", " << pow(10,-3.0-refinement_idx) ;
HeartConfig::Instance()->SetOdePdeAndPrintingTimeSteps(ode_timestep, pde_timestep, sampling_time);
refinement_description_stream << " timestep of " << ode_timestep << "ms";
std::string refinement_description = refinement_description_stream.str();
std::cout << std::endl << "Computing error for PDE dt = " << pde_timestep << " model: " << model << " solver: '" << CellModelUtilities::GetSolverName(solver) << "' with" << refinement_description << std::endl;
std::stringstream output_subfolder;
output_subfolder << "/results_pde_" << pde_timestep << "_ode_" << ode_timestep;
HeartConfig::Instance()->SetOutputDirectory(output_folder + output_subfolder.str());
HeartEventHandler::Reset(); // Reset timing information ready for a new simulation
Now we declare and initialise the problem class.
If a mesh-file-name hasn’t been set using HeartConfig
, we have to pass in
a mesh using the SetMesh
method (which must be called before Initialise
MonodomainProblem<1> monodomain_problem( &cell_factory );
The cells should now be set up, we have to ‘hack in’ and alter their tolerances
if (cvode_solver)
Note that we have special methods to iterate over nodes of a distributed mesh which will work in parallel settings too.
// TODO: Do this via the cell factory? Would need to gain a method to set refinement_idx
DistributedVectorFactory* p_factory = mesh.GetDistributedVectorFactory();
Vec monodomain_vec = p_factory->CreateVec();
DistributedVector monodomain_distributed_vec = p_factory->CreateDistributedVector(monodomain_vec);
for (DistributedVector::Iterator index=monodomain_distributed_vec.Begin();
index != monodomain_distributed_vec.End();
AbstractCardiacCellInterface* p_cell = monodomain_problem.GetMonodomainTissue()->GetCardiacCell(index.Global);
CellModelUtilities::SetCvodeTolerances(p_cell, refinement_idx);
Prepare the loop variables for the next iteration here, since a subsequent block contains a
statement, which would skip the adjustment if it happened later.
timestep_divisor *= 2;
Run the simulation.
double elapsed_time;
elapsed_time = Timer::GetElapsedTime();
catch (Exception& e)
std::cout << model << " failed to solve with ODE timestep/refinement of " << ode_timestep << ", got: " << e.GetMessage() << std::endl << std::flush;
Print the time taken for each component of the simulation to screen.
Analysing the results is done only by the master process, since it is not easily distributed.
OutputFileHandler handler(output_folder + output_subfolder.str(), false);
if (PetscTools::AmMaster())
Read some of the results data back in, and evaluate AP properties at the last node, as per the single cell stuff.
Hdf5DataReader data_reader = monodomain_problem.GetDataReader();
std::vector<double> times = data_reader.GetUnlimitedDimensionValues();
std::vector<double> last_node = data_reader.GetVariableOverTime("V", mesh.GetNumNodes()-1u);
Put this trace into a file for easy plotting and comparison with the reference later on.
out_stream p_trace_file = handler.OpenOutputFile("last_node_trace.dat");
for (unsigned i=0; i<times.size(); i++)
*p_trace_file << times[i] << "\t" << last_node[i] << std::endl;
Analyse the error associated with this run compared to the reference trace in the repository.
std::vector<double> errors = CellModelUtilities::GetTissueErrors(times, last_node, model, pde_timestep);
std::cout << "Model: " << model << " Square error = " << errors[0] << ", APD90 error = " << errors[1] <<
", APD50 error = " << errors[2] << ", APD30 error = " << errors[3] << ", V_max error = " << errors[4] <<
", V_min error = " << errors[5] << ", dVdt_max error = " << errors[6] << ", MRMS error = " << errors[7] << std::endl;
within_tolerance = (errors[7] <= required_mrms_error);
std::cout << "For timestep " << ode_timestep << " ms MRMS error = " << errors[7] << ". Good enough ? " << within_tolerance << std::endl << std::flush;
// Write the errors to the summary file too
*p_file << model << "\t" << pde_timestep << "\t" << solver << "\t" << ode_timestep;
for (unsigned i=0; i<errors.size(); i++)
*p_file << "\t" << errors[i];
*p_file << "\t" << within_tolerance << "\t" << elapsed_time;
*p_file << std::endl;
catch (const Exception& r_e)
std::cout << "Exception computing error for model " << model << " solver " << CellModelUtilities::GetSolverName(solver);
std::cout << r_e.GetMessage() << std::endl;
PetscTools::ReplicateBool(within_tolerance); // Broadcast whether to stop looping to other processes
// Get whether we're done from the master process
within_tolerance = PetscTools::ReplicateBool(within_tolerance);
We stop bothering if the simulation took longer than 15 minutes (as we know even Iyer on PDE 0.01ms was solved in 140 seconds using CVODE) so we’re in a regime where it is less accurate and takes much longer than CVODE, and we don’t need to know any more to discount this!
const double max_mins_to_run = 15;
if (!within_tolerance && PetscTools::ReplicateBool(elapsed_time >= 60*max_mins_to_run))
std::stringstream message;
message << "Model: " << model << " with solver '" << CellModelUtilities::GetSolverName(solver) << "' and timestep " << ode_timestep <<
" took longer than " << max_mins_to_run << " minutes to solve, so we're not refining any more.\n";
std::cout << message.str() << std::flush;
while (!within_tolerance && timestep_divisor <= 2048);
The above means we allow at most 12 refinements of the time step (2^12^ = 2048).
// Free memory for lookup tables if used
if (PetscTools::AmMaster())
Copy time step & error info to repository for storage and use by the timing tests.
FileFinder ref_data = overall_results_folder.FindFile("required_steps_tissue.txt");
The full code is given below
File name TestMonodomainCalculateRequiredTimestepsLiteratePaper.hpp
// The testing framework we use
#include <cxxtest/TestSuite.h>
// Standard C++ libraries
#include <fstream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <algorithm>
#include <map>
#include <vector>
#include <boost/assign/list_of.hpp>
#include <boost/foreach.hpp>
#include <boost/pointer_cast.hpp>
// Headers specific to this project
#include "CellModelUtilities.hpp"
#include "DynamicModelCellFactory.hpp"
// Chaste 'heart' headers
#include "MonodomainProblem.hpp"
#include "CellProperties.hpp"
#include "AbstractCvodeCell.hpp"
// Other Chaste headers
#include "FileFinder.hpp"
#include "OutputFileHandler.hpp"
// This header is needed to allow us to run in parallel
#include "PetscSetupAndFinalize.hpp"
class TestMonodomainCalculateRequiredTimestepsLiteratePaper : public CxxTest::TestSuite
void TestMonodomainCalculateTimesteps() throw (Exception)
const double required_mrms_error = 0.05; // 5%
std::vector<double> pde_timesteps = boost::assign::list_of(0.1)(0.01);
double h = 0.01;
std::vector<std::string> models_to_use = boost::assign::list_of("luo_rudy_1991")
std::vector<Solvers::Value> solvers = boost::assign::list_of
OutputFileHandler overall_results_folder("Frontiers/MonodomainCalculateTimesteps/", false); // Don't wipe!
out_stream p_file;
if (PetscTools::AmMaster())
p_file = overall_results_folder.OpenOutputFile("required_steps_tissue.txt");
*p_file << std::setiosflags(std::ios::scientific) << std::setprecision(8);
FileFinder this_file(__FILE__);
FileFinder repo_data("data", this_file);
FileFinder model_folder("../cellml", this_file);
BOOST_FOREACH(std::string model, models_to_use)
// Find the CellML file for this model
FileFinder model_to_use(model + ".cellml", model_folder);
BOOST_FOREACH(Solvers::Value solver, solvers)
bool cvode_solver = ((solver==Solvers::CVODE_ANALYTIC_J) || (solver==Solvers::CVODE_NUMERICAL_J));
std::cout << "Calculating timestep for " << model << " with solver " << CellModelUtilities::GetSolverName(solver) << std::endl;
// Define where to write result data for this combination
std::stringstream output_folder_stream;
output_folder_stream << "Frontiers/MonodomainCalculateTimesteps/" << model << "/" << solver;
std::string output_folder = output_folder_stream.str();
OutputFileHandler base_model_handler(output_folder);
// Specify how to create cells for the simulations in this loop
DynamicModelCellFactory cell_factory(model_to_use,
false); // Whether to use lookup tables.
DistributedTetrahedralMesh<1,1> mesh;
mesh.ConstructRegularSlabMesh(h, 1 /*length*/);
BOOST_FOREACH(double pde_timestep, pde_timesteps)
HeartConfig::Instance()->SetSimulationDuration(500); //ms
unsigned timestep_divisor = 1u;
unsigned refinement_idx = 1u;
bool within_tolerance = false;
double sampling_time = 0.1; //ms
double ode_timestep = pde_timestep / timestep_divisor;
std::stringstream refinement_description_stream;
if (cvode_solver)
// Reset ODE timestep to be equal to the PDE timestep
HeartConfig::Instance()->SetOdePdeAndPrintingTimeSteps(pde_timestep, pde_timestep, sampling_time);
if (refinement_idx >= 7u)
// CVODE is struggling, probably because it is hitting a singularity?
ode_timestep = (double)(refinement_idx); // We just hijack this variable for the logs.
refinement_description_stream << " CVODE tolerances of " << pow(10,-1.0-refinement_idx) <<
", " << pow(10,-3.0-refinement_idx) ;
HeartConfig::Instance()->SetOdePdeAndPrintingTimeSteps(ode_timestep, pde_timestep, sampling_time);
refinement_description_stream << " timestep of " << ode_timestep << "ms";
std::string refinement_description = refinement_description_stream.str();
std::cout << std::endl << "Computing error for PDE dt = " << pde_timestep << " model: " << model << " solver: '" << CellModelUtilities::GetSolverName(solver) << "' with" << refinement_description << std::endl;
std::stringstream output_subfolder;
output_subfolder << "/results_pde_" << pde_timestep << "_ode_" << ode_timestep;
HeartConfig::Instance()->SetOutputDirectory(output_folder + output_subfolder.str());
HeartEventHandler::Reset(); // Reset timing information ready for a new simulation
MonodomainProblem<1> monodomain_problem( &cell_factory );
if (cvode_solver)
// TODO: Do this via the cell factory? Would need to gain a method to set refinement_idx
DistributedVectorFactory* p_factory = mesh.GetDistributedVectorFactory();
Vec monodomain_vec = p_factory->CreateVec();
DistributedVector monodomain_distributed_vec = p_factory->CreateDistributedVector(monodomain_vec);
for (DistributedVector::Iterator index=monodomain_distributed_vec.Begin();
index != monodomain_distributed_vec.End();
AbstractCardiacCellInterface* p_cell = monodomain_problem.GetMonodomainTissue()->GetCardiacCell(index.Global);
CellModelUtilities::SetCvodeTolerances(p_cell, refinement_idx);
timestep_divisor *= 2;
double elapsed_time;
elapsed_time = Timer::GetElapsedTime();
catch (Exception& e)
std::cout << model << " failed to solve with ODE timestep/refinement of " << ode_timestep << ", got: " << e.GetMessage() << std::endl << std::flush;
OutputFileHandler handler(output_folder + output_subfolder.str(), false);
if (PetscTools::AmMaster())
Hdf5DataReader data_reader = monodomain_problem.GetDataReader();
std::vector<double> times = data_reader.GetUnlimitedDimensionValues();
std::vector<double> last_node = data_reader.GetVariableOverTime("V", mesh.GetNumNodes()-1u);
out_stream p_trace_file = handler.OpenOutputFile("last_node_trace.dat");
for (unsigned i=0; i<times.size(); i++)
*p_trace_file << times[i] << "\t" << last_node[i] << std::endl;
std::vector<double> errors = CellModelUtilities::GetTissueErrors(times, last_node, model, pde_timestep);
std::cout << "Model: " << model << " Square error = " << errors[0] << ", APD90 error = " << errors[1] <<
", APD50 error = " << errors[2] << ", APD30 error = " << errors[3] << ", V_max error = " << errors[4] <<
", V_min error = " << errors[5] << ", dVdt_max error = " << errors[6] << ", MRMS error = " << errors[7] << std::endl;
within_tolerance = (errors[7] <= required_mrms_error);
std::cout << "For timestep " << ode_timestep << " ms MRMS error = " << errors[7] << ". Good enough ? " << within_tolerance << std::endl << std::flush;
// Write the errors to the summary file too
*p_file << model << "\t" << pde_timestep << "\t" << solver << "\t" << ode_timestep;
for (unsigned i=0; i<errors.size(); i++)
*p_file << "\t" << errors[i];
*p_file << "\t" << within_tolerance << "\t" << elapsed_time;
*p_file << std::endl;
catch (const Exception& r_e)
std::cout << "Exception computing error for model " << model << " solver " << CellModelUtilities::GetSolverName(solver);
std::cout << r_e.GetMessage() << std::endl;
PetscTools::ReplicateBool(within_tolerance); // Broadcast whether to stop looping to other processes
// Get whether we're done from the master process
within_tolerance = PetscTools::ReplicateBool(within_tolerance);
const double max_mins_to_run = 15;
if (!within_tolerance && PetscTools::ReplicateBool(elapsed_time >= 60*max_mins_to_run))
std::stringstream message;
message << "Model: " << model << " with solver '" << CellModelUtilities::GetSolverName(solver) << "' and timestep " << ode_timestep <<
" took longer than " << max_mins_to_run << " minutes to solve, so we're not refining any more.\n";
std::cout << message.str() << std::flush;
while (!within_tolerance && timestep_divisor <= 2048);
// Free memory for lookup tables if used
if (PetscTools::AmMaster())
FileFinder ref_data = overall_results_folder.FindFile("required_steps_tissue.txt");