Documentation for Release 2024.2
Solving Odes
This tutorial is automatically generated from TestSolvingOdesTutorial.hpp at revision 8011c551be09. Note that the code is given in full at the bottom of the page.
In this tutorial we show how Chaste can be used to solve an ODE system
The following header files need to be included. First we include the header needed to define this class as a test suite.
#include <cxxtest/TestSuite.h>
In some early versions of Boost this file has to be included first so that the name of the ODE solver used can be written to result files.
#include "CheckpointArchiveTypes.hpp"
We will use a simple forward Euler solver to solve the ODE, so the following needs to be included.
#include "EulerIvpOdeSolver.hpp"
All the ODE solvers take in a concrete ODE system class, which is user-defined and must inherit from the following class, which defines an ODE interface.
#include "AbstractOdeSystem.hpp"
In order to define useful information about the ODE system conveniently, such as the names and units of variables, and suggested initial conditions, we need the following header.
#include "OdeSystemInformation.hpp"
This test doesn’t support being run on multiple processes, so we need this header to prevent race conditions when writing files.
#include "FakePetscSetup.hpp"
Defining the ODE classes
Let us solve the ODE $\frac{dy}{dt} = y^2 +t^2$, with $y(0) = 1$. To do so, we have to define
our own ODE class, inheriting from AbstractOdeSystem
, which implements the
class MyOde : public AbstractOdeSystem
The constructor does very little. It calls the base constructor, passing the number of state variables in the ODE system (here, 1, i.e. y is a 1d vector). It also sets the object to use to retrieve system information (see later).
MyOde() : AbstractOdeSystem(1)
mpSystemInfo = OdeSystemInformation<MyOde>::Instance();
The ODE solvers will repeatedly call a method called EvaluateYDerivatives
, which needs
to be implemented in this concrete class. This takes in the time, a std::vector
y values (in this case, of size 1), and a reference to a std::vector
in which the
derivative(s) should be filled in by the method…
void EvaluateYDerivatives(double time, const std::vector<double>& rY,
std::vector<double>& rDY)
…so we set rDY[0]
to be $y^2 + t^2$.
rDY[0] = rY[0]*rY[0] + time*time;
The following template specialisation defines the information for this ODE system. Note that we use the ODE system class that we have just defined as a template parameter
void OdeSystemInformation<MyOde>::Initialise()
this->mInitialised = true;
That would be all that is needed to solve this ODE. However, rather
than solving up to a fixed time, suppose we wanted to solve until some function
of y (and t) reached a certain value, e.g. let’s say we wanted to solve the ODE until
y reached 2.5. To do this, we have to define a stopping event, by overriding
the method CalculateStoppingEvent
from AbstractOdeSystem
. For this, let us
define a new class, inheriting from the above class (i.e. representing the same ODE)
but with a stopping event defined.
Note that we do not define separate ODE system information for this class - it uses
that defined in the base class MyOde
, since it represents the same ODE.
class MyOdeWithStoppingEvent : public MyOde
All we have to do is implement the following function. This is defined in
the base class (AbstractOdeSystem
), where it always returns false, and here we override it
to return true if $y \geq 2.5$
bool CalculateStoppingEvent(double time, const std::vector<double>& rY)
return (rY[0]>=2.5);
The following class will make more sense when solving with state variables is discussed.
It is another ODE class which sets up a ‘state variable’. Note that this is done in the
constructor, and the EvaluateYDerivatives
method is identical to before.
class MyOdeUsingStateVariables : public AbstractOdeSystem
MyOdeUsingStateVariables() : AbstractOdeSystem(1)
mpSystemInfo = OdeSystemInformation<MyOdeUsingStateVariables>::Instance();
void EvaluateYDerivatives(double time, const std::vector<double>& rY,
std::vector<double>& rDY)
rDY[0] = rY[0]*rY[0] + time*time;
This time we do need to define the ODE system information.
void OdeSystemInformation<MyOdeUsingStateVariables>::Initialise()
this->mInitialised = true;
This class is another simple ODE class, just as an example of how a 2d ODE is solved. Here we solve the ODE $\frac{dy_1}{dt} = y_2, \frac{dy_2}{dt} = (y_1)^2$ (which represents the second-order ODE $\frac{d^2y}{dt^2} = y^2$).
class My2dOde : public AbstractOdeSystem
My2dOde() : AbstractOdeSystem(2)
mpSystemInfo = OdeSystemInformation<My2dOde>::Instance();
void EvaluateYDerivatives(double time, const std::vector<double>& rY,
std::vector<double>& rDY)
rDY[0] = rY[1];
rDY[1] = rY[0]*rY[0];
Again we need to define the ODE system information.
void OdeSystemInformation<My2dOde>::Initialise()
this->mInitialised = true;
The Tests
Standard ODE solving
Now we can define the test, in which the ODEs are solved.
class TestSolvingOdesTutorial: public CxxTest::TestSuite
void TestSolvingOdes()
First, create an instance of the ODE class to be solved.
MyOde my_ode;
Next, create a solver.
EulerIvpOdeSolver euler_solver;
We will need to provide an initial condition, which needs to
be a std::vector
std::vector<double> initial_condition;
Then, just call Solve
, passing in a pointer to the ODE, the
initial condition, the start time, end time, the solving timestep,
and sampling timestep (how often we want the solution stored in the returned OdeSolution
Here we solve from 0 to 1, with a timestep of 0.01 but a sampling
timestep of 0.1. The return value is an object of type OdeSolution
(which is basically just a list of times and solutions).
OdeSolution solutions = euler_solver.Solve(&my_ode, initial_condition, 0, 1, 0.01, 0.1);
Let’s look at the results, which can be obtained from the OdeSolution
object using the methods rGetTimes()
and rGetSolutions()
, which
return a std::vector
and a std::vector
of std::vector
for (unsigned i=0; i<solutions.rGetTimes().size(); i++)
The [0]
here is because we are getting the zeroth component of y (a 1-dimensional vector).
std::cout << solutions.rGetTimes()[i] << " " << solutions.rGetSolutions()[i][0] << "\n";
Alternatively, we can print the solution directly to a file, using the WriteToFile
method on the OdeSolution
solutions.WriteToFile("SolvingOdesTutorial", "my_ode_solution", "sec");
Two files are written
contains the results (a header line, then one column for time and one column per variable)
contains information for reading the data back, a line about the ODE solver ("ODE SOLVER: EulerIvpOdeSolver
") and provenance information.
We can see from the printed out results that y goes above 2.5 somewhere just before 0.6. To solve only up until y=2.5, we can solve the ODE that has the stopping event defined, using the same solver as before.
MyOdeWithStoppingEvent my_ode_stopping;
Note: when a std::vector
is passed in as an initial condition
to a Solve
call, it gets updated as the solve takes place. Therefore, if
we want to use the same initial condition again, we have to reset it back to 1.0.
initial_condition[0] = 1.0;
solutions = euler_solver.Solve(&my_ode_stopping, initial_condition, 0, 1, 0.01, 0.1);
We can check with the solver that it stopped because of the stopping event, rather than because it reached to end time.
Finally, let’s print the time of the stopping event (to the nearest dt or so).
std::cout << "Stopping event occurred at t="<<solutions.rGetTimes().back()<<"\n";
ODE solving using state variables
In this second test, we show how to do an alternative version of ODE solving, which
does not involve passing in initial conditions and returning an OdeSolution
The AbstractOdeSystem
class has a member variable called the state variable vector, which can
be used to hold the solution, and will be updated if a particular version of Solve
is called. This can be useful for embedding ODE models in a bigger system, since
the ODE models will then always contain their current solution state.
void TestOdeSolvingUsingStateVariable()
Define an instance of the ODE. See the class definition above.
Note that this ODE has a variable called mStateVariables
, which has
been set to be a vector of size one, containing the value 1.0.
MyOdeUsingStateVariables my_ode_using_state_vars;
To solve updating the state variable, just call the appropriate method on
a chosen solver. Note that no initial condition is required, no
is returned, and no sampling timestep is given.
EulerIvpOdeSolver euler_solver;
euler_solver.SolveAndUpdateStateVariable(&my_ode_using_state_vars, 0.0, 1.0, 0.01);
To see what the solution was at the end, we have to use the state variable.
std::cout << "Solution at end time = " << my_ode_using_state_vars.rGetStateVariables()[0] << "\n";
Solving n-dimensional ODEs
Finally, here’s a simple test showing how to solve a 2d ODE using the first method. All that is different is the initial condition has be a vector of length 2, and returned solution is of length 2 at every timestep.
void TestWith2dOde()
My2dOde my_2d_ode;
EulerIvpOdeSolver euler_solver;
Define the initial condition for each state variable.
std::vector<double> initial_condition;
Solve, and print the solution as [time, y1, y2].
OdeSolution solutions = euler_solver.Solve(&my_2d_ode, initial_condition, 0, 1, 0.01, 0.1);
for (unsigned i=0; i<solutions.rGetTimes().size(); i++)
std::cout << solutions.rGetTimes()[i] << " "
<< solutions.rGetSolutions()[i][0] << " "
<< solutions.rGetSolutions()[i][1] << "\n";
Full code
#include <cxxtest/TestSuite.h>
#include "CheckpointArchiveTypes.hpp"
#include "EulerIvpOdeSolver.hpp"
#include "AbstractOdeSystem.hpp"
#include "OdeSystemInformation.hpp"
#include "FakePetscSetup.hpp"
class MyOde : public AbstractOdeSystem
MyOde() : AbstractOdeSystem(1)
mpSystemInfo = OdeSystemInformation<MyOde>::Instance();
void EvaluateYDerivatives(double time, const std::vector<double>& rY,
std::vector<double>& rDY)
rDY[0] = rY[0]*rY[0] + time*time;
void OdeSystemInformation<MyOde>::Initialise()
this->mInitialised = true;
class MyOdeWithStoppingEvent : public MyOde
bool CalculateStoppingEvent(double time, const std::vector<double>& rY)
return (rY[0]>=2.5);
class MyOdeUsingStateVariables : public AbstractOdeSystem
MyOdeUsingStateVariables() : AbstractOdeSystem(1)
mpSystemInfo = OdeSystemInformation<MyOdeUsingStateVariables>::Instance();
void EvaluateYDerivatives(double time, const std::vector<double>& rY,
std::vector<double>& rDY)
rDY[0] = rY[0]*rY[0] + time*time;
void OdeSystemInformation<MyOdeUsingStateVariables>::Initialise()
this->mInitialised = true;
class My2dOde : public AbstractOdeSystem
My2dOde() : AbstractOdeSystem(2)
mpSystemInfo = OdeSystemInformation<My2dOde>::Instance();
void EvaluateYDerivatives(double time, const std::vector<double>& rY,
std::vector<double>& rDY)
rDY[0] = rY[1];
rDY[1] = rY[0]*rY[0];
void OdeSystemInformation<My2dOde>::Initialise()
this->mInitialised = true;
class TestSolvingOdesTutorial: public CxxTest::TestSuite
void TestSolvingOdes()
MyOde my_ode;
EulerIvpOdeSolver euler_solver;
std::vector<double> initial_condition;
OdeSolution solutions = euler_solver.Solve(&my_ode, initial_condition, 0, 1, 0.01, 0.1);
for (unsigned i=0; i<solutions.rGetTimes().size(); i++)
std::cout << solutions.rGetTimes()[i] << " " << solutions.rGetSolutions()[i][0] << "\n";
solutions.WriteToFile("SolvingOdesTutorial", "my_ode_solution", "sec");
MyOdeWithStoppingEvent my_ode_stopping;
initial_condition[0] = 1.0;
solutions = euler_solver.Solve(&my_ode_stopping, initial_condition, 0, 1, 0.01, 0.1);
std::cout << "Stopping event occurred at t="<<solutions.rGetTimes().back()<<"\n";
void TestOdeSolvingUsingStateVariable()
MyOdeUsingStateVariables my_ode_using_state_vars;
EulerIvpOdeSolver euler_solver;
euler_solver.SolveAndUpdateStateVariable(&my_ode_using_state_vars, 0.0, 1.0, 0.01);
std::cout << "Solution at end time = " << my_ode_using_state_vars.rGetStateVariables()[0] << "\n";
void TestWith2dOde()
My2dOde my_2d_ode;
EulerIvpOdeSolver euler_solver;
std::vector<double> initial_condition;
OdeSolution solutions = euler_solver.Solve(&my_2d_ode, initial_condition, 0, 1, 0.01, 0.1);
for (unsigned i=0; i<solutions.rGetTimes().size(); i++)
std::cout << solutions.rGetTimes()[i] << " "
<< solutions.rGetSolutions()[i][0] << " "
<< solutions.rGetSolutions()[i][1] << "\n";