- Member AbstractCardiacPde::mDoOneCacheReplication
- maybe we don't want the conventional assembly even in the first time step.
- Member AbstractCardiacPde::AbstractCardiacPde (AbstractCardiacCellFactory< SPACE_DIM > *pCellFactory, const unsigned stride=1)
- tidy up using extract method refactoring?
- Member AbstractCardiacPde::AbstractCardiacPde (AbstractCardiacCellFactory< SPACE_DIM > *pCellFactory, const unsigned stride=1)
- : Create a class defining constant tensors to be used when no fibre orientation is provided
- Member AbstractCardiacProblem::Initialise ()
- : Only considering <LoadMesh/> definition. Consider <Slab/> too
- Member AbstractCardiacProblem::Initialise ()
- We can't currently instantiate the parallel mesh in 1D
- Member AbstractCardiacProblem::Initialise ()
- Should this method be rolled into the Solve() method or the PreSolveChecks()?
- Member AbstractCardiacProblem::CloseFilesAndPostProcess ()
- : WriteFilesUsingMesh cannot handle ParallelTetrahedralMesh objects. Abort if so.
- Class AbstractConvergenceTester< CELL, CARDIAC_PROBLEM, DIM, PROBLEM_DIM >
- Documentation...
- Member AbstractConvergenceTester::Converge (std::string nameOfTest)
- This is a scarily long method; could do with some parts extracted?
- Member AbstractConvergenceTester::Converge (std::string nameOfTest)
- this is a sequential mesh
- Member AbstractConvergenceTester::Converge (std::string nameOfTest)
- #606 Added back in about r4058
- Member AbstractConvergenceTester::Converge (std::string nameOfTest)
- Cover this
- Member AbstractConvergenceTester::DisplayRun ()
- The UseAbsoluteStimulus is temporary, while we are sorting out 3D stimulus. It is to be removed later (along with StimulusConvergenceTester)
- Member AbstractElement::GetNodeLocation (unsigned localIndex) const
- this used to return a reference to a c_vector, in which case a weird error arose where it compiled, ran and passed on some machines but failed the tests (bad_size errors) on another machine.
- Member AbstractFunctionalCalculator::CalculateOnElement (Element< ELEMENT_DIM, SPACE_DIM > &rElement)
- Check if we are using a mesh with cached Jacobians, if so, get it from the mesh rather than calling the calculate method.
- Member AbstractLinearAssembler::Solve (Vec currentSolutionOrGuess=NULL, double currentTime=0.0)
- move the asserts into PrepareForSolve()
- Member AbstractNonlinearAssembler::StaticSolve (Vec currentSolutionOrGuess=NULL, double currentTime=0.0, bool assembleMatrix=true)
- do something sensible if assembleMatrix is false.
- Member AbstractStaticAssembler::AssembleOnElement (Element< ELEMENT_DIM, SPACE_DIM > &rElement, c_matrix< double, PROBLEM_DIM *(ELEMENT_DIM+1), PROBLEM_DIM *(ELEMENT_DIM+1) > &rAElem, c_vector< double, PROBLEM_DIM *(ELEMENT_DIM+1)> &rBElem, bool assembleVector, bool assembleMatrix)
- This assumes that the Jacobian is constant on an element. This is true for linear basis functions, but not for any other type of basis function.
- Member AbstractStaticAssembler::AssembleOnSurfaceElement (const BoundaryElement< ELEMENT_DIM-1, SPACE_DIM > &rSurfaceElement, c_vector< double, PROBLEM_DIM *ELEMENT_DIM > &rBSurfElem)
- : add interpolation of u as well
- Member AbstractStaticAssembler::AssembleOnSurfaceElement (const BoundaryElement< ELEMENT_DIM-1, SPACE_DIM > &rSurfaceElement, c_vector< double, PROBLEM_DIM *ELEMENT_DIM > &rBSurfElem)
- Improve efficiency of Neumann BC implementation.
- Member AbstractStaticAssembler::SetNumberOfQuadraturePointsPerDimension (unsigned numQuadPoints)
- : There may be a small memory leak if this occurs.)
- Member AbstractTetrahedralElement::GetVolume (void)
- Re-implement
- Member AbstractTetrahedralElement::GetVolume (void)
- We don't want to create new data, calculation and throw the answer away
- Member AbstractTetrahedralElement::AbstractTetrahedralElement (unsigned index, const std::vector< Node< SPACE_DIM > * > &rNodes)
- We don't want to create new data, calculation and throw the answer away
- Member AbstractTissue::GenerateCellResults (unsigned locationIndex, bool outputCellMutationStates, bool outputCellTypes, bool outputCellVariables, bool outputCellCyclePhases, bool outputCellAncestors, std::vector< unsigned > &rCellTypeCounter, std::vector< unsigned > &rCellMutationStateCounter, std::vector< unsigned > &rCellCyclePhaseCounter)
- Note that the output format of mpCellVariablesFile has changed, it now
- Class AbstractUntemplatedConvergenceTester
- Documentation...
- Class AxisymmetricConductivityTensors< SPACE_DIM >
- is the compatibility argument above really worthwhile? We could just inherit from AbstractConductivityTensors<3>. This would however require changes to the constructors of AbstractCardiacPde and BidomainPde.
- Member AxisymmetricConductivityTensors::Init ()
- there are extensive comments within the implementation of this method
- Class BidomainWithBathRhsMatrixAssembler< DIM >
- : make this class inherit from BidomainRhsMatrixAssembler
- Class BoundaryConditionsContainer< ELEM_DIM, SPACE_DIM, PROBLEM_DIM >
- Various operations are currently very inefficient - there is certainly scope for optimisation here!
- Member BoundaryConditionsContainer::Validate (AbstractMesh< ELEM_DIM, SPACE_DIM > *pMesh)
- Might we want to throw an exception specifying which node failed? What about checking for multiple conditions at a point (might be intentional)?
- Member BoundaryConditionsContainer::HasNeumannBoundaryCondition (const BoundaryElement< ELEM_DIM-1, SPACE_DIM > *pSurfaceElement, unsigned indexOfUnknown=0)
- This is a horrendously inefficient fix. Perhaps have flag in element object?
- Member CardiacElectroMechanicsProblem::WriteWatchedLocationData (double time, Vec voltage)
- Rather inefficient
- Member CardiacElectroMechanicsProblem::WriteWatchedLocationData (double time, Vec voltage)
- :
- Member ChasteCuboid::DoesContain (const ChastePoint< 3U > &rPointToCheck)
- : use a templated definition of the method
- Class DistanceMapCalculator< SPACE_DIM >
- This class defines
- Class Exception
- Might we want this class to inherit from STL exceptions?
- Member ImplicitCardiacMechanicsAssembler::AssembleOnElement (Element< DIM, DIM > &rElement, c_matrix< double, STENCIL_SIZE, STENCIL_SIZE > &rAElem, c_matrix< double, STENCIL_SIZE, STENCIL_SIZE > &rAElemPrecond, c_vector< double, STENCIL_SIZE > &rBElem, bool assembleResidual, bool assembleJacobian)
- : what's all this about?
- Member LinearSystem::mOwnershipRangeLo
- Verify claim that ownership range for Vec and Mat is same. This should only matter for efficiency if the claim is false.
- Member LinearSystem::LinearSystem (PetscInt lhsVectorSize, MatType matType=(MatType) MATMPIAIJ)
- : if we create a linear system object outside a cardiac assembler, these are gonna be the default solver and preconditioner. Not consitent with ChasteDefaults.xml though...
- Member LinearSystem::LinearSystem (Vec templateVector)
- : if we create a linear system object outside a cardiac assembler, these are gonna be the default solver and preconditioner. Not consitent with ChasteDefaults.xml though...
- Member LinearSystem::LinearSystem (Vec residualVector, Mat jacobianMatrix)
- : if we create a linear system object outside a cardiac assembler, these are gonna be the default solver and preconditioner. Not consitent with ChasteDefaults.xml though...
- Member LinearSystem::Solve (Vec lhsGuess=NULL)
- Should it be compulsory for the caller to supply this and manage the memory?
- Member OdeSystemInformation::mpInstance
- see if using weak_ptr would work and give funkier semantics (automatically destroy the singleton when no ODE systems were using it)
- Class ParallelTetrahedralMesh< ELEMENT_DIM, SPACE_DIM >
- explicit instantiation
- Member ParallelTetrahedralMesh::ConstructFromMeshReader (AbstractMeshReader< ELEMENT_DIM, SPACE_DIM > &rMeshReader, bool cullInternalFaces=false)
- : assert the node is not considered both owned and halo-owned. Remove continue statement few lines below then.
- Member ParallelTetrahedralMesh::ComputeMeshPartitioning (AbstractMeshReader< ELEMENT_DIM, SPACE_DIM > &rMeshReader, std::set< unsigned > &rNodesOwned, std::set< unsigned > &rHaloNodesOwned, std::set< unsigned > &rElementsOwned, std::vector< unsigned > &rProcessorsOffset, std::vector< unsigned > &rNodePermutation)
- : add a timing event for the partitioning
- Member PetscTools::DumpPetscObject (Mat &rMat, const std::string &rOutputFileFullPath)
- Think if there is an efficient compromise between this method and the full weight of ReplicatableVector (broadcast single values to all processors). How do you know who has the value?
- Class QuarterStimulusCellFactory< CELL, DIM >
- Documentation...
- Class SimpleNonlinearEllipticAssembler< ELEMENT_DIM, SPACE_DIM >
- [old todo, maybe not true anymore after refactor(?)] This class could do with some tidying. More (3D) tests are also needed. It probably needs re-writing to take advantage of parallel machines.
- Member TissueCell::operator= (const TissueCell &otherCell)
- Since cell cycle models don't have an operator=, this operator only copies data members of AbstractCellCycleModel when the model is copied (see #840)
Generated on Wed Mar 18 12:51:56 2009 for Chaste by