
00001 /*
00003 Copyright (C) University of Oxford, 2005-2011
00005 University of Oxford means the Chancellor, Masters and Scholars of the
00006 University of Oxford, having an administrative office at Wellington
00007 Square, Oxford OX1 2JD, UK.
00009 This file is part of Chaste.
00011 Chaste is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
00012 under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published
00013 by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2.1 of the License, or
00014 (at your option) any later version.
00016 Chaste is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
00017 ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
00018 FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU Lesser General Public
00019 License for more details. The offer of Chaste under the terms of the
00020 License is subject to the License being interpreted in accordance with
00021 English Law and subject to any action against the University of Oxford
00022 being under the jurisdiction of the English Courts.
00024 You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
00025 along with Chaste. If not, see <>.
00027 */
00029 #include "ParallelColumnDataWriter.hpp"
00030 #include "Exception.hpp"
00031 #include "DistributedVectorFactory.hpp"
00033 ParallelColumnDataWriter::ParallelColumnDataWriter(const std::string& rDirectory,
00034                                                    const std::string& rBaseName,
00035                                                    bool cleanDirectory)
00036     : ColumnDataWriter::ColumnDataWriter(rDirectory, rBaseName, cleanDirectory),
00037       mConcentrated(NULL)
00038 {
00039     int num_procs;
00040     MPI_Comm_size(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, &num_procs);
00041     if (num_procs==1)
00042     {
00043         mIsParallel = false;
00044     }
00045     else
00046     {
00047         mIsParallel = true;
00048     }
00049 }
00051 void ParallelColumnDataWriter::PutVector(int variableID, Vec petscVector)
00052 {
00053     int size;
00054     VecGetSize(petscVector,&size);
00056     if (size != mFixedDimensionSize)
00057     {
00058         EXCEPTION("Size of vector does not match FixedDimensionSize.");
00059     }
00061     // Construct the appropriate "scatter" object to concentrate the vector on the master
00062     if (mConcentrated==NULL)
00063     {
00064         VecScatterCreateToZero(petscVector, &mToMaster, &mConcentrated);
00065     }
00067 //    int size2;
00068 //    VecGetSize(mConcentrated, &size2);
00069 //    std::cout << "Vector size=" << size << "," << size2 << std::endl << std::flush;
00071 //PETSc-3.x.x or PETSc-2.3.3
00072 #if ( (PETSC_VERSION_MAJOR == 3) || (PETSC_VERSION_MAJOR == 2 && PETSC_VERSION_MINOR == 3 && PETSC_VERSION_SUBMINOR == 3)) //2.3.3 or 3.x.x
00073     VecScatterBegin(mToMaster, petscVector, mConcentrated, INSERT_VALUES, SCATTER_FORWARD);
00074     VecScatterEnd(mToMaster, petscVector, mConcentrated, INSERT_VALUES, SCATTER_FORWARD);
00075 #else
00076     VecScatterBegin(petscVector, mConcentrated, INSERT_VALUES, SCATTER_FORWARD, mToMaster);
00077     VecScatterEnd(petscVector, mConcentrated, INSERT_VALUES, SCATTER_FORWARD, mToMaster);
00078 #endif
00080 //    std::cout << "Done scatter" << std::endl << std::flush;
00082     if (PetscTools::AmMaster())
00083     {
00084         double *concentrated_vector;
00085         VecGetArray(mConcentrated, &concentrated_vector);
00086         for (int i=0; i<size; i++)
00087         {
00088             ColumnDataWriter::PutVariable(variableID, concentrated_vector[i], i);
00089         }
00090         VecRestoreArray(mConcentrated, &concentrated_vector);
00091     }
00092 }
00094 void ParallelColumnDataWriter::PutVectorStripe(int variableId, DistributedVector::Stripe& rStripe)
00095 {
00096     // Put the stripe into its own 'unstriped' vector
00097     DistributedVectorFactory* p_factory = rStripe.GetFactory();
00098     Vec unstriped_petsc = p_factory->CreateVec();
00099     DistributedVector unstriped = p_factory->CreateDistributedVector(unstriped_petsc);
00100     for (DistributedVector::Iterator index = unstriped.Begin();
00101          index!= unstriped.End();
00102          ++index)
00103     {
00104         unstriped[index] = rStripe[index];
00105     }
00107     // Put the unstriped vector
00108     ParallelColumnDataWriter::PutVector(variableId, unstriped_petsc);
00109     VecDestroy(unstriped_petsc);
00110 }
00112 void ParallelColumnDataWriter::EndDefineMode()
00113 {
00114     if (PetscTools::AmMaster())
00115     {
00116         ColumnDataWriter::EndDefineMode();
00117     }
00118     else
00119     {
00120         mIsInDefineMode = false;
00121     }
00122 }
00132 void ParallelColumnDataWriter::PutVariable(int variableID, double variableValue, long dimensionPosition)
00133 {
00134     if (PetscTools::AmMaster())
00135     {
00136         // Master process is allowed to write
00137         ColumnDataWriter::PutVariable(variableID, variableValue, dimensionPosition);
00138     }
00139 }
00141 ParallelColumnDataWriter::~ParallelColumnDataWriter()
00142 {
00143     if (mConcentrated != NULL)
00144     {
00145         VecScatterDestroy(mToMaster);
00146         VecDestroy(mConcentrated);
00147     }
00148     Close();
00149 }
00151 void ParallelColumnDataWriter::AdvanceAlongUnlimitedDimension()
00152 {
00153     // Paranoia
00154     PetscTools::Barrier("ParallelColumnDataWriter::AdvanceAlongUnlimitedDimension");
00156     if (PetscTools::AmMaster())
00157     {
00158         ColumnDataWriter::DoAdvanceAlongUnlimitedDimension();
00159     }
00160 }
00162 void ParallelColumnDataWriter::Close()
00163 {
00164     // Paranoia
00165     PetscTools::Barrier("ParallelColumnDataWriter::Close");
00167     if (PetscTools::AmMaster())
00168     {
00169         ColumnDataWriter::Close();
00170     }
00171 }
Generated on Thu Dec 22 13:00:07 2011 for Chaste by  doxygen 1.6.3