Chaste  Release::3.4
BoxCollection< DIM > Member List

This is the complete list of members for BoxCollection< DIM >, including all inherited members.

BoxCollection(double boxWidth, c_vector< double, 2 *DIM > domainSize, bool isPeriodicInX=false, bool isPeriodicInY=false, bool isPeriodicInZ=false)BoxCollection< DIM >
CalculateContainingBox(Node< DIM > *pNode)BoxCollection< DIM >
CalculateContainingBox(c_vector< double, DIM > &rLocation)BoxCollection< DIM >
CalculateNodePairs(std::vector< Node< DIM > * > &rNodes, std::vector< std::pair< Node< DIM > *, Node< DIM > * > > &rNodePairs, std::map< unsigned, std::set< unsigned > > &rNodeNeighbours)BoxCollection< DIM >
EmptyBoxes()BoxCollection< DIM >
GetGridIndices(unsigned linearIndex)BoxCollection< DIM >private
GetLinearIndex(c_vector< int, DIM > gridIndices)BoxCollection< DIM >private
GetLocalBoxes(unsigned boxIndex)BoxCollection< DIM >
GetNumBoxes()BoxCollection< DIM >
IsBoxInDomain(c_vector< int, DIM > gridIndices)BoxCollection< DIM >private
IsIndexPenultimate(c_vector< int, DIM > gridIndices)BoxCollection< DIM >private
mBoxesBoxCollection< DIM >private
mBoxWidthBoxCollection< DIM >private
mDomainSizeBoxCollection< DIM >private
mIsDomainPeriodicBoxCollection< DIM >private
mLocalBoxesBoxCollection< DIM >private
mNumBoxesEachDirectionBoxCollection< DIM >private
msFudgeBoxCollection< DIM >privatestatic
rGetBox(unsigned boxIndex)BoxCollection< DIM >
rGetDomainSize() const BoxCollection< DIM >
SetupAllLocalBoxes()BoxCollection< DIM >
SetupLocalBoxes(std::vector< c_vector< int, DIM > > neighbours)BoxCollection< DIM >private
SetupLocalBoxesHalfOnly()BoxCollection< DIM >
TestBoxCollection (defined in BoxCollection< DIM >)BoxCollection< DIM >friend