
This tutorial is automatically generated from the file trunk/heart/test/tutorials/TestCardiacElectroMechanicsTutorial.hpp at revision r12499. Note that the code is given in full at the bottom of the page.

Cardiac Electro-mechanical Problems


The tutorial explains how electro-mechanics problems can be solved in Chaste. The reader should certainly read the electro-physiological tutorials before this tutorial, and it is helpful to have also had a look at the tutorial on solving general solid mechanics problems.

The equations of cardiac electro-mechanics are written down in Section 4.2 of the PDF on equations and finite element implementations in ChasteGuides -> Miscellaneous information. Note: By default we do not these full equations: the mechanics information is not coupled back to electrics, ie by default the conductivities do not depend on deformation, and cell models do not get affected by stretch. This has to be switched on if required - see comments on mechano-electric feedback below.

Before going to the code, we list the sub-models/parameters that need to be set, or can be varied, in electro-mechanical problems. The last four of the below are mechanics-specific.


Another note: mechanics problems are not currently implemented to scale in parallel yet.

The basic includes are

#include <cxxtest/TestSuite.h>
#include "PlaneStimulusCellFactory.hpp"
#include "PetscSetupAndFinalize.hpp"
#include "CardiacElectroMechProbRegularGeom.hpp"
#include "LuoRudy1991.hpp"

The includes for the second test are

#include "CardiacElectroMechanicsProblem.hpp"
#include "NonlinearElasticityTools.hpp"
#include "NobleVargheseKohlNoble1998WithSac.hpp"


Mechanics solves involve solving a nonlinear system, which is broken down into a sequence of linear solves. When running problems in 3D, or with more elements than in the first test below, it is vital to change the linear solver to use HYPRE, an algebraic multigrid solver. Without HYRPE, the linear solve (i) may become very very slow; or (ii) may not converge, in which case the nonlinear solve will (probably) not converge. HYPRE is (currently) not a pre-requisite for installing Chaste, hence this is not (currently) the default linear solver for mechanics problems, although this will change in the future. HYPRE should be considered a pre-requisite for large mechanics problems. You can run the first test below without HYPRE, but it is certainly recommended for the second test.

To use HYRPE in mechanics solves, you need to have Petsc installed with HYPRE. However, if you followed installation instructions for Chaste 2.1 or later, you probably do already have Petsc installed with HYPRE.

To switch on HYPRE, open the file pde/src/solver/AbstractNonlinearElasticitySolver and uncomment the line #define MECH_USE_HYPRE near the top of the file (currently: line 53).

Mechanics solves being nonlinear are expensive, so it is recommended you also use build=GccOpt_ndebug (when running scons) on larger problems.

Note: Petsc unfortunately doesn't quit if you try to use HYPRE without it being installed, but it spew lots of error messages.

Simple 2d test

This test shows how to use the CardiacElectroMechProbRegularGeom class, which inherits from the more general class CardiacElectroMechanicsProblem class but sets up a square or cubic geometry for you.

class TestCardiacElectroMechanicsTutorial : public CxxTest::TestSuite
    void TestCardiacElectroMechanicsExample() throw(Exception)

All electro-mechanics problems require a cell factory as normal. This particular factory stimulates the LHS side (X=0) surface.

        PlaneStimulusCellFactory<CellLuoRudy1991FromCellML, 2> cell_factory(-1000*1000);

The CardiacElectroMechProbRegularGeom<2> defines an electro-mechanics problem on a square. Two meshes are created internally. We use a PDE timestep of 0.01 for the electrics, solving the mechanics every 1ms.

        CardiacElectroMechProbRegularGeom<2> problem(KERCHOFFS2003,  // The contraction model (see below)
                                                     0.1,  // width of square (cm)
                                                     5,    // Number mechanics elements in each direction
                                                     10,   // Number electrics elements in each direction
                                                     40.0, // end time
                                                     0.01, // electrics timestep (ms)
                                                     1.0,  // mechanics solve timestep
                                                     0.01, // contraction model ode timestep
                                                     "TestCardiacElectroMechanicsExample" /* output directory */);

The contraction model chosen above is KERCHOFFS2003 (Kerchoffs, Journal of Engineering Mathematics, 2003). Other possibilities are 'NHS' (Niederer, Hunter, Smith, 2006), and 'NASH2004' (Nash, Progress in biophysics and molecular biology, 2004).

Two meshes are created, one with five elements in each direction for the mechanics (so 5*5*2 triangles in total), and a finer one for the electrics.

This leaves the material law, fibres direction and fixed nodes from the list above: the material law is hard-coded to the Pole-zero material law, the fibre direction is by default the X-direction, and the fixed nodes are automatically set (when CardiacElectroMechProbRegularGeom is used) to be those satistying X=0, ie the left-hand edge. We discuss how to change these in the second test.

Then all we have to do is call Solve.


Go to the output directory. There should be log file (which can be used to watch progress), and a directory for the electrics output and the mechanics output. The electrics directory is not the same as when running an electrics solve: the basic HDF5 data is there but there is no there is no meshalyzer output, and there is always cmgui output of the electrics solution downsampled onto the mechanics mesh. The deformation output directory contains the deformed solution each timestep in several simple matlab-readable files, and a cmgui output directory. The latter has a script for automatically loading all the results.

Visualise the results by calling cmgui in the directory TestCardiacElectroMechanicsExample/deformation/cmgui . The electrics data can be visualised on the deforming mesh by using the scene (and spectrum) editor. (See cmgui website for information on how to use cmgui, but very briefy: graphics -> scene editor -> select surfaces -> add, then check 'Data'. Then graphics -> Spectrum editor -> min=-90, max=50.).

To observe the tissue relaxing you can re-run the simulation with an end time of more than 350ms.


Twisting cube: 3d example with varying fibre directions

The second test is a longer running 3d test - the 'dont' in the name of the test means it isn't run automatically. To run, remove the 'dont'. It is worth running with build=GccOpt_ndebug, and see the comments about HYPRE above.

This test shows how to do 3d simulations (trivial changes), and how to use CardiacElectroMechanicsProblem, which requires meshes and fixed nodes to be passed in, and also how to pass in fibre directions for the mechanics mesh.

    void dontTestTwistingCube() throw(Exception)

Cell factory as normal

        PlaneStimulusCellFactory<CellLuoRudy1991FromCellML, 3> cell_factory(-1000*1000);

Set up two meshes of 1mm by 1mm by 1mm, one a TetrahedralMesh for the electrics solve, one a (coarser) QuadraticMesh for the mechanics solve.

        TetrahedralMesh<3,3> electrics_mesh;
        electrics_mesh.ConstructRegularSlabMesh(0.01/*stepsize*/, 0.1/*length*/, 0.1/*width*/, 0.1/*depth*/);
        QuadraticMesh<3> mechanics_mesh;
        mechanics_mesh.ConstructRegularSlabMesh(0.02, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1 /*as above with a different stepsize*/);

We choose to fix the nodes on Z=0. For this the NonlinearElasticityTools class is helpful. The static method called below returns all nodes for which the Z value (indicated by the '2' ('0' for X, '1' for Y)) is equal to 0.0.

        std::vector<unsigned> fixed_nodes
            = NonlinearElasticityTools<3>::GetNodesByComponentValue(mechanics_mesh, 2, 0.0);

Create the problem object, which has the same interface as the the child class used in the first test, except it takes in meshes and fixed nodes (as std vectors).

        CardiacElectroMechanicsProblem<3> problem(KERCHOFFS2003,
                                                  50,   // end time
                                                  0.01, // electrics timestep (ms)
                                                  1.0,  // mechanics solve timestep
                                                  1.0,  // contraction model ode timestep
                                                  "TestCardiacElectroMech3dTwistingCube" /* output directory */);

The default fibre direction is the X-direction (and the default sheet plane is the XY plane). Here we show how this can be changed.

Fibre files should be .ortho type files (not .axi), since the sheet direction is used in the default material law (see file formats documentation if you haven't come across these files, basically .axi files specify the fibre directions; .ortho the fibre sheet and normal directions). For mechanics problems, the .ortho file can be used to either define the fibre information PER-ELEMENT or PER-QUADRATURE-POINT (ie all the quad points in all the elements). The latter provides a higher resolution description of fibres. Here we use the latter, just because it is the harder case. Tthe true below the problem class tells the class the fibres are defined per quad point. To see how this data file was generated, see below.

        problem.SetVariableFibreSheetDirectionsFile("heart/test/data/fibre_tests/5by5by5_fibres_by_quadpt.orthoquad", true);

SetNoElectricsOutput is a method that is sometimes useful with a fine electrics mesh (although in this case we don't call it).

        bool no_electrics = false;

Now call Solve. This will take a while to run, so watch progress using the log file to estimate when it will finish. build=GccOpt_ndebug will speed this up by a factor of about 5.


The way the fibre file was created is given here. After defining the mechanics mesh, do:

        //GaussianQuadratureRule<3> quad_rule(3);
        //QuadraturePointsGroup<3> quad_points(mechanics_mesh, quad_rule);
        //std::cout << quad_points.Size() << "\n";
        //for(unsigned i=0; i<quad_points.Size(); i++)
        //    ////std::cout << quad_points.Get(i)(0) << " " << quad_points.Get(i)(1) << " " << quad_points.Get(i)(2) << " ";
        //    double x = quad_points.Get(i)(0);
        //    double theta = M_PI/3 - 10*x*2*M_PI/3; // 60 degrees when x=0, -60 when x=0.1;
        //    std::cout <<  "0 " << cos(theta)  << " " << sin(theta)
        //              << " 0 " << -sin(theta) << " " << cos(theta)
        //              << " 1 0 0\n";

For creating a fibre file with fibres for each element instead, we could have done

        //for(unsigned i=0; i<mechanics_mesh.GetNumElements(); i++)
        //    double X = mechanics_mesh.GetElement(i)->CalculateCentroid()(0);
        //    //etc

The one thing we haven't shown how to change is the material law. This can be done by defining a material law in this test (see solid mechanics tutorial, for example), and then calling the following before Initialise() or Solve.


Mechano-electric feedback

As mentioned above, by default feedback of the mechanics to the electrics is not switched on, so by default the conductivities will not be affected by the deformation, and the stretch is not passed back to the cell-models to allow for stretch-activated channels (SAC). To allow for these two features, call


before calling problem.Solve(). Note that (i) the electrics solve will slow down, since the linear system matrix now varies with time (as conductivities depend on deformation), and has to be recomputed after every mechanics update; and (ii) if you want a cell model that includes SAC you have to implement one. There is a single example of this in the code base at the moment, see heart/src/odes/ionicmodels/NobleVargheseKohlNoble1998WithSac.hpp.

Further functionality and examples using M.E.F. will be added in the near future.

Other comments

If you would like to apply a traction boundary condition, see the solid mechanics tutorial on how to apply tractions given a NonlinearElasticitySolver, and then note that you can access this solver in the tests above by doing, for example:

    //problem.GetCardiacMechanicsSolver()->SetSurfaceTractionBoundaryConditions(boundary_elems, tractions);

and then calling problem.Solve().


The full code is given below

File name TestCardiacElectroMechanicsTutorial.hpp

#include <cxxtest/TestSuite.h>
#include "PlaneStimulusCellFactory.hpp"
#include "PetscSetupAndFinalize.hpp"
#include "CardiacElectroMechProbRegularGeom.hpp"
#include "LuoRudy1991.hpp"
#include "CardiacElectroMechanicsProblem.hpp"
#include "NonlinearElasticityTools.hpp"
#include "NobleVargheseKohlNoble1998WithSac.hpp"
class TestCardiacElectroMechanicsTutorial : public CxxTest::TestSuite
    void TestCardiacElectroMechanicsExample() throw(Exception)
        PlaneStimulusCellFactory<CellLuoRudy1991FromCellML, 2> cell_factory(-1000*1000);

        CardiacElectroMechProbRegularGeom<2> problem(KERCHOFFS2003,  // The contraction model (see below)
                                                     0.1,  // width of square (cm)
                                                     5,    // Number mechanics elements in each direction
                                                     10,   // Number electrics elements in each direction
                                                     40.0, // end time
                                                     0.01, // electrics timestep (ms)
                                                     1.0,  // mechanics solve timestep
                                                     0.01, // contraction model ode timestep
                                                     "TestCardiacElectroMechanicsExample" /* output directory */);


    void dontTestTwistingCube() throw(Exception)
        PlaneStimulusCellFactory<CellLuoRudy1991FromCellML, 3> cell_factory(-1000*1000);

        TetrahedralMesh<3,3> electrics_mesh;
        electrics_mesh.ConstructRegularSlabMesh(0.01/*stepsize*/, 0.1/*length*/, 0.1/*width*/, 0.1/*depth*/);

        QuadraticMesh<3> mechanics_mesh;
        mechanics_mesh.ConstructRegularSlabMesh(0.02, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1 /*as above with a different stepsize*/);

        std::vector<unsigned> fixed_nodes
            = NonlinearElasticityTools<3>::GetNodesByComponentValue(mechanics_mesh, 2, 0.0);

        CardiacElectroMechanicsProblem<3> problem(KERCHOFFS2003,
                                                  50,   // end time
                                                  0.01, // electrics timestep (ms)
                                                  1.0,  // mechanics solve timestep
                                                  1.0,  // contraction model ode timestep
                                                  "TestCardiacElectroMech3dTwistingCube" /* output directory */);

        problem.SetVariableFibreSheetDirectionsFile("heart/test/data/fibre_tests/5by5by5_fibres_by_quadpt.orthoquad", true);

        bool no_electrics = false;


        //GaussianQuadratureRule<3> quad_rule(3);
        //QuadraturePointsGroup<3> quad_points(mechanics_mesh, quad_rule);
        //std::cout << quad_points.Size() << "\n";
        //for(unsigned i=0; i<quad_points.Size(); i++)
        //    ////std::cout << quad_points.Get(i)(0) << " " << quad_points.Get(i)(1) << " " << quad_points.Get(i)(2) << " ";
        //    double x = quad_points.Get(i)(0);
        //    double theta = M_PI/3 - 10*x*2*M_PI/3; // 60 degrees when x=0, -60 when x=0.1;
        //    std::cout <<  "0 " << cos(theta)  << " " << sin(theta)
        //              << " 0 " << -sin(theta) << " " << cos(theta)
        //              << " 1 0 0\n";
        //for(unsigned i=0; i<mechanics_mesh.GetNumElements(); i++)
        //    double X = mechanics_mesh.GetElement(i)->CalculateCentroid()(0);
        //    //etc


    //problem.GetCardiacMechanicsSolver()->SetSurfaceTractionBoundaryConditions(boundary_elems, tractions);