1. For users of the Cardiac Chaste executable

This section is for users of the cardiac chaste standalone executable, which can be downloaded from the  downloads section of the public Chaste website. The executable does not require any installation of supporting software, takes in XML input files, and outputs the results of simulations in Meshalyzer, Cmgui and Paraview-readable formats.

2. For users of the Chaste code (this includes all cell-based users)

This section is for users of the Chaste source code. The latest release of the source code can be downloaded from the  downloads section of the public Chaste website (do not download the release if you are a new developer (including users based in Compbio/CMB with full wiki and svn access); instead see below). If you have downloaded the latest release you can either follow the installation instructions supplied with the code (see the README file), or use the installation guide below.

New developers should, rather than downloading the release, follow the installation instructions below, including the part on checking-out the latest version of the code.


Running Chaste

Miscellaneous information

3. Further information for developers

New developers (including users based in Compbio/CMB with full wiki and svn access) should read the 'users of the source code' section above, and also see

4. Advanced

5. Chaste Administrators

Automatically generated alphabetical listing of guide pages