Chaste  Release::2017.1
Cylindrical2dVertexMesh Class Reference

#include <Cylindrical2dVertexMesh.hpp>

+ Inheritance diagram for Cylindrical2dVertexMesh:
+ Collaboration diagram for Cylindrical2dVertexMesh:

Public Member Functions

 Cylindrical2dVertexMesh (double width, std::vector< Node< 2 > * > nodes, std::vector< VertexElement< 2, 2 > * > vertexElements, double cellRearrangementThreshold=0.01, double t2Threshold=0.001)
 Cylindrical2dVertexMesh (Cylindrical2dMesh &rMesh)
 ~Cylindrical2dVertexMesh ()
c_vector< double, 2 > GetVectorFromAtoB (const c_vector< double, 2 > &rLocation1, const c_vector< double, 2 > &rLocation2)
void SetNode (unsigned nodeIndex, ChastePoint< 2 > point)
double GetWidth (const unsigned &rDimension) const
unsigned AddNode (Node< 2 > *pNewNode)
void Scale (const double xScale=1.0, const double yScale=1.0, const double zScale=1.0)
MutableVertexMesh< 2, 2 > * GetMeshForVtk ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from MutableVertexMesh< 2, 2 >
 MutableVertexMesh (std::vector< Node< SPACE_DIM > * > nodes, std::vector< VertexElement< ELEMENT_DIM, SPACE_DIM > * > vertexElements, double cellRearrangementThreshold=0.01, double t2Threshold=0.001, double cellRearrangementRatio=1.5, double protorosetteFormationProbability=0.0, double protorosetteResolutionProbabilityPerTimestep=0.0, double rosetteResolutionProbabilityPerTimestep=0.0)
 MutableVertexMesh ()
virtual ~MutableVertexMesh ()
void SetCellRearrangementThreshold (double cellRearrangementThreshold)
void SetT2Threshold (double t2Threshold)
void SetCellRearrangementRatio (double cellRearrangementRatio)
void SetProtorosetteFormationProbability (double protorosetteFormationProbability)
void SetProtorosetteResolutionProbabilityPerTimestep (double protorosetteResolutionProbabilityPerTimestep)
void SetRosetteResolutionProbabilityPerTimestep (double rosetteResolutionProbabilityPerTimestep)
virtual void SetNode (unsigned nodeIndex, ChastePoint< SPACE_DIM > point)
void SetCheckForInternalIntersections (bool checkForInternalIntersections)
double GetCellRearrangementThreshold () const
double GetT2Threshold () const
double GetCellRearrangementRatio () const
double GetProtorosetteFormationProbability () const
double GetProtorosetteResolutionProbabilityPerTimestep () const
double GetRosetteResolutionProbabilityPerTimestep () const
void SetDistanceForT3SwapChecking (double distanceForT3SwapChecking)
double GetDistanceForT3SwapChecking () const
unsigned GetNumNodes () const
unsigned GetNumElements () const
bool GetCheckForInternalIntersections () const
std::vector< c_vector< double, SPACE_DIM > > GetLocationsOfT1Swaps ()
c_vector< double, SPACE_DIM > GetLastT2SwapLocation ()
std::vector< c_vector< double, SPACE_DIM > > GetLocationsOfT3Swaps ()
void ClearLocationsOfT1Swaps ()
void ClearLocationsOfT3Swaps ()
unsigned AddNode (Node< SPACE_DIM > *pNewNode)
void DeleteElementPriorToReMesh (unsigned index)
void DeleteNodePriorToReMesh (unsigned index)
unsigned DivideElementAlongShortAxis (VertexElement< ELEMENT_DIM, SPACE_DIM > *pElement, bool placeOriginalElementBelow=false)
unsigned DivideElementAlongGivenAxis (VertexElement< ELEMENT_DIM, SPACE_DIM > *pElement, c_vector< double, SPACE_DIM > axisOfDivision, bool placeOriginalElementBelow=false)
unsigned AddElement (VertexElement< ELEMENT_DIM, SPACE_DIM > *pNewElement)
bool CheckForT2Swaps (VertexElementMap &rElementMap)
void Clear ()
void DivideEdge (Node< SPACE_DIM > *pNodeA, Node< SPACE_DIM > *pNodeB)
void RemoveDeletedNodesAndElements (VertexElementMap &rElementMap)
void RemoveDeletedNodes ()
virtual void ReMesh (VertexElementMap &rElementMap)
void ReMesh ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from VertexMesh< ELEMENT_DIM, SPACE_DIM >
VertexElementIterator GetElementIteratorBegin (bool skipDeletedElements=true)
VertexElementIterator GetElementIteratorEnd ()
 VertexMesh (std::vector< Node< SPACE_DIM > * > nodes, std::vector< VertexElement< ELEMENT_DIM, SPACE_DIM > * > vertexElements)
 VertexMesh (std::vector< Node< SPACE_DIM > * > nodes, std::vector< VertexElement< ELEMENT_DIM-1, SPACE_DIM > * > faces, std::vector< VertexElement< ELEMENT_DIM, SPACE_DIM > * > vertexElements)
 VertexMesh (TetrahedralMesh< 2, 2 > &rMesh, bool isPeriodic=false)
 VertexMesh (TetrahedralMesh< 3, 3 > &rMesh)
 VertexMesh ()
virtual ~VertexMesh ()
unsigned GetNumAllElements () const
virtual unsigned GetNumFaces () const
VertexElement< ELEMENT_DIM, SPACE_DIM > * GetElement (unsigned index) const
VertexElement< ELEMENT_DIM-1, SPACE_DIM > * GetFace (unsigned index) const
virtual c_vector< double, SPACE_DIM > GetCentroidOfElement (unsigned index)
void ConstructFromMeshReader (AbstractMeshReader< ELEMENT_DIM, SPACE_DIM > &rMeshReader)
unsigned GetDelaunayNodeIndexCorrespondingToVoronoiElementIndex (unsigned elementIndex)
unsigned GetVoronoiElementIndexCorrespondingToDelaunayNodeIndex (unsigned nodeIndex)
unsigned GetRosetteRankOfElement (unsigned index)
virtual c_vector< double, SPACE_DIM > GetVectorFromAtoB (const c_vector< double, SPACE_DIM > &rLocationA, const c_vector< double, SPACE_DIM > &rLocationB)
virtual double GetVolumeOfElement (unsigned index)
virtual double GetSurfaceAreaOfElement (unsigned index)
c_vector< double, SPACE_DIM > GetAreaGradientOfElementAtNode (VertexElement< ELEMENT_DIM, SPACE_DIM > *pElement, unsigned localIndex)
c_vector< double, SPACE_DIM > GetPreviousEdgeGradientOfElementAtNode (VertexElement< ELEMENT_DIM, SPACE_DIM > *pElement, unsigned localIndex)
c_vector< double, SPACE_DIM > GetNextEdgeGradientOfElementAtNode (VertexElement< ELEMENT_DIM, SPACE_DIM > *pElement, unsigned localIndex)
c_vector< double, SPACE_DIM > GetPerimeterGradientOfElementAtNode (VertexElement< ELEMENT_DIM, SPACE_DIM > *pElement, unsigned localIndex)
virtual c_vector< double, 3 > CalculateMomentsOfElement (unsigned index)
double GetEdgeLength (unsigned elementIndex1, unsigned elementIndex2)
double GetElongationShapeFactorOfElement (unsigned elementIndex)
double CalculateUnitNormalToFaceWithArea (VertexElement< ELEMENT_DIM-1, SPACE_DIM > *pFace, c_vector< double, SPACE_DIM > &rNormal)
virtual double CalculateAreaOfFace (VertexElement< ELEMENT_DIM-1, SPACE_DIM > *pFace)
c_vector< double, SPACE_DIM > GetShortAxisOfElement (unsigned index)
std::set< unsignedGetNeighbouringNodeIndices (unsigned nodeIndex)
std::set< unsignedGetNeighbouringNodeNotAlsoInElement (unsigned nodeIndex, unsigned elemIndex)
std::set< unsignedGetNeighbouringElementIndices (unsigned elementIndex)
 VertexMesh (TetrahedralMesh< 2, 2 > &rMesh, bool isPeriodic)
 VertexMesh (TetrahedralMesh< 3, 3 > &rMesh)
- Public Member Functions inherited from AbstractMesh< ELEMENT_DIM, SPACE_DIM >
NodeIterator GetNodeIteratorBegin (bool skipDeletedNodes=true)
NodeIterator GetNodeIteratorEnd ()
 AbstractMesh ()
virtual ~AbstractMesh ()
unsigned GetNumBoundaryNodes () const
virtual unsigned GetNumAllNodes () const
unsigned GetNumNodeAttributes () const
Node< SPACE_DIM > * GetNode (unsigned index) const
virtual Node< SPACE_DIM > * GetNodeOrHaloNode (unsigned index) const
Node< SPACE_DIM > * GetNodeFromPrePermutationIndex (unsigned index) const
virtual void ReadNodesPerProcessorFile (const std::string &rNodesPerProcessorFile)
virtual DistributedVectorFactoryGetDistributedVectorFactory ()
virtual void SetDistributedVectorFactory (DistributedVectorFactory *pFactory)
virtual void PermuteNodes ()
BoundaryNodeIterator GetBoundaryNodeIteratorBegin () const
BoundaryNodeIterator GetBoundaryNodeIteratorEnd () const
std::string GetMeshFileBaseName () const
bool IsMeshOnDisk () const
const std::vector< unsigned > & rGetNodePermutation () const
double GetDistanceBetweenNodes (unsigned indexA, unsigned indexB)
virtual ChasteCuboid< SPACE_DIM > CalculateBoundingBox () const
virtual unsigned GetNearestNodeIndex (const ChastePoint< SPACE_DIM > &rTestPoint)
virtual void Translate (const c_vector< double, SPACE_DIM > &rDisplacement)
void Translate (const double xMovement=0.0, const double yMovement=0.0, const double zMovement=0.0)
virtual void Rotate (c_matrix< double, SPACE_DIM, SPACE_DIM > rotationMatrix)
void Rotate (c_vector< double, 3 > axis, double angle)
void RotateX (const double theta)
void RotateY (const double theta)
void RotateZ (const double theta)
void Rotate (double theta)
virtual void RefreshMesh ()
bool IsMeshChanging () const
unsigned CalculateMaximumContainingElementsPerProcess () const
void SetMeshHasChangedSinceLoading ()

Private Member Functions

template<class Archive >
void serialize (Archive &archive, const unsigned int version)
 Cylindrical2dVertexMesh ()

Private Attributes

double mWidth


class TestCylindrical2dVertexMesh
class boost::serialization::access

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from AbstractMesh< ELEMENT_DIM, SPACE_DIM >
typedef std::vector< Node< SPACE_DIM > * >::const_iterator BoundaryNodeIterator
- Protected Member Functions inherited from MutableVertexMesh< 2, 2 >
unsigned DivideElement (VertexElement< ELEMENT_DIM, SPACE_DIM > *pElement, unsigned nodeAIndex, unsigned nodeBIndex, bool placeOriginalElementBelow=false)
virtual bool CheckForSwapsFromShortEdges ()
bool CheckForIntersections ()
virtual void IdentifySwapType (Node< SPACE_DIM > *pNodeA, Node< SPACE_DIM > *pNodeB)
void PerformNodeMerge (Node< SPACE_DIM > *pNodeA, Node< SPACE_DIM > *pNodeB)
void PerformT1Swap (Node< SPACE_DIM > *pNodeA, Node< SPACE_DIM > *pNodeB, std::set< unsigned > &rElementsContainingNodes)
void PerformIntersectionSwap (Node< SPACE_DIM > *pNode, unsigned elementIndex)
void PerformT2Swap (VertexElement< ELEMENT_DIM, SPACE_DIM > &rElement)
void PerformT3Swap (Node< SPACE_DIM > *pNode, unsigned elementIndex)
void PerformVoidRemoval (Node< SPACE_DIM > *pNodeA, Node< SPACE_DIM > *pNodeB, Node< SPACE_DIM > *pNodeC)
virtual void HandleHighOrderJunctions (Node< SPACE_DIM > *pNodeA, Node< SPACE_DIM > *pNodeB)
void PerformRosetteRankIncrease (Node< SPACE_DIM > *pNodeA, Node< SPACE_DIM > *pNodeB)
void PerformProtorosetteResolution (Node< SPACE_DIM > *pProtorosetteNode)
void PerformRosetteRankDecrease (Node< SPACE_DIM > *pRosetteNode)
void CheckForRosettes ()
c_vector< double, 2 > WidenEdgeOrCorrectIntersectionLocationIfNecessary (unsigned indexA, unsigned indexB, c_vector< double, 2 > intersection)
void serialize (Archive &archive, const unsigned int version)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from VertexMesh< ELEMENT_DIM, SPACE_DIM >
unsigned SolveNodeMapping (unsigned index) const
unsigned SolveElementMapping (unsigned index) const
unsigned SolveBoundaryElementMapping (unsigned index) const
void GenerateVerticesFromElementCircumcentres (TetrahedralMesh< ELEMENT_DIM, SPACE_DIM > &rMesh)
bool ElementIncludesPoint (const c_vector< double, SPACE_DIM > &rTestPoint, unsigned elementIndex)
unsigned GetLocalIndexForElementEdgeClosestToPoint (const c_vector< double, SPACE_DIM > &rTestPoint, unsigned elementIndex)
template<class Archive >
void save (Archive &archive, const unsigned int version) const
template<class Archive >
void load (Archive &archive, const unsigned int version)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from AbstractMesh< ELEMENT_DIM, SPACE_DIM >
virtual void SetElementOwnerships ()
ChasteCuboid< SPACE_DIM > CalculateBoundingBox (const std::vector< Node< SPACE_DIM > * > &rNodes) const
- Protected Attributes inherited from MutableVertexMesh< 2, 2 >
double mCellRearrangementThreshold
double mCellRearrangementRatio
double mT2Threshold
double mProtorosetteFormationProbability
double mProtorosetteResolutionProbabilityPerTimestep
double mRosetteResolutionProbabilityPerTimestep
bool mCheckForInternalIntersections
std::vector< unsignedmDeletedNodeIndices
std::vector< unsignedmDeletedElementIndices
double mDistanceForT3SwapChecking
std::vector< c_vector< double, SPACE_DIM > > mLocationsOfT1Swaps
c_vector< double, SPACE_DIM > mLastT2SwapLocation
std::vector< c_vector< double, SPACE_DIM > > mLocationsOfT3Swaps
- Protected Attributes inherited from VertexMesh< ELEMENT_DIM, SPACE_DIM >
std::vector< VertexElement< ELEMENT_DIM, SPACE_DIM > * > mElements
std::vector< VertexElement< ELEMENT_DIM-1, SPACE_DIM > * > mFaces
std::map< unsigned, unsignedmVoronoiElementIndexMap
TetrahedralMesh< ELEMENT_DIM, SPACE_DIM > * mpDelaunayMesh
- Protected Attributes inherited from AbstractMesh< ELEMENT_DIM, SPACE_DIM >
std::vector< Node< SPACE_DIM > * > mNodes
std::vector< Node< SPACE_DIM > * > mBoundaryNodes
std::vector< unsignedmNodePermutation
std::string mMeshFileBaseName
bool mMeshChangesDuringSimulation

Detailed Description

A subclass of MutableVertexMesh<2,2> for a rectangular mesh with periodic left and right boundaries, representing a cylindrical geometry.

The class works by overriding calls such as ReMesh() and GetVectorFromAtoB() so that simulation classes can treat this class in exactly the same way as a MutableMesh<2,2>.

Definition at line 53 of file Cylindrical2dVertexMesh.hpp.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

Cylindrical2dVertexMesh::Cylindrical2dVertexMesh ( )

Constructor - used for serialization only.

Definition at line 147 of file Cylindrical2dVertexMesh.cpp.

Referenced by serialize().

Cylindrical2dVertexMesh::Cylindrical2dVertexMesh ( double  width,
std::vector< Node< 2 > * >  nodes,
std::vector< VertexElement< 2, 2 > * >  vertexElements,
double  cellRearrangementThreshold = 0.01,
double  t2Threshold = 0.001 

Default constructor.

widththe width (circumference) of the mesh
nodesvector of pointers to nodes
vertexElementsvector of pointers to VertexElements
cellRearrangementThresholdthe minimum threshold distance for element rearrangement (defaults to 0.01)
t2Thresholdthe maximum threshold distance for Type 2 swaps (defaults to 0.001)

Definition at line 39 of file Cylindrical2dVertexMesh.cpp.

References MutableVertexMesh< 2, 2 >::ReMesh().

Cylindrical2dVertexMesh::Cylindrical2dVertexMesh ( Cylindrical2dMesh rMesh)

Alternative constructor. Creates a Voronoi tessellation of a given Cylindrical2dMesh, which must be Delaunay (see TetrahedralMesh::CheckIsVoronoi).

rMesha Cylindrical2dMesh

Create a std::vector of pairs, where each pair comprises the angle between the centre of the Voronoi element and each node with that node's global index in the Voronoi mesh.

Definition at line 51 of file Cylindrical2dVertexMesh.cpp.

References MutableElement< ELEMENT_DIM, SPACE_DIM >::AddNode(), MutableVertexMesh< 2, 2 >::Clear(), VertexMesh< ELEMENT_DIM, SPACE_DIM >::GenerateVerticesFromElementCircumcentres(), VertexMesh< ELEMENT_DIM, SPACE_DIM >::mElements, AbstractMesh< ELEMENT_DIM, SPACE_DIM >::mMeshChangesDuringSimulation, AbstractMesh< ELEMENT_DIM, SPACE_DIM >::mNodes, VertexMesh< ELEMENT_DIM, SPACE_DIM >::mpDelaunayMesh, and mWidth.

Cylindrical2dVertexMesh::~Cylindrical2dVertexMesh ( )


Definition at line 151 of file Cylindrical2dVertexMesh.cpp.

Referenced by serialize().

Member Function Documentation

unsigned Cylindrical2dVertexMesh::AddNode ( Node< 2 > *  pNewNode)

Overridden AddNode() method.

pNewNodethe node to be added to the mesh
the global index of the new node

Definition at line 209 of file Cylindrical2dVertexMesh.cpp.

References MutableVertexMesh< ELEMENT_DIM, SPACE_DIM >::AddNode(), Node< SPACE_DIM >::GetPoint(), and SetNode().

Referenced by serialize().

c_vector< double, 2 > Cylindrical2dVertexMesh::GetVectorFromAtoB ( const c_vector< double, 2 > &  rLocation1,
const c_vector< double, 2 > &  rLocation2 

Overridden GetVectorFromAtoB() method. This method evaluates the (surface) distance between two points in a 2D cylindrical geometry.

rLocation1the x and y co-ordinates of point 1
rLocation2the x and y co-ordinates of point 2
the vector from location1 to location2

Definition at line 155 of file Cylindrical2dVertexMesh.cpp.

References mWidth.

Referenced by serialize().

double Cylindrical2dVertexMesh::GetWidth ( const unsigned rDimension) const

Overridden GetWidth() method.

Calculate the 'width' of any dimension of the mesh, taking periodicity into account.

rDimensiona dimension (0 or 1)
The maximum distance between any nodes in this dimension.

Reimplemented from AbstractMesh< ELEMENT_DIM, SPACE_DIM >.

Definition at line 194 of file Cylindrical2dVertexMesh.cpp.

References AbstractMesh< ELEMENT_DIM, SPACE_DIM >::GetWidth(), and mWidth.

Referenced by serialize().

void Cylindrical2dVertexMesh::Scale ( const double  xScale = 1.0,
const double  yScale = 1.0,
const double  zScale = 1.0 

Overridden Scale method to also scale the width (mWidth) of the mesh

xScaleis the scale in the x-direction (defaults to 1.0)
yScaleis the scale in the y-direction (defaults to 1.0)
zScaleis the scale in the z-direction (defaults to 1.0) note this has to be 1.0 as only a 2d Mesh

Reimplemented from AbstractMesh< ELEMENT_DIM, SPACE_DIM >.

Definition at line 220 of file Cylindrical2dVertexMesh.cpp.

References mWidth, and AbstractMesh< ELEMENT_DIM, SPACE_DIM >::Scale().

Referenced by serialize().

template<class Archive >
void Cylindrical2dVertexMesh::serialize ( Archive &  archive,
const unsigned int  version 

Archives the member variables of the object which have to be preserved during its lifetime.

The remaining member variables are re-initialised before being used by each ReMesh() call so they do not need to be archived.

archivethe archive
versionthe current version of this class

Definition at line 75 of file Cylindrical2dVertexMesh.hpp.

References AddNode(), CHASTE_CLASS_EXPORT, Cylindrical2dVertexMesh(), GetMeshForVtk(), GetVectorFromAtoB(), GetWidth(), mWidth, Scale(), SetNode(), and ~Cylindrical2dVertexMesh().

void Cylindrical2dVertexMesh::SetNode ( unsigned  nodeIndex,
ChastePoint< 2 >  point 

Overridden SetNode() method.

If the location should be set outside a cylindrical boundary move it back onto the cylinder.

nodeIndexis the index of the node to be moved
pointis the new target location of the node

Definition at line 174 of file Cylindrical2dVertexMesh.cpp.

References mWidth, ChastePoint< DIM >::rGetLocation(), ChastePoint< DIM >::SetCoordinate(), and MutableVertexMesh< ELEMENT_DIM, SPACE_DIM >::SetNode().

Referenced by AddNode(), and serialize().

Friends And Related Function Documentation

friend class boost::serialization::access

Needed for serialization.

Definition at line 63 of file Cylindrical2dVertexMesh.hpp.

Member Data Documentation

double Cylindrical2dVertexMesh::mWidth

The circumference of the cylinder.

Definition at line 60 of file Cylindrical2dVertexMesh.hpp.

Referenced by Cylindrical2dVertexMesh(), GetMeshForVtk(), GetVectorFromAtoB(), GetWidth(), Scale(), serialize(), and SetNode().

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: