Chaste  Release::2017.1
DistributedQuadraticMesh< DIM > Class Template Reference

#include <DistributedQuadraticMesh.hpp>

+ Inheritance diagram for DistributedQuadraticMesh< DIM >:
+ Collaboration diagram for DistributedQuadraticMesh< DIM >:

Public Member Functions

 DistributedQuadraticMesh (DistributedTetrahedralMeshPartitionType::type partitioningMethod=DistributedTetrahedralMeshPartitionType::PARMETIS_LIBRARY)
virtual ~DistributedQuadraticMesh ()
void ConstructFromMeshReader (AbstractMeshReader< DIM, DIM > &rMeshReader)
- Public Member Functions inherited from DistributedTetrahedralMesh< DIM, DIM >
 DistributedTetrahedralMesh (DistributedTetrahedralMeshPartitionType::type partitioningMethod=DistributedTetrahedralMeshPartitionType::PARMETIS_LIBRARY)
virtual ~DistributedTetrahedralMesh ()
void SetDistributedVectorFactory (DistributedVectorFactory *pFactory)
virtual void ConstructFromMeshReader (AbstractMeshReader< ELEMENT_DIM, SPACE_DIM > &rMeshReader)
unsigned GetNumLocalNodes () const
unsigned GetNumHaloNodes () const
unsigned GetNumLocalElements () const
unsigned GetNumLocalBoundaryElements () const
unsigned GetNumNodes () const
unsigned GetNumAllNodes () const
unsigned GetNumElements () const
DistributedTetrahedralMeshPartitionType::type GetPartitionType () const
unsigned GetNumBoundaryElements () const
void GetHaloNodeIndices (std::vector< unsigned > &rHaloIndices) const
void SetProcessRegion (ChasteCuboid< SPACE_DIM > *pRegion)
ChasteCuboid< SPACE_DIM > * GetProcessRegion ()
bool CalculateDesignatedOwnershipOfElement (unsigned elementIndex)
bool CalculateDesignatedOwnershipOfBoundaryElement (unsigned faceIndex)
void ConstructLinearMesh (unsigned width)
void ConstructRectangularMesh (unsigned width, unsigned height, bool stagger=true)
void ConstructCuboid (unsigned width, unsigned height, unsigned depth)
virtual void Scale (const double xFactor=1.0, const double yFactor=1.0, const double zFactor=1.0)
Node< SPACE_DIM > * GetNodeOrHaloNode (unsigned index) const
virtual ChasteCuboid< SPACE_DIM > CalculateBoundingBox () const
virtual unsigned GetNearestNodeIndex (const ChastePoint< SPACE_DIM > &rTestPoint)
virtual c_vector< double, 2 > CalculateMinMaxEdgeLengths ()
void Rotate (c_matrix< double, SPACE_DIM, SPACE_DIM > rotationMatrix)
void Translate (const c_vector< double, SPACE_DIM > &rDisplacement)
HaloNodeIterator GetHaloNodeIteratorBegin () const
HaloNodeIterator GetHaloNodeIteratorEnd () const
- Public Member Functions inherited from AbstractTetrahedralMesh< ELEMENT_DIM, SPACE_DIM >
ElementIterator GetElementIteratorBegin (bool skipDeletedElements=true)
ElementIterator GetElementIteratorEnd ()
 AbstractTetrahedralMesh ()
virtual ~AbstractTetrahedralMesh ()
unsigned GetNumAllElements () const
unsigned GetNumAllBoundaryElements () const
virtual unsigned GetNumCableElements () const
virtual unsigned GetNumVertices () const
virtual unsigned GetMaximumNodeIndex ()
Element< ELEMENT_DIM, SPACE_DIM > * GetElement (unsigned index) const
BoundaryElement< ELEMENT_DIM-1, SPACE_DIM > * GetBoundaryElement (unsigned index) const
void ConstructFromMesh (AbstractTetrahedralMesh< ELEMENT_DIM, SPACE_DIM > &rOtherMesh)
BoundaryElementIterator GetBoundaryElementIteratorBegin () const
BoundaryElementIterator GetBoundaryElementIteratorEnd () const
virtual void GetInverseJacobianForElement (unsigned elementIndex, c_matrix< double, SPACE_DIM, ELEMENT_DIM > &rJacobian, double &rJacobianDeterminant, c_matrix< double, ELEMENT_DIM, SPACE_DIM > &rInverseJacobian) const
virtual void GetWeightedDirectionForBoundaryElement (unsigned elementIndex, c_vector< double, SPACE_DIM > &rWeightedDirection, double &rJacobianDeterminant) const
void CheckOutwardNormals ()
void ConstructRegularSlabMesh (double spaceStep, double width, double height=0, double depth=0)
void ConstructRegularSlabMeshWithDimensionSplit (unsigned dimension, double spaceStep, double width, double height=0, double depth=0)
unsigned CalculateMaximumNodeConnectivityPerProcess () const
void CalculateNodeExchange (std::vector< std::vector< unsigned > > &rNodesToSendPerProcess, std::vector< std::vector< unsigned > > &rNodesToReceivePerProcess)
unsigned GetContainingElementIndex (const ChastePoint< SPACE_DIM > &rTestPoint, bool strict=false, std::set< unsigned > testElements=std::set< unsigned >(), bool onlyTryWithTestElements=false)
unsigned GetNearestElementIndexFromTestElements (const ChastePoint< SPACE_DIM > &rTestPoint, std::set< unsigned > testElements)
- Public Member Functions inherited from AbstractMesh< ELEMENT_DIM, SPACE_DIM >
NodeIterator GetNodeIteratorBegin (bool skipDeletedNodes=true)
NodeIterator GetNodeIteratorEnd ()
 AbstractMesh ()
virtual ~AbstractMesh ()
unsigned GetNumBoundaryNodes () const
unsigned GetNumNodeAttributes () const
Node< SPACE_DIM > * GetNode (unsigned index) const
Node< SPACE_DIM > * GetNodeFromPrePermutationIndex (unsigned index) const
virtual void ReadNodesPerProcessorFile (const std::string &rNodesPerProcessorFile)
virtual DistributedVectorFactoryGetDistributedVectorFactory ()
virtual void PermuteNodes ()
BoundaryNodeIterator GetBoundaryNodeIteratorBegin () const
BoundaryNodeIterator GetBoundaryNodeIteratorEnd () const
std::string GetMeshFileBaseName () const
bool IsMeshOnDisk () const
const std::vector< unsigned > & rGetNodePermutation () const
virtual c_vector< double, SPACE_DIM > GetVectorFromAtoB (const c_vector< double, SPACE_DIM > &rLocationA, const c_vector< double, SPACE_DIM > &rLocationB)
double GetDistanceBetweenNodes (unsigned indexA, unsigned indexB)
virtual double GetWidth (const unsigned &rDimension) const
void Translate (const double xMovement=0.0, const double yMovement=0.0, const double zMovement=0.0)
void Rotate (c_vector< double, 3 > axis, double angle)
void RotateX (const double theta)
void RotateY (const double theta)
void RotateZ (const double theta)
void Rotate (double theta)
virtual void RefreshMesh ()
bool IsMeshChanging () const
unsigned CalculateMaximumContainingElementsPerProcess () const
void SetMeshHasChangedSinceLoading ()

Private Member Functions

template<class Archive >
void serialize (Archive &archive, const unsigned int version)


class boost::serialization::access

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from DistributedTetrahedralMesh< DIM, DIM >
typedef std::vector< Node< SPACE_DIM > * >::const_iterator HaloNodeIterator
- Public Types inherited from AbstractTetrahedralMesh< ELEMENT_DIM, SPACE_DIM >
typedef std::vector< BoundaryElement< ELEMENT_DIM-1, SPACE_DIM > * >::const_iterator BoundaryElementIterator
- Public Types inherited from AbstractMesh< ELEMENT_DIM, SPACE_DIM >
typedef std::vector< Node< SPACE_DIM > * >::const_iterator BoundaryNodeIterator
- Protected Member Functions inherited from DistributedTetrahedralMesh< DIM, DIM >
unsigned SolveNodeMapping (unsigned index) const
unsigned SolveElementMapping (unsigned index) const
unsigned SolveBoundaryElementMapping (unsigned index) const
- Protected Member Functions inherited from AbstractMesh< ELEMENT_DIM, SPACE_DIM >
ChasteCuboid< SPACE_DIM > CalculateBoundingBox (const std::vector< Node< SPACE_DIM > * > &rNodes) const
- Protected Attributes inherited from AbstractTetrahedralMesh< ELEMENT_DIM, SPACE_DIM >
bool mMeshIsLinear
std::vector< Element< ELEMENT_DIM, SPACE_DIM > * > mElements
std::vector< BoundaryElement< ELEMENT_DIM-1, SPACE_DIM > * > mBoundaryElements
- Protected Attributes inherited from AbstractMesh< ELEMENT_DIM, SPACE_DIM >
std::vector< Node< SPACE_DIM > * > mNodes
std::vector< Node< SPACE_DIM > * > mBoundaryNodes
std::vector< unsignedmNodePermutation
std::string mMeshFileBaseName
bool mMeshChangesDuringSimulation

Detailed Description

template<unsigned DIM>
class DistributedQuadraticMesh< DIM >

Parallel implementation of a quadratic mesh Nodes are distributed such that each process has

  • A set of nodes (possibly reordered) with contiguous global indices
  • A local copy of all the elements supporting those nodes
  • A local copy of ghost/halo nodes which are all the nodes used in the supporting elements, but not owned outright.

Definition at line 64 of file DistributedQuadraticMesh.hpp.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

template<unsigned DIM>
DistributedQuadraticMesh< DIM >::DistributedQuadraticMesh ( DistributedTetrahedralMeshPartitionType::type  partitioningMethod = DistributedTetrahedralMeshPartitionType::PARMETIS_LIBRARY)


partitioningMethoddefaults to PARMETIS_LIBRARY, Nb: This is should have the same default behaviour as DistributedTetrahedralMesh

Definition at line 40 of file DistributedQuadraticMesh.cpp.

Referenced by DistributedQuadraticMesh< DIM >::serialize().

template<unsigned DIM>
DistributedQuadraticMesh< DIM >::~DistributedQuadraticMesh ( )


Definition at line 47 of file DistributedQuadraticMesh.cpp.

Referenced by DistributedQuadraticMesh< DIM >::serialize().

Member Function Documentation

template<unsigned DIM>
template<class Archive >
void DistributedQuadraticMesh< DIM >::serialize ( Archive &  archive,
const unsigned int  version 

Friends And Related Function Documentation

template<unsigned DIM>
friend class boost::serialization::access

Needed for serialization.

Definition at line 67 of file DistributedQuadraticMesh.hpp.

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