PetscMatTools Member List
This is the complete list of members for
PetscMatTools, including all inherited members.
AddMultipleValues(Mat matrix, unsigned *matrixRowAndColIndices, c_matrix< double, MATRIX_SIZE, MATRIX_SIZE > &rSmallMatrix) | PetscMatTools | [inline, static] |
AddToElement(Mat matrix, PetscInt row, PetscInt col, double value) | PetscMatTools | [static] |
CheckEquality(const Mat mat1, const Mat mat2, double tol=1e-10) | PetscMatTools | [static] |
CheckSymmetry(const Mat matrix, double tol=1e-10) | PetscMatTools | [static] |
Display(Mat matrix) | PetscMatTools | [static] |
Finalise(Mat matrix) | PetscMatTools | [static] |
GetElement(Mat matrix, PetscInt row, PetscInt col) | PetscMatTools | [static] |
GetMatrixRowDistributed(Mat matrix, unsigned rowIndex) | PetscMatTools | [static] |
GetOwnershipRange(Mat matrix, PetscInt &lo, PetscInt &hi) | PetscMatTools | [static] |
GetSize(Mat matrix) | PetscMatTools | [static] |
SetElement(Mat matrix, PetscInt row, PetscInt col, double value) | PetscMatTools | [static] |
SetOption(Mat matrix, MatOption option) | PetscMatTools | [static] |
SetRow(Mat matrix, PetscInt row, double value) | PetscMatTools | [static] |
SwitchWriteMode(Mat matrix) | PetscMatTools | [static] |
TurnOffVariableAllocationError(Mat matrix) | PetscMatTools | [static] |
Zero(Mat matrix) | PetscMatTools | [static] |
ZeroColumn(Mat matrix, PetscInt col) | PetscMatTools | [static] |
ZeroRowsAndColumnsWithValueOnDiagonal(Mat matrix, std::vector< unsigned > rowColIndices, double diagonalValue) | PetscMatTools | [static] |
ZeroRowsWithValueOnDiagonal(Mat matrix, std::vector< unsigned > &rRows, double diagonalValue) | PetscMatTools | [static] |