Distributed and Replicated Vectors

Naming conventions for parallel data structures

If a local data structure is a part of larger global data structure there will be a mapping between the local and global indices. It’s important to distinguish between the two, especially as in some loops (e.g. when replicating data), both indicies will need to be used.


Either local or global indices can be used. They must be named as such. If a loop body needs to refer to both global/local values, then a second variable ought to be declared.

Naming conventions for VecGetArray

When PETSc vectors are read or written on a local process then the PETSc library uses VecGetArray to provide a pointer to the actual storage.

Here is an example of non-intuitive names:

int lo, hi, size;
VecGetOwnershipRange(currentSolution, &lo, &hi);
VecGetSize(currentSolution, &size);

double current_solution[size], current_solution_replicated[size];
double *answer_elements;
VecGetArray(currentSolution, &answer_elements);

It will not be obvious later on that currentSolution and answer_elements are storing the same data.


All pointers that are used in calls to VecGetArray ought to have the prefix p (for pointer). This will distinguish them from locally declared arrays also. Their root name ought to be the same as the original Vec (but change camel-case to lower case when the original Vec was an argument to the function call). Locally declared arrays should have the suffix _array.

The above code becomes:

int lo, hi, size;
VecGetOwnershipRange(currentSolution, &lo, &hi);
VecGetSize(currentSolution, &size);

double current_solution_array[size], current_solution_array_replicated[size];
double *p_current_solution;
VecGetArray(currentSolution, &p_current_solution);

Naming conventions for std::vectors

On most occasions where extensible std::vectors are used, then they hold information that is local to the process. However, there are occasions where std::vectors are distributed (ie. one process holds only the information that corresponds to the nodes which it owns, and no process knows the entire picture) or where std::vectors are replicated (ie. because processes need to share some information about from node neighbours they pool the information at each time-step).

Here’s an example. It’s important here that the state variables of each ODE system are distributed (since most of the parallel speed-up comes from distributing the ODE solutions). However, the voltage solutions from one time step are used in the next, and it’s possible that the voltage from a node which is nearby in the mesh may be on a remote process. Thus the voltages are replicated on all processes before they are needed.

  /** mOdeVarsAtNode[i] is a vector of the current values of the
  *  voltage, gating variables, intracellular Calcium concentration at node
  *  i. The voltage returned by the ode solver is not used later since the pde
  *  solves for the voltage.
  * This is distributed, i.e. i should be a local index.
  std::vector<odeVariablesType> mOdeVarsAtNode;

  /** solutionCache stores the solutions to the ODEs (Icurrent) for
  *  each node in the global system.
  * This is replicated, i.e. use a global index for access.
  std::vector<double> solutionCacheReplicated;


By default, std::vectors are local. When they are replicated or distributed then they ought to have a name which reflects that fact. Following the patterns in the verdicts above, the following suffices: _distributed and _replicated (Replicated if the base is in camel case) should be used.