This tutorial was generated from the file projects/CardiacEpVerification/test/TestEpAgainstExactSolutionsLiteratePaper.hpp at revision r20536. Note that the code is given in full at the bottom of the page.

Testing the cardiac solvers against exact solutions

This is the main code for solving the monodomain, bidomain and bidomain-with-bath model problems.

The following are all standard includes:

#include <cxxtest/TestSuite.h>
#include "AbstractCardiacCellFactory.hpp"
#include "DistributedTetrahedralMesh.hpp"
#include "EulerIvpOdeSolver.hpp"
#include "ZeroStimulus.hpp"
#include "PetscSetupAndFinalize.hpp"

Next, the includes for classes that are defined in this project. ModelProblemCellModel defines the cell model for the model problems:

#include "ModelProblemCellModel.hpp"

This file contains several classes which represent the exact solutions of the model problems:

#include "ModelProblemExactSolutionClasses.hpp"

A class for calculating the L2 error (squared) at given time using a computed solution and exact solution:

#include "L2ErrorSquaredCalculator.hpp"

A class for calculating the second part of the H1 error (squared) at given time using a computed solution and exact solution:

#include "H1SemiNormErrorSquaredCalculator.hpp"

This next file defines three classes which inherit from MonodomainProblem, BidomainProblem and BidomainWithBathProblem but also do error calculations (using the above).

#include "CardiacProblemWithErrorCalculatorClasses.hpp"

We have to define cell factories to create the cell models as always. This cell factory creates the custom ModelProblemCellModel for each node, gives each a zero stimulus, passes in some parameters, and sets up the initial conditions used in the monodomain and bidomain model problems.

template<unsigned DIM>
class NonBathModelProblemCellFactory : public AbstractCardiacCellFactory<DIM>
    double mBeta; // as defined in paper
    unsigned mM1; // coefficient of pi*x in:   F(x) = cos(m1*pi*x)   or   F(x,y) = cos(m1*pi*x)cos(m2*pi*y)   or   F(x,y,z) = cos(m1*pi*x)*cos(m2*pi*y)*cos(m3*pi*z)
    unsigned mM2; // coefficient of pi*y in:   F(x) = cos(m1*pi*x)   or   F(x,y) = cos(m1*pi*x)cos(m2*pi*y)   or   F(x,y,z) = cos(m1*pi*x)*cos(m2*pi*y)*cos(m3*pi*z)
    unsigned mM3; // coefficient of pi*z in:   F(x) = cos(m1*pi*x)   or   F(x,y) = cos(m1*pi*x)cos(m2*pi*y)   or   F(x,y,z) = cos(m1*pi*x)*cos(m2*pi*y)*cos(m3*pi*z)

    NonBathModelProblemCellFactory(double beta, unsigned m1, unsigned m2=0, unsigned m3 = 0)
        : AbstractCardiacCellFactory<DIM>(boost::shared_ptr<AbstractIvpOdeSolver>(new EulerIvpOdeSolver)),

    virtual ~NonBathModelProblemCellFactory()

    AbstractCardiacCell* CreateCardiacCellForTissueNode(unsigned node)
        ModelProblemCellModel* p_cell = new ModelProblemCellModel(this->mpSolver, this->mpZeroStimulus, mBeta);
        ChastePoint<DIM> point = this->GetMesh()->GetNode(node)->GetPoint();

        double F = TimeScaledFunctionF(point, 0.0, mM1, mM2, mM3); // just (1+t)^(1/2) * F(x,y,z), defined in ModelProblemExactSolutionClasses
        double G = FunctionG(point);                               // defined in ModelProblemExactSolutionClasses

        p_cell->rGetStateVariables()[0] = F;
        p_cell->rGetStateVariables()[1] = G + F;
        p_cell->rGetStateVariables()[2] = sqrt(1.0/G);

        return p_cell;

This second cell factory is the same as the above except it passes in the initial conditions defined in the bidomain-with-bath model problem.

template<unsigned DIM>
class BathModelProblemCellFactory : public AbstractCardiacCellFactory<DIM>
    double mBeta; // beta as defined in the paper
    unsigned mM1; // coefficient of pi*x in:   F(x,y,z) = cos(m1*pi*x)
    double mAlpha;// alpha as defined in the paper
    double mExtracellularConductivity; // the variable s_e in the paper

    BathModelProblemCellFactory(double beta, unsigned m1, double alpha, double extracellularConductivity)
        : AbstractCardiacCellFactory<DIM>(boost::shared_ptr<AbstractIvpOdeSolver>(new EulerIvpOdeSolver)),

    virtual ~BathModelProblemCellFactory()

    AbstractCardiacCell* CreateCardiacCellForTissueNode(unsigned node)
        ModelProblemCellModel* p_cell = new ModelProblemCellModel(this->mpSolver, this->mpZeroStimulus, mBeta);
        ChastePoint<DIM> point = this->GetMesh()->GetNode(node)->GetPoint();

        double F = TimeScaledFunctionF(point, 0.0, mM1, 0.0, 0.0); // just (1+t)^(1/2) * F(x,y,z), defined in ModelProblemExactSolutionClasses
        double G = FunctionG(point);                               // defined in ModelProblemExactSolutionClasses
        double x = point[0];

        p_cell->rGetStateVariables()[0] = F - mAlpha*x/mExtracellularConductivity;
        p_cell->rGetStateVariables()[1] = G + F;
        p_cell->rGetStateVariables()[2] = sqrt(1.0/G);
        p_cell->rGetStateVariables()[3] = -mAlpha*x/mExtracellularConductivity;

        return p_cell;

The code for running the model problems are defined in ’tests’, as with all code in Chaste (see main documentation).

class TestEpAgainstExactSolutionsLiteratePaper : public CxxTest::TestSuite

following function can be mostly ignored as an alternative is used:

A function for computing errors, taking in the output directory of a cardiac problem and a class saying how to calculate the exact solution. Note: since the output directory must be written for this function to be used, and with small dt this will lead to a huge datafile (if printing timestep is dt), we no longer use this method for calculating errors. However the code has been kept as it is convenient. The errors are now calculated by computing the contributions to the error at the end of each timestep, as the simulation is progressing. See MonodomainProblemWithErrorCalculator and related classes.

    template<unsigned DIM,unsigned PROBLEM_DIM>
    void ComputeErrors(std::string outputDirectory, AbstractScalarFunction<DIM>* pExactSolution,
                       DistributedTetrahedralMesh<DIM,DIM>& rMesh, double printingTimestep,
                       std::string variable     /* Should be "V" or "Phi_e" */,
                       double& rReturnedLinfL2Error,
                       double& rReturnedL2H1Error,
                       bool testingMode = false /* if this is true, than the returned 'errors' are actually just the norms of the exact solution */)
        if(variable != "V" && variable !="Phi_e")
            EXCEPTION("Bad input");

        // get the data of the data file
        Hdf5DataReader reader(outputDirectory,"results");
        unsigned num_timesteps = reader.GetUnlimitedDimensionValues().size();

        DistributedVectorFactory factory(rMesh.GetNumNodes());
        Vec solution = factory.CreateVec();

        rReturnedLinfL2Error = 0.0;
        rReturnedL2H1Error = 0.0;

        // The phi_e written to file for initial condition is just zeros, so needs to be ignored
        // (Really, the solver should solve the second bidomain equation given initial V to determine what
        // initial phi_e is, but the bidomain solver doesn't do this, and phi_e is just initialised to zero)
        unsigned first = (variable == "V" ? 0 : 1);

        for(unsigned timestep=first; timestep<num_timesteps; timestep++)
            reader.GetVariableOverNodes(solution, variable, timestep);

            double time = printingTimestep*timestep;

            L2ErrorSquaredCalculator<DIM> l2_calc(pExactSolution,time,(variable=="V"));
            double l2_error_sqd = l2_calc.Calculate(rMesh,solution);
            double l2_error = sqrt(l2_error_sqd);

            H1SemiNormErrorSquaredCalculator<DIM> h1_calc(pExactSolution,time,(variable=="V"));
            double h1_seminorm_error_sqd = h1_calc.Calculate(rMesh,solution);
            double h1_error = sqrt(l2_error_sqd + h1_seminorm_error_sqd);

            rReturnedLinfL2Error = std::max(rReturnedLinfL2Error, l2_error);

            double factor = (timestep==0 || timestep+1==num_timesteps ? 0.5 : 1.0);
            rReturnedL2H1Error += h1_error*factor*printingTimestep;

Monodomain model problem

This function is the code for running the monodomain model problem, which we will walk through.

    template<unsigned DIM>
    void RunMonodomainProblem(double parametersScaleFactor /*how much to scale h and dt*/, bool doTest=false /*see later*/)

Define h and dt based on the parametersScaleFactor. Note dt is proportional to h^2^ as required.

        double init_h = 0.1;
        double h      = init_h*parametersScaleFactor; // note: everything dimensionless
        double dt_ode = 0.1*parametersScaleFactor*parametersScaleFactor;
        double dt_pde = 0.1*parametersScaleFactor*parametersScaleFactor;
        double dt_printing = dt_pde;

Define conductivities in each direction as specified in the paper.

        double s1 = 1.1/(M_PI*M_PI);
        double s2 = 1.2/(M_PI*M_PI);
        double s3 = 0.3/(M_PI*M_PI);

Define the integers m,,1,,, m,,2,,, m,,3,, that go into the function F, where F(x,y,z) = cos(m1pix)cos(m2piy)cos(m3piz).

        unsigned m1 = 1;
        unsigned m2 = 2;
        unsigned m3 = 3;

Set up the mesh to be the unit line/square/cube. Also compute the constant c.

        DistributedTetrahedralMesh<DIM,DIM> mesh;
        double c;

            c = -s1*m1*m1*M_PI*M_PI;
            mesh.ConstructRegularSlabMesh(h, 1.0);
        else if(DIM==2)
            c = - (s1*m1*m1*M_PI*M_PI + s2*m2*m2*M_PI*M_PI);
            mesh.ConstructRegularSlabMesh(h, 1.0, 1.0);
            c = - (s1*m1*m1*M_PI*M_PI + s2*m2*m2*M_PI*M_PI + s3*m3*m3*M_PI*M_PI);
            mesh.ConstructRegularSlabMesh(h, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0);

End time is T = 1.

        double end_time = 1.0;

Define an output directory, but see comments below.

        std::stringstream output_dir;
        output_dir << "MonodomainExactSolution_" << DIM << "D_" << parametersScaleFactor;

Set the timesteps, define the conductivity tensor, the capacitance and the surface-to-volume ratio.

        HeartConfig::Instance()->SetOdePdeAndPrintingTimeSteps(dt_ode, dt_pde, dt_printing);

The following cell factory creates cell models for the model problem cell model defined in the paper, and with the required initial values of (V,u,,1,,,u,,2,,,u,,3,,).

        NonBathModelProblemCellFactory<DIM> cell_factory(c, m1, m2, m3);

This class can be used to get the exact solution for the voltage: (1+t)^1/2^F(x).

        VoltageExactSolution<DIM> voltage_soln(m1,m2,m3);

Define the monodomain problem class. MonodomainProblemWithErrorCalculator (defined in this project) is just MonodomainProblem but also does error computing at the end of each timestep.

        MonodomainProblemWithErrorCalculator<DIM> monodomain_problem( &cell_factory, &voltage_soln );

Set the mesh, don’t write output unless in testing mode (since printing_dt = pde_dt, a lot of output would be written to file (printing dt is small so that error computations can be carried out each dt), initialise and solve.



Print the errors to screen (the commas and semi-colon are for easy copy & paste into Matlab).

        std::cout << std::setprecision(10);
        std::cout << h << ", " << monodomain_problem.mVoltageLinfL2Error << ", " << monodomain_problem.mVoltageL2H1Error << ";\n";

There is also some test code. To check that the code (in particular the error calculators) is doing what it should be, if DIM=1 and the coarsest mesh is being used, we have the following tests.

            if(DIM!=1 || parametersScaleFactor!=1.0)
                EXCEPTION("Test mode is only for 1d with factor=1");

Check nothing has changed:

            TS_ASSERT_DELTA(monodomain_problem.mVoltageLinfL2Error, 0.0472926, 1e-5);
            TS_ASSERT_DELTA(monodomain_problem.mVoltageL2H1Error, 0.255933, 1e-5);

Check the two ways of computing the error give the same results:

            double l_inf_l2;
            double l2_h1;
            ComputeErrors<DIM,1>(output_dir.str(), &voltage_soln, mesh, dt_printing, "V", l_inf_l2, l2_h1);
            TS_ASSERT_DELTA(l_inf_l2, monodomain_problem.mVoltageLinfL2Error, 1e-6);
            TS_ASSERT_DELTA(l2_h1, monodomain_problem.mVoltageL2H1Error, 1e-6);

Finally, check the second way of computing the error: when ComputeErrors() is called with true as the last parameter it ignores the numerical solution, ie just calculates the norm of the exact solution, which we can also calculate analytically.

            double linf_l2_norm_V;
            double l2_h1_norm_V;
            ComputeErrors<DIM,1>(output_dir.str(), &voltage_soln, mesh,  dt_printing, "V", linf_l2_norm_V, l2_h1_norm_V, true);
            TS_ASSERT_DELTA(linf_l2_norm_V, 1.0, 1e-4); // ||V(t)||_2 = sqrt ((1+t)/2) so max = 1
            TS_ASSERT_DELTA(l2_h1_norm_V, 2.855, 1e-1); // sqrt (3(1+pi^2)/2)

Bidomain model problem

Next, the main function for solving the bidomain model problem. This is basically the same as the monodomain code, except has an extracellular conductivity, and gets the errors for both voltage and extracellular potential.

    template<unsigned DIM>
    void RunBidomainProblem(double parametersScaleFactor, bool doTest=false)

Code same as monodomain version:

        double init_h = 0.1;
        double h      = init_h*parametersScaleFactor; // note: everything dimensionless
        double dt_ode = 0.1*parametersScaleFactor*parametersScaleFactor;
        double dt_pde = 0.1*parametersScaleFactor*parametersScaleFactor;
        double dt_printing = dt_pde;

        double s1 = 1.1/(M_PI*M_PI);
        double s2 = 1.2/(M_PI*M_PI);
        double s3 = 0.3/(M_PI*M_PI);

Define the integers m,,1,,, m,,2,,, m,,3,, that go into the function F, where F(x,y,z) = cos(m1pix)cos(m2piy)cos(m3piz).

        unsigned m1 = 1.0;
        unsigned m2 = 2.0;
        unsigned m3 = 3.0;

        DistributedTetrahedralMesh<DIM,DIM> mesh;
        double c;

            c = -s1*m1*m1*M_PI*M_PI;
            mesh.ConstructRegularSlabMesh(h, 1.0);
        else if(DIM==2)
            c = - (s1*m1*m1*M_PI*M_PI + s2*m2*m2*M_PI*M_PI);
            mesh.ConstructRegularSlabMesh(h, 1.0, 1.0);
            c = - (s1*m1*m1*M_PI*M_PI + s2*m2*m2*M_PI*M_PI + s3*m3*m3*M_PI*M_PI);
            mesh.ConstructRegularSlabMesh(h, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0);

Define the constant k:

        double k = 1.0/sqrt(2);
        double sigma_e_factor = (1.0-k)/k;

Code similar to monodomain version:

        double end_time = 1.0;

        std::stringstream output_dir;
        output_dir << "BidomainExactSolution_" << DIM << "D_" << parametersScaleFactor;

        HeartConfig::Instance()->SetOdePdeAndPrintingTimeSteps(dt_ode, dt_pde, dt_printing);


        NonBathModelProblemCellFactory<DIM> cell_factory(c*(1-k), m1, m2, m3);

Classes for returning V=(1+t)^1/2^F(x) and phi_e = -k(1+t)^1/2^F(x) and their derivatives:

        VoltageExactSolution<DIM> voltage_soln(m1,m2,m3);
        ExtracellularPotentialExactSolution<DIM> phi_e_soln(k,m1,m2,m3);

Solve and print errors.

        BidomainProblemWithErrorCalculator<DIM> bidomain_problem( &cell_factory, &voltage_soln, &phi_e_soln );


        std::cout << std::setprecision(10);
        std::cout << h << ", " << bidomain_problem.mVoltageLinfL2Error << ", " << bidomain_problem.mVoltageL2H1Error << ", " << bidomain_problem.mExtracellularPotentialLinfL2Error << ", " << bidomain_problem.mExtracellularPotentialL2H1Error << ";\n";

Test code similar to monodomain version:

            if(DIM!=1 || parametersScaleFactor!=1.0)
                EXCEPTION("Test mode is only for 1d with factor=1");

            TS_ASSERT_DELTA(bidomain_problem.mVoltageLinfL2Error, 0.0426506, 1e-5);
            TS_ASSERT_DELTA(bidomain_problem.mVoltageL2H1Error, 0.253785, 1e-5);
            TS_ASSERT_DELTA(bidomain_problem.mExtracellularPotentialLinfL2Error, 0.0298811, 1e-5);
            TS_ASSERT_DELTA(bidomain_problem.mExtracellularPotentialL2H1Error, 0.172321, 1e-5);

            double l_inf_l2_V;
            double l2_h1_V;
            double l_inf_l2_phi_e;
            double l2_h1_phi_e;
            ComputeErrors<DIM,2>(output_dir.str(), &voltage_soln, mesh, dt_printing, "V", l_inf_l2_V, l2_h1_V);
            ComputeErrors<DIM,2>(output_dir.str(), &phi_e_soln,   mesh, dt_printing, "Phi_e", l_inf_l2_phi_e, l2_h1_phi_e);
            TS_ASSERT_DELTA(l_inf_l2_V, bidomain_problem.mVoltageLinfL2Error, 1e-6);
            TS_ASSERT_DELTA(l2_h1_V, bidomain_problem.mVoltageL2H1Error, 1e-6);
            TS_ASSERT_DELTA(l_inf_l2_phi_e, bidomain_problem.mExtracellularPotentialLinfL2Error, 1e-6);
            TS_ASSERT_DELTA(l2_h1_phi_e, bidomain_problem.mExtracellularPotentialL2H1Error, 1e-6);

            double linf_l2_norm_V;
            double l2_h1_norm_V;
            double linf_l2_norm_phi_e;
            double l2_h1_norm_phi_e;
            ComputeErrors<DIM,1>(output_dir.str(), &voltage_soln, mesh,  dt_printing, "V", linf_l2_norm_V, l2_h1_norm_V, true);
            TS_ASSERT_DELTA(linf_l2_norm_V, 1.0, 1e-4); // ||V(t)||_2 = sqrt ((1+t)/2) so max = 1
            TS_ASSERT_DELTA(l2_h1_norm_V, 2.855, 1e-1); // sqrt (3(1+pi^2)/2)

            ComputeErrors<DIM,1>(output_dir.str(), &phi_e_soln, mesh,  dt_printing, "Phi_e", linf_l2_norm_phi_e, l2_h1_norm_phi_e, true);
            TS_ASSERT_DELTA(linf_l2_norm_phi_e, 1.0/sqrt(2), 1e-4); // phi_e = -k*V
            TS_ASSERT_DELTA(l2_h1_norm_phi_e, 2.855/sqrt(2), 1e-1); //

Bidomain-with-bath model problem

Finally, the bidomain-with-bath-model problem:

    template<unsigned DIM>
    void RunBidomainWithBathProblem(double parametersScaleFactor, bool doTest=false)

All this is as before:

        double init_h = 0.1;
        double h      = init_h*parametersScaleFactor; // dimensionless
        double dt_ode = 0.1*parametersScaleFactor*parametersScaleFactor;
        double dt_pde = 0.1*parametersScaleFactor*parametersScaleFactor;
        double dt_printing = dt_pde;

        double s1 = 1.1/(M_PI*M_PI);
        double s2 = 1.2/(M_PI*M_PI);
        double s3 = 0.3/(M_PI*M_PI);

Define the integer m,,1,, that goes into the function F(x,y,z) = cos(m1pix). Note no m2 and m3 as for bath problem these must be zero.

        unsigned m1 = 1;

        DistributedTetrahedralMesh<DIM,DIM> mesh;
        double c = -s1*m1*m1*M_PI*M_PI;

Set up the domain: x in [-1,2]; y,z in [0,1]. Note the translation at the end.

        c_vector<double,DIM> disp = zero_vector<double>(DIM);
        disp(0) = -1.0;
            mesh.ConstructRegularSlabMesh(h, 3.0);
        else if(DIM==2)
            mesh.ConstructRegularSlabMesh(h, 3.0, 1.0);
            mesh.ConstructRegularSlabMesh(h, 3.0, 1.0, 1.0);

Set appropriate elements as bath:

        for(unsigned i=0; i<mesh.GetNumElements(); i++)
            double x = mesh.GetElement(i)->CalculateCentroid()[0];
            if( (x<0) || (x>1) )

As before:

        double k = 1.0/sqrt(2);
        double sigma_e_factor = (1.0-k)/k;

Set up the bath conductivity and the electrodes, I,,E,,=-alpha on x=-1, and I,,E,,=alpha on x=2:

        double alpha = 0.01;
        double extracellular_conductivity = s1*sigma_e_factor;
        double bath_conductivity = extracellular_conductivity/2.0;
        // the following says provide a stimulus of -alpha on the x=min surface (the second parameter '0' indicates x).
        // The code then computes that the stimulus on the opposite surface should be alpha for conservation of current. The false says no ground electrode
        HeartConfig::Instance()->SetElectrodeParameters(false, 0, -alpha, -1.0/*switch on time*/, 1000/*switch off time*/);

As before:

        double end_time = 1.0;

        std::stringstream output_dir;
        output_dir << "BidomainWithBathExactSolution_" << DIM << "D_" << parametersScaleFactor;
        HeartConfig::Instance()->SetOdePdeAndPrintingTimeSteps(dt_ode, dt_pde, dt_printing);


Use the bath version of the cell factory (different initial conditions):

        BathModelProblemCellFactory<DIM> cell_factory(c*(1-k), m1, alpha, extracellular_conductivity);

Solve and output errors:

        VoltageExactSolutionBath<DIM> voltage_soln(m1,alpha,extracellular_conductivity);
        ExtracellularPotentialExactSolutionBath<DIM> phi_e_soln(m1,k,alpha,extracellular_conductivity,bath_conductivity);

        BidomainWithBathProblemWithErrorCalculator<DIM> bidomain_problem( &cell_factory, &voltage_soln, &phi_e_soln);


        std::cout << std::setprecision(10);
        std::cout << h << ", " << bidomain_problem.mVoltageLinfL2Error << ", " << bidomain_problem.mVoltageL2H1Error  << ", " << bidomain_problem.mExtracellularPotentialLinfL2Error << ", " << bidomain_problem.mExtracellularPotentialL2H1Error << ";\n";

Similar to before:

            if(DIM!=1 || parametersScaleFactor!=1.0)
               EXCEPTION("Test mode is only for 1d with factor=1");
            TS_ASSERT_DELTA(bidomain_problem.mVoltageLinfL2Error, 0.0426506, 1e-4);
            TS_ASSERT_DELTA(bidomain_problem.mVoltageL2H1Error, 0.253785, 1e-4);
            TS_ASSERT_DELTA(bidomain_problem.mExtracellularPotentialLinfL2Error, 0.0562449, 1e-3);
            TS_ASSERT_DELTA(bidomain_problem.mExtracellularPotentialL2H1Error, 0.174176, 1e-3);

            double l_inf_l2_V;
            double l2_h1_V;
            double l_inf_l2_phi_e;
            double l2_h1_phi_e;
            ComputeErrors<DIM,2>(output_dir.str(), &voltage_soln, mesh, dt_printing, "V", l_inf_l2_V, l2_h1_V);
            ComputeErrors<DIM,2>(output_dir.str(), &phi_e_soln,   mesh, dt_printing, "Phi_e", l_inf_l2_phi_e, l2_h1_phi_e);
            TS_ASSERT_DELTA(l_inf_l2_V, bidomain_problem.mVoltageLinfL2Error, 1e-6);
            TS_ASSERT_DELTA(l2_h1_V, bidomain_problem.mVoltageL2H1Error, 1e-6);
            TS_ASSERT_DELTA(l_inf_l2_phi_e, bidomain_problem.mExtracellularPotentialLinfL2Error, 1e-6);
            TS_ASSERT_DELTA(l2_h1_phi_e, bidomain_problem.mExtracellularPotentialL2H1Error, 1e-6);

Main test

Finally, we have the public ’tests’, which actually run the simulations. Note that only the first two tests will be run, as the code is written below, as only those whose name begins with ‘Test’ are run. To run the others, change doneTest.. to Test...

As integrals over the domain have to be computed each timestep, virtually all the time is spent in the error calculations, certainly for the larger N (ie smaller h). Also, dt is proportional to h^2^, so for 3D, the work increases by at least a factor of 32 (2^3^ 2^2^) as N doubles. The N=3 simulations for monodomain and bidomain take a long time on a desktop. Monodomain will run in parallel, bidomain may sometimes not (see comment in CardiacProblemWithErrorCalculatorClasses).

    void TestRunTests() throw (Exception)

    void TestMonodomain1d() throw (Exception)
        for(unsigned N=0; N<5; N++)
            double factor = 1.0/pow(2,N);

    void doneTestMonodomain2d() throw (Exception)
        for(unsigned N=0; N<5; N++)
            double factor = 1.0/pow(2,N);

    void doneTestMonodomain3d() throw (Exception)
        for(unsigned N=0; N<4; N++) // note: N=3 takes very long
            double factor = 1.0/pow(2,N);

    void doneTestBidomain1d() throw (Exception)
        for(unsigned N=0; N<5; N++)
            double factor = 1.0/pow(2,N);

    void doneTestBidomain2d() throw (Exception)
        for(unsigned N=0; N<5; N++)
            double factor = 1.0/pow(2,N);

    void doneTestBidomain3d() throw (Exception)
        for(unsigned N=0; N<4; N++) // note: N=3 takes very long
            double factor = 1.0/pow(2,N);

    void doneTestBidomainWithBath2d() throw (Exception)
        for(unsigned N=0; N<5; N++)
            double factor = 1.0/pow(2,N);


The full code is given below

File name TestEpAgainstExactSolutionsLiteratePaper.hpp

#include <cxxtest/TestSuite.h>
#include "AbstractCardiacCellFactory.hpp"
#include "DistributedTetrahedralMesh.hpp"
#include "EulerIvpOdeSolver.hpp"
#include "ZeroStimulus.hpp"
#include "PetscSetupAndFinalize.hpp"
#include "ModelProblemCellModel.hpp"
#include "ModelProblemExactSolutionClasses.hpp"
#include "L2ErrorSquaredCalculator.hpp"
#include "H1SemiNormErrorSquaredCalculator.hpp"
#include "CardiacProblemWithErrorCalculatorClasses.hpp"

template<unsigned DIM>
class NonBathModelProblemCellFactory : public AbstractCardiacCellFactory<DIM>
    double mBeta; // as defined in paper
    unsigned mM1; // coefficient of pi*x in:   F(x) = cos(m1*pi*x)   or   F(x,y) = cos(m1*pi*x)cos(m2*pi*y)   or   F(x,y,z) = cos(m1*pi*x)*cos(m2*pi*y)*cos(m3*pi*z)
    unsigned mM2; // coefficient of pi*y in:   F(x) = cos(m1*pi*x)   or   F(x,y) = cos(m1*pi*x)cos(m2*pi*y)   or   F(x,y,z) = cos(m1*pi*x)*cos(m2*pi*y)*cos(m3*pi*z)
    unsigned mM3; // coefficient of pi*z in:   F(x) = cos(m1*pi*x)   or   F(x,y) = cos(m1*pi*x)cos(m2*pi*y)   or   F(x,y,z) = cos(m1*pi*x)*cos(m2*pi*y)*cos(m3*pi*z)

    NonBathModelProblemCellFactory(double beta, unsigned m1, unsigned m2=0, unsigned m3 = 0)
        : AbstractCardiacCellFactory<DIM>(boost::shared_ptr<AbstractIvpOdeSolver>(new EulerIvpOdeSolver)),

    virtual ~NonBathModelProblemCellFactory()

    AbstractCardiacCell* CreateCardiacCellForTissueNode(unsigned node)
        ModelProblemCellModel* p_cell = new ModelProblemCellModel(this->mpSolver, this->mpZeroStimulus, mBeta);
        ChastePoint<DIM> point = this->GetMesh()->GetNode(node)->GetPoint();

        double F = TimeScaledFunctionF(point, 0.0, mM1, mM2, mM3); // just (1+t)^(1/2) * F(x,y,z), defined in ModelProblemExactSolutionClasses
        double G = FunctionG(point);                               // defined in ModelProblemExactSolutionClasses

        p_cell->rGetStateVariables()[0] = F;
        p_cell->rGetStateVariables()[1] = G + F;
        p_cell->rGetStateVariables()[2] = sqrt(1.0/G);

        return p_cell;

template<unsigned DIM>
class BathModelProblemCellFactory : public AbstractCardiacCellFactory<DIM>
    double mBeta; // beta as defined in the paper
    unsigned mM1; // coefficient of pi*x in:   F(x,y,z) = cos(m1*pi*x)
    double mAlpha;// alpha as defined in the paper
    double mExtracellularConductivity; // the variable s_e in the paper

    BathModelProblemCellFactory(double beta, unsigned m1, double alpha, double extracellularConductivity)
        : AbstractCardiacCellFactory<DIM>(boost::shared_ptr<AbstractIvpOdeSolver>(new EulerIvpOdeSolver)),

    virtual ~BathModelProblemCellFactory()

    AbstractCardiacCell* CreateCardiacCellForTissueNode(unsigned node)
        ModelProblemCellModel* p_cell = new ModelProblemCellModel(this->mpSolver, this->mpZeroStimulus, mBeta);
        ChastePoint<DIM> point = this->GetMesh()->GetNode(node)->GetPoint();

        double F = TimeScaledFunctionF(point, 0.0, mM1, 0.0, 0.0); // just (1+t)^(1/2) * F(x,y,z), defined in ModelProblemExactSolutionClasses
        double G = FunctionG(point);                               // defined in ModelProblemExactSolutionClasses
        double x = point[0];

        p_cell->rGetStateVariables()[0] = F - mAlpha*x/mExtracellularConductivity;
        p_cell->rGetStateVariables()[1] = G + F;
        p_cell->rGetStateVariables()[2] = sqrt(1.0/G);
        p_cell->rGetStateVariables()[3] = -mAlpha*x/mExtracellularConductivity;

        return p_cell;

class TestEpAgainstExactSolutionsLiteratePaper : public CxxTest::TestSuite
    template<unsigned DIM,unsigned PROBLEM_DIM>
    void ComputeErrors(std::string outputDirectory, AbstractScalarFunction<DIM>* pExactSolution,
                       DistributedTetrahedralMesh<DIM,DIM>& rMesh, double printingTimestep,
                       std::string variable     /* Should be "V" or "Phi_e" */,
                       double& rReturnedLinfL2Error,
                       double& rReturnedL2H1Error,
                       bool testingMode = false /* if this is true, than the returned 'errors' are actually just the norms of the exact solution */)
        if(variable != "V" && variable !="Phi_e")
            EXCEPTION("Bad input");

        // get the data of the data file
        Hdf5DataReader reader(outputDirectory,"results");
        unsigned num_timesteps = reader.GetUnlimitedDimensionValues().size();

        DistributedVectorFactory factory(rMesh.GetNumNodes());
        Vec solution = factory.CreateVec();

        rReturnedLinfL2Error = 0.0;
        rReturnedL2H1Error = 0.0;

        // The phi_e written to file for initial condition is just zeros, so needs to be ignored
        // (Really, the solver should solve the second bidomain equation given initial V to determine what
        // initial phi_e is, but the bidomain solver doesn't do this, and phi_e is just initialised to zero)
        unsigned first = (variable == "V" ? 0 : 1);

        for(unsigned timestep=first; timestep<num_timesteps; timestep++)
            reader.GetVariableOverNodes(solution, variable, timestep);

            double time = printingTimestep*timestep;

            L2ErrorSquaredCalculator<DIM> l2_calc(pExactSolution,time,(variable=="V"));
            double l2_error_sqd = l2_calc.Calculate(rMesh,solution);
            double l2_error = sqrt(l2_error_sqd);

            H1SemiNormErrorSquaredCalculator<DIM> h1_calc(pExactSolution,time,(variable=="V"));
            double h1_seminorm_error_sqd = h1_calc.Calculate(rMesh,solution);
            double h1_error = sqrt(l2_error_sqd + h1_seminorm_error_sqd);

            rReturnedLinfL2Error = std::max(rReturnedLinfL2Error, l2_error);

            double factor = (timestep==0 || timestep+1==num_timesteps ? 0.5 : 1.0);
            rReturnedL2H1Error += h1_error*factor*printingTimestep;

    template<unsigned DIM>
    void RunMonodomainProblem(double parametersScaleFactor /*how much to scale h and dt*/, bool doTest=false /*see later*/)
        double init_h = 0.1;
        double h      = init_h*parametersScaleFactor; // note: everything dimensionless
        double dt_ode = 0.1*parametersScaleFactor*parametersScaleFactor;
        double dt_pde = 0.1*parametersScaleFactor*parametersScaleFactor;
        double dt_printing = dt_pde;

        double s1 = 1.1/(M_PI*M_PI);
        double s2 = 1.2/(M_PI*M_PI);
        double s3 = 0.3/(M_PI*M_PI);

        unsigned m1 = 1;
        unsigned m2 = 2;
        unsigned m3 = 3;

        DistributedTetrahedralMesh<DIM,DIM> mesh;
        double c;

            c = -s1*m1*m1*M_PI*M_PI;
            mesh.ConstructRegularSlabMesh(h, 1.0);
        else if(DIM==2)
            c = - (s1*m1*m1*M_PI*M_PI + s2*m2*m2*M_PI*M_PI);
            mesh.ConstructRegularSlabMesh(h, 1.0, 1.0);
            c = - (s1*m1*m1*M_PI*M_PI + s2*m2*m2*M_PI*M_PI + s3*m3*m3*M_PI*M_PI);
            mesh.ConstructRegularSlabMesh(h, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0);

        double end_time = 1.0;

        std::stringstream output_dir;
        output_dir << "MonodomainExactSolution_" << DIM << "D_" << parametersScaleFactor;

        HeartConfig::Instance()->SetOdePdeAndPrintingTimeSteps(dt_ode, dt_pde, dt_printing);

        NonBathModelProblemCellFactory<DIM> cell_factory(c, m1, m2, m3);

        VoltageExactSolution<DIM> voltage_soln(m1,m2,m3);

        MonodomainProblemWithErrorCalculator<DIM> monodomain_problem( &cell_factory, &voltage_soln );



        std::cout << std::setprecision(10);
        std::cout << h << ", " << monodomain_problem.mVoltageLinfL2Error << ", " << monodomain_problem.mVoltageL2H1Error << ";\n";

            if(DIM!=1 || parametersScaleFactor!=1.0)
                EXCEPTION("Test mode is only for 1d with factor=1");

            TS_ASSERT_DELTA(monodomain_problem.mVoltageLinfL2Error, 0.0472926, 1e-5);
            TS_ASSERT_DELTA(monodomain_problem.mVoltageL2H1Error, 0.255933, 1e-5);

            double l_inf_l2;
            double l2_h1;
            ComputeErrors<DIM,1>(output_dir.str(), &voltage_soln, mesh, dt_printing, "V", l_inf_l2, l2_h1);
            TS_ASSERT_DELTA(l_inf_l2, monodomain_problem.mVoltageLinfL2Error, 1e-6);
            TS_ASSERT_DELTA(l2_h1, monodomain_problem.mVoltageL2H1Error, 1e-6);

            double linf_l2_norm_V;
            double l2_h1_norm_V;
            ComputeErrors<DIM,1>(output_dir.str(), &voltage_soln, mesh,  dt_printing, "V", linf_l2_norm_V, l2_h1_norm_V, true);
            TS_ASSERT_DELTA(linf_l2_norm_V, 1.0, 1e-4); // ||V(t)||_2 = sqrt ((1+t)/2) so max = 1
            TS_ASSERT_DELTA(l2_h1_norm_V, 2.855, 1e-1); // sqrt (3(1+pi^2)/2)

    template<unsigned DIM>
    void RunBidomainProblem(double parametersScaleFactor, bool doTest=false)
        double init_h = 0.1;
        double h      = init_h*parametersScaleFactor; // note: everything dimensionless
        double dt_ode = 0.1*parametersScaleFactor*parametersScaleFactor;
        double dt_pde = 0.1*parametersScaleFactor*parametersScaleFactor;
        double dt_printing = dt_pde;

        double s1 = 1.1/(M_PI*M_PI);
        double s2 = 1.2/(M_PI*M_PI);
        double s3 = 0.3/(M_PI*M_PI);

        unsigned m1 = 1.0;
        unsigned m2 = 2.0;
        unsigned m3 = 3.0;

        DistributedTetrahedralMesh<DIM,DIM> mesh;
        double c;

            c = -s1*m1*m1*M_PI*M_PI;
            mesh.ConstructRegularSlabMesh(h, 1.0);
        else if(DIM==2)
            c = - (s1*m1*m1*M_PI*M_PI + s2*m2*m2*M_PI*M_PI);
            mesh.ConstructRegularSlabMesh(h, 1.0, 1.0);
            c = - (s1*m1*m1*M_PI*M_PI + s2*m2*m2*M_PI*M_PI + s3*m3*m3*M_PI*M_PI);
            mesh.ConstructRegularSlabMesh(h, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0);

        double k = 1.0/sqrt(2);
        double sigma_e_factor = (1.0-k)/k;

        double end_time = 1.0;

        std::stringstream output_dir;
        output_dir << "BidomainExactSolution_" << DIM << "D_" << parametersScaleFactor;

        HeartConfig::Instance()->SetOdePdeAndPrintingTimeSteps(dt_ode, dt_pde, dt_printing);


        NonBathModelProblemCellFactory<DIM> cell_factory(c*(1-k), m1, m2, m3);

        VoltageExactSolution<DIM> voltage_soln(m1,m2,m3);
        ExtracellularPotentialExactSolution<DIM> phi_e_soln(k,m1,m2,m3);

        BidomainProblemWithErrorCalculator<DIM> bidomain_problem( &cell_factory, &voltage_soln, &phi_e_soln );


        std::cout << std::setprecision(10);
        std::cout << h << ", " << bidomain_problem.mVoltageLinfL2Error << ", " << bidomain_problem.mVoltageL2H1Error << ", " << bidomain_problem.mExtracellularPotentialLinfL2Error << ", " << bidomain_problem.mExtracellularPotentialL2H1Error << ";\n";

            if(DIM!=1 || parametersScaleFactor!=1.0)
                EXCEPTION("Test mode is only for 1d with factor=1");

            TS_ASSERT_DELTA(bidomain_problem.mVoltageLinfL2Error, 0.0426506, 1e-5);
            TS_ASSERT_DELTA(bidomain_problem.mVoltageL2H1Error, 0.253785, 1e-5);
            TS_ASSERT_DELTA(bidomain_problem.mExtracellularPotentialLinfL2Error, 0.0298811, 1e-5);
            TS_ASSERT_DELTA(bidomain_problem.mExtracellularPotentialL2H1Error, 0.172321, 1e-5);

            double l_inf_l2_V;
            double l2_h1_V;
            double l_inf_l2_phi_e;
            double l2_h1_phi_e;
            ComputeErrors<DIM,2>(output_dir.str(), &voltage_soln, mesh, dt_printing, "V", l_inf_l2_V, l2_h1_V);
            ComputeErrors<DIM,2>(output_dir.str(), &phi_e_soln,   mesh, dt_printing, "Phi_e", l_inf_l2_phi_e, l2_h1_phi_e);
            TS_ASSERT_DELTA(l_inf_l2_V, bidomain_problem.mVoltageLinfL2Error, 1e-6);
            TS_ASSERT_DELTA(l2_h1_V, bidomain_problem.mVoltageL2H1Error, 1e-6);
            TS_ASSERT_DELTA(l_inf_l2_phi_e, bidomain_problem.mExtracellularPotentialLinfL2Error, 1e-6);
            TS_ASSERT_DELTA(l2_h1_phi_e, bidomain_problem.mExtracellularPotentialL2H1Error, 1e-6);

            double linf_l2_norm_V;
            double l2_h1_norm_V;
            double linf_l2_norm_phi_e;
            double l2_h1_norm_phi_e;
            ComputeErrors<DIM,1>(output_dir.str(), &voltage_soln, mesh,  dt_printing, "V", linf_l2_norm_V, l2_h1_norm_V, true);
            TS_ASSERT_DELTA(linf_l2_norm_V, 1.0, 1e-4); // ||V(t)||_2 = sqrt ((1+t)/2) so max = 1
            TS_ASSERT_DELTA(l2_h1_norm_V, 2.855, 1e-1); // sqrt (3(1+pi^2)/2)

            ComputeErrors<DIM,1>(output_dir.str(), &phi_e_soln, mesh,  dt_printing, "Phi_e", linf_l2_norm_phi_e, l2_h1_norm_phi_e, true);
            TS_ASSERT_DELTA(linf_l2_norm_phi_e, 1.0/sqrt(2), 1e-4); // phi_e = -k*V
            TS_ASSERT_DELTA(l2_h1_norm_phi_e, 2.855/sqrt(2), 1e-1); //

    template<unsigned DIM>
    void RunBidomainWithBathProblem(double parametersScaleFactor, bool doTest=false)
        double init_h = 0.1;
        double h      = init_h*parametersScaleFactor; // dimensionless
        double dt_ode = 0.1*parametersScaleFactor*parametersScaleFactor;
        double dt_pde = 0.1*parametersScaleFactor*parametersScaleFactor;
        double dt_printing = dt_pde;

        double s1 = 1.1/(M_PI*M_PI);
        double s2 = 1.2/(M_PI*M_PI);
        double s3 = 0.3/(M_PI*M_PI);

        unsigned m1 = 1;

        DistributedTetrahedralMesh<DIM,DIM> mesh;
        double c = -s1*m1*m1*M_PI*M_PI;

        c_vector<double,DIM> disp = zero_vector<double>(DIM);
        disp(0) = -1.0;
            mesh.ConstructRegularSlabMesh(h, 3.0);
        else if(DIM==2)
            mesh.ConstructRegularSlabMesh(h, 3.0, 1.0);
            mesh.ConstructRegularSlabMesh(h, 3.0, 1.0, 1.0);

        for(unsigned i=0; i<mesh.GetNumElements(); i++)
            double x = mesh.GetElement(i)->CalculateCentroid()[0];
            if( (x<0) || (x>1) )

        double k = 1.0/sqrt(2);
        double sigma_e_factor = (1.0-k)/k;

        double alpha = 0.01;
        double extracellular_conductivity = s1*sigma_e_factor;
        double bath_conductivity = extracellular_conductivity/2.0;
        // the following says provide a stimulus of -alpha on the x=min surface (the second parameter '0' indicates x).
        // The code then computes that the stimulus on the opposite surface should be alpha for conservation of current. The false says no ground electrode
        HeartConfig::Instance()->SetElectrodeParameters(false, 0, -alpha, -1.0/*switch on time*/, 1000/*switch off time*/);

        double end_time = 1.0;

        std::stringstream output_dir;
        output_dir << "BidomainWithBathExactSolution_" << DIM << "D_" << parametersScaleFactor;
        HeartConfig::Instance()->SetOdePdeAndPrintingTimeSteps(dt_ode, dt_pde, dt_printing);


        BathModelProblemCellFactory<DIM> cell_factory(c*(1-k), m1, alpha, extracellular_conductivity);

        VoltageExactSolutionBath<DIM> voltage_soln(m1,alpha,extracellular_conductivity);
        ExtracellularPotentialExactSolutionBath<DIM> phi_e_soln(m1,k,alpha,extracellular_conductivity,bath_conductivity);

        BidomainWithBathProblemWithErrorCalculator<DIM> bidomain_problem( &cell_factory, &voltage_soln, &phi_e_soln);


        std::cout << std::setprecision(10);
        std::cout << h << ", " << bidomain_problem.mVoltageLinfL2Error << ", " << bidomain_problem.mVoltageL2H1Error  << ", " << bidomain_problem.mExtracellularPotentialLinfL2Error << ", " << bidomain_problem.mExtracellularPotentialL2H1Error << ";\n";

            if(DIM!=1 || parametersScaleFactor!=1.0)
               EXCEPTION("Test mode is only for 1d with factor=1");
            TS_ASSERT_DELTA(bidomain_problem.mVoltageLinfL2Error, 0.0426506, 1e-4);
            TS_ASSERT_DELTA(bidomain_problem.mVoltageL2H1Error, 0.253785, 1e-4);
            TS_ASSERT_DELTA(bidomain_problem.mExtracellularPotentialLinfL2Error, 0.0562449, 1e-3);
            TS_ASSERT_DELTA(bidomain_problem.mExtracellularPotentialL2H1Error, 0.174176, 1e-3);

            double l_inf_l2_V;
            double l2_h1_V;
            double l_inf_l2_phi_e;
            double l2_h1_phi_e;
            ComputeErrors<DIM,2>(output_dir.str(), &voltage_soln, mesh, dt_printing, "V", l_inf_l2_V, l2_h1_V);
            ComputeErrors<DIM,2>(output_dir.str(), &phi_e_soln,   mesh, dt_printing, "Phi_e", l_inf_l2_phi_e, l2_h1_phi_e);
            TS_ASSERT_DELTA(l_inf_l2_V, bidomain_problem.mVoltageLinfL2Error, 1e-6);
            TS_ASSERT_DELTA(l2_h1_V, bidomain_problem.mVoltageL2H1Error, 1e-6);
            TS_ASSERT_DELTA(l_inf_l2_phi_e, bidomain_problem.mExtracellularPotentialLinfL2Error, 1e-6);
            TS_ASSERT_DELTA(l2_h1_phi_e, bidomain_problem.mExtracellularPotentialL2H1Error, 1e-6);

    void TestRunTests() throw (Exception)

    void TestMonodomain1d() throw (Exception)
        for(unsigned N=0; N<5; N++)
            double factor = 1.0/pow(2,N);

    void doneTestMonodomain2d() throw (Exception)
        for(unsigned N=0; N<5; N++)
            double factor = 1.0/pow(2,N);

    void doneTestMonodomain3d() throw (Exception)
        for(unsigned N=0; N<4; N++) // note: N=3 takes very long
            double factor = 1.0/pow(2,N);

    void doneTestBidomain1d() throw (Exception)
        for(unsigned N=0; N<5; N++)
            double factor = 1.0/pow(2,N);

    void doneTestBidomain2d() throw (Exception)
        for(unsigned N=0; N<5; N++)
            double factor = 1.0/pow(2,N);

    void doneTestBidomain3d() throw (Exception)
        for(unsigned N=0; N<4; N++) // note: N=3 takes very long
            double factor = 1.0/pow(2,N);

    void doneTestBidomainWithBath2d() throw (Exception)
        for(unsigned N=0; N<5; N++)
            double factor = 1.0/pow(2,N);