Chaste  Release::2017.1
NodeBasedCellPopulation< DIM > Class Template Reference

#include <NodeBasedCellPopulation.hpp>

+ Inheritance diagram for NodeBasedCellPopulation< DIM >:
+ Collaboration diagram for NodeBasedCellPopulation< DIM >:

Public Member Functions

void SetNode (unsigned nodeIndex, ChastePoint< DIM > &rNewLocation)
 NodeBasedCellPopulation (NodesOnlyMesh< DIM > &rMesh, std::vector< CellPtr > &rCells, const std::vector< unsigned > locationIndices=std::vector< unsigned >(), bool deleteMesh=false, bool validate=true)
 NodeBasedCellPopulation (NodesOnlyMesh< DIM > &rMesh)
virtual ~NodeBasedCellPopulation ()
NodesOnlyMesh< DIM > & rGetMesh ()
const NodesOnlyMesh< DIM > & rGetMesh () const
virtual TetrahedralMesh< DIM, DIM > * GetTetrahedralMeshForPdeModifier ()
unsigned GetNumNodes ()
virtual CellPtr GetCellUsingLocationIndex (unsigned index)
Node< DIM > * GetNode (unsigned index)
unsigned RemoveDeadCells ()
void Clear ()
void Update (bool hasHadBirthsOrDeaths=true)
std::vector< std::pair< Node< DIM > *, Node< DIM > * > > & rGetNodePairs ()
void OutputCellPopulationParameters (out_stream &rParamsFile)
virtual void AcceptPopulationWriter (boost::shared_ptr< AbstractCellPopulationWriter< DIM, DIM > > pPopulationWriter)
virtual void AcceptPopulationCountWriter (boost::shared_ptr< AbstractCellPopulationCountWriter< DIM, DIM > > pPopulationCountWriter)
virtual void AcceptCellWriter (boost::shared_ptr< AbstractCellWriter< DIM, DIM > > pCellWriter, CellPtr pCell)
double GetMechanicsCutOffLength ()
bool GetUseVariableRadii ()
void SetUseVariableRadii (bool useVariableRadii=true)
void SetLoadBalanceMesh (bool loadBalanceMesh)
void SetLoadBalanceFrequency (unsigned loadBalanceFrequency)
double GetWidth (const unsigned &rDimension)
c_vector< double, DIM > GetSizeOfCellPopulation ()
std::set< unsignedGetNodesWithinNeighbourhoodRadius (unsigned index, double neighbourhoodRadius)
std::set< unsignedGetNeighbouringNodeIndices (unsigned index)
virtual CellPtr AddCell (CellPtr pNewCell, CellPtr pParentCell)
double GetVolumeOfCell (CellPtr pCell)
void SendCellsToNeighbourProcesses ()
void NonBlockingSendCellsToNeighbourProcesses ()
void GetReceivedCells ()
std::pair< CellPtr, Node< DIM > * > GetCellNodePair (unsigned nodeIndex)
void AddReceivedCells ()
virtual void UpdateCellProcessLocation ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from AbstractCentreBasedCellPopulation< DIM >
 AbstractCentreBasedCellPopulation (AbstractMesh< ELEMENT_DIM, ELEMENT_DIM > &rMesh, std::vector< CellPtr > &rCells, const std::vector< unsigned > locationIndices=std::vector< unsigned >())
c_vector< double, ELEMENT_DIM > GetLocationOfCellCentre (CellPtr pCell)
Node< ELEMENT_DIM > * GetNodeCorrespondingToCell (CellPtr pCell)
virtual double GetCellDataItemAtPdeNode (unsigned pdeNodeIndex, std::string &rVariableName, bool dirichletBoundaryConditionApplies=false, double dirichletBoundaryValue=0.0)
CellPtr AddCell (CellPtr pNewCell, CellPtr pParentCell=CellPtr())
std::pair< CellPtr, CellPtr > CreateCellPair (CellPtr pCell1, CellPtr pCell2)
bool IsMarkedSpring (const std::pair< CellPtr, CellPtr > &rCellPair)
void MarkSpring (std::pair< CellPtr, CellPtr > &rCellPair)
void UnmarkSpring (std::pair< CellPtr, CellPtr > &rCellPair)
bool IsCellAssociatedWithADeletedLocation (CellPtr pCell)
virtual std::set< unsignedGetNeighbouringLocationIndices (CellPtr pCell)
virtual void CheckForStepSizeException (unsigned nodeIndex, c_vector< double, ELEMENT_DIM > &rDisplacement, double dt)
virtual double GetDampingConstant (unsigned nodeIndex)
virtual bool IsGhostNode (unsigned index)
virtual bool IsParticle (unsigned index)
double GetMeinekeDivisionSeparation ()
void SetMeinekeDivisionSeparation (double divisionSeparation)
boost::shared_ptr< AbstractCentreBasedDivisionRule< ELEMENT_DIM, ELEMENT_DIM > > GetCentreBasedDivisionRule ()
void SetCentreBasedDivisionRule (boost::shared_ptr< AbstractCentreBasedDivisionRule< ELEMENT_DIM, ELEMENT_DIM > > pCentreBasedDivisionRule)
virtual double GetDefaultTimeStep ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from AbstractOffLatticeCellPopulation< ELEMENT_DIM, SPACE_DIM >
 AbstractOffLatticeCellPopulation (AbstractMesh< ELEMENT_DIM, SPACE_DIM > &rMesh, std::vector< CellPtr > &rCells, const std::vector< unsigned > locationIndices=std::vector< unsigned >())
virtual unsigned AddNode (Node< SPACE_DIM > *pNewNode)=0
virtual void SetNode (unsigned nodeIndex, ChastePoint< SPACE_DIM > &rNewLocation)=0
virtual void UpdateNodeLocations (double dt)
virtual void CheckForStepSizeException (unsigned nodeIndex, c_vector< double, SPACE_DIM > &rDisplacement, double dt)=0
void SetDampingConstantNormal (double dampingConstantNormal)
void SetDampingConstantMutant (double dampingConstantMutant)
void SetAbsoluteMovementThreshold (double absoluteMovementThreshold)
double GetAbsoluteMovementThreshold ()
double GetDampingConstantNormal ()
double GetDampingConstantMutant ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from AbstractCellPopulation< ELEMENT_DIM, SPACE_DIM >
 AbstractCellPopulation (AbstractMesh< ELEMENT_DIM, SPACE_DIM > &rMesh, std::vector< CellPtr > &rCells, const std::vector< unsigned > locationIndices=std::vector< unsigned >())
virtual ~AbstractCellPopulation ()
void InitialiseCells ()
void SetDataOnAllCells (const std::string &rDataName, double dataValue)
AbstractMesh< ELEMENT_DIM, SPACE_DIM > & rGetMesh ()
virtual bool IsPdeNodeAssociatedWithNonApoptoticCell (unsigned pdeNodeIndex)
std::list< CellPtr > & rGetCells ()
virtual void WriteDataToVisualizerSetupFile (out_stream &pVizSetupFile)
std::vector< unsignedGetCellMutationStateCount ()
std::vector< unsignedGetCellProliferativeTypeCount ()
std::vector< unsignedGetCellCyclePhaseCount ()
unsigned GetNumRealCells ()
unsigned GetNumAllCells ()
void SetCellAncestorsToLocationIndices ()
std::set< unsignedGetCellAncestors ()
std::set< CellPtr > GetCellsUsingLocationIndex (unsigned index)
virtual bool IsCellAttachedToLocationIndex (unsigned index)
void SetCellUsingLocationIndex (unsigned index, CellPtr pCell)
virtual void AddCellUsingLocationIndex (unsigned index, CellPtr pCell)
virtual void RemoveCellUsingLocationIndex (unsigned index, CellPtr pCell)
void MoveCellInLocationMap (CellPtr pCell, unsigned old_index, unsigned new_index)
unsigned GetLocationIndexUsingCell (CellPtr pCell)
boost::shared_ptr< CellPropertyRegistryGetCellPropertyRegistry ()
void SetDefaultCellMutationStateAndProliferativeTypeOrdering ()
c_vector< double, SPACE_DIM > GetCentroidOfCellPopulation ()
virtual void OpenWritersFiles (OutputFileHandler &rOutputFileHandler)
void CloseWritersFiles ()
virtual void WriteResultsToFiles (const std::string &rDirectory)
virtual void AcceptPopulationWriter (boost::shared_ptr< AbstractCellPopulationWriter< ELEMENT_DIM, SPACE_DIM > > pPopulationWriter)=0
virtual void AcceptPopulationCountWriter (boost::shared_ptr< AbstractCellPopulationCountWriter< ELEMENT_DIM, SPACE_DIM > > pPopulationCountWriter)=0
virtual void AcceptCellWriter (boost::shared_ptr< AbstractCellWriter< ELEMENT_DIM, SPACE_DIM > > pCellWriter, CellPtr pCell)=0
void OutputCellPopulationInfo (out_stream &rParamsFile)
virtual void SimulationSetupHook (AbstractCellBasedSimulation< ELEMENT_DIM, SPACE_DIM > *pSimulation)
bool GetOutputResultsForChasteVisualizer ()
template<template< unsigned, unsigned > class T>
void AddPopulationWriter ()
template<template< unsigned, unsigned > class T>
void AddCellWriter ()
template<template< unsigned, unsigned > class T>
void AddCellPopulationCountWriter ()
void AddPopulationWriter (boost::shared_ptr< AbstractCellPopulationWriter< ELEMENT_DIM, SPACE_DIM > > pPopulationWriter)
void AddCellWriter (boost::shared_ptr< AbstractCellWriter< ELEMENT_DIM, SPACE_DIM > > pCellWriter)
void AddCellPopulationCountWriter (boost::shared_ptr< AbstractCellPopulationCountWriter< ELEMENT_DIM, SPACE_DIM > > pCellPopulationCountWriter)
template<template< unsigned, unsigned > class T>
bool HasWriter () const
void SetOutputResultsForChasteVisualizer (bool outputResultsForChasteVisualizer)
c_vector< double, SPACE_DIM > GetSizeOfCellPopulation ()
virtual bool IsRoomToDivide (CellPtr pCell)
std::pair< unsigned, unsignedCreateOrderedPair (unsigned index1, unsigned index2)
Iterator Begin ()
Iterator End ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from Identifiable
virtual ~Identifiable ()
std::string GetIdentifier () const

Protected Member Functions

virtual void UpdateParticlesAfterReMesh (NodeMap &rMap)
virtual void Validate ()
- Protected Member Functions inherited from AbstractCentreBasedCellPopulation< DIM >
 AbstractCentreBasedCellPopulation (AbstractMesh< ELEMENT_DIM, ELEMENT_DIM > &rMesh)
virtual void AcceptCellWritersAcrossPopulation ()
- Protected Member Functions inherited from AbstractOffLatticeCellPopulation< ELEMENT_DIM, SPACE_DIM >
 AbstractOffLatticeCellPopulation (AbstractMesh< ELEMENT_DIM, SPACE_DIM > &rMesh)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from AbstractCellPopulation< ELEMENT_DIM, SPACE_DIM >
 AbstractCellPopulation (AbstractMesh< ELEMENT_DIM, SPACE_DIM > &rMesh)

Protected Attributes

NodesOnlyMesh< DIM > * mpNodesOnlyMesh
- Protected Attributes inherited from AbstractCentreBasedCellPopulation< DIM >
double mMeinekeDivisionSeparation
std::set< std::pair< CellPtr, CellPtr > > mMarkedSprings
boost::shared_ptr< AbstractCentreBasedDivisionRule< ELEMENT_DIM, ELEMENT_DIM > > mpCentreBasedDivisionRule
- Protected Attributes inherited from AbstractOffLatticeCellPopulation< ELEMENT_DIM, SPACE_DIM >
double mDampingConstantNormal
double mDampingConstantMutant
double mAbsoluteMovementThreshold
- Protected Attributes inherited from AbstractCellPopulation< ELEMENT_DIM, SPACE_DIM >
std::map< unsigned, std::set< CellPtr > > mLocationCellMap
std::map< Cell *, unsignedmCellLocationMap
AbstractMesh< ELEMENT_DIM, SPACE_DIM > & mrMesh
std::list< CellPtr > mCells
c_vector< double, SPACE_DIM > mCentroid
out_stream mpVtkMetaFile
boost::shared_ptr< CellPropertyRegistrympCellPropertyRegistry
bool mOutputResultsForChasteVisualizer
std::vector< boost::shared_ptr< AbstractCellWriter< ELEMENT_DIM, SPACE_DIM > > > mCellWriters
std::vector< boost::shared_ptr< AbstractCellPopulationWriter< ELEMENT_DIM, SPACE_DIM > > > mCellPopulationWriters
std::vector< boost::shared_ptr< AbstractCellPopulationCountWriter< ELEMENT_DIM, SPACE_DIM > > > mCellPopulationCountWriters

Private Member Functions

template<class Archive >
void serialize (Archive &archive, const unsigned int version)
unsigned AddNode (Node< DIM > *pNewNode)
void AddMovedCell (CellPtr pCell, boost::shared_ptr< Node< DIM > > pNode)
void DeleteMovedCell (unsigned index)
void RefreshHaloCells ()
void AddNodeAndCellToSendRight (unsigned nodeIndex)
void AddNodeAndCellToSendLeft (unsigned nodeIndex)
void AddCellsToSendRight (std::vector< unsigned > &cellLocationIndices)
void AddCellsToSendLeft (std::vector< unsigned > &cellLocationIndices)
void AddReceivedHaloCells ()
void AddHaloCell (CellPtr pCell, boost::shared_ptr< Node< DIM > > pNode)
void UpdateMapsAfterRemesh (NodeMap &map)
virtual void WriteVtkResultsToFile (const std::string &rDirectory)

Private Attributes

c_vector< double, DIM > mMinSpatialPositions
c_vector< double, DIM > mMaxSpatialPositions
std::vector< std::pair< Node< DIM > *, Node< DIM > * > > mNodePairs
bool mDeleteMesh
bool mUseVariableRadii
std::vector< std::pair< CellPtr, Node< DIM > * > > mCellsToSendRight
std::vector< std::pair< CellPtr, Node< DIM > * > > mCellsToSendLeft
boost::shared_ptr< std::vector< std::pair< CellPtr, Node< DIM > * > > > mpCellsRecvRight
boost::shared_ptr< std::vector< std::pair< CellPtr, Node< DIM > * > > > mpCellsRecvLeft
ObjectCommunicator< std::vector< std::pair< CellPtr, Node< DIM > * > > > mRightCommunicator
ObjectCommunicator< std::vector< std::pair< CellPtr, Node< DIM > * > > > mLeftCommunicator
std::vector< CellPtr > mHaloCells
std::map< unsigned, CellPtr > mLocationHaloCellMap
std::map< CellPtr, unsignedmHaloCellLocationMap
bool mLoadBalanceMesh
unsigned mLoadBalanceFrequency

Static Private Attributes

static const unsigned mCellCommunicationTag = 123


class TestNodeBasedCellPopulation
class TestNodeBasedCellPopulationParallelMethods
class boost::serialization::access

Detailed Description

template<unsigned DIM>
class NodeBasedCellPopulation< DIM >

A NodeBasedCellPopulation is a CellPopulation consisting of only nodes in space with associated cells. There are no elements and no mesh.

Definition at line 52 of file NodeBasedCellPopulation.hpp.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

template<unsigned DIM>
NodeBasedCellPopulation< DIM >::NodeBasedCellPopulation ( NodesOnlyMesh< DIM > &  rMesh,
std::vector< CellPtr > &  rCells,
const std::vector< unsigned locationIndices = std::vector<unsigned>(),
bool  deleteMesh = false,
bool  validate = true 

Default constructor.

Note that the cell population will take responsibility for freeing the memory used by the nodes.

rMesha mutable nodes-only mesh
rCellsa vector of cells
locationIndicesan optional vector of location indices that correspond to real cells
deleteMeshwhether to delete nodes-only mesh in destructor
validatewhether to call Validate() in the constructor or not

Definition at line 41 of file NodeBasedCellPopulation.cpp.

References NodeBasedCellPopulation< DIM >::mpNodesOnlyMesh, AbstractCellPopulation< ELEMENT_DIM, SPACE_DIM >::mrMesh, and NodeBasedCellPopulation< DIM >::Validate().

Referenced by NodeBasedCellPopulation< DIM >::serialize().

template<unsigned DIM>
NodeBasedCellPopulation< DIM >::NodeBasedCellPopulation ( NodesOnlyMesh< DIM > &  rMesh)

Constructor for use by the de-serializer.

rMesha mutable nodes-only mesh

Definition at line 61 of file NodeBasedCellPopulation.cpp.

References NodeBasedCellPopulation< DIM >::mpNodesOnlyMesh, and AbstractCellPopulation< ELEMENT_DIM, SPACE_DIM >::mrMesh.

Member Function Documentation

template<unsigned DIM>
void NodeBasedCellPopulation< DIM >::AcceptCellWriter ( boost::shared_ptr< AbstractCellWriter< DIM, DIM > >  pCellWriter,
CellPtr  pCell 

A virtual method to accept a cell writer so it can write data from this object to file.

pCellWriterthe population writer.
pCellthe cell whose data are being written.

Definition at line 317 of file NodeBasedCellPopulation.cpp.

Referenced by NodeBasedCellPopulationWithParticles< DIM >::AcceptCellWritersAcrossPopulation(), and NodeBasedCellPopulation< DIM >::serialize().

template<unsigned DIM>
void NodeBasedCellPopulation< DIM >::AcceptPopulationCountWriter ( boost::shared_ptr< AbstractCellPopulationCountWriter< DIM, DIM > >  pPopulationCountWriter)

A virtual method to accept a cell population count writer so it can write data from this object to file.

pPopulationCountWriterthe population count writer.

Definition at line 311 of file NodeBasedCellPopulation.cpp.

Referenced by NodeBasedCellPopulation< DIM >::serialize().

template<unsigned DIM>
void NodeBasedCellPopulation< DIM >::AcceptPopulationWriter ( boost::shared_ptr< AbstractCellPopulationWriter< DIM, DIM > >  pPopulationWriter)

A virtual method to accept a cell population writer so it can write data from this object to file.

pPopulationWriterthe population writer.

Definition at line 305 of file NodeBasedCellPopulation.cpp.

Referenced by NodeBasedCellPopulation< DIM >::serialize().

template<unsigned DIM>
CellPtr NodeBasedCellPopulation< DIM >::AddCell ( CellPtr  pNewCell,
CellPtr  pParentCell 

Overridden AddCell() method.

Add a new cell to the cell population and update the vector of cell radii in the NodesOnlyMesh.

pNewCellthe cell to add
pParentCellpointer to a parent cell - this is required for node-based cell populations
address of cell as it appears in the cell list (internal of this method uses a copy constructor along the way)

Implements AbstractCellPopulation< ELEMENT_DIM, SPACE_DIM >.

Reimplemented in NodeBasedCellPopulationWithParticles< DIM >.

Definition at line 698 of file NodeBasedCellPopulation.cpp.

References AbstractCentreBasedCellPopulation< ELEMENT_DIM, SPACE_DIM >::AddCell(), AbstractCellPopulation< ELEMENT_DIM, SPACE_DIM >::GetLocationIndexUsingCell(), NodeBasedCellPopulation< DIM >::GetNode(), Node< SPACE_DIM >::GetRadius(), and Node< SPACE_DIM >::SetRadius().

Referenced by NodeBasedCellPopulation< DIM >::serialize().

template<unsigned DIM>
void NodeBasedCellPopulation< DIM >::AddCellsToSendLeft ( std::vector< unsigned > &  cellLocationIndices)
template<unsigned DIM>
void NodeBasedCellPopulation< DIM >::AddCellsToSendRight ( std::vector< unsigned > &  cellLocationIndices)
template<unsigned DIM>
void NodeBasedCellPopulation< DIM >::AddHaloCell ( CellPtr  pCell,
boost::shared_ptr< Node< DIM > >  pNode 
template<unsigned DIM>
void NodeBasedCellPopulation< DIM >::AddMovedCell ( CellPtr  pCell,
boost::shared_ptr< Node< DIM > >  pNode 

Add a moved cell to this process along with its node.

pCellthe pointer to the cell that is to be added.
pNodethe pointer to the node that is to be added.

Definition at line 720 of file NodeBasedCellPopulation.cpp.

References AbstractCellPopulation< ELEMENT_DIM, SPACE_DIM >::AddCellUsingLocationIndex(), NodesOnlyMesh< SPACE_DIM >::AddMovedNode(), AbstractCellPopulation< ELEMENT_DIM, SPACE_DIM >::mCells, and NodeBasedCellPopulation< DIM >::mpNodesOnlyMesh.

Referenced by NodeBasedCellPopulation< DIM >::AddReceivedCells(), and NodeBasedCellPopulation< DIM >::serialize().

template<unsigned DIM>
unsigned NodeBasedCellPopulation< DIM >::AddNode ( Node< DIM > *  pNewNode)

Overridden AddNode() method.

Add a new node to the cell population.

pNewNodepointer to the new node
global index of new node in cell population

Definition at line 258 of file NodeBasedCellPopulation.cpp.

References NodesOnlyMesh< SPACE_DIM >::AddNode(), and NodeBasedCellPopulation< DIM >::mpNodesOnlyMesh.

Referenced by NodeBasedCellPopulation< DIM >::serialize().

template<unsigned DIM>
void NodeBasedCellPopulation< DIM >::AddNodeAndCellToSendLeft ( unsigned  nodeIndex)

Add the node and cell with index nodeIndex to the list of cells to send to the process left.

nodeIndexthe index of the node and cell to send.

Definition at line 832 of file NodeBasedCellPopulation.cpp.

References NodeBasedCellPopulation< DIM >::GetCellNodePair(), and NodeBasedCellPopulation< DIM >::mCellsToSendLeft.

Referenced by NodeBasedCellPopulation< DIM >::AddCellsToSendLeft(), and NodeBasedCellPopulation< DIM >::serialize().

template<unsigned DIM>
void NodeBasedCellPopulation< DIM >::AddNodeAndCellToSendRight ( unsigned  nodeIndex)

Add the node and cell with index nodeIndex to the list of cells to send to the process right.

nodeIndexthe index of the node and cell to send.

Definition at line 824 of file NodeBasedCellPopulation.cpp.

References NodeBasedCellPopulation< DIM >::GetCellNodePair(), and NodeBasedCellPopulation< DIM >::mCellsToSendRight.

Referenced by NodeBasedCellPopulation< DIM >::AddCellsToSendRight(), and NodeBasedCellPopulation< DIM >::serialize().

template<unsigned DIM>
void NodeBasedCellPopulation< DIM >::Clear ( )

Reset the member variables mNodePairs and mpBoxCollection in the underlying mesh.

Definition at line 113 of file NodeBasedCellPopulation.cpp.

References NodeBasedCellPopulation< DIM >::mNodePairs.

Referenced by NodeBasedCellPopulation< DIM >::serialize(), and NodeBasedCellPopulation< DIM >::~NodeBasedCellPopulation().

template<unsigned DIM>
std::pair< CellPtr, Node< DIM > * > NodeBasedCellPopulation< DIM >::GetCellNodePair ( unsigned  nodeIndex)

Helper method to find and pack up nodes and cells together

nodeIndexthe global index of the node.
the pair.

Definition at line 812 of file NodeBasedCellPopulation.cpp.

References NodeBasedCellPopulation< DIM >::GetCellUsingLocationIndex(), and NodeBasedCellPopulation< DIM >::GetNode().

Referenced by NodeBasedCellPopulation< DIM >::AddNodeAndCellToSendLeft(), NodeBasedCellPopulation< DIM >::AddNodeAndCellToSendRight(), and NodeBasedCellPopulation< DIM >::serialize().

template<unsigned DIM>
double NodeBasedCellPopulation< DIM >::GetMechanicsCutOffLength ( )
the maximum interaction distance between cells, defined in NodesOnlyMesh.

Definition at line 323 of file NodeBasedCellPopulation.cpp.

References NodesOnlyMesh< SPACE_DIM >::GetMaximumInteractionDistance(), and NodeBasedCellPopulation< DIM >::mpNodesOnlyMesh.

Referenced by NodeBasedCellPopulation< DIM >::serialize().

template<unsigned DIM>
std::set< unsigned > NodeBasedCellPopulation< DIM >::GetNodesWithinNeighbourhoodRadius ( unsigned  index,
double  neighbourhoodRadius 

Method to return nodes within a given radius of a node. Note this is independent of cell radius and returns all nodes within a given radius.

indexthe node index
neighbourhoodRadiusthe radius to find neighbours in. Note must be less than the MaximumInteractionDistance in the NodesOnlyMesh
the set of neighbouring node indices within neighbourhoodRadius of the specified node.

Definition at line 373 of file NodeBasedCellPopulation.cpp.

References EXCEPTION, NodesOnlyMesh< SPACE_DIM >::GetMaximumInteractionDistance(), Node< SPACE_DIM >::GetNeighboursSetUp(), NodeBasedCellPopulation< DIM >::GetNode(), AbstractMesh< ELEMENT_DIM, SPACE_DIM >::GetVectorFromAtoB(), NodeBasedCellPopulation< DIM >::mpNodesOnlyMesh, Node< SPACE_DIM >::rGetLocation(), and Node< SPACE_DIM >::rGetNeighbours().

Referenced by NodeBasedCellPopulation< DIM >::serialize().

template<unsigned DIM>
c_vector< double, DIM > NodeBasedCellPopulation< DIM >::GetSizeOfCellPopulation ( )

Overridden GetSizeOfCellPopulation to work in parallel.

the size of the cell population.

Definition at line 359 of file NodeBasedCellPopulation.cpp.

References AbstractCellPopulation< ELEMENT_DIM, SPACE_DIM >::GetSizeOfCellPopulation(), and PetscTools::GetWorld().

Referenced by NodeBasedCellPopulation< DIM >::serialize().

template<unsigned DIM>
TetrahedralMesh< DIM, DIM > * NodeBasedCellPopulation< DIM >::GetTetrahedralMeshForPdeModifier ( )
template<unsigned DIM>
bool NodeBasedCellPopulation< DIM >::GetUseVariableRadii ( )

Definition at line 329 of file NodeBasedCellPopulation.cpp.

References NodeBasedCellPopulation< DIM >::mUseVariableRadii.

Referenced by NodeBasedCellPopulation< DIM >::serialize().

template<unsigned DIM>
double NodeBasedCellPopulation< DIM >::GetWidth ( const unsigned rDimension)

Overridden GetWidth() method.

Calculate the 'width' of any dimension of the cell population by computing the maximum distance between any nodes in this dimension.

rDimensiona dimension (0,1 or 2)
The maximum distance between any nodes in this dimension.

Implements AbstractCellPopulation< ELEMENT_DIM, SPACE_DIM >.

Definition at line 353 of file NodeBasedCellPopulation.cpp.

References NodesOnlyMesh< SPACE_DIM >::GetWidth(), and NodeBasedCellPopulation< DIM >::mpNodesOnlyMesh.

Referenced by NodeBasedCellPopulation< DIM >::serialize().

template<unsigned DIM>
unsigned NodeBasedCellPopulation< DIM >::RemoveDeadCells ( )

Remove all cells labelled as dead.

Note that after calling this method the cell population will be in an inconsistent state until the equivalent of a 'remesh' is performed! So don't try iterating over cells or anything like that.

number of cells removed

Implements AbstractCellPopulation< ELEMENT_DIM, SPACE_DIM >.

Definition at line 227 of file NodeBasedCellPopulation.cpp.

References MutableMesh< ELEMENT_DIM, SPACE_DIM >::DeleteNodePriorToReMesh(), AbstractCellPopulation< ELEMENT_DIM, SPACE_DIM >::GetLocationIndexUsingCell(), AbstractCellPopulation< ELEMENT_DIM, SPACE_DIM >::mCells, NodeBasedCellPopulation< DIM >::mpNodesOnlyMesh, AbstractCellPopulation< ELEMENT_DIM, SPACE_DIM >::RemoveCellUsingLocationIndex(), and NodesOnlyMesh< SPACE_DIM >::SolveNodeMapping().

Referenced by NodeBasedCellPopulation< DIM >::serialize().

template<unsigned DIM>
const NodesOnlyMesh< DIM > & NodeBasedCellPopulation< DIM >::rGetMesh ( ) const
const reference to mrMesh (used in archiving).

Definition at line 88 of file NodeBasedCellPopulation.cpp.

References NodeBasedCellPopulation< DIM >::mpNodesOnlyMesh.

template<unsigned DIM>
std::vector< std::pair< Node< DIM > *, Node< DIM > * > > & NodeBasedCellPopulation< DIM >::rGetNodePairs ( )

Overridden rGetNodePairs method

Node pairs for force calculation.

Implements AbstractCentreBasedCellPopulation< DIM >.

Definition at line 289 of file NodeBasedCellPopulation.cpp.

References NodeBasedCellPopulation< DIM >::mNodePairs.

Referenced by NodeBasedCellPopulation< DIM >::serialize().

template<unsigned DIM>
template<class Archive >
void NodeBasedCellPopulation< DIM >::serialize ( Archive &  archive,
const unsigned int  version 

Serialize the object and its member variables.

Note that serialization of the nodes is handled by load/save_construct_data, so we don't actually have to do anything here except delegate to the base class.

archivethe archive
versionthe current version of this class

Definition at line 127 of file NodeBasedCellPopulation.hpp.

References NodeBasedCellPopulation< DIM >::AcceptCellWriter(), NodeBasedCellPopulation< DIM >::AcceptPopulationCountWriter(), NodeBasedCellPopulation< DIM >::AcceptPopulationWriter(), NodeBasedCellPopulation< DIM >::AddCell(), NodeBasedCellPopulation< DIM >::AddCellsToSendLeft(), NodeBasedCellPopulation< DIM >::AddCellsToSendRight(), NodeBasedCellPopulation< DIM >::AddHaloCell(), NodeBasedCellPopulation< DIM >::AddMovedCell(), NodeBasedCellPopulation< DIM >::AddNode(), NodeBasedCellPopulation< DIM >::AddNodeAndCellToSendLeft(), NodeBasedCellPopulation< DIM >::AddNodeAndCellToSendRight(), NodeBasedCellPopulation< DIM >::AddReceivedCells(), NodeBasedCellPopulation< DIM >::AddReceivedHaloCells(), NodeBasedCellPopulation< DIM >::Clear(), NodeBasedCellPopulation< DIM >::DeleteMovedCell(), EXPORT_TEMPLATE_CLASS_SAME_DIMS, NodeBasedCellPopulation< DIM >::GetCellNodePair(), NodeBasedCellPopulation< DIM >::GetCellUsingLocationIndex(), NodeBasedCellPopulation< DIM >::GetMechanicsCutOffLength(), NodeBasedCellPopulation< DIM >::GetNeighbouringNodeIndices(), NodeBasedCellPopulation< DIM >::GetNode(), NodeBasedCellPopulation< DIM >::GetNodesWithinNeighbourhoodRadius(), NodeBasedCellPopulation< DIM >::GetNumNodes(), NodeBasedCellPopulation< DIM >::GetReceivedCells(), NodeBasedCellPopulation< DIM >::GetSizeOfCellPopulation(), NodeBasedCellPopulation< DIM >::GetTetrahedralMeshForPdeModifier(), NodeBasedCellPopulation< DIM >::GetUseVariableRadii(), NodeBasedCellPopulation< DIM >::GetVolumeOfCell(), NodeBasedCellPopulation< DIM >::GetWidth(), NodeBasedCellPopulation< DIM >::mUseVariableRadii, NodeBasedCellPopulation< DIM >::NodeBasedCellPopulation(), NodeBasedCellPopulation< DIM >::NonBlockingSendCellsToNeighbourProcesses(), NodeBasedCellPopulation< DIM >::OutputCellPopulationParameters(), NodeBasedCellPopulation< DIM >::RefreshHaloCells(), NodeBasedCellPopulation< DIM >::RemoveDeadCells(), NodeBasedCellPopulation< DIM >::rGetMesh(), NodeBasedCellPopulation< DIM >::rGetNodePairs(), NodeBasedCellPopulation< DIM >::SendCellsToNeighbourProcesses(), NodeBasedCellPopulation< DIM >::SetLoadBalanceFrequency(), NodeBasedCellPopulation< DIM >::SetLoadBalanceMesh(), NodeBasedCellPopulation< DIM >::SetNode(), NodeBasedCellPopulation< DIM >::SetUseVariableRadii(), NodeBasedCellPopulation< DIM >::Update(), NodeBasedCellPopulation< DIM >::UpdateCellProcessLocation(), NodeBasedCellPopulation< DIM >::UpdateMapsAfterRemesh(), NodeBasedCellPopulation< DIM >::UpdateParticlesAfterReMesh(), NodeBasedCellPopulation< DIM >::Validate(), NodeBasedCellPopulation< DIM >::WriteVtkResultsToFile(), and NodeBasedCellPopulation< DIM >::~NodeBasedCellPopulation().

template<unsigned DIM>
void NodeBasedCellPopulation< DIM >::SetLoadBalanceFrequency ( unsigned  loadBalanceFrequency)

Set the freqeuncy, in number of time steps, with which the underlying mesh should be load balanced.

loadBalanceFrequencythe frequency for load balancing.

Definition at line 347 of file NodeBasedCellPopulation.cpp.

References NodeBasedCellPopulation< DIM >::mLoadBalanceFrequency.

Referenced by NodeBasedCellPopulation< DIM >::serialize().

template<unsigned DIM>
void NodeBasedCellPopulation< DIM >::SetLoadBalanceMesh ( bool  loadBalanceMesh)

Set whether to carry out the dynamic load balance algorithm on this mesh when it is updated

loadBalanceMeshwhether to do dynamic load balancing.

Definition at line 341 of file NodeBasedCellPopulation.cpp.

References NodeBasedCellPopulation< DIM >::mLoadBalanceMesh.

Referenced by NodeBasedCellPopulation< DIM >::serialize().

template<unsigned DIM>
void NodeBasedCellPopulation< DIM >::SetNode ( unsigned  nodeIndex,
ChastePoint< DIM > &  rNewLocation 

Move the node with a given index to a new point in space.

nodeIndexthe index of the node to be moved
rNewLocationthe new target location of the node

Definition at line 143 of file NodeBasedCellPopulation.cpp.

References NodeBasedCellPopulation< DIM >::mpNodesOnlyMesh, and NodesOnlyMesh< SPACE_DIM >::SetNode().

Referenced by NodeBasedCellPopulation< DIM >::serialize(), and NodeBasedCellPopulationWithBuskeUpdate< DIM >::UpdateNodeLocations().

template<unsigned DIM>
void NodeBasedCellPopulation< DIM >::SetUseVariableRadii ( bool  useVariableRadii = true)

Set mUseVariableRadii.

useVariableRadiithe new value of mUseVariableRadii

Definition at line 335 of file NodeBasedCellPopulation.cpp.

References NodeBasedCellPopulation< DIM >::mUseVariableRadii.

Referenced by NodeBasedCellPopulation< DIM >::serialize().

template<unsigned DIM>
void NodeBasedCellPopulation< DIM >::UpdateParticlesAfterReMesh ( NodeMap rMap)

Update mIsParticle if required by a remesh.

rMapA map between node indices before and after remesh

Reimplemented in NodeBasedCellPopulationWithParticles< DIM >.

Definition at line 284 of file NodeBasedCellPopulation.cpp.

Referenced by NodeBasedCellPopulation< DIM >::serialize(), and NodeBasedCellPopulation< DIM >::UpdateMapsAfterRemesh().

Friends And Related Function Documentation

template<unsigned DIM>
friend class boost::serialization::access

Needed for serialization.

Definition at line 116 of file NodeBasedCellPopulation.hpp.

Member Data Documentation

template<unsigned DIM>
const unsigned NodeBasedCellPopulation< DIM >::mCellCommunicationTag = 123

The tag used to send and recieve cell information

Definition at line 98 of file NodeBasedCellPopulation.hpp.

Referenced by NodeBasedCellPopulation< DIM >::SendCellsToNeighbourProcesses().

template<unsigned DIM>
bool NodeBasedCellPopulation< DIM >::mDeleteMesh

Whether to delete the nodes-only mesh (taken in one of the constructors, defaults to false).

Definition at line 74 of file NodeBasedCellPopulation.hpp.

Referenced by NodeBasedCellPopulation< DIM >::~NodeBasedCellPopulation().

template<unsigned DIM>
std::map<CellPtr, unsigned> NodeBasedCellPopulation< DIM >::mHaloCellLocationMap

Map halo cells back to location indices

Definition at line 107 of file NodeBasedCellPopulation.hpp.

Referenced by NodeBasedCellPopulation< DIM >::AddHaloCell(), and NodeBasedCellPopulation< DIM >::RefreshHaloCells().

template<unsigned DIM>
std::vector<CellPtr> NodeBasedCellPopulation< DIM >::mHaloCells
template<unsigned DIM>
ObjectCommunicator<std::vector<std::pair<CellPtr, Node<DIM>* > > > NodeBasedCellPopulation< DIM >::mLeftCommunicator
template<unsigned DIM>
unsigned NodeBasedCellPopulation< DIM >::mLoadBalanceFrequency

The frequency at which the mesh is rebalanced

Definition at line 113 of file NodeBasedCellPopulation.hpp.

Referenced by NodeBasedCellPopulation< DIM >::SetLoadBalanceFrequency(), and NodeBasedCellPopulation< DIM >::Update().

template<unsigned DIM>
bool NodeBasedCellPopulation< DIM >::mLoadBalanceMesh

Whether to load balance the underlying mesh dynamically

Definition at line 110 of file NodeBasedCellPopulation.hpp.

Referenced by NodeBasedCellPopulation< DIM >::SetLoadBalanceMesh(), and NodeBasedCellPopulation< DIM >::Update().

template<unsigned DIM>
std::map<unsigned, CellPtr> NodeBasedCellPopulation< DIM >::mLocationHaloCellMap
template<unsigned DIM>
c_vector<double, DIM> NodeBasedCellPopulation< DIM >::mMaxSpatialPositions

Vector of maximal spatial positions in each dimension.

Definition at line 68 of file NodeBasedCellPopulation.hpp.

template<unsigned DIM>
c_vector<double, DIM> NodeBasedCellPopulation< DIM >::mMinSpatialPositions

Vector of minimal spatial positions in each dimension.

Definition at line 65 of file NodeBasedCellPopulation.hpp.

template<unsigned DIM>
std::vector< std::pair<Node<DIM>*, Node<DIM>* > > NodeBasedCellPopulation< DIM >::mNodePairs
template<unsigned DIM>
boost::shared_ptr<std::vector<std::pair<CellPtr, Node<DIM>* > > > NodeBasedCellPopulation< DIM >::mpCellsRecvLeft
template<unsigned DIM>
boost::shared_ptr<std::vector<std::pair<CellPtr, Node<DIM>* > > > NodeBasedCellPopulation< DIM >::mpCellsRecvRight
template<unsigned DIM>
ObjectCommunicator<std::vector<std::pair<CellPtr, Node<DIM>* > > > NodeBasedCellPopulation< DIM >::mRightCommunicator

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