#include <cxxtest/TestSuite.h>
#include "ScarCellFactory.hpp"
#include "ScarConductivityModifier.hpp"
#include "GmshMeshReader.hpp"
#include "MonodomainProblem.hpp"
#include "DistributedTetrahedralMesh.hpp"
#include "CellProperties.hpp" // For analysing APs
#include "PetscSetupAndFinalize.hpp"
class TestFibroblasts2d : public CxxTest::TestSuite
/** Width of the 2D domain we're simulating. */
double mRegionWidth;
/** Radius of the scar in the centre. */
double mScarRadius;
/** Width of the boundary region (myocytes but different conductivity) */
double mBoundaryWidth;
void Test2dPropagation() throw (Exception)
if (*(CommandLineArguments::Instance()->p_argc) == 1)
std::cout << "TestFibroblasts takes the following arguments:\n"
" Mandatory:\n"
" * --scar-conduction-scaling <x> The proportion of the intra-cellular conduction to\n"
" apply in the central scar region.\n"
" Optional:\n"
" * --use-neutral-cells <true or false> Whether to use neutral cells OR,\n"
" * --use-fibroblasts <true or false> a fibroblast electrophysiology model,\n"
" in the scar region.\n"
" * --scar-membrane-area-scaling <x> the scaling factor for membrane area (per unit vol) in scar region\n"
" * --boundary-conduction-scaling <x> The proportion of intra-cellular conduction to\n"
" apply in the boundary of the scar (still myocytes).\n"
" * --scar-shape <x> Whether the scar should be a 'CIRCLE' or a 'SQUARE'\n"
" * --pacing-period <x> The time between paces applied on x=0 (defaults to 100ms)\n"
" * --end-time <x> How long to perform the simulation for (defaults to pacing period).\n"
" * --lesion-pacing Whether to perform pacing in the centre of the lesion (default false).\n"
" * --cut Whether to introduce a cut with complete conduction block (defaults to false).\n";
* These are the defaults.
double pacing_cycle_length = 100;
bool use_neutral_cell_model = false;
bool use_fibroblasts = false;
bool lesion_pacing = false; // Alternative is remote/sinus pacing.
ScarShape shape = CIRCLE;
double scar_membrane_area_scaling = 1.0;
const std::string output_folder = "FibroblastSims/";
if (CommandLineArguments::Instance()->OptionExists("--pacing-period"))
pacing_cycle_length = CommandLineArguments::Instance()->GetDoubleCorrespondingToOption("--pacing-period");
double end_time = pacing_cycle_length; // Default end time is pacing cycle length
if (CommandLineArguments::Instance()->OptionExists("--end-time"))
end_time = CommandLineArguments::Instance()->GetDoubleCorrespondingToOption("--end-time");
if (CommandLineArguments::Instance()->OptionExists("--scar-shape"))
if (CommandLineArguments::Instance()->GetStringCorrespondingToOption("--scar-shape")=="CIRCLE")
shape = CIRCLE;
else if (CommandLineArguments::Instance()->GetStringCorrespondingToOption("--scar-shape")=="SQUARE")
shape = SQUARE;
EXCEPTION("The --scar-shape argument should be 'CIRCLE' or 'SQUARE'.");
// Here we say what proportion of the normal conductivity we want in the scar
double scaling_factor;
if (CommandLineArguments::Instance()->OptionExists("--scar-conduction-scaling"))
scaling_factor = CommandLineArguments::Instance()->GetDoubleCorrespondingToOption("--scar-conduction-scaling");
assert(scaling_factor >= 0.0);
assert(scaling_factor <= 1.0);
EXCEPTION("Please provide the command line option '--scar-conduction-scaling' with a value between 0 and 1.");
double scaling_factor_boundary = 1.0;
if (CommandLineArguments::Instance()->OptionExists("--boundary-conduction-scaling"))
scaling_factor_boundary = CommandLineArguments::Instance()->GetDoubleCorrespondingToOption("--boundary-conduction-scaling");
assert(scaling_factor_boundary >= 0.0);
assert(scaling_factor_boundary <= 1.0);
// And decide whether to use a neutral cell model, or normal mytocytes.
if (CommandLineArguments::Instance()->OptionExists("--use-neutral-cells"))
use_neutral_cell_model = CommandLineArguments::Instance()->GetBoolCorrespondingToOption("--use-neutral-cells");
// And decide whether to use a fibroblast model
if (CommandLineArguments::Instance()->OptionExists("--use-fibroblasts"))
use_fibroblasts = CommandLineArguments::Instance()->GetBoolCorrespondingToOption("--use-fibroblasts");
if (use_neutral_cell_model && use_fibroblasts)
EXCEPTION("You can only set '--use-neutral-cells true' OR '--use-fibroblasts true', not both.");
if (CommandLineArguments::Instance()->OptionExists("--scar-membrane-area-scaling"))
scar_membrane_area_scaling = CommandLineArguments::Instance()->GetDoubleCorrespondingToOption("--scar-membrane-area-scaling");
assert(scar_membrane_area_scaling >= 0.0);
assert(scar_membrane_area_scaling <= 1.0);
bool create_cut = false;
if (CommandLineArguments::Instance()->OptionExists("--cut"))
create_cut = true;
if (CommandLineArguments::Instance()->OptionExists("--lesion-pacing"))
lesion_pacing = true;
// Set up a unique output folder for these options
std::stringstream sub_directory;
if (use_neutral_cell_model)
sub_directory << "Neutral";
else if (use_fibroblasts)
sub_directory << "Fibroblast";
sub_directory << "Myocyte";
sub_directory << "_scar_cond_" << scaling_factor << "_cap_" << scar_membrane_area_scaling << "_boundary_cond_" << scaling_factor_boundary << "_period_" << pacing_cycle_length << "_end_" << end_time;
if (shape==SQUARE)
sub_directory << "_Square";
if (create_cut)
sub_directory << "_WithCut";
if (lesion_pacing)
sub_directory << "_LesionPacing";
DistributedTetrahedralMesh<2,2> mesh;
if (create_cut)
GmshMeshReader<2,2> gmsh_reader("projects/MouseLesion/test/data/meshes/2D_with_cuts_7_by_9_mm.msh");
// Mesh properties we will use in the cell factory and conductivity modifier.
mRegionWidth = 0.7; //cm
mScarRadius = 0.2325; //cm
mBoundaryWidth = 0.01; //cm
// Mesh properties we will use in the cell factory and conductivity modifier.
mRegionWidth = 0.5; //cm
mScarRadius = 0.1; //cm
mBoundaryWidth = 0.01; //cm
double h=0.005;
mesh.ConstructRegularSlabMesh(h, mRegionWidth, mRegionWidth);
HeartConfig::Instance()->SetSimulationDuration(end_time); //ms
HeartConfig::Instance()->SetOutputDirectory(output_folder + sub_directory.str());
HeartConfig::Instance()->SetOdePdeAndPrintingTimeSteps(0.1, 0.1, 0.1);
double intra_conductivity = 1.75; // Chaste Defaults
double extra_conductivity = 7.0; // Chaste Defaults
// Set up the defaults.
HeartConfig::Instance()->SetIntracellularConductivities(Create_c_vector(intra_conductivity, intra_conductivity));
HeartConfig::Instance()->SetExtracellularConductivities(Create_c_vector(extra_conductivity, extra_conductivity));
// Make a scar cell factory
ScarCellFactory<2> cell_factory(mRegionWidth,
scar_membrane_area_scaling, // chi scaling factor.
// Create a conductivity modifier
ScarConductivityModifier<2> modifier(&mesh,
scaling_factor, // D scaling factor.
scar_membrane_area_scaling, // chi scaling factor.
scaling_factor_boundary, // D scaling factor (chi not implemented for boundary yet).
true, // whether a lesion applied
MonodomainProblem<2> problem( &cell_factory );
problem.SetMesh( &mesh );
problem.SetWriteInfo(); // Writes max and min voltages out.
// Check that the Scar cell factory is doing the index tracking I expect.
// These should have been calculated during the initialisation step.
// These were checked in Paraview for the h = 0.005 slab mesh.
// If these lines fail it isn't a problem if you have intentionally
// changed the mesh for some reason (as we have when there's a cut).
if (!create_cut)
TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(cell_factory.GetNodeIndexCentreOfScar(), 5100u);
TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(cell_factory.GetNodeIndexCentralTissue(), 8130u);
TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(cell_factory.GetNodeIndexLeftTissue(), 5070u);
TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(cell_factory.GetNodeIndexRightTissue(), 5130u);
// Print out a couple of node traces to file for easy plotting.
// Output file handler should be called collectively, the 'false' says "don't wipe the folder!"
OutputFileHandler handler(output_folder + sub_directory.str(), false);
// These methods must be called in parallel.
std::vector<unsigned> node_indices;
node_indices.push_back(cell_factory.GetNodeIndexCentreOfScar()); // 0
node_indices.push_back(cell_factory.GetNodeIndexCentralTissue()); // 1 - best "control" half way through
node_indices.push_back(cell_factory.GetNodeIndexLeftTissue()); // 2
node_indices.push_back(cell_factory.GetNodeIndexRightTissue()); // 3
node_indices.push_back(cell_factory.GetNodeIndexLeftOfScar()); // 4
node_indices.push_back(cell_factory.GetNodeIndexRightOfScar()); // 5
node_indices.push_back(cell_factory.GetNodeIndexSideOfScar()); // 6
node_indices.push_back(cell_factory.GetNodeIndexBaseOfTissue()); // 7
// But we only want the master to write out the actual file.
if (PetscTools::AmMaster())
FileFinder hdf5_dir(output_folder + sub_directory.str(), RelativeTo::ChasteTestOutput);
Hdf5DataReader reader(hdf5_dir, "results");
// Retrieve the voltage traces at nodes of interest
std::vector<std::vector<double> > voltage_traces;
for (unsigned i=0; i<node_indices.size(); i++)
voltage_traces.push_back(reader.GetVariableOverTime("V", node_indices[i]));
// Output the full voltage traces at these nodes
std::vector<double> times = reader.GetUnlimitedDimensionValues();
out_stream output_file = handler.OpenOutputFile("voltage_traces_at_selected_nodes.dat");
for (unsigned i=0; i<times.size(); i++)
*output_file << times[i];
for (unsigned j=0; j<node_indices.size(); j++)
*output_file << "\t" << voltage_traces[j][i] ;
*output_file << "\n";
// Also output some of our action potential summary statistics
output_file = handler.OpenOutputFile("action_potential_properties_at_selected_nodes.dat");
*output_file << "Node\tAPD90(ms)\tAPD70(ms)\tAPD50(ms)\tMaxUpstroke(mV/ms)\tPeakVoltage(mV)\tAmplitude(mV)\tResting(mV)" << std::endl;
const double voltage_AP_threshold = -70.0;
for (unsigned i=0; i<node_indices.size(); i++)
CellProperties voltage_properties(voltage_traces[i], times, voltage_AP_threshold);
double apd90, apd70, apd50, upstroke, peak, amplitude, resting;
apd90 = voltage_properties.GetLastActionPotentialDuration(90);
apd70 = voltage_properties.GetLastActionPotentialDuration(70);
apd50 = voltage_properties.GetLastActionPotentialDuration(50);
upstroke = voltage_properties.GetLastCompleteMaxUpstrokeVelocity();
peak = voltage_properties.GetLastCompletePeakPotential();
amplitude = voltage_properties.GetLastActionPotentialAmplitude();
resting = voltage_properties.GetRestingPotentials().back();
catch (Exception& e)
{ // In case there is no action potential at all.
apd90 = 0.0;
apd70 = 0.0;
apd50 = 0.0;
upstroke = 0.0;
peak = 0.0;
amplitude = 0.0;
resting = voltage_traces[i].back();
*output_file << i << "\t"
<< apd90 << "\t" << apd70 << "\t" << apd50 << "\t"
<< upstroke << "\t" << peak << "\t" << amplitude << "\t" << resting << std::endl;
std::cout << "CVODE is not installed, or CHASTE is not configured to use it, check your hostconfig settings." << std::endl;
// TS_ASSERT(false); // uncomment if you want to ensure CVODE is set up on your system.
#endif // CHASTE_CVODE