Documentation for Release 2024.2
Creating And Using A New Cell Based Simulation Modifier
This tutorial is automatically generated from TestCreatingAndUsingANewCellBasedSimulationModifierTutorial.hpp at revision 409e06cb314b. Note that the code is given in full at the bottom of the page.
An example showing how to create a new cell-based simulation modifier and use it in a simulation
In this tutorial, we show how to create a new cell-based simulation modifier and use this in a cell-based simulation. The simulation modifier class hierarchy is used to implement setup, update and finalise methods in cell-based simulations.
1. Including header files
As in previous cell-based Chaste tutorials, we begin by including the necessary header file and archiving headers.
#include <cxxtest/TestSuite.h>
#include "CheckpointArchiveTypes.hpp"
#include "AbstractCellBasedTestSuite.hpp"
The next header defines a base class for cell-based simulation modifiers. Our new modifier class will inherit from this abstract class.
#include "AbstractCellBasedSimulationModifier.hpp"
The remaining header files define classes that will be used in the cell-based simulation test. We have encountered each of these header files in previous cell-based Chaste tutorials.
#include "AbstractForce.hpp"
#include "HoneycombMeshGenerator.hpp"
#include "NodesOnlyMesh.hpp"
#include "CellsGenerator.hpp"
#include "UniformCellCycleModel.hpp"
#include "TransitCellProliferativeType.hpp"
#include "RepulsionForce.hpp"
#include "OffLatticeSimulation.hpp"
#include "SmartPointers.hpp"
//This test is always run sequentially (never in parallel)
#include "FakePetscSetup.hpp"
Defining the cell-based simulation modifier class
As an example, let us consider a simulation modifier that, at each simulation
time step, calculates each cell’s height (y coordinate) in a two-dimensional
domain and stores it in in the CellData
property as “height”. This might be
used, for example in cell-based simulations where cell behaviour is dictated
through some form of positional information along a tissue axis.
Note that usually this code would be separated out into a separate declaration in a .hpp file and definition in a .cpp file. Also, while the abstract simulation modifier class is templated over dimensions, for simplicity we hardcode this concrete modifier class to work in 2D only.
class CellHeightTrackingModifier : public AbstractCellBasedSimulationModifier<2,2>
friend class boost::serialization::access;
template<class Archive>
void serialize(Archive & archive, const unsigned int version)
archive & boost::serialization::base_object<AbstractCellBasedSimulationModifier<2,2> >(*this);
The first public method is a default constructor, which simply calls the base constructor.
: AbstractCellBasedSimulationModifier<2,2>()
The next public method is a destructor, which calls the base destructor.
Next, we override the UpdateAtEndOfTimeStep()
method, which specifies what
to do to the simulation at the end of each time step. In this class, we simply
call the method UpdateCellData()
on the cell population; this method is
defined later in the class definition.
void UpdateAtEndOfTimeStep(AbstractCellPopulation<2,2>& rCellPopulation)
The next overridden method, SetupSolve()
, specifies what to do to the
simulation before the start of the time loop. In this class, we call
on the cell population, just as in
. This is needed because otherwise
will not have been fully initialised when we enter
the main time loop of the simulation.
void SetupSolve(AbstractCellPopulation<2,2>& rCellPopulation, std::string outputDirectory)
Next, we define the UpdateCellData()
method itself. This is a helper
method that computes the height (y coordinate) of each cell in the population
and stores this in the CellData
void UpdateCellData(AbstractCellPopulation<2,2>& rCellPopulation)
We begin by calling Update()
on the cell population, which ensures that
it is in a coherent state.
Next, we iterate over the cell population…
for (AbstractCellPopulation<2>::Iterator cell_iter = rCellPopulation.Begin();
cell_iter != rCellPopulation.End();
…find its height…
double cell_height = rCellPopulation.GetLocationOfCellCentre(*cell_iter)[1];
…and store this in the CellData
item “height”.
cell_iter->GetCellData()->SetItem("height", cell_height);
Finally, we must override the OutputSimulationModifierParameters()
method, which
outputs to file any parameters that are defined in the class. In this class, there are
no such parameters to output, so we simply call the method defined on the direct
parent class (in this case, the abstract class).
void OutputSimulationModifierParameters(out_stream& rParamsFile)
This concludes the definition of the CellHeightTrackingModifier
As mentioned in previous cell-based Chaste tutorials, we need to include the next block of code to be able to archive the simulation modifier object in a cell-based simulation, and to obtain a unique identifier for our new class for when writing results to file.
The identifiers for this class are defined together here, since we can only have each #include once in this source file. Normally the first include and export would go in the class’s header file, and the second #include and export would go in in the .cpp file.
#include "SerializationExportWrapper.hpp"
#include "SerializationExportWrapperForCpp.hpp"
The Tests
We now define the test class, which inherits from AbstractCellBasedTestSuite
class TestCreatingAndUsingANewCellBasedSimulationModifierTutorial : public AbstractCellBasedTestSuite
Using the modifier in a cell-based simulation
We conclude with a brief test demonstrating how CellHeightTrackingModifier
can be used
in a cell-based simulation.
void TestOffLatticeSimulationWithCellHeightTrackingModifier()
In this case, we choose to create a small NodeBasedCellPopulation
comprising 25 cells.
We choose a cut-off for mechanical interactions between cells of 1.5 units and add a
simple ReplusionForce
to the simulation. We use a UniformCellCycleModel
to implement some random proliferation in the simulation.
HoneycombMeshGenerator generator(2, 2, 0);
boost::shared_ptr<TetrahedralMesh<2,2> > p_generating_mesh = generator.GetMesh();
NodesOnlyMesh<2> mesh;
mesh.ConstructNodesWithoutMesh(*p_generating_mesh, 1.5);
std::vector<CellPtr> cells;
MAKE_PTR(TransitCellProliferativeType, p_transit_type);
CellsGenerator<UniformCellCycleModel, 2> cells_generator;
cells_generator.GenerateBasicRandom(cells, mesh.GetNumNodes(), p_transit_type);
NodeBasedCellPopulation<2> cell_population(mesh, cells);
OffLatticeSimulation<2> simulator(cell_population);
MAKE_PTR(RepulsionForce<2>, p_force);
Finally, we add a CellHeightTrackingModifier
to the simulation.
MAKE_PTR(CellHeightTrackingModifier, p_modifier);
To run the simulation, we call Solve()
It is most straightforward to visualize the results of this simulation in Paraview.
Load the file $CHASTE_TEST_OUTPUT/TestOffLatticeSimulationWithCellHeightTrackingModifier/results_from_time_0/results.pvd
and add glyphs to represent cells.
Full code
#include <cxxtest/TestSuite.h>
#include "CheckpointArchiveTypes.hpp"
#include "AbstractCellBasedTestSuite.hpp"
#include "AbstractCellBasedSimulationModifier.hpp"
#include "AbstractForce.hpp"
#include "HoneycombMeshGenerator.hpp"
#include "NodesOnlyMesh.hpp"
#include "CellsGenerator.hpp"
#include "UniformCellCycleModel.hpp"
#include "TransitCellProliferativeType.hpp"
#include "RepulsionForce.hpp"
#include "OffLatticeSimulation.hpp"
#include "SmartPointers.hpp"
//This test is always run sequentially (never in parallel)
#include "FakePetscSetup.hpp"
class CellHeightTrackingModifier : public AbstractCellBasedSimulationModifier<2,2>
friend class boost::serialization::access;
template<class Archive>
void serialize(Archive & archive, const unsigned int version)
archive & boost::serialization::base_object<AbstractCellBasedSimulationModifier<2,2> >(*this);
: AbstractCellBasedSimulationModifier<2,2>()
void UpdateAtEndOfTimeStep(AbstractCellPopulation<2,2>& rCellPopulation)
void SetupSolve(AbstractCellPopulation<2,2>& rCellPopulation, std::string outputDirectory)
void UpdateCellData(AbstractCellPopulation<2,2>& rCellPopulation)
for (AbstractCellPopulation<2>::Iterator cell_iter = rCellPopulation.Begin();
cell_iter != rCellPopulation.End();
double cell_height = rCellPopulation.GetLocationOfCellCentre(*cell_iter)[1];
cell_iter->GetCellData()->SetItem("height", cell_height);
void OutputSimulationModifierParameters(out_stream& rParamsFile)
#include "SerializationExportWrapper.hpp"
#include "SerializationExportWrapperForCpp.hpp"
class TestCreatingAndUsingANewCellBasedSimulationModifierTutorial : public AbstractCellBasedTestSuite
void TestOffLatticeSimulationWithCellHeightTrackingModifier()
HoneycombMeshGenerator generator(2, 2, 0);
boost::shared_ptr<TetrahedralMesh<2,2> > p_generating_mesh = generator.GetMesh();
NodesOnlyMesh<2> mesh;
mesh.ConstructNodesWithoutMesh(*p_generating_mesh, 1.5);
std::vector<CellPtr> cells;
MAKE_PTR(TransitCellProliferativeType, p_transit_type);
CellsGenerator<UniformCellCycleModel, 2> cells_generator;
cells_generator.GenerateBasicRandom(cells, mesh.GetNumNodes(), p_transit_type);
NodeBasedCellPopulation<2> cell_population(mesh, cells);
OffLatticeSimulation<2> simulator(cell_population);
MAKE_PTR(RepulsionForce<2>, p_force);
MAKE_PTR(CellHeightTrackingModifier, p_modifier);