Alarcon2004OxygenBasedCellCycleOdeSystem Class Reference

#include <Alarcon2004OxygenBasedCellCycleOdeSystem.hpp>

Inherits AbstractOdeSystem.

Collaboration diagram for Alarcon2004OxygenBasedCellCycleOdeSystem:
Collaboration graph

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 Alarcon2004OxygenBasedCellCycleOdeSystem (double oxygenConcentration, bool isLabelled, std::vector< double > stateVariables=std::vector< double >())
 ~Alarcon2004OxygenBasedCellCycleOdeSystem ()
void Init ()
void EvaluateYDerivatives (double time, const std::vector< double > &rY, std::vector< double > &rDY)
bool CalculateStoppingEvent (double time, const std::vector< double > &rY)
void SetIsLabelled (bool isLabelled)
bool IsLabelled () const
double GetOxygenConcentration () const

Private Member Functions

template<class Archive >
void serialize (Archive &archive, const unsigned int version)

Private Attributes

double ma1
double ma2
double ma3
double ma4
double mb3
double mb4
double mc1
double mc2
double md1
double md2
double mJ3
double mJ4
double mEta
double mMstar
double mB
double mxThreshold
double myThreshold
double mOxygenConcentration
bool mIsLabelled


class boost::serialization::access

Detailed Description

Represents the Alarcon et al. (2004) system of ODEs (see ticket #461). [doi:10.1016/j.jtbi.2004.04.016]

The variables are

0. x = Cdh1-APC complexes 1. y = cyclin-CDK 2. z = p27 3. m = mass 4. u = RBNP 5. P = oxygen concentration

Definition at line 59 of file Alarcon2004OxygenBasedCellCycleOdeSystem.hpp.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

Alarcon2004OxygenBasedCellCycleOdeSystem::Alarcon2004OxygenBasedCellCycleOdeSystem ( double  oxygenConcentration,
bool  isLabelled,
std::vector< double stateVariables = std::vector<double>() 


oxygenConcentration is a non-dimensional oxygen concentration value between 0 and 1
isLabelled whether the cell associated with this cell cycle ODE system is labelled (this affects the ODE system)
stateVariables optional initial conditions for state variables (only used in archiving)

State variables

0. x = Cdh1-APC complexes 1. y = cyclin-CDK 2. z = p27 3. m = mass 4. u = RBNP 5. oxygenConcentration

Definition at line 40 of file Alarcon2004OxygenBasedCellCycleOdeSystem.cpp.

References Init(), ma1, mc1, mIsLabelled, mMstar, AbstractUntemplatedParameterisedSystem::mpSystemInfo, mxThreshold, myThreshold, AbstractParameterisedSystem< std::vector< double > >::SetDefaultInitialCondition(), and AbstractParameterisedSystem< std::vector< double > >::SetStateVariables().

Alarcon2004OxygenBasedCellCycleOdeSystem::~Alarcon2004OxygenBasedCellCycleOdeSystem (  ) 


Definition at line 87 of file Alarcon2004OxygenBasedCellCycleOdeSystem.cpp.

Member Function Documentation

bool Alarcon2004OxygenBasedCellCycleOdeSystem::CalculateStoppingEvent ( double  time,
const std::vector< double > &  rY 
) [virtual]

Calculate whether the conditions for the cell cycle to finish have been met.

time at which to calculate whether the stopping event has occurred
rY value of the solution vector used to evaluate the RHS.
whether or not stopping conditions have been met

Reimplemented from AbstractOdeSystem.

Definition at line 159 of file Alarcon2004OxygenBasedCellCycleOdeSystem.cpp.

References mxThreshold, and myThreshold.

void Alarcon2004OxygenBasedCellCycleOdeSystem::EvaluateYDerivatives ( double  time,
const std::vector< double > &  rY,
std::vector< double > &  rDY 
) [virtual]

Compute the RHS of the Alarcon et al. (2004) system of ODEs.

Returns a vector representing the RHS of the ODEs at each time step, y' = [y1' ... yn']. An ODE solver will call this function repeatedly to solve for y = [y1 ... yn].

time used to evaluate the RHS.
rY value of the solution vector used to evaluate the RHS.
rDY filled in with the resulting derivatives (using Alarcons et al. (2004) system of equations).

Implements AbstractOdeSystem.

Definition at line 110 of file Alarcon2004OxygenBasedCellCycleOdeSystem.cpp.

References ma1, ma2, ma3, ma4, mB, mb3, mb4, mc1, mc2, md1, md2, mEta, mIsLabelled, mJ3, mJ4, and mMstar.

double Alarcon2004OxygenBasedCellCycleOdeSystem::GetOxygenConcentration (  )  const
void Alarcon2004OxygenBasedCellCycleOdeSystem::Init (  ) 

Initialise parameter values.

Definition at line 92 of file Alarcon2004OxygenBasedCellCycleOdeSystem.cpp.

References ma2, ma3, ma4, mB, mb3, mb4, mc2, md1, md2, mEta, mJ3, mJ4, and mMstar.

Referenced by Alarcon2004OxygenBasedCellCycleOdeSystem().

bool Alarcon2004OxygenBasedCellCycleOdeSystem::IsLabelled (  )  const

Definition at line 199 of file Alarcon2004OxygenBasedCellCycleOdeSystem.cpp.

References mIsLabelled.

template<class Archive >
void Alarcon2004OxygenBasedCellCycleOdeSystem::serialize ( Archive &  archive,
const unsigned int  version 
) [inline, private]

Serialize the object and its member variables.

archive the archive
version the current version of this class

Definition at line 116 of file Alarcon2004OxygenBasedCellCycleOdeSystem.hpp.

void Alarcon2004OxygenBasedCellCycleOdeSystem::SetIsLabelled ( bool  isLabelled  ) 

Set mIsLabelled.

isLabelled whether the cell associated with this cell cycle ODE system is labelled (this affects the ODE system)

Definition at line 194 of file Alarcon2004OxygenBasedCellCycleOdeSystem.cpp.

References mIsLabelled.

Member Data Documentation

Constants for the Alarcon et al. (2004) model Dimensionless parameter a_1.

Definition at line 68 of file Alarcon2004OxygenBasedCellCycleOdeSystem.hpp.

Referenced by Alarcon2004OxygenBasedCellCycleOdeSystem(), and EvaluateYDerivatives().

Dimensionless parameter a_2.

Definition at line 70 of file Alarcon2004OxygenBasedCellCycleOdeSystem.hpp.

Referenced by EvaluateYDerivatives(), and Init().

Dimensionless parameter a_3.

Definition at line 72 of file Alarcon2004OxygenBasedCellCycleOdeSystem.hpp.

Referenced by EvaluateYDerivatives(), and Init().

Dimensionless parameter a_4.

Definition at line 74 of file Alarcon2004OxygenBasedCellCycleOdeSystem.hpp.

Referenced by EvaluateYDerivatives(), and Init().

Dimensionless parameter B.

Definition at line 96 of file Alarcon2004OxygenBasedCellCycleOdeSystem.hpp.

Referenced by EvaluateYDerivatives(), and Init().

Dimensionless parameter b_3.

Definition at line 76 of file Alarcon2004OxygenBasedCellCycleOdeSystem.hpp.

Referenced by EvaluateYDerivatives(), and Init().

Dimensionless parameter b_4.

Definition at line 78 of file Alarcon2004OxygenBasedCellCycleOdeSystem.hpp.

Referenced by EvaluateYDerivatives(), and Init().

Dimensionless parameter c_1.

Definition at line 80 of file Alarcon2004OxygenBasedCellCycleOdeSystem.hpp.

Referenced by Alarcon2004OxygenBasedCellCycleOdeSystem(), and EvaluateYDerivatives().

Dimensionless parameter c_2.

Definition at line 82 of file Alarcon2004OxygenBasedCellCycleOdeSystem.hpp.

Referenced by EvaluateYDerivatives(), and Init().

Dimensionless parameter d_1.

Definition at line 84 of file Alarcon2004OxygenBasedCellCycleOdeSystem.hpp.

Referenced by EvaluateYDerivatives(), and Init().

Dimensionless parameter d_2.

Definition at line 86 of file Alarcon2004OxygenBasedCellCycleOdeSystem.hpp.

Referenced by EvaluateYDerivatives(), and Init().

Dimensionless parameter eta.

Definition at line 92 of file Alarcon2004OxygenBasedCellCycleOdeSystem.hpp.

Referenced by EvaluateYDerivatives(), and Init().

Whether the cell associated with this cell cycle ODE system is labelled (this affects the ODE system).

Definition at line 106 of file Alarcon2004OxygenBasedCellCycleOdeSystem.hpp.

Referenced by Alarcon2004OxygenBasedCellCycleOdeSystem(), EvaluateYDerivatives(), IsLabelled(), and SetIsLabelled().

Dimensionless parameter J_3.

Definition at line 88 of file Alarcon2004OxygenBasedCellCycleOdeSystem.hpp.

Referenced by EvaluateYDerivatives(), and Init().

Dimensionless parameter J_4.

Definition at line 90 of file Alarcon2004OxygenBasedCellCycleOdeSystem.hpp.

Referenced by EvaluateYDerivatives(), and Init().

Dimensionless parameter m_star.

Definition at line 94 of file Alarcon2004OxygenBasedCellCycleOdeSystem.hpp.

Referenced by Alarcon2004OxygenBasedCellCycleOdeSystem(), EvaluateYDerivatives(), and Init().

The oxygen concentration (this affects the ODE system).

Definition at line 103 of file Alarcon2004OxygenBasedCellCycleOdeSystem.hpp.

Referenced by GetOxygenConcentration().

Dimensionless parameter x_THR.

Definition at line 98 of file Alarcon2004OxygenBasedCellCycleOdeSystem.hpp.

Referenced by Alarcon2004OxygenBasedCellCycleOdeSystem(), and CalculateStoppingEvent().

Dimensionless parameter y_THR.

Definition at line 100 of file Alarcon2004OxygenBasedCellCycleOdeSystem.hpp.

Referenced by Alarcon2004OxygenBasedCellCycleOdeSystem(), and CalculateStoppingEvent().

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