AbstractNonlinearElasticitySolver< DIM > Class Template Reference

#include <AbstractNonlinearElasticitySolver.hpp>

Inherits AbstractContinuumMechanicsSolver< DIM >.

Inherited by CompressibleNonlinearElasticitySolver< DIM >, and IncompressibleNonlinearElasticitySolver< DIM >.

Collaboration diagram for AbstractNonlinearElasticitySolver< DIM >:
Collaboration graph

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

void ComputeResidual (Vec currentGuess, Vec residualVector)
void ComputeJacobian (Vec currentGuess, Mat *pJacobian, Mat *pPreconditioner)
 AbstractNonlinearElasticitySolver (AbstractTetrahedralMesh< DIM, DIM > &rQuadMesh, SolidMechanicsProblemDefinition< DIM > &rProblemDefinition, std::string outputDirectory, CompressibilityType compressibilityType)
virtual ~AbstractNonlinearElasticitySolver ()
void Solve (double tol=-1.0)
void SetIncludeActiveTension (bool includeActiveTension=true)
unsigned GetNumNewtonIterations ()
void SetWriteOutputEachNewtonIteration (bool writeOutputEachNewtonIteration=true)
void SetKspAbsoluteTolerance (double kspAbsoluteTolerance)
void SetTakeFullFirstNewtonStep (bool takeFullFirstStep=true)
void SetUsePetscDirectSolve (bool usePetscDirectSolve=true)
void SetCurrentTime (double time)
void CreateCmguiOutput ()
void WriteCurrentStrains (StrainType strainType, std::string fileName, int counterToAppend=-1)
void SetComputeAverageStressPerElementDuringSolve (bool setComputeAverageStressPerElement=true)
void WriteCurrentAverageElementStresses (std::string fileName, int counterToAppend=-1)
std::vector< c_vector< double,
DIM > > & 
rGetSpatialSolution ()
std::vector< c_vector< double,
DIM > > & 
rGetDeformedPosition ()
c_matrix< double, DIM, DIM > GetAverageStressPerElement (unsigned elementIndex)

Protected Member Functions

void AddStressToAverageStressPerElement (c_matrix< double, DIM, DIM > &rT, unsigned elementIndex)
virtual void SetKspSolverAndPcType (KSP solver)
virtual void AssembleSystem (bool assembleResidual, bool assembleLinearSystem)=0
virtual void FinishAssembleSystem (bool assembleResidual, bool assembleLinearSystem)
void GetElementCentroidStrain (StrainType strainType, Element< DIM, DIM > &rElement, c_matrix< double, DIM, DIM > &rDeformationGradient)
virtual void AddActiveStressAndStressDerivative (c_matrix< double, DIM, DIM > &rC, unsigned elementIndex, unsigned currentQuadPointGlobalIndex, c_matrix< double, DIM, DIM > &rT, FourthOrderTensor< DIM, DIM, DIM, DIM > &rDTdE, bool addToDTdE)
virtual void SetupChangeOfBasisMatrix (unsigned elementIndex, unsigned currentQuadPointGlobalIndex)
void AssembleOnBoundaryElement (BoundaryElement< DIM-1, DIM > &rBoundaryElement, c_matrix< double, BOUNDARY_STENCIL_SIZE, BOUNDARY_STENCIL_SIZE > &rAelem, c_vector< double, BOUNDARY_STENCIL_SIZE > &rBelem, bool assembleResidual, bool assembleJacobian, unsigned boundaryConditionIndex)
bool ShouldAssembleMatrixTermForPressureOnDeformedBc ()
void AssembleOnBoundaryElementForPressureOnDeformedBc (BoundaryElement< DIM-1, DIM > &rBoundaryElement, c_matrix< double, BOUNDARY_STENCIL_SIZE, BOUNDARY_STENCIL_SIZE > &rAelem, c_vector< double, BOUNDARY_STENCIL_SIZE > &rBelem, bool assembleResidual, bool assembleJacobian, unsigned boundaryConditionIndex)
double ComputeResidualAndGetNorm (bool allowException)
double CalculateResidualNorm ()
void VectorSum (std::vector< double > &rX, ReplicatableVector &rY, double a, std::vector< double > &rZ)
void PrintLineSearchResult (double s, double residNorm)
double TakeNewtonStep ()
double UpdateSolutionUsingLineSearch (Vec solution)
virtual void PostNewtonStep (unsigned counter, double normResidual)
void SolveNonSnes (double tol=-1.0)

Protected Attributes

< DIM > & 
c_matrix< double, DIM, DIM > mChangeOfBasisMatrix
double mKspAbsoluteTol
bool mWriteOutputEachNewtonIteration
FourthOrderTensor< DIM, DIM,
unsigned mNumNewtonIterations
double mCurrentTime
bool mCheckedOutwardNormals
bool mUseSnesSolver
double mLastDampingValue
bool mFirstStep
bool mTakeFullFirstNewtonStep
bool mPetscDirectSolve
bool mIncludeActiveTension
bool mSetComputeAverageStressPerElement
std::vector< c_vector< double,
DIM *(DIM+1)/2 > > 

Static Protected Attributes

static const size_t NUM_VERTICES_PER_ELEMENT = DIM+1
static const size_t NUM_NODES_PER_ELEMENT = (DIM+1)*(DIM+2)/2
static const size_t NUM_NODES_PER_BOUNDARY_ELEMENT = DIM*(DIM+1)/2
static double MAX_NEWTON_ABS_TOL = 1e-7
static double MIN_NEWTON_ABS_TOL = 1e-10
static double NEWTON_REL_TOL = 1e-4

Private Member Functions

void SolveSnes ()


class StressRecoveror< DIM >
class VtkNonlinearElasticitySolutionWriter< DIM >

Detailed Description

template<unsigned DIM>
class AbstractNonlinearElasticitySolver< DIM >

Abstract nonlinear elasticity solver. IncompressibleNonlinearElasticityAssembler and CompressibleNonlinearElasticityAssembler inherit from this class.

The class is both a solver AND a assembler: the AssembleOnElement(), AssembleSystem() methods are hardcoded into this class. In principle something like AbstractContinuumMechanicsAssembler could have been used as a member variable [that class is used for assembling fluids matrices etc] but nonlinear elasticity is too complex for the that class to be used, as things like stress and stress-derivative need to be computed at the AssembleOnElement level, things like pressure-on-deformed-surface are deformation dependent boundary conditions, etc. *

Definition at line 202 of file AbstractNonlinearElasticitySolver.hpp.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

template<unsigned DIM>
AbstractNonlinearElasticitySolver< DIM >::AbstractNonlinearElasticitySolver ( AbstractTetrahedralMesh< DIM, DIM > &  rQuadMesh,
SolidMechanicsProblemDefinition< DIM > &  rProblemDefinition,
std::string  outputDirectory,
CompressibilityType  compressibilityType 
) [inline]


rQuadMesh the quadratic mesh
rProblemDefinition an object defining in particular the body force and boundary conditions
outputDirectory output directory
compressibilityType Should be equal to COMPRESSIBLE or INCOMPRESSIBLE (see enumeration defined at top of file) (depending on which concrete class is inheriting from this) and is only used in computing mNumDofs and allocating matrix memory.

Definition at line 823 of file AbstractNonlinearElasticitySolver.hpp.

References CommandLineArguments::Instance(), AbstractNonlinearElasticitySolver< DIM >::mChangeOfBasisMatrix, AbstractNonlinearElasticitySolver< DIM >::mPetscDirectSolve, AbstractNonlinearElasticitySolver< DIM >::mrProblemDefinition, AbstractNonlinearElasticitySolver< DIM >::mTakeFullFirstNewtonStep, AbstractNonlinearElasticitySolver< DIM >::mUseSnesSolver, and CommandLineArguments::OptionExists().

template<unsigned DIM>
AbstractNonlinearElasticitySolver< DIM >::~AbstractNonlinearElasticitySolver (  )  [inline, virtual]


Definition at line 849 of file AbstractNonlinearElasticitySolver.hpp.

Member Function Documentation

template<unsigned DIM>
virtual void AbstractNonlinearElasticitySolver< DIM >::AddActiveStressAndStressDerivative ( c_matrix< double, DIM, DIM > &  rC,
unsigned  elementIndex,
unsigned  currentQuadPointGlobalIndex,
c_matrix< double, DIM, DIM > &  rT,
FourthOrderTensor< DIM, DIM, DIM, DIM > &  rDTdE,
bool  addToDTdE 
) [inline, protected, virtual]

Add on the active component to the stress (and maybe also to the stress-derivative). This is called after getting the passive stress and stress-derivative from a material law.

This method does nothing but can be overloaded by the other solvers, see eg cardiac mechanics solvers.

rC The Lagrangian deformation tensor (F^T F)
elementIndex Index of the current element
currentQuadPointGlobalIndex The index (assuming an outer loop over elements and an inner loop over quadrature points), of the current quadrature point.
rT The stress to be added to
rDTdE the stress derivative to be added to, assuming the final parameter is true
addToDTdE A boolean flag saying whether the stress derivative is required or not.

Definition at line 429 of file AbstractNonlinearElasticitySolver.hpp.

Referenced by IncompressibleNonlinearElasticitySolver< DIM >::AssembleOnElement(), and CompressibleNonlinearElasticitySolver< DIM >::AssembleOnElement().

template<unsigned DIM>
void AbstractNonlinearElasticitySolver< DIM >::AddStressToAverageStressPerElement ( c_matrix< double, DIM, DIM > &  rT,
unsigned  elementIndex 
) [inline, protected]
template<unsigned DIM>
void AbstractNonlinearElasticitySolver< DIM >::AssembleOnBoundaryElement ( BoundaryElement< DIM-1, DIM > &  rBoundaryElement,
c_vector< double, BOUNDARY_STENCIL_SIZE > &  rBelem,
bool  assembleResidual,
bool  assembleJacobian,
unsigned  boundaryConditionIndex 
) [inline, protected]

Compute the term from the surface integral of s*phi, where s is a specified non-zero surface traction (ie Neumann boundary condition) to be added to the residual vector.

Calls AssembleOnBoundaryElementForPressureOnDeformedBc() if appropriate

rBoundaryElement the boundary element to be integrated on
rAelem The element's contribution to the LHS matrix is returned. There is no need to zero this matrix before calling.
rBelem The element's contribution to the RHS vector is returned. There is no need to zero this vector before calling.
assembleResidual A bool stating whether to assemble the residual vector.
assembleJacobian A bool stating whether to assemble the Jacobian matrix.
boundaryConditionIndex index of this boundary (in the vectors in the problem definition object, in which the boundary conditions are stored

Definition at line 1185 of file AbstractNonlinearElasticitySolver.hpp.

References AbstractNonlinearElasticitySolver< DIM >::AssembleOnBoundaryElementForPressureOnDeformedBc(), AbstractElement< ELEMENT_DIM, SPACE_DIM >::GetIndex(), AbstractMesh< ELEMENT_DIM, SPACE_DIM >::GetNode(), AbstractElement< ELEMENT_DIM, SPACE_DIM >::GetNodeGlobalIndex(), GaussianQuadratureRule< ELEMENT_DIM >::GetNumQuadPoints(), GaussianQuadratureRule< ELEMENT_DIM >::GetWeight(), AbstractTetrahedralMesh< ELEMENT_DIM, SPACE_DIM >::GetWeightedDirectionForBoundaryElement(), AbstractNonlinearElasticitySolver< DIM >::mCurrentTime, AbstractContinuumMechanicsSolver< DIM >::mpBoundaryQuadratureRule, AbstractNonlinearElasticitySolver< DIM >::mrProblemDefinition, AbstractContinuumMechanicsSolver< DIM >::mrQuadMesh, NEVER_REACHED, AbstractNonlinearElasticitySolver< DIM >::NUM_NODES_PER_BOUNDARY_ELEMENT, and GaussianQuadratureRule< ELEMENT_DIM >::rGetQuadPoint().

Referenced by IncompressibleNonlinearElasticitySolver< DIM >::AssembleSystem(), and CompressibleNonlinearElasticitySolver< DIM >::AssembleSystem().

template<unsigned DIM>
void AbstractNonlinearElasticitySolver< DIM >::AssembleOnBoundaryElementForPressureOnDeformedBc ( BoundaryElement< DIM-1, DIM > &  rBoundaryElement,
c_vector< double, BOUNDARY_STENCIL_SIZE > &  rBelem,
bool  assembleResidual,
bool  assembleJacobian,
unsigned  boundaryConditionIndex 
) [inline, protected]

Alternative version of AssembleOnBoundaryElement which is used for problems where a normal pressure is applied to the deformed body. The traction then depends on the current deformation, specifically s = -det(F)*P*F^{-T}N.

To compute F we have to find the volume element containing this surface element and use this in the computation. See comments in implementation for more details.

rBoundaryElement the boundary element to be integrated on
rAelem The element's contribution to the LHS matrix is returned. There is no need to zero this matrix before calling.
rBelem The element's contribution to the RHS vector is returned. There is no need to zero this vector before calling.
assembleResidual A bool stating whether to assemble the residual vector.
assembleJacobian A bool stating whether to assemble the Jacobian matrix.
boundaryConditionIndex index of this boundary (in the vectors in the problem definition object, in which the boundary conditions are stored

Definition at line 1287 of file AbstractNonlinearElasticitySolver.hpp.

References Element< ELEMENT_DIM, SPACE_DIM >::CalculateInterpolationWeights(), AbstractTetrahedralElement< ELEMENT_DIM, SPACE_DIM >::CalculateNormal(), Determinant(), AbstractTetrahedralMesh< ELEMENT_DIM, SPACE_DIM >::GetElement(), AbstractElement< ELEMENT_DIM, SPACE_DIM >::GetIndex(), AbstractTetrahedralMesh< ELEMENT_DIM, SPACE_DIM >::GetInverseJacobianForElement(), AbstractElement< ELEMENT_DIM, SPACE_DIM >::GetNode(), AbstractElement< ELEMENT_DIM, SPACE_DIM >::GetNodeGlobalIndex(), AbstractElement< ELEMENT_DIM, SPACE_DIM >::GetNumNodes(), GaussianQuadratureRule< ELEMENT_DIM >::GetNumQuadPoints(), GaussianQuadratureRule< ELEMENT_DIM >::GetWeight(), AbstractTetrahedralMesh< ELEMENT_DIM, SPACE_DIM >::GetWeightedDirectionForBoundaryElement(), Inverse(), AbstractContinuumMechanicsSolver< DIM >::mCurrentSolution, AbstractNonlinearElasticitySolver< DIM >::mCurrentTime, AbstractContinuumMechanicsSolver< DIM >::mpBoundaryQuadratureRule, AbstractContinuumMechanicsSolver< DIM >::mProblemDimension, AbstractNonlinearElasticitySolver< DIM >::mrProblemDefinition, AbstractContinuumMechanicsSolver< DIM >::mrQuadMesh, NEVER_REACHED, AbstractNonlinearElasticitySolver< DIM >::NUM_NODES_PER_BOUNDARY_ELEMENT, AbstractNonlinearElasticitySolver< DIM >::NUM_NODES_PER_ELEMENT, GaussianQuadratureRule< ELEMENT_DIM >::rGetQuadPoint(), and AbstractNonlinearElasticitySolver< DIM >::ShouldAssembleMatrixTermForPressureOnDeformedBc().

Referenced by AbstractNonlinearElasticitySolver< DIM >::AssembleOnBoundaryElement().

template<unsigned DIM>
virtual void AbstractNonlinearElasticitySolver< DIM >::AssembleSystem ( bool  assembleResidual,
bool  assembleLinearSystem 
) [protected, pure virtual]

Assemble the residual vector and/or Jacobian matrix (using the current solution stored in mCurrentSolution, output going to mResidualVector and/or mrJacobianMatrix).

Must be overridden in concrete derived classes.

assembleResidual A bool stating whether to assemble the residual vector.
assembleLinearSystem A bool stating whether to assemble the Jacobian matrix and the RHS vector of the linear system (which is based on the residual but could be slightly different due to the way dirichlet boundary conditions are applied to the linear system - see comments in ApplyDirichletBoundaryConditions).

Implemented in CompressibleNonlinearElasticitySolver< DIM >, and IncompressibleNonlinearElasticitySolver< DIM >.

Referenced by AbstractNonlinearElasticitySolver< DIM >::ComputeJacobian(), AbstractNonlinearElasticitySolver< DIM >::ComputeResidual(), AbstractNonlinearElasticitySolver< DIM >::ComputeResidualAndGetNorm(), and AbstractNonlinearElasticitySolver< DIM >::TakeNewtonStep().

template<unsigned DIM>
double AbstractNonlinearElasticitySolver< DIM >::CalculateResidualNorm (  )  [inline, protected]
template<unsigned DIM>
void AbstractNonlinearElasticitySolver< DIM >::ComputeJacobian ( Vec  currentGuess,
Mat pJacobian,
Mat pPreconditioner 
) [inline]

Public method for computing the jacobian that will be called, effectively, by the SNES solver

currentGuess Input, the current guess for the solution
pJacobian Output, the jacobian matrix at this guess
pPreconditioner Output, the preconditioner matrix

Definition at line 2279 of file AbstractNonlinearElasticitySolver.hpp.

References AbstractNonlinearElasticitySolver< DIM >::AssembleSystem(), GenericEventHandler< 7, MechanicsEventHandler >::BeginEvent(), GenericEventHandler< 7, MechanicsEventHandler >::EndEvent(), ReplicatableVector::GetSize(), AbstractContinuumMechanicsSolver< DIM >::mCurrentSolution, AbstractContinuumMechanicsSolver< DIM >::mPreconditionMatrix, and AbstractNonlinearElasticitySolver< DIM >::mrJacobianMatrix.

template<unsigned DIM>
void AbstractNonlinearElasticitySolver< DIM >::ComputeResidual ( Vec  currentGuess,
Vec  residualVector 
) [inline]

Public method for computing the residual that will be called, effectively, by the SNES solver

currentGuess Input, the current guess for the solution
residualVector Output, the residual vector given this guess.

Definition at line 2263 of file AbstractNonlinearElasticitySolver.hpp.

References AbstractNonlinearElasticitySolver< DIM >::AssembleSystem(), ReplicatableVector::GetSize(), AbstractContinuumMechanicsSolver< DIM >::mCurrentSolution, and AbstractContinuumMechanicsSolver< DIM >::mResidualVector.

template<unsigned DIM>
double AbstractNonlinearElasticitySolver< DIM >::ComputeResidualAndGetNorm ( bool  allowException  )  [inline, protected]

Set up the residual vector (using the current solution), and get its scaled norm (Calculate |r|_2 / length(r), where r is residual vector).

allowException Sometimes the current solution solution will be such that the residual vector cannot be computed, as (say) the material law will throw an exception as the strains are too large. If this bool is set to true, the exception will be caught, and DBL_MAX returned as the residual norm
residual norm

Definition at line 1689 of file AbstractNonlinearElasticitySolver.hpp.

References AbstractNonlinearElasticitySolver< DIM >::AssembleSystem(), and AbstractNonlinearElasticitySolver< DIM >::CalculateResidualNorm().

Referenced by AbstractNonlinearElasticitySolver< DIM >::SolveNonSnes(), and AbstractNonlinearElasticitySolver< DIM >::UpdateSolutionUsingLineSearch().

template<unsigned DIM>
void AbstractNonlinearElasticitySolver< DIM >::CreateCmguiOutput (  )  [inline]
template<unsigned DIM>
void AbstractNonlinearElasticitySolver< DIM >::FinishAssembleSystem ( bool  assembleResidual,
bool  assembleLinearSystem 
) [inline, protected, virtual]
template<unsigned DIM>
c_matrix< double, DIM, DIM > AbstractNonlinearElasticitySolver< DIM >::GetAverageStressPerElement ( unsigned  elementIndex  )  [inline]
template<unsigned DIM>
void AbstractNonlinearElasticitySolver< DIM >::GetElementCentroidStrain ( StrainType  strainType,
Element< DIM, DIM > &  rElement,
c_matrix< double, DIM, DIM > &  rDeformationGradient 
) [inline, protected]
template<unsigned DIM>
unsigned AbstractNonlinearElasticitySolver< DIM >::GetNumNewtonIterations (  )  [inline]
number of Newton iterations taken in last solve.

Definition at line 2161 of file AbstractNonlinearElasticitySolver.hpp.

References AbstractNonlinearElasticitySolver< DIM >::mNumNewtonIterations.

template<unsigned DIM>
void AbstractNonlinearElasticitySolver< DIM >::PostNewtonStep ( unsigned  counter,
double  normResidual 
) [inline, protected, virtual]

This function may be overloaded by subclasses. It is called after each Newton iteration.

counter current newton iteration number
normResidual norm of the residual

Definition at line 2068 of file AbstractNonlinearElasticitySolver.hpp.

Referenced by AbstractNonlinearElasticitySolver< DIM >::SolveNonSnes().

template<unsigned DIM>
void AbstractNonlinearElasticitySolver< DIM >::PrintLineSearchResult ( double  s,
double  residNorm 
) [inline, protected]

Print to std::cout the residual norm for this s, ie ||f(x+su)|| where f is the residual vector, x the current solution and u the update vector.

s s
residNorm residual norm.

Definition at line 1918 of file AbstractNonlinearElasticitySolver.hpp.

References AbstractContinuumMechanicsSolver< DIM >::mVerbose.

Referenced by AbstractNonlinearElasticitySolver< DIM >::UpdateSolutionUsingLineSearch().

template<unsigned DIM>
std::vector< c_vector< double, DIM > > & AbstractNonlinearElasticitySolver< DIM >::rGetDeformedPosition (  )  [inline]
the deformed position. Note: return_value[i](j) = x_j for node i. Just calls rGetSpatialSolution().

Definition at line 906 of file AbstractNonlinearElasticitySolver.hpp.

References AbstractNonlinearElasticitySolver< DIM >::rGetSpatialSolution().

Referenced by AbstractNonlinearElasticitySolver< DIM >::CreateCmguiOutput().

template<unsigned DIM>
std::vector< c_vector< double, DIM > > & AbstractNonlinearElasticitySolver< DIM >::rGetSpatialSolution (  )  [inline, virtual]
template<unsigned DIM>
void AbstractNonlinearElasticitySolver< DIM >::SetComputeAverageStressPerElementDuringSolve ( bool  setComputeAverageStressPerElement = true  )  [inline]

The user may request that the stress for each element (averaged over quadrature point stresses) are saved during the Solve(), by calling this.

setComputeAverageStressPerElement whether to compute stresses (defaults to true)

Definition at line 998 of file AbstractNonlinearElasticitySolver.hpp.

References AbstractTetrahedralMesh< ELEMENT_DIM, SPACE_DIM >::GetNumElements(), AbstractNonlinearElasticitySolver< DIM >::mAverageStressesPerElement, AbstractContinuumMechanicsSolver< DIM >::mrQuadMesh, and AbstractNonlinearElasticitySolver< DIM >::mSetComputeAverageStressPerElement.

template<unsigned DIM>
void AbstractNonlinearElasticitySolver< DIM >::SetCurrentTime ( double  time  )  [inline]

This solver is for static problems, however the body force or surface tractions could be a function of time. This method is for setting the time.

time current time

Definition at line 745 of file AbstractNonlinearElasticitySolver.hpp.

References AbstractNonlinearElasticitySolver< DIM >::mCurrentTime.

template<unsigned DIM>
void AbstractNonlinearElasticitySolver< DIM >::SetIncludeActiveTension ( bool  includeActiveTension = true  )  [inline]

Whether to call AddActiveStressAndStressDerivative() when computing stresses or not.

Subclasses, such as the cardiac mechanics solvers, may implement the above method to add active contributions to the stress. However, sometimes we might want to switch this off, which is what this function is for - will generally be called with includeActiveTension=false

includeActiveTension whether to include active tension

Definition at line 667 of file AbstractNonlinearElasticitySolver.hpp.

References AbstractNonlinearElasticitySolver< DIM >::mIncludeActiveTension.

template<unsigned DIM>
void AbstractNonlinearElasticitySolver< DIM >::SetKspAbsoluteTolerance ( double  kspAbsoluteTolerance  )  [inline]

Set the absolute tolerance to be used when solving the linear system. If this is not called a relative tolerance is used.

kspAbsoluteTolerance the tolerance

Definition at line 696 of file AbstractNonlinearElasticitySolver.hpp.

References AbstractNonlinearElasticitySolver< DIM >::mKspAbsoluteTol.

template<unsigned DIM>
void AbstractNonlinearElasticitySolver< DIM >::SetKspSolverAndPcType ( KSP  solver  )  [inline, protected, virtual]

Set the KSP type (CG, GMRES, etc) and the preconditioner type (ILU, ICC etc). Depends on incompressible or not, and other factors.


#2057 Make better choices here...
solver KSP solver object (Petsc object)
#2057 Make better choices..

Definition at line 1600 of file AbstractNonlinearElasticitySolver.hpp.

References PetscTools::IsSequential(), AbstractContinuumMechanicsSolver< DIM >::mCompressibilityType, and AbstractNonlinearElasticitySolver< DIM >::mPetscDirectSolve.

Referenced by AbstractNonlinearElasticitySolver< DIM >::SolveSnes(), and AbstractNonlinearElasticitySolver< DIM >::TakeNewtonStep().

template<unsigned DIM>
void AbstractNonlinearElasticitySolver< DIM >::SetTakeFullFirstNewtonStep ( bool  takeFullFirstStep = true  )  [inline]

The following odd behaviour has been observed: for some problems the solver will fail in the first Newton iteration, with the residual not decreasing in the direction of the Newton update, but: if you take a full Newton step anyway (increasing the residual-norm), the solver then converges perfectly. This method allows the user to choose this.

Does nothing if the SNES solver is used.

See ticket #2304

takeFullFirstStep Whether to take a full first Newton step or not.

Definition at line 715 of file AbstractNonlinearElasticitySolver.hpp.

References AbstractNonlinearElasticitySolver< DIM >::mTakeFullFirstNewtonStep.

template<unsigned DIM>
virtual void AbstractNonlinearElasticitySolver< DIM >::SetupChangeOfBasisMatrix ( unsigned  elementIndex,
unsigned  currentQuadPointGlobalIndex 
) [inline, protected, virtual]

Should re-set the variable mChangeOfBasisMatrix if this is not to be the identity. Here, does nothing, but over-ridden in cardiac mechanics solvers.

elementIndex element global index
currentQuadPointGlobalIndex global index of the quad point

Definition at line 446 of file AbstractNonlinearElasticitySolver.hpp.

Referenced by IncompressibleNonlinearElasticitySolver< DIM >::AssembleOnElement(), and CompressibleNonlinearElasticitySolver< DIM >::AssembleOnElement().

template<unsigned DIM>
void AbstractNonlinearElasticitySolver< DIM >::SetUsePetscDirectSolve ( bool  usePetscDirectSolve = true  )  [inline]

Get Petsc to do a direct solve on the linear system (instead of using an iterative solve). This is equivalent to passing in command line arguments -ksp_type pre_only -pc_type lu through to Petsc, but in the incompressible case the preconditioner is set equal to the Jacobian with a mass matrix in the pressure-pressure block (to avoid zeros on the diagonal. Hence a few linear solve iterations are required for this case. Using a direct solve can lead to huge computation time savings if there is enough memory for it: the linear solve may be faster and nonlinear convergence likely to be much better, as the linear solve is exact.

usePetscDirectSolve Whether to use the Petsc direct solver or not

Definition at line 733 of file AbstractNonlinearElasticitySolver.hpp.

References AbstractNonlinearElasticitySolver< DIM >::mPetscDirectSolve.

template<unsigned DIM>
void AbstractNonlinearElasticitySolver< DIM >::SetWriteOutputEachNewtonIteration ( bool  writeOutputEachNewtonIteration = true  )  [inline]

By default only the original and converged solutions are written. Call this by get node positions written after every Newton step (mostly for debugging).

writeOutputEachNewtonIteration whether to write each iteration

Definition at line 685 of file AbstractNonlinearElasticitySolver.hpp.

References AbstractNonlinearElasticitySolver< DIM >::mWriteOutputEachNewtonIteration.

template<unsigned DIM>
bool AbstractNonlinearElasticitySolver< DIM >::ShouldAssembleMatrixTermForPressureOnDeformedBc (  )  [inline, protected]

When pressure-on-deformed-body boundary conditions are used:

For some reason the use of the Jacobian corresponding to the pressure term doesn't help (makes things worse!) if the current guess is not close enough to the solution, and can lead to immediate divergence. It will lead to faster convergence once close enough to the solution. This method contains the logic used to decide whether to include the jacobian for this term or not.

We only assemble the contribution to the matrix if the last damping value is close enough to 1 (non-snes solver). This will current always return false if the snes solver is being used

true if we are assembling pressure-on-deformed-body

Definition at line 1264 of file AbstractNonlinearElasticitySolver.hpp.

References AbstractNonlinearElasticitySolver< DIM >::mLastDampingValue, and AbstractNonlinearElasticitySolver< DIM >::mUseSnesSolver.

Referenced by AbstractNonlinearElasticitySolver< DIM >::AssembleOnBoundaryElementForPressureOnDeformedBc().

template<unsigned DIM>
void AbstractNonlinearElasticitySolver< DIM >::Solve ( double  tol = -1.0  )  [inline]
template<unsigned DIM>
void AbstractNonlinearElasticitySolver< DIM >::SolveNonSnes ( double  tol = -1.0  )  [inline, protected]
template<unsigned DIM>
void AbstractNonlinearElasticitySolver< DIM >::SolveSnes (  )  [inline, private]
template<unsigned DIM>
double AbstractNonlinearElasticitySolver< DIM >::TakeNewtonStep (  )  [inline, protected]
template<unsigned DIM>
double AbstractNonlinearElasticitySolver< DIM >::UpdateSolutionUsingLineSearch ( Vec  solution  )  [inline, protected]

Using the update vector (of Newton's method), choose s such that ||f(x+su)|| is most decreased, where f is the residual vector, x the current solution (mCurrentSolution) and u the update vector. This checks s=1 first (most likely to be the current solution, then 0.9, 0.8.. until ||f|| starts increasing.

solution The solution of the linear solve in newton's method, ie the update vector u.
norm of residual

Definition at line 1927 of file AbstractNonlinearElasticitySolver.hpp.

References AbstractNonlinearElasticitySolver< DIM >::CalculateResidualNorm(), AbstractNonlinearElasticitySolver< DIM >::ComputeResidualAndGetNorm(), EXCEPTION, AbstractContinuumMechanicsSolver< DIM >::mCurrentSolution, AbstractNonlinearElasticitySolver< DIM >::mFirstStep, AbstractNonlinearElasticitySolver< DIM >::mLastDampingValue, AbstractNonlinearElasticitySolver< DIM >::mTakeFullFirstNewtonStep, AbstractContinuumMechanicsSolver< DIM >::mVerbose, AbstractNonlinearElasticitySolver< DIM >::PrintLineSearchResult(), and AbstractNonlinearElasticitySolver< DIM >::VectorSum().

Referenced by AbstractNonlinearElasticitySolver< DIM >::TakeNewtonStep().

template<unsigned DIM>
void AbstractNonlinearElasticitySolver< DIM >::VectorSum ( std::vector< double > &  rX,
ReplicatableVector rY,
double  a,
std::vector< double > &  rZ 
) [inline, protected]

Simple helper function, computes Z = X + aY, where X and Z are std::vectors and Y a ReplicatableVector.

rX X
rY Y (replicatable vector)
a a
rZ Z the returned vector

Definition at line 1725 of file AbstractNonlinearElasticitySolver.hpp.

References ReplicatableVector::GetSize().

Referenced by AbstractNonlinearElasticitySolver< DIM >::UpdateSolutionUsingLineSearch().

template<unsigned DIM>
void AbstractNonlinearElasticitySolver< DIM >::WriteCurrentAverageElementStresses ( std::string  fileName,
int  counterToAppend = -1 
) [inline]

If SetComputeAverageStressPerElementDuringSolve() was called before the Solve(), then this method can be used to print the average stresses to file)

Each line of the output file corresponds to one element: the DIM*DIM matrix will be written as one line, using the ordering: T00 T01 T02 T10 T11 T12 T20 T21 T22.

fileName The file name stem
counterToAppend (Optional) number to append in the filename.

The final file is [fileName]_[counterToAppend].stress

Definition at line 952 of file AbstractNonlinearElasticitySolver.hpp.

References EXCEPTION, AbstractTetrahedralMesh< ELEMENT_DIM, SPACE_DIM >::GetNumElements(), AbstractNonlinearElasticitySolver< DIM >::mAverageStressesPerElement, AbstractContinuumMechanicsSolver< DIM >::mpOutputFileHandler, AbstractContinuumMechanicsSolver< DIM >::mrQuadMesh, AbstractNonlinearElasticitySolver< DIM >::mSetComputeAverageStressPerElement, and AbstractContinuumMechanicsSolver< DIM >::mWriteOutput.

template<unsigned DIM>
void AbstractNonlinearElasticitySolver< DIM >::WriteCurrentStrains ( StrainType  strainType,
std::string  fileName,
int  counterToAppend = -1 
) [inline]

Write the strain for each element (evaluated at the centroids of each element). Which strain to compute is determined by the first input parameter, and will be either F, C or E. Each line of the output file corresponds to one element: the DIM*DIM matrix will be written as one line, using the following ordering (assuming F is written). F00 F01 F02 F10 F11 F12 F20 F21 F22.

strainType Which strain to write, should be one of: DEFORMATION_GRADIENT_F, DEFORMATION_TENSOR_C, or LAGRANGE_STRAIN_E
fileName The file name stem
counterToAppend (Optional) number to append in the filename.

The final file is [fileName]_[counterToAppend].strain

Definition at line 913 of file AbstractNonlinearElasticitySolver.hpp.

References AbstractNonlinearElasticitySolver< DIM >::GetElementCentroidStrain(), AbstractTetrahedralMesh< ELEMENT_DIM, SPACE_DIM >::GetElementIteratorBegin(), AbstractTetrahedralMesh< ELEMENT_DIM, SPACE_DIM >::GetElementIteratorEnd(), AbstractContinuumMechanicsSolver< DIM >::mpOutputFileHandler, AbstractContinuumMechanicsSolver< DIM >::mrQuadMesh, AbstractContinuumMechanicsSolver< DIM >::mWriteOutput, and OutputFileHandler::OpenOutputFile().

Member Data Documentation

template<unsigned DIM>
const size_t AbstractNonlinearElasticitySolver< DIM >::BOUNDARY_STENCIL_SIZE = DIM*NUM_NODES_PER_BOUNDARY_ELEMENT [static, protected]

Boundary stencil size. Note this is just the number of spatial unknowns on the boundary element, because the boundary integral terms (in either compressible or incompressible formulations) (i) do not involve pressure and (ii) do not appear in the pressure equations (the constraint equations).

Reimplemented in CompressibleNonlinearElasticitySolver< DIM >, and IncompressibleNonlinearElasticitySolver< DIM >.

Definition at line 223 of file AbstractNonlinearElasticitySolver.hpp.

template<unsigned DIM>
FourthOrderTensor<DIM,DIM,DIM,DIM> AbstractNonlinearElasticitySolver< DIM >::dTdE [protected]

Storage space for a 4th order tensor used in assembling the Jacobian (to avoid repeated memory allocation).

Definition at line 277 of file AbstractNonlinearElasticitySolver.hpp.

Referenced by IncompressibleNonlinearElasticitySolver< DIM >::AssembleOnElement(), and CompressibleNonlinearElasticitySolver< DIM >::AssembleOnElement().

template<unsigned DIM>
std::vector<c_vector<double,DIM*(DIM+1)/2> > AbstractNonlinearElasticitySolver< DIM >::mAverageStressesPerElement [protected]

If the stresses for each element (averaged over quadrature point stresses) are to be stored, they are stored in this variable. Note to save memory we just don't store the lower half of the stress, as the stress is symmetric, hence this is a vector of 6 (in 3d) variables rather than a 3d matrix.

Definition at line 346 of file AbstractNonlinearElasticitySolver.hpp.

Referenced by AbstractNonlinearElasticitySolver< DIM >::AddStressToAverageStressPerElement(), IncompressibleNonlinearElasticitySolver< DIM >::AssembleOnElement(), CompressibleNonlinearElasticitySolver< DIM >::AssembleOnElement(), AbstractNonlinearElasticitySolver< DIM >::GetAverageStressPerElement(), AbstractNonlinearElasticitySolver< DIM >::SetComputeAverageStressPerElementDuringSolve(), and AbstractNonlinearElasticitySolver< DIM >::WriteCurrentAverageElementStresses().

template<unsigned DIM>
double AbstractNonlinearElasticitySolver< DIM >::MAX_NEWTON_ABS_TOL = 1e-7 [inline, static, protected]

Maximum absolute tolerance for Newton solve. The Newton solver uses the absolute tolerance corresponding to the specified relative tolerance, but has a max and min allowable absolute tolerance. (ie: if max_abs = 1e-7, min_abs = 1e-10, rel=1e-4: then if the norm of the initial_residual (=a) is 1e-2, it will solve with tolerance 1e-7; if a=1e-5, it will solve with tolerance 1e-9; a=1e-9, it will solve with tolerance 1e-10.

Definition at line 232 of file AbstractNonlinearElasticitySolver.hpp.

Referenced by AbstractNonlinearElasticitySolver< DIM >::SolveNonSnes().

template<unsigned DIM>
c_matrix<double,DIM,DIM> AbstractNonlinearElasticitySolver< DIM >::mChangeOfBasisMatrix [protected]

Matrix to be passed to material law, in case the material law is anisotropic and depends on a local coordinate system (eg cardiac problems). Defaults to the identity matrix. The cardiac mechanics solvers override SetupChangeOfBasisMatrix() which re-sets this for every element and quad point.

Definition at line 258 of file AbstractNonlinearElasticitySolver.hpp.

Referenced by AbstractNonlinearElasticitySolver< DIM >::AbstractNonlinearElasticitySolver(), IncompressibleNonlinearElasticitySolver< DIM >::AssembleOnElement(), and CompressibleNonlinearElasticitySolver< DIM >::AssembleOnElement().

template<unsigned DIM>
bool AbstractNonlinearElasticitySolver< DIM >::mCheckedOutwardNormals [protected]

Whether the boundary elements of the mesh have been checked for whether the ordering if such that the normals are outward-facing

Definition at line 293 of file AbstractNonlinearElasticitySolver.hpp.

Referenced by AbstractNonlinearElasticitySolver< DIM >::Solve().

template<unsigned DIM>
double AbstractNonlinearElasticitySolver< DIM >::mCurrentTime [protected]
template<unsigned DIM>
bool AbstractNonlinearElasticitySolver< DIM >::mFirstStep [protected]
template<unsigned DIM>
double AbstractNonlinearElasticitySolver< DIM >::MIN_NEWTON_ABS_TOL = 1e-10 [inline, static, protected]

Minimum absolute tolerance for Newton solve. See documentation for MAX_NEWTON_ABS_TOL.

Definition at line 235 of file AbstractNonlinearElasticitySolver.hpp.

Referenced by AbstractNonlinearElasticitySolver< DIM >::SolveNonSnes().

template<unsigned DIM>
bool AbstractNonlinearElasticitySolver< DIM >::mIncludeActiveTension [protected]

Whether to call AddActiveStressAndStressDerivative() when computing stresses or not.

Subclasses, such as the cardiac mechanics solvers, may implement the above method to add active contributions to the stress. However, sometimes we might want to switch this off. Defaults to true.

Definition at line 331 of file AbstractNonlinearElasticitySolver.hpp.

Referenced by IncompressibleNonlinearElasticitySolver< DIM >::AssembleOnElement(), CompressibleNonlinearElasticitySolver< DIM >::AssembleOnElement(), and AbstractNonlinearElasticitySolver< DIM >::SetIncludeActiveTension().

template<unsigned DIM>
double AbstractNonlinearElasticitySolver< DIM >::mKspAbsoluteTol [protected]

Absolute tolerance for linear systems. Can be set by calling SetKspAbsoluteTolerances(), but default to -1, in which case a relative tolerance is used.

Definition at line 265 of file AbstractNonlinearElasticitySolver.hpp.

Referenced by AbstractNonlinearElasticitySolver< DIM >::SetKspAbsoluteTolerance(), and AbstractNonlinearElasticitySolver< DIM >::TakeNewtonStep().

template<unsigned DIM>
double AbstractNonlinearElasticitySolver< DIM >::mLastDampingValue [protected]

The last damping value used in the current nonlinear (non-snes) solve. If near 1.0, this indicates that the current guess is near the solution. Initialised to 0.0 at the beginning of each nonlinear solve.

Definition at line 306 of file AbstractNonlinearElasticitySolver.hpp.

Referenced by AbstractNonlinearElasticitySolver< DIM >::ShouldAssembleMatrixTermForPressureOnDeformedBc(), AbstractNonlinearElasticitySolver< DIM >::SolveNonSnes(), and AbstractNonlinearElasticitySolver< DIM >::UpdateSolutionUsingLineSearch().

template<unsigned DIM>
unsigned AbstractNonlinearElasticitySolver< DIM >::mNumNewtonIterations [protected]
template<unsigned DIM>
bool AbstractNonlinearElasticitySolver< DIM >::mPetscDirectSolve [protected]
template<unsigned DIM>
Mat& AbstractNonlinearElasticitySolver< DIM >::mrJacobianMatrix [protected]
template<unsigned DIM>
bool AbstractNonlinearElasticitySolver< DIM >::mTakeFullFirstNewtonStep [protected]
template<unsigned DIM>
bool AbstractNonlinearElasticitySolver< DIM >::mUseSnesSolver [protected]

If SetUsingSnesSolver() is called on the problem definition class, or the command line argument "-mech_use_snes" is given the Petsc SNES solver (nonlinear solver) will be used.

Definition at line 299 of file AbstractNonlinearElasticitySolver.hpp.

Referenced by AbstractNonlinearElasticitySolver< DIM >::AbstractNonlinearElasticitySolver(), AbstractNonlinearElasticitySolver< DIM >::ShouldAssembleMatrixTermForPressureOnDeformedBc(), and AbstractNonlinearElasticitySolver< DIM >::Solve().

template<unsigned DIM>
bool AbstractNonlinearElasticitySolver< DIM >::mWriteOutputEachNewtonIteration [protected]

By default only the initial and final solutions are written. However, we may want to write the solutions after every Newton iteration, in which case the following should be set to true.

Definition at line 272 of file AbstractNonlinearElasticitySolver.hpp.

Referenced by AbstractNonlinearElasticitySolver< DIM >::SetWriteOutputEachNewtonIteration(), and AbstractNonlinearElasticitySolver< DIM >::SolveNonSnes().

template<unsigned DIM>
double AbstractNonlinearElasticitySolver< DIM >::NEWTON_REL_TOL = 1e-4 [inline, static, protected]

Relative tolerance for Newton solve. See documentation for MAX_NEWTON_ABS_TOL.

Definition at line 238 of file AbstractNonlinearElasticitySolver.hpp.

Referenced by AbstractNonlinearElasticitySolver< DIM >::SolveNonSnes().

template<unsigned DIM>
const size_t AbstractNonlinearElasticitySolver< DIM >::NUM_NODES_PER_BOUNDARY_ELEMENT = DIM*(DIM+1)/2 [static, protected]
template<unsigned DIM>
const size_t AbstractNonlinearElasticitySolver< DIM >::NUM_NODES_PER_ELEMENT = (DIM+1)*(DIM+2)/2 [static, protected]
template<unsigned DIM>
const size_t AbstractNonlinearElasticitySolver< DIM >::NUM_VERTICES_PER_ELEMENT = DIM+1 [static, protected]

Number of vertices per element.

Reimplemented in CompressibleNonlinearElasticitySolver< DIM >, and IncompressibleNonlinearElasticitySolver< DIM >.

Definition at line 211 of file AbstractNonlinearElasticitySolver.hpp.

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