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Chaste Commit::30a3e656d4b131f8c595cc6eb2becd297337570f
This is the complete list of members for Cell, including all inherited members.
AddCellProperty(const boost::shared_ptr< AbstractCellProperty > &rProperty) | Cell | |
boost::serialization::access | Cell | friend |
Cell(boost::shared_ptr< AbstractCellProperty > pMutationState, AbstractCellCycleModel *pCellCycleModel, AbstractSrnModel *pSrnModel=nullptr, bool archiving=false, CellPropertyCollection cellPropertyCollection=CellPropertyCollection()) | Cell | |
Divide() | Cell | virtual |
GetAge() const | Cell | |
GetAncestor() const | Cell | |
GetApoptosisTime() const | Cell | |
GetBirthTime() const | Cell | |
GetCellCycleModel() const | Cell | |
GetCellData() const | Cell | |
GetCellEdgeData() const | Cell | |
GetCellId() const | Cell | |
GetCellProliferativeType() const | Cell | |
GetCellVecData() const | Cell | |
GetMutationState() const | Cell | |
GetSrnModel() const | Cell | |
GetStartOfApoptosisTime() const | Cell | |
GetTimeUntilDeath() const | Cell | |
HasApoptosisBegun() const | Cell | |
HasCellProperty() const | Cell | inline |
HasCellVecData() const | Cell | |
HasSrnModel() const | Cell | |
InitialiseCellCycleModel() | Cell | |
InitialiseSrnModel() | Cell | |
IsDead() | Cell | |
IsLogged() | Cell | |
Kill() | Cell | |
mApoptosisTime | Cell | protected |
mCanDivide | Cell | protected |
mCellPropertyCollection | Cell | protected |
mDeathTime | Cell | protected |
mHasSrnModel | Cell | protected |
mIsDead | Cell | protected |
mIsLogged | Cell | protected |
mpCellCycleModel | Cell | protected |
mpSrnModel | Cell | protected |
mStartOfApoptosisTime | Cell | protected |
mUndergoingApoptosis | Cell | protected |
ReadyToDivide() | Cell | |
RemoveCellProperty() | Cell | inline |
rGetCellPropertyCollection() | Cell | |
rGetCellPropertyCollection() const | Cell | |
serialize(Archive &archive, const unsigned int version) | Cell | inlineprivate |
SetAncestor(boost::shared_ptr< AbstractCellProperty > pCellAncestor) | Cell | |
SetApoptosisTime(double apoptosisTime) | Cell | |
SetBirthTime(double birthTime) | Cell | |
SetCellCycleModel(AbstractCellCycleModel *pCellCycleModel) | Cell | |
SetCellProliferativeType(boost::shared_ptr< AbstractCellProperty > pProliferativeType) | Cell | |
SetLogged() | Cell | |
SetMutationState(boost::shared_ptr< AbstractCellProperty > pMutationState) | Cell | |
SetSrnModel(AbstractSrnModel *pSrnModel) | Cell | |
StartApoptosis(bool setDeathTime=true) | Cell | |
~Cell() | Cell | virtual |