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MathsCustomFunctions.hpp File Reference
#include <cfloat>
#include <cstddef>
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class  CompareDoubles


double SmallPow (double x, unsigned exponent)
unsigned SmallPow (unsigned x, unsigned exponent)
bool Divides (double smallerNumber, double largerNumber)
unsigned CeilDivide (unsigned numerator, unsigned denominator)
double Signum (double value)
double SafeDivide (double numerator, double divisor)
unsigned AdvanceMod (unsigned index, int increment, std::size_t range) noexcept
unsigned SmallDifferenceMod (unsigned idxA, unsigned idxB, std::size_t range) noexcept

Detailed Description

This file contains some utility functions and a small class for dealing with floating point numbers.

Definition in file MathsCustomFunctions.hpp.

Function Documentation

◆ AdvanceMod()

unsigned AdvanceMod ( unsigned  index,
int  increment,
std::size_t  range 

Advance index by increment and return the result modulo range taking into account negative decrements. It is assumed that index + range does not overflow the int type, and that 0 < range < INT_MAX.

Note that this function is designed to avoid integer division and is very efficient when (index + increment) is in [-range, 2*range).

indexthe current index to increment
incrementthe amount to increment the index by
rangethe top of the range; [0, range)
(current_location + increment) % range, accounting for negative values

Definition at line 172 of file MathsCustomFunctions.cpp.

◆ CeilDivide()

unsigned CeilDivide ( unsigned  numerator,
unsigned  denominator 
the result of dividing (unsigned) numerator by denominator, rounded up (away from 0), and overflow-safe for large integers up to UINT_MAX.
numeratorthe numerator
denominatorthe denominator

Definition at line 132 of file MathsCustomFunctions.cpp.

◆ Divides()

bool Divides ( double  smallerNumber,
double  largerNumber 
true if the smaller number divides the larger (to machine precision) Uses fmod to determine if smallerNumber divides the largerNumber. We expect smallerNumber/largerNumber <= 1 and therefore fmod(largerNumber,smallerNumber) should be close to zero or close to smallerNumber.
smallerNumberthe smaller
largerNumberthe larger

Definition at line 109 of file MathsCustomFunctions.cpp.

◆ SafeDivide()

double SafeDivide ( double  numerator,
double  divisor 
the results of dividing two non-negative floating point numbers, avoiding overflow and underflow.
numeratorthe number to be divided
divisorthe number to divide by

Definition at line 155 of file MathsCustomFunctions.cpp.

Referenced by CompareDoubles::Difference(), and CompareDoubles::WithinRelativeTolerance().

◆ Signum()

double Signum ( double  value)
the sign of the argument, i.e. -1 if value<0, 0 if value=0, or +1 if value>0.
valuethe argument value

Definition at line 145 of file MathsCustomFunctions.cpp.

◆ SmallDifferenceMod()

unsigned SmallDifferenceMod ( unsigned  idxA,
unsigned  idxB,
std::size_t  range 

Calculate the smaller of the two differences between two indices, modulo N. I.e. the smallest number of increments from idxA required to get to idxB, modulo range.

idxAfirst index, in [0, range)
idxBsecond index, in [0, range)
rangethe top of the range; [0, range)
the smallest difference between idxA and idxB

Definition at line 188 of file MathsCustomFunctions.cpp.

◆ SmallPow() [1/2]

double SmallPow ( double  x,
unsigned  exponent 

Replacement "pow" function.

xnumber to be raised to a small power
exponentsmall integer exponent
x^exponent a.k.a x**exponent.

Definition at line 42 of file MathsCustomFunctions.cpp.

◆ SmallPow() [2/2]

unsigned SmallPow ( unsigned  x,
unsigned  exponent 

Replacement "pow" function for unsigned integer values

xnumber to be raised to a small power
exponentsmall integer exponent
x^exponent a.k.a x**exponent.

Definition at line 72 of file MathsCustomFunctions.cpp.