![]() |
Chaste Commit::902c253d34db363ef85d80e846145202cc412f3e
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
Go to the source code of this file.
Classes | |
struct | otri |
struct | osub |
struct | badsubseg |
struct | badtriang |
struct | flipstacker |
struct | event |
struct | splaynode |
struct | memorypool |
struct | mesh |
struct | behavior |
Macros | |
#define | REAL double |
#define | INEXACT /* Nothing */ |
#define | FILENAMESIZE 2048 |
#define | INPUTLINESIZE 1024 |
#define | TRIPERBLOCK 4092 /* Number of triangles allocated at once. */ |
#define | SUBSEGPERBLOCK 508 /* Number of subsegments allocated at once. */ |
#define | VERTEXPERBLOCK 4092 /* Number of vertices allocated at once. */ |
#define | VIRUSPERBLOCK 1020 /* Number of virus triangles allocated at once. */ |
#define | BADTRIPERBLOCK 4092 |
#define | INPUTVERTEX 0 |
#define | SEGMENTVERTEX 1 |
#define | FREEVERTEX 2 |
#define | DEADVERTEX -32768 |
#define | UNDEADVERTEX -32767 |
#define | VOID int |
#define | SAMPLEFACTOR 11 |
#define | SAMPLERATE 10 |
#define | PI 3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197169399375105820974944592308 |
#define | SQUAREROOTTWO 1.4142135623730950488016887242096980785696718753769480732 |
#define | ONETHIRD 0.333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333 |
#define | decode(ptr, otri) |
#define | encode(otri) (triangle) ((unsigned long) (otri).tri | (unsigned long) (otri).orient) |
#define | sym(otri1, otri2) |
#define | symself(otri) |
#define | lnext(otri1, otri2) |
#define | lnextself(otri) (otri).orient = plus1mod3[(otri).orient] |
#define | lprev(otri1, otri2) |
#define | lprevself(otri) (otri).orient = minus1mod3[(otri).orient] |
#define | onext(otri1, otri2) |
#define | onextself(otri) |
#define | oprev(otri1, otri2) |
#define | oprevself(otri) |
#define | dnext(otri1, otri2) |
#define | dnextself(otri) |
#define | dprev(otri1, otri2) |
#define | dprevself(otri) |
#define | rnext(otri1, otri2) |
#define | rnextself(otri) |
#define | rprev(otri1, otri2) |
#define | rprevself(otri) |
#define | org(otri, vertexptr) vertexptr = (vertex) (otri).tri[plus1mod3[(otri).orient] + 3] |
#define | dest(otri, vertexptr) vertexptr = (vertex) (otri).tri[minus1mod3[(otri).orient] + 3] |
#define | apex(otri, vertexptr) vertexptr = (vertex) (otri).tri[(otri).orient + 3] |
#define | setorg(otri, vertexptr) (otri).tri[plus1mod3[(otri).orient] + 3] = (triangle) vertexptr |
#define | setdest(otri, vertexptr) (otri).tri[minus1mod3[(otri).orient] + 3] = (triangle) vertexptr |
#define | setapex(otri, vertexptr) (otri).tri[(otri).orient + 3] = (triangle) vertexptr |
#define | bond(otri1, otri2) |
#define | dissolve(otri) (otri).tri[(otri).orient] = (triangle) m->dummytri |
#define | otricopy(otri1, otri2) |
#define | otriequal(otri1, otri2) |
#define | infect(otri) |
#define | uninfect(otri) |
#define | infected(otri) (((unsigned long) (otri).tri[6] & (unsigned long) 2l) != 0l) |
#define | elemattribute(otri, attnum) ((REAL *) (otri).tri)[m->elemattribindex + (attnum)] |
#define | setelemattribute(otri, attnum, value) ((REAL *) (otri).tri)[m->elemattribindex + (attnum)] = value |
#define | areabound(otri) ((REAL *) (otri).tri)[m->areaboundindex] |
#define | setareabound(otri, value) ((REAL *) (otri).tri)[m->areaboundindex] = value |
#define | deadtri(tria) ((tria)[1] == (triangle) NULL) |
#define | killtri(tria) |
#define | sdecode(sptr, osub) |
#define | sencode(osub) (subseg) ((unsigned long) (osub).ss | (unsigned long) (osub).ssorient) |
#define | ssym(osub1, osub2) |
#define | ssymself(osub) (osub).ssorient = 1 - (osub).ssorient |
#define | spivot(osub1, osub2) |
#define | spivotself(osub) |
#define | snext(osub1, osub2) |
#define | snextself(osub) |
#define | sorg(osub, vertexptr) vertexptr = (vertex) (osub).ss[2 + (osub).ssorient] |
#define | sdest(osub, vertexptr) vertexptr = (vertex) (osub).ss[3 - (osub).ssorient] |
#define | setsorg(osub, vertexptr) (osub).ss[2 + (osub).ssorient] = (subseg) vertexptr |
#define | setsdest(osub, vertexptr) (osub).ss[3 - (osub).ssorient] = (subseg) vertexptr |
#define | segorg(osub, vertexptr) vertexptr = (vertex) (osub).ss[4 + (osub).ssorient] |
#define | segdest(osub, vertexptr) vertexptr = (vertex) (osub).ss[5 - (osub).ssorient] |
#define | setsegorg(osub, vertexptr) (osub).ss[4 + (osub).ssorient] = (subseg) vertexptr |
#define | setsegdest(osub, vertexptr) (osub).ss[5 - (osub).ssorient] = (subseg) vertexptr |
#define | mark(osub) (* (int *) ((osub).ss + 8)) |
#define | setmark(osub, value) * (int *) ((osub).ss + 8) = value |
#define | sbond(osub1, osub2) |
#define | sdissolve(osub) (osub).ss[(osub).ssorient] = (subseg) m->dummysub |
#define | subsegcopy(osub1, osub2) |
#define | subsegequal(osub1, osub2) |
#define | deadsubseg(sub) ((sub)[1] == (subseg) NULL) |
#define | killsubseg(sub) |
#define | tspivot(otri, osub) |
#define | stpivot(osub, otri) |
#define | tsbond(otri, osub) |
#define | tsdissolve(otri) (otri).tri[6 + (otri).orient] = (triangle) m->dummysub |
#define | stdissolve(osub) (osub).ss[6 + (osub).ssorient] = (subseg) m->dummytri |
#define | vertexmark(vx) ((int *) (vx))[m->vertexmarkindex] |
#define | setvertexmark(vx, value) ((int *) (vx))[m->vertexmarkindex] = value |
#define | vertextype(vx) ((int *) (vx))[m->vertexmarkindex + 1] |
#define | setvertextype(vx, value) ((int *) (vx))[m->vertexmarkindex + 1] = value |
#define | vertex2tri(vx) ((triangle *) (vx))[m->vertex2triindex] |
#define | setvertex2tri(vx, value) ((triangle *) (vx))[m->vertex2triindex] = value |
#define | STARTINDEX 1 |
#define | Absolute(a) ((a) >= 0.0 ? (a) : -(a)) |
#define | Fast_Two_Sum_Tail(a, b, x, y) |
#define | Fast_Two_Sum(a, b, x, y) |
#define | Two_Sum_Tail(a, b, x, y) |
#define | Two_Sum(a, b, x, y) |
#define | Two_Diff_Tail(a, b, x, y) |
#define | Two_Diff(a, b, x, y) |
#define | Split(a, ahi, alo) |
#define | Two_Product_Tail(a, b, x, y) |
#define | Two_Product(a, b, x, y) |
#define | Two_Product_Presplit(a, b, bhi, blo, x, y) |
#define | Square_Tail(a, x, y) |
#define | Square(a, x, y) |
#define | Two_One_Sum(a1, a0, b, x2, x1, x0) |
#define | Two_One_Diff(a1, a0, b, x2, x1, x0) |
#define | Two_Two_Sum(a1, a0, b1, b0, x3, x2, x1, x0) |
#define | Two_Two_Diff(a1, a0, b1, b0, x3, x2, x1, x0) |
#define | Two_One_Product(a1, a0, b, x3, x2, x1, x0) |
Typedefs | |
typedef REAL ** | triangle |
typedef REAL ** | subseg |
typedef REAL * | vertex |
Functions | |
char * | readline () |
char * | findfield () |
int | triunsuitable (triorg, tridest, triapex, area) vertex triorg |
if (maxlen > 0.05 *(triorg[0] *triorg[0]+triorg[1] *triorg[1])+0.02) | |
void | triexit (status) int status |
VOID * | trimalloc (size) int size |
if (memptr==(VOID *) NULL) | |
return (memptr) | |
void | trifree (memptr) VOID *memptr |
void | syntax () |
void | info () |
void | internalerror () |
void | parsecommandline (argc, argv, b) int argc |
for (i=STARTINDEX;i< argc;i++) | |
if (b->innodefilename[0]=='\0') | |
if (!strcmp(&b->innodefilename[strlen(b->innodefilename) - 5], ".node")) | |
if (!strcmp(&b->innodefilename[strlen(b->innodefilename) - 5], ".poly")) | |
if (!strcmp(&b->innodefilename[strlen(b->innodefilename) - 4], ".ele")) | |
if (!strcmp(&b->innodefilename[strlen(b->innodefilename) - 5], ".area")) | |
if (b->goodangle==1.0) | |
b goodangle * | if (b->refine &&b->noiterationnum) |
if (!b->refine &&!b->poly) | |
if (b->refine||!b->poly) | |
if (b->weighted &&(b->poly||b->quality)) | |
if (b->jettison &&b->nonodewritten &&!b->quiet) | |
strcpy (b->inpolyfilename, b->innodefilename) | |
strcpy (workstring, b->innodefilename) | |
while (workstring[j] !='\0') | |
if (increment > 0) | |
else | if (increment==0) |
sprintf (b->outnodefilename, workstring, meshnumber+1) | |
strcat (b->outnodefilename, ".node") | |
strcat (b->outpolyfilename, ".poly") | |
strcat (b->outelefilename, ".ele") | |
strcat (b->edgefilename, ".edge") | |
strcat (b->vnodefilename, ".v.node") | |
strcat (b->vedgefilename, ".v.edge") | |
strcat (b->neighborfilename, ".neigh") | |
strcat (b->offfilename, ".off") | |
strcat (b->areafilename, ".area") | |
void | printtriangle (m, b, t) struct mesh *m |
printf ("triangle x%lx with orientation %d:\n",(unsigned long) t->tri, t->orient) | |
decode (t->tri[0], printtri) | |
if (printtri.tri==m->dummytri) | |
decode (t->tri[1], printtri) | |
decode (t->tri[2], printtri) | |
if (printvertex==(vertex) NULL) printf(" Origin[%d] | |
called is pointed to *void | dummyinit (m, b, trianglebytes, subsegbytes) struct mesh *m |
void | initializevertexpool (m, b) struct mesh *m |
poolinit & | m (REAL) |
void | initializetrisubpools (m, b) struct mesh *m |
else | if (m->eextras+b->regionattrib > 0) |
if ((b->voronoi||b->neighbors) &&(trisize< 6 *sizeof(triangle)+sizeof(int))) | |
poolinit & | m (2 *m->invertices - 2) > TRIPERBLOCK ?(2 *m->invertices - 2) :TRIPERBLOCK, 4 |
void | triangledealloc (m, dyingtriangle) struct mesh *m |
pooldealloc & | m (VOID *) dyingtriangle |
triangle * | triangletraverse (m) struct mesh *m |
if (newtriangle==(triangle *) NULL) | |
while (deadtri(newtriangle)) | |
void | subsegdealloc (m, dyingsubseg) struct mesh *m |
subseg * | subsegtraverse (m) struct mesh *m |
if (newsubseg==(subseg *) NULL) | |
while (deadsubseg(newsubseg)) | |
void | vertexdealloc (m, dyingvertex) struct mesh *m |
vertex | vertextraverse (m) struct mesh *m |
if (newvertex==(vertex) NULL) | |
while (vertextype(newvertex)==DEADVERTEX) | |
void | badsubsegdealloc (m, dyingseg) struct mesh *m |
struct badsubseg * | badsubsegtraverse (m) struct mesh *m |
if (newseg==(struct badsubseg *) NULL) | |
while (newseg->subsegorg==(vertex) NULL) | |
vertex | getvertex (m, b, number) struct mesh *m |
if (current+m->vertices.itemsfirstblock<=number) | |
return() | vertex (foundvertex+m->vertices.itembytes *(number - current)) |
void | triangledeinit (m, b) struct mesh *m |
trifree ((VOID *) m->dummytribase) | |
void | maketriangle (m, b, newotri) struct mesh *m |
for (i=0;i< m->eextras;i++) | |
void | makesubseg (m, newsubseg) struct mesh *m |
void | exactinit () |
int | fast_expansion_sum_zeroelim (elen, e, flen, f, h) int elen |
if ((fnow > enow)==(fnow > -enow)) | |
if ((eindex< elen) &&(findex< flen)) | |
while (eindex< elen) | |
if ((Q !=0.0)||(hindex==0)) | |
int | scale_expansion_zeroelim (elen, e, b, h) int elen |
Split (b, bhi, blo) | |
Two_Product_Presplit (e[0], b, bhi, blo, Q, hh) | |
if (hh !=0) | |
REAL | estimate (elen, e) int elen |
REAL | counterclockwiseadapt (pa, pb, pc, detsum) vertex pa |
Two_Product (acx, bcy, detleft, detlefttail) | |
Two_Product (acy, bcx, detright, detrighttail) | |
Two_Two_Diff (detleft, detlefttail, detright, detrighttail, B3, B[2], B[1], B[0]) | |
if ((det >=errbound)||(-det >=errbound)) | |
Two_Diff_Tail (pa[0], pc[0], acx, acxtail) | |
Two_Diff_Tail (pb[0], pc[0], bcx, bcxtail) | |
Two_Diff_Tail (pa[1], pc[1], acy, acytail) | |
Two_Diff_Tail (pb[1], pc[1], bcy, bcytail) | |
if ((acxtail==0.0) &&(acytail==0.0) &&(bcxtail==0.0) &&(bcytail==0.0)) | |
Two_Product (acxtail, bcy, s1, s0) | |
Two_Product (acytail, bcx, t1, t0) | |
Two_Two_Diff (s1, s0, t1, t0, u3, u[2], u[1], u[0]) | |
Two_Product (acx, bcytail, s1, s0) | |
Two_Product (acy, bcxtail, t1, t0) | |
Two_Product (acxtail, bcytail, s1, s0) | |
Two_Product (acytail, bcxtail, t1, t0) | |
return (D[Dlength - 1]) | |
REAL | counterclockwise (m, b, pa, pb, pc) struct mesh *m |
if (detleft > 0.0) | |
else | if (detleft< 0.0) |
REAL | incircleadapt (pa, pb, pc, pd, permanent) vertex pa |
Two_Product (bdx, cdy, bdxcdy1, bdxcdy0) | |
Two_Product (cdx, bdy, cdxbdy1, cdxbdy0) | |
Two_Two_Diff (bdxcdy1, bdxcdy0, cdxbdy1, cdxbdy0, bc3, bc[2], bc[1], bc[0]) | |
Two_Product (cdx, ady, cdxady1, cdxady0) | |
Two_Product (adx, cdy, adxcdy1, adxcdy0) | |
Two_Two_Diff (cdxady1, cdxady0, adxcdy1, adxcdy0, ca3, ca[2], ca[1], ca[0]) | |
Two_Product (adx, bdy, adxbdy1, adxbdy0) | |
Two_Product (bdx, ady, bdxady1, bdxady0) | |
Two_Two_Diff (adxbdy1, adxbdy0, bdxady1, bdxady0, ab3, ab[2], ab[1], ab[0]) | |
Two_Diff_Tail (pa[0], pd[0], adx, adxtail) | |
Two_Diff_Tail (pa[1], pd[1], ady, adytail) | |
Two_Diff_Tail (pb[0], pd[0], bdx, bdxtail) | |
Two_Diff_Tail (pb[1], pd[1], bdy, bdytail) | |
Two_Diff_Tail (pc[0], pd[0], cdx, cdxtail) | |
Two_Diff_Tail (pc[1], pd[1], cdy, cdytail) | |
if ((adxtail==0.0) &&(bdxtail==0.0) &&(cdxtail==0.0) &&(adytail==0.0) &&(bdytail==0.0) &&(cdytail==0.0)) | |
if ((bdxtail !=0.0)||(bdytail !=0.0)||(cdxtail !=0.0)||(cdytail !=0.0)) | |
if ((cdxtail !=0.0)||(cdytail !=0.0)||(adxtail !=0.0)||(adytail !=0.0)) | |
if ((adxtail !=0.0)||(adytail !=0.0)||(bdxtail !=0.0)||(bdytail !=0.0)) | |
if (adxtail !=0.0) | |
if (adytail !=0.0) | |
if (bdxtail !=0.0) | |
if (bdytail !=0.0) | |
if (cdxtail !=0.0) | |
if (cdytail !=0.0) | |
if ((adxtail !=0.0)||(adytail !=0.0)) | |
if ((bdxtail !=0.0)||(bdytail !=0.0)) | |
if ((cdxtail !=0.0)||(cdytail !=0.0)) | |
REAL | incircle (m, b, pa, pb, pc, pd) struct mesh *m |
if ((det > errbound)||(-det > errbound)) | |
REAL | orient3dadapt (pa, pb, pc, pd, aheight, bheight, cheight, dheight, permanent) vertex pa |
Two_Diff_Tail (aheight, dheight, adheight, adheighttail) | |
Two_Diff_Tail (bheight, dheight, bdheight, bdheighttail) | |
Two_Diff_Tail (cheight, dheight, cdheight, cdheighttail) | |
if ((adxtail==0.0) &&(bdxtail==0.0) &&(cdxtail==0.0) &&(adytail==0.0) &&(bdytail==0.0) &&(cdytail==0.0) &&(adheighttail==0.0) &&(bdheighttail==0.0) &&(cdheighttail==0.0)) | |
if (adxtail==0.0) | |
if (adheighttail !=0.0) | |
if (bdheighttail !=0.0) | |
if (cdheighttail !=0.0) | |
REAL | orient3d (m, b, pa, pb, pc, pd, aheight, bheight, cheight, dheight) struct mesh *m |
REAL | nonregular (m, b, pa, pb, pc, pd) struct mesh *m |
if ((dodist< aodist) &&(dodist< dadist)) | |
void | triangleinit (m) struct mesh *m |
unsigned long | randomnation (choices) unsigned int choices |
return | randomseed (714025l/choices+1) |
void | checkmesh (m, b) struct mesh *m |
if (!b->quiet) | |
while (triangleloop.tri !=(triangle *) NULL) | |
if (horrors==0) | |
void | checkdelaunay (m, b) struct mesh *m |
void | enqueuebadtriang (m, b, badtri) struct mesh *m |
if (b->verbose > 2) | |
if (badtri->key >=1.0) | |
while (length > 2.0) | |
if (posexponent) | |
if (m->queuefront[queuenumber]==(struct badtriang *) NULL) | |
void | enqueuebadtri (m, b, enqtri, minedge, enqapex, enqorg, enqdest) struct mesh *m |
enqueuebadtriang (m, b, newbad) | |
struct badtriang * | dequeuebadtriang (m) struct mesh *m |
if (result==m->queuetail[m->firstnonemptyq]) | |
int | checkseg4encroach (m, b, testsubseg) struct mesh *m |
if (neighbortri.tri !=m->dummytri) | |
stpivot (testsym, neighbortri) | |
if (encroached &&(!b->nobisect||((b->nobisect==1) &&(sides==2)))) | |
void | testtriangle (m, b, testtri) struct mesh *m |
if ((apexlen< orglen) &&(apexlen< destlen)) | |
if (b->vararea||b->fixedarea||b->usertest) | |
if (angle > b->goodangle) | |
void | makevertexmap (m, b) struct mesh *m |
enum locateresult | preciselocate (m, b, searchpoint, searchtri, stopatsubsegment) struct mesh *m |
while (1) | |
enum locateresult | locate (m, b, searchpoint, searchtri) struct mesh *m |
if (m->recenttri.tri !=(triangle *) NULL) | |
while (SAMPLEFACTOR *m->samples *m->samples *m->samples< m->triangles.items) | |
while (totalsamplesleft > 0) | |
if ((torg[0]==searchpoint[0]) &&(torg[1]==searchpoint[1])) | |
if ((tdest[0]==searchpoint[0]) &&(tdest[1]==searchpoint[1])) | |
else | if (ahead==0.0) |
return | preciselocate (m, b, searchpoint, searchtri, 0) |
void | insertsubseg (m, b, tri, subsegmark) struct mesh *m |
if (vertexmark(triorg)==0) | |
if (vertexmark(tridest)==0) | |
if (newsubseg.ss==m->dummysub) | |
apex (top, farvertex) | |
lprev (top, topleft) | |
sym (topleft, toplcasing) | |
lnext (top, topright) | |
sym (topright, toprcasing) | |
sym (botleft, botlcasing) | |
sym (botright, botrcasing) | |
bond (topleft, botlcasing) | |
bond (botleft, botrcasing) | |
bond (botright, toprcasing) | |
bond (topright, toplcasing) | |
if (m->checksegments) | |
setorg (top, botvertex) | |
setdest (top, farvertex) | |
setapex (top, leftvertex) | |
void | unflip (m, b, flipedge) struct mesh *m |
bond (topleft, toprcasing) | |
bond (botleft, toplcasing) | |
bond (botright, botlcasing) | |
bond (topright, botrcasing) | |
setorg (top, farvertex) | |
setdest (top, botvertex) | |
setapex (top, rightvertex) | |
enum insertvertexresult | insertvertex (m, b, newvertex, searchtri, splitseg, segmentflaws, triflaws) struct mesh *m |
if (b->verbose > 1) | |
if (splitseg==(struct osub *) NULL) | |
if (intersect==ONVERTEX) | |
if ((intersect==ONEDGE)||(intersect==OUTSIDE)) | |
lprev (horiz, botright) | |
maketriangle (m, b, &newbotleft) | |
org (horiz, rightvertex) | |
dest (horiz, leftvertex) | |
apex (horiz, botvertex) | |
setorg (newbotleft, leftvertex) | |
setdest (newbotleft, botvertex) | |
setapex (newbotleft, newvertex) | |
setorg (newbotright, botvertex) | |
setdest (newbotright, rightvertex) | |
setapex (newbotright, newvertex) | |
setapex (horiz, newvertex) | |
bond (newbotleft, botlcasing) | |
bond (newbotright, botrcasing) | |
lnextself (newbotleft) | |
lprevself (newbotright) | |
bond (newbotleft, newbotright) | |
bond (botleft, newbotleft) | |
bond (botright, newbotright) | |
org (horiz, first) | |
void | triangulatepolygon (m, b, firstedge, lastedge, edgecount, doflip, triflaws) struct mesh *m |
dest (besttri, bestvertex) | |
otricopy (besttri, testtri) | |
if (bestnumber > 1) | |
if (doflip) | |
otricopy (besttri, *lastedge) | |
void | deletevertex (m, b, deltri) struct mesh *m |
vertexdealloc (m, delvertex) | |
while (!otriequal(*deltri, countingtri)) | |
if (edgecount > 3) | |
sym (lefttri, leftcasing) | |
oprev (deltriright, righttri) | |
sym (righttri, rightcasing) | |
bond (deltriright, rightcasing) | |
tspivot (lefttri, leftsubseg) | |
if (leftsubseg.ss !=m->dummysub) | |
tspivot (righttri, rightsubseg) | |
if (rightsubseg.ss !=m->dummysub) | |
org (lefttri, neworg) | |
triangledealloc (m, lefttri.tri) | |
triangledealloc (m, righttri.tri) | |
void | undovertex (m, b) struct mesh *m |
while (m->lastflip !=(struct flipstacker *) NULL) | |
void | vertexsort (sortarray, arraysize) vertex *sortarray |
if (arraysize==2) | |
if (left > 1) | |
void | vertexmedian (sortarray, arraysize, median, axis) vertex *sortarray |
if (left > median) | |
void | alternateaxes (sortarray, arraysize, axis) vertex *sortarray |
if (arraysize<=3) | |
vertexmedian (sortarray, arraysize, divider, axis) | |
if (arraysize - divider >=2) | |
void | mergehulls (m, b, farleft, innerleft, innerright, farright, axis) struct mesh *m |
if (b->dwyer &&(axis==1)) | |
if (counterclockwise(m, b, innerleftdest, innerleftapex, innerrightorg) > 0.0) | |
if (counterclockwise(m, b, innerrightapex, innerrightorg, innerleftdest) > 0.0) | |
while (changemade) | |
bond (baseedge, *innerleft) | |
lnextself (baseedge) | |
setorg (baseedge, innerrightorg) | |
setdest (baseedge, innerleftdest) | |
if (innerleftdest==farleftpt) | |
if (innerrightorg==farrightpt) | |
apex (leftcand, upperleft) | |
apex (rightcand, upperright) | |
void | divconqrecurse (m, b, sortarray, vertices, axis, farleft, farright) struct mesh *m |
if (vertices==2) | |
divconqrecurse (m, b, sortarray, divider, 1 - axis, farleft, &innerleft) | |
divconqrecurse (m, b, &sortarray[divider], vertices - divider, 1 - axis, &innerright, farright) | |
mergehulls (m, b, farleft, &innerleft, &innerright, farright, axis) | |
long | removeghosts (m, b, startghost) struct mesh *m |
symself (searchedge) | |
lnext (dissolveedge, deadtriangle) | |
lprevself (dissolveedge) | |
symself (dissolveedge) | |
dissolve (dissolveedge) | |
sym (deadtriangle, dissolveedge) | |
triangledealloc (m, deadtriangle.tri) | |
while (!otriequal(dissolveedge, *startghost)) | |
long | divconqdelaunay (m, b) struct mesh *m |
vertexsort (sortarray, m->invertices) | |
for (j=1;j< m->invertices;j++) | |
divconqrecurse (m, b, sortarray, i, 0, &hullleft, &hullright) | |
trifree ((VOID *) sortarray) | |
return | removeghosts (m, b, &hullleft) |
void | boundingbox (m, b) struct mesh *m |
if (m->ymax - m->ymin > width) | |
if (width==0.0) | |
setorg (inftri, m->infvertex1) | |
setdest (inftri, m->infvertex2) | |
setapex (inftri, m->infvertex3) | |
long | removebox (m, b) struct mesh *m |
symself (nextedge) | |
lprev (nextedge, finaledge) | |
lnextself (nextedge) | |
lprev (nextedge, searchedge) | |
lnext (nextedge, checkedge) | |
symself (checkedge) | |
if (checkedge.tri==m->dummytri) | |
while (!otriequal(nextedge, finaledge)) | |
triangledealloc (m, finaledge.tri) | |
long | incrementaldelaunay (m, b) struct mesh *m |
while (vertexloop !=(vertex) NULL) | |
void | eventheapinsert (heap, heapsize, newevent) struct event **heap |
while (notdone) | |
void | eventheapify (heap, heapsize, eventnum) struct event **heap |
void | eventheapdelete (heap, heapsize, eventnum) struct event **heap |
if (eventnum > 0) | |
eventheapify (heap, heapsize - 1, eventnum) | |
void | createeventheap (m, eventheap, events, freeevents) struct mesh *m |
int | rightofhyperbola (m, fronttri, newsite) struct mesh *m |
if ((leftvertex[1]< rightvertex[1])||((leftvertex[1]==rightvertex[1]) &&(leftvertex[0]< rightvertex[0]))) | |
REAL | circletop (m, pa, pb, pc, ccwabc) struct mesh *m |
return | pc (xac *bclen2 - xbc *aclen2+sqrt(aclen2 *bclen2 *ablen2))/(2.0 *ccwabc) |
void | check4deadevent (checktri, freeevents, eventheap, heapsize) struct otri *checktri |
if (eventvertex !=(vertex) NULL) | |
struct splaynode * | splay (m, splaytree, searchpoint, searchtri) struct mesh *m |
if (splaytree==(struct splaynode *) NULL) | |
dest (splaytree->keyedge, checkvertex) | |
if (checkvertex==splaytree->keydest) | |
if (lefttree==(struct splaynode *) NULL) | |
else | if (righttree==(struct splaynode *) NULL) |
else | if (lefttree->rchild==(struct splaynode *) NULL) |
else | if (righttree->lchild==(struct splaynode *) NULL) |
while (leftright->rchild !=(struct splaynode *) NULL) | |
struct splaynode * | splayinsert (m, splayroot, newkey, searchpoint) struct mesh *m |
if (splayroot==(struct splaynode *) NULL) | |
else | if (rightofhyperbola(m, &splayroot->keyedge, searchpoint)) |
struct splaynode * | circletopinsert (m, b, splayroot, newkey, pa, pb, pc, topy) struct mesh *m |
return | splayinsert (m, splay(m, splayroot,(vertex) searchpoint, &dummytri), newkey,(vertex) searchpoint) |
struct splaynode * | frontlocate (m, splayroot, bottommost, searchvertex, searchtri, farright) struct mesh *m |
while (!farrightflag &&rightofhyperbola(m, searchtri, searchvertex)) | |
long | sweeplinedelaunay (m, b) struct mesh *m |
poolinit & | m (struct splaynode), SPLAYNODEPERBLOCK, SPLAYNODEPERBLOCK, 0 |
createeventheap (m, &eventheap, &events, &freeevents) | |
bond (lefttri, righttri) | |
lnextself (lefttri) | |
lprevself (righttri) | |
eventheapdelete (eventheap, heapsize, 0) | |
if ((firstvertex[0]==secondvertex[0]) &&(firstvertex[1]==secondvertex[1])) | |
while ((firstvertex[0]==secondvertex[0]) &&(firstvertex[1]==secondvertex[1])) | |
setorg (lefttri, firstvertex) | |
setdest (lefttri, secondvertex) | |
setorg (righttri, secondvertex) | |
setdest (righttri, firstvertex) | |
lprev (lefttri, bottommost) | |
while (heapsize > 0) | |
lprevself (bottommost) | |
long | delaunay (m, b) struct mesh *m |
if (m->triangles.items==0) | |
long | reconstruct (m, b, elefilename, areafilename, polyfilename, polyfile) struct mesh *m |
if (elefile==(FILE *) NULL) | |
for (elementnumber=1;elementnumber<=m->inelements;elementnumber++) | |
fclose (elefile) | |
enum finddirectionresult | finddirection (m, b, searchtri, searchpoint) struct mesh *m |
if (leftflag &&rightflag) | |
while (leftflag) | |
while (rightflag) | |
if (leftccw==0.0) | |
else | if (rightccw==0.0) |
void | segmentintersection (m, b, splittri, splitsubseg, endpoint2) struct mesh *m |
if (denom==0.0) | |
setvertexmark (newvertex, mark(*splitsubseg)) | |
setvertextype (newvertex, INPUTVERTEX) | |
if (success !=SUCCESSFULVERTEX) | |
setvertex2tri (newvertex, encode(*splittri)) | |
if (m->steinerleft > 0) | |
sdissolve (opposubseg) | |
while (splitsubseg->ss !=m->dummysub) | |
snextself (opposubseg) | |
while (opposubseg.ss !=m->dummysub) | |
finddirection (m, b, splittri, endpoint1) | |
if ((leftvertex[0]==endpoint1[0]) &&(leftvertex[1]==endpoint1[1])) | |
else | if ((rightvertex[0] !=endpoint1[0])||(rightvertex[1] !=endpoint1[1])) |
int | scoutsegment (m, b, searchtri, endpoint2, newmark) struct mesh *m |
if (((leftvertex[0]==endpoint2[0]) &&(leftvertex[1]==endpoint2[1]))||((rightvertex[0]==endpoint2[0]) &&(rightvertex[1]==endpoint2[1]))) | |
else | if (collinear==LEFTCOLLINEAR) |
tspivot (crosstri, crosssubseg) | |
if (crosssubseg.ss==m->dummysub) | |
otricopy (crosstri, *searchtri) | |
insertsubseg (m, b, searchtri, newmark) | |
void | conformingedge (m, b, endpoint1, endpoint2, newmark) struct mesh *m |
setvertexmark (newvertex, newmark) | |
setvertextype (newvertex, SEGMENTVERTEX) | |
if (success==DUPLICATEVERTEX) | |
finddirection (m, b, &searchtri2, endpoint2) | |
if (!scoutsegment(m, b, &searchtri1, endpoint1, newmark)) | |
if (!scoutsegment(m, b, &searchtri2, endpoint2, newmark)) | |
void | delaunayfixup (m, b, fixuptri, leftside) struct mesh *m |
sym (neartri, fartri) | |
if (fartri.tri==m->dummytri) | |
tspivot (neartri, faredge) | |
if (faredge.ss !=m->dummysub) | |
apex (neartri, nearvertex) | |
org (neartri, leftvertex) | |
dest (neartri, rightvertex) | |
apex (fartri, farvertex) | |
if (leftside) | |
delaunayfixup (m, b, &fartri, leftside) | |
void | constrainededge (m, b, starttri, endpoint2, newmark) struct mesh *m |
flip (m, b, &fixuptri) | |
if ((farvertex[0]==endpoint2[0]) &&(farvertex[1]==endpoint2[1])) | |
if (area==0.0) | |
segmentintersection (m, b, &fixuptri, &crosssubseg, endpoint2) | |
while (!done) | |
insertsubseg (m, b, &fixuptri, newmark) | |
if (collision) | |
void | insertsegment (m, b, endpoint1, endpoint2, newmark) struct mesh *m |
if (encodedtri !=(triangle) NULL) | |
if (checkvertex !=endpoint1) | |
otricopy (searchtri1, m->recenttri) | |
if (scoutsegment(m, b, &searchtri1, endpoint2, newmark)) | |
org (searchtri1, endpoint1) | |
otricopy (searchtri2, m->recenttri) | |
if (scoutsegment(m, b, &searchtri2, endpoint1, newmark)) | |
org (searchtri2, endpoint2) | |
void | markhull (m, b) struct mesh *m |
symself (hulltri) | |
otricopy (hulltri, starttri) | |
lnextself (hulltri) | |
oprev (hulltri, nexttri) | |
while (nexttri.tri !=m->dummytri) | |
while (!otriequal(hulltri, starttri)) | |
void | formskeleton (m, b, polyfile, polyfilename) struct mesh *m |
if (b->convex||!b->poly) | |
void | infecthull (m, b) struct mesh *m |
void | plague (m, b) struct mesh *m |
while (virusloop !=(triangle **) NULL) | |
void | regionplague (m, b, attribute, area) struct mesh *m |
void | carveholes (m, b, holelist, holes, regionlist, regions) struct mesh *m |
if (!(b->quiet||(b->noholes &&b->convex))) | |
if (regions > 0) | |
if (((holes > 0) &&!b->noholes)||!b->convex||(regions > 0)) | |
if ((holes > 0) &&!b->noholes) | |
if (m->viri.items > 0) | |
void | tallyencs (m, b) struct mesh *m |
while (subsegloop.ss !=(subseg *) NULL) | |
void | precisionerror () |
void | splitencsegs (m, b, triflaws) struct mesh *m |
while ((m->badsubsegs.items > 0) &&(m->steinerleft !=0)) | |
void | tallyfaces (m, b) struct mesh *m |
void | splittriangle (m, b, badtri) struct mesh *m |
decode (badtri->poortri, badotri) | |
org (badotri, borg) | |
dest (badotri, bdest) | |
apex (badotri, bapex) | |
if (!deadtri(badotri.tri) &&(borg==badtri->triangorg) &&(bdest==badtri->triangdest) &&(bapex==badtri->triangapex)) | |
void | enforcequality (m, b) struct mesh *m |
poolinit & | m (struct badsubseg), BADSUBSEGPERBLOCK, BADSUBSEGPERBLOCK, 0 |
if (b->verbose &&(m->badsubsegs.items > 0)) | |
splitencsegs (m, b, 0) | |
if ((b->minangle > 0.0)||b->vararea||b->fixedarea||b->usertest) | |
if (!b->quiet &&b->conformdel &&(m->badsubsegs.items > 0) &&(m->steinerleft==0)) | |
void | highorder (m, b) struct mesh *m |
char * | readline (string, infile, infilename) char *string |
while ((*result !='\0') &&(*result !='#') &&(*result !='.') &&(*result !='+') &&(*result !='-') &&((*result< '0')||(*result > '9'))) | |
while ((*result=='#')||(*result=='\0')) | |
char * | findfield (string) char *string |
while ((*result !='\0') &&(*result !='#') &&(*result !=' ') &&(*result !='\t')) | |
void | readnodes (m, b, nodefilename, polyfilename, polyfile) struct mesh *m |
if (m->mesh_dim !=2) | |
void | readholes (m, b, polyfile, polyfilename, hlist, holes, rlist, regions) struct mesh *m |
if ((b->regionattrib||b->vararea) &&!b->refine) | |
fclose (polyfile) | |
void | finishfile (outfile, argc, argv) FILE *outfile |
fprintf (outfile, "# Generated by") | |
fprintf (outfile, "\n") | |
fclose (outfile) | |
void | writenodes (m, b, nodefilename, argc, argv) struct mesh *m |
if (outfile==(FILE *) NULL) | |
fprintf (outfile, "%ld %d %d %d\n", outvertices, m->mesh_dim, m->nextras, 1 - b->nobound) | |
void | numbernodes (m, b) struct mesh *m |
void | writeelements (m, b, elefilename, argc, argv) struct mesh *m |
fprintf (outfile, "%ld %d %d\n", m->triangles.items,(b->order+1) *(b->order+2)/2, m->eextras) | |
void | writepoly (m, b, polyfilename, holelist, holes, regionlist, regions, argc, argv) struct mesh *m |
fprintf (outfile, "%d %d %d %d\n", 0, m->mesh_dim, m->nextras, 1 - b->nobound) | |
fprintf (outfile, "%ld %d\n", m->subsegs.items, 1 - b->nobound) | |
fprintf (outfile, "%d\n", holes) | |
if (holes > 0) | |
void | writeedges (m, b, edgefilename, argc, argv) struct mesh *m |
fprintf (outfile, "%ld %d\n", m->edges, 1 - b->nobound) | |
void | writevoronoi (m, b, vnodefilename, vedgefilename, argc, argv) struct mesh *m |
fprintf (outfile, "%ld %d %d %d\n", m->triangles.items, 2, m->nextras, 0) | |
fprintf (outfile, "%ld %d\n", m->edges, 0) | |
void | writeneighbors (m, b, neighborfilename, argc, argv) struct mesh *m |
fprintf (outfile, "%ld %d\n", m->triangles.items, 3) | |
void | writeoff (m, b, offfilename, argc, argv) struct mesh *m |
fprintf (outfile, "OFF\n%ld %ld %ld\n", outvertices, m->triangles.items, m->edges) | |
void | quality_statistics (m, b) struct mesh *m |
printf ("Mesh quality statistics:\n\n") | |
smallestarea *biggestarea * | if (smallestangle >=1.0) |
if (biggestangle >=1.0) | |
printf (" Shortest edge: %16.5g | Longest edge: %16.5g\n", shortest, longest) | |
printf (" Shortest altitude: %12.5g | Largest aspect ratio: %8.5g\n\n", minaltitude, worstaspect) | |
printf (" Triangle aspect ratio histogram:\n") | |
printf (" 1.1547 - %-6.6g : %8d | %6.6g - %-6.6g : %8d\n", ratiotable[0], aspecttable[0], ratiotable[7], ratiotable[8], aspecttable[8]) | |
printf (" %6.6g - %-6.6g : %8d | %6.6g - : %8d\n", ratiotable[6], ratiotable[7], aspecttable[7], ratiotable[14], aspecttable[15]) | |
printf (" (Aspect ratio is longest edge divided by shortest altitude)\n\n") | |
printf (" Smallest angle: %15.5g | Largest angle: %15.5g\n\n", smallestangle, biggestangle) | |
printf (" Angle histogram:\n") | |
printf ("\n") | |
void | statistics (m, b) struct mesh *m |
printf (" Input vertices: %d\n", m->invertices) | |
printf ("\n Mesh vertices: %ld\n", m->vertices.items - m->undeads) | |
printf (" Mesh triangles: %ld\n", m->triangles.items) | |
printf (" Mesh edges: %ld\n", m->edges) | |
printf (" Mesh exterior boundary edges: %ld\n", m->hullsize) | |
if (b->poly||b->refine) | |
int | main (argc, argv) int argc |
parsecommandline (argc, argv, &b) | |
if (!b.quiet) | |
if (b.refine) | |
if (b.poly &&(m.triangles.items > 0)) | |
if (b.quality &&(m.triangles.items > 0)) | |
if (b.order > 1) | |
if (b.nonodewritten||(b.noiterationnum &&m.readnodefile)) | |
if (b.poly||b.convex) | |
if (m.regions > 0) | |
Variables | |
REAL | splitter |
REAL | epsilon |
REAL | resulterrbound |
REAL | ccwerrboundA |
REAL | ccwerrboundB |
REAL | ccwerrboundC |
REAL | iccerrboundA |
REAL | iccerrboundB |
REAL | iccerrboundC |
REAL | o3derrboundA |
REAL | o3derrboundB |
REAL | o3derrboundC |
unsigned long | randomseed = 1 |
int | plus1mod3 [3] = {1, 2, 0} |
int | minus1mod3 [3] = {2, 0, 1} |
vertex | tridest |
vertex | triapex |
REAL | area |
REAL | dyoa |
REAL | dyda = tridest[1] - triapex[1] |
REAL | dyod = triorg[1] - tridest[1] |
REAL | oalen = dxoa * dxoa + dyoa * dyoa |
REAL | dalen = dxda * dxda + dyda * dyda |
REAL | odlen = dxod * dxod + dyod * dyod |
REAL | maxlen = (dalen > oalen) ? dalen : oalen |
dxoa = triorg[0] - triapex[0] | |
dxda = tridest[0] - triapex[0] | |
dxod = triorg[0] - tridest[0] | |
else | |
memptr = (VOID *) malloc((unsigned int) size) | |
char ** | argv |
struct behavior * | b |
int | meshnumber |
int | i = 0 |
int | j = 1 |
int | k |
char | workstring [FILENAMESIZE] = 'd' |
b | poly = b->refine = b->quality = 0 |
b | vararea = b->fixedarea = b->usertest = 0 |
b | regionattrib = b->convex = b->weighted = b->jettison = 0 |
b | firstnumber = 1 |
b | edgesout = b->voronoi = b->neighbors = b->geomview = 0 |
b | nobound = b->nopolywritten = b->nonodewritten = b->noelewritten = 0 |
b | noiterationnum = 0 |
b | noholes = b->noexact = 0 |
b | incremental = b->sweepline = 0 |
b | dwyer = 1 |
b | splitseg = 0 |
b | docheck = 0 |
b | nobisect = 0 |
b | conformdel = 0 |
b | steiner = -1 |
b | order = 1 |
b | minangle = 0.0 |
b | maxarea = -1.0 |
b | quiet = b->verbose = 0 |
b | innodefilename [0] = '\0' |
b | usesegments = b->poly || b->refine || b->quality || b->convex |
b | goodangle = cos(b->minangle * PI / 180.0) |
increment = 0 | |
struct otri * | t |
struct osub | printsh |
vertex | printvertex |
called | dummytri |
int | trianglebytes |
int | subsegbytes |
m | dummytribase |
alignptr = (unsigned long) m->dummytribase | |
m | vertexmarkindex |
vertexsize = (m->vertexmarkindex + 2) * sizeof(int) | |
m | highorderindex = 6 + (b->usesegments * 3) |
trisize | |
m | elemattribindex = (trisize + sizeof(REAL) - 1) / sizeof(REAL) |
m | areaboundindex = m->elemattribindex + m->eextras + b->regionattrib |
triangle * | dyingtriangle |
do | |
return | newtriangle |
subseg * | dyingsubseg |
return | newsubseg |
vertex | dyingvertex |
return | newvertex = (vertex) poolalloc(&m->vertices) |
struct badsubseg * | dyingseg |
return | newseg |
int | number |
char * | foundvertex |
int | current = b->firstnumber |
getblock = m->vertices.firstblock | |
pooldeinit & | m |
struct otri * | newotri |
newotri | tri = (triangle *) poolalloc(&m->triangles) |
newotri | orient = 0 |
newsubseg | ss [0] = (subseg) m->dummysub |
newsubseg | ssorient = 0 |
REAL * | e |
int | flen |
REAL * | f |
REAL * | h |
INEXACT REAL | bvirt |
REAL | avirt |
REAL | bround |
REAL | around |
int | eindex = findex = 0 |
int | findex |
int | hindex = 0 |
REAL | enow = e[0] |
REAL | fnow = f[0] |
INEXACT REAL | product1 |
REAL | product0 |
REAL | ahi |
REAL | alo |
REAL | bhi |
REAL | blo |
REAL | err1 |
REAL | err2 |
REAL | err3 |
Q = e[0] | |
vertex | pb |
vertex | pc |
REAL | detsum |
REAL | acxtail |
REAL | acytail |
REAL | bcxtail |
REAL | bcytail |
INEXACT REAL | detleft = (pa[0] - pc[0]) * (pb[1] - pc[1]) |
INEXACT REAL | detright = (pa[1] - pc[1]) * (pb[0] - pc[0]) |
REAL | detlefttail |
REAL | detrighttail |
REAL | det = estimate(4, B) |
REAL | errbound = ccwerrboundB * detsum |
REAL | B [4] = B3 |
REAL | C1 [8] |
REAL | C2 [12] |
REAL | D [16] |
int | C1length = fast_expansion_sum_zeroelim(4, B, 4, u, C1) |
int | C2length = fast_expansion_sum_zeroelim(C1length, C1, 4, u, C2) |
int | Dlength = fast_expansion_sum_zeroelim(C2length, C2, 4, u, D) |
REAL | u [4] = u3 |
REAL | s0 |
REAL | t0 |
REAL | _0 |
acx = (REAL) (pa[0] - pc[0]) | |
bcx = (REAL) (pb[0] - pc[0]) | |
acy = (REAL) (pa[1] - pc[1]) | |
bcy = (REAL) (pb[1] - pc[1]) | |
vertex | pa |
m | counterclockcount |
vertex | pd |
REAL | permanent |
INEXACT REAL | bdxcdy1 |
INEXACT REAL | cdxbdy1 |
INEXACT REAL | cdxady1 |
INEXACT REAL | adxcdy1 |
INEXACT REAL | adxbdy1 |
INEXACT REAL | bdxady1 |
REAL | bdxcdy0 |
REAL | cdxbdy0 |
REAL | cdxady0 |
REAL | adxcdy0 |
REAL | adxbdy0 |
REAL | bdxady0 |
REAL | bc [4] = bc3 |
REAL | ca [4] = ca3 |
REAL | ab [4] = ab3 |
REAL | axbc [8] |
REAL | axxbc [16] |
REAL | aybc [8] |
REAL | ayybc [16] |
REAL | adet [32] |
int | axbclen = scale_expansion_zeroelim(4, bc, adx, axbc) |
int | axxbclen = scale_expansion_zeroelim(axbclen, axbc, adx, axxbc) |
int | aybclen = scale_expansion_zeroelim(4, bc, ady, aybc) |
int | ayybclen = scale_expansion_zeroelim(aybclen, aybc, ady, ayybc) |
int | alen = fast_expansion_sum_zeroelim(axxbclen, axxbc, ayybclen, ayybc, adet) |
REAL | bxca [8] |
REAL | bxxca [16] |
REAL | byca [8] |
REAL | byyca [16] |
REAL | bdet [32] |
int | bxcalen = scale_expansion_zeroelim(4, ca, bdx, bxca) |
int | bxxcalen = scale_expansion_zeroelim(bxcalen, bxca, bdx, bxxca) |
int | bycalen = scale_expansion_zeroelim(4, ca, bdy, byca) |
int | byycalen = scale_expansion_zeroelim(bycalen, byca, bdy, byyca) |
int | blen = fast_expansion_sum_zeroelim(bxxcalen, bxxca, byycalen, byyca, bdet) |
REAL | cxab [8] |
REAL | cxxab [16] |
REAL | cyab [8] |
REAL | cyyab [16] |
REAL | cdet [32] |
int | cxablen = scale_expansion_zeroelim(4, ab, cdx, cxab) |
int | cxxablen = scale_expansion_zeroelim(cxablen, cxab, cdx, cxxab) |
int | cyablen = scale_expansion_zeroelim(4, ab, cdy, cyab) |
int | cyyablen = scale_expansion_zeroelim(cyablen, cyab, cdy, cyyab) |
int | clen = fast_expansion_sum_zeroelim(cxxablen, cxxab, cyyablen, cyyab, cdet) |
REAL | abdet [64] |
int | ablen = fast_expansion_sum_zeroelim(alen, adet, blen, bdet, abdet) |
REAL | fin1 [1152] |
REAL | fin2 [1152] |
REAL * | finnow = fin1 |
REAL * | finother = fin2 |
REAL * | finswap = finnow |
int | finlength = fast_expansion_sum_zeroelim(ablen, abdet, clen, cdet, fin1) |
REAL | adxtail |
REAL | bdxtail |
REAL | cdxtail |
REAL | adytail |
REAL | bdytail |
REAL | cdytail |
INEXACT REAL | adxadx1 |
INEXACT REAL | adyady1 |
INEXACT REAL | bdxbdx1 |
INEXACT REAL | bdybdy1 |
INEXACT REAL | cdxcdx1 |
INEXACT REAL | cdycdy1 |
REAL | adxadx0 |
REAL | adyady0 |
REAL | bdxbdx0 |
REAL | bdybdy0 |
REAL | cdxcdx0 |
REAL | cdycdy0 |
REAL | aa [4] |
REAL | bb [4] |
REAL | cc [4] |
REAL | ti0 |
REAL | tj0 |
REAL | v [4] |
REAL | temp8 [8] |
REAL | temp16a [16] |
REAL | temp16b [16] |
REAL | temp16c [16] |
REAL | temp32a [32] |
REAL | temp32b [32] |
REAL | temp48 [48] |
REAL | temp64 [64] |
int | temp8len |
int | temp16alen |
int | temp16blen |
int | temp16clen |
int | temp32alen |
int | temp32blen |
int | temp48len |
int | temp64len |
REAL | axtbb [8] |
REAL | axtcc [8] |
REAL | aytbb [8] |
REAL | aytcc [8] |
int | axtbblen |
int | axtcclen |
int | aytbblen |
int | aytcclen |
REAL | bxtaa [8] |
REAL | bxtcc [8] |
REAL | bytaa [8] |
REAL | bytcc [8] |
int | bxtaalen |
int | bxtcclen |
int | bytaalen |
int | bytcclen |
REAL | cxtaa [8] |
REAL | cxtbb [8] |
REAL | cytaa [8] |
REAL | cytbb [8] |
int | cxtaalen |
int | cxtbblen |
int | cytaalen |
int | cytbblen |
REAL | axtbc [8] |
REAL | aytbc [8] |
REAL | bxtca [8] |
REAL | bytca [8] |
REAL | cxtab [8] |
REAL | cytab [8] |
int | axtbclen =0 |
int | aytbclen =0 |
int | bxtcalen =0 |
int | bytcalen =0 |
int | cxtablen =0 |
int | cytablen =0 |
REAL | axtbct [16] |
REAL | aytbct [16] |
REAL | bxtcat [16] |
REAL | bytcat [16] |
REAL | cxtabt [16] |
REAL | cytabt [16] |
int | axtbctlen |
int | aytbctlen |
int | bxtcatlen |
int | bytcatlen |
int | cxtabtlen |
int | cytabtlen |
REAL | axtbctt [8] |
REAL | aytbctt [8] |
REAL | bxtcatt [8] |
REAL | bytcatt [8] |
REAL | cxtabtt [8] |
REAL | cytabtt [8] |
int | axtbcttlen |
int | aytbcttlen |
int | bxtcattlen |
int | bytcattlen |
int | cxtabttlen |
int | cytabttlen |
REAL | abt [8] |
REAL | bct [8] |
REAL | cat [8] |
int | abtlen = fast_expansion_sum_zeroelim(at_blen, at_b, bt_alen, bt_a, abt) |
int | bctlen |
int | catlen = fast_expansion_sum_zeroelim(ct_alen, ct_a, at_clen, at_c, cat) |
REAL | abtt [4] |
REAL | bctt [4] |
REAL | catt [4] |
int | abttlen |
int | bcttlen |
int | cattlen |
INEXACT REAL | abtt3 |
INEXACT REAL | bctt3 |
INEXACT REAL | catt3 |
REAL | negate |
adx = (REAL) (pa[0] - pd[0]) | |
bdx = (REAL) (pb[0] - pd[0]) | |
cdx = (REAL) (pc[0] - pd[0]) | |
ady = (REAL) (pa[1] - pd[1]) | |
bdy = (REAL) (pb[1] - pd[1]) | |
cdy = (REAL) (pc[1] - pd[1]) | |
REAL | bdxcdy |
REAL | cdxbdy = cdx * bdy |
REAL | cdxady = cdx * ady |
REAL | adxcdy = adx * cdy |
REAL | adxbdy = adx * bdy |
REAL | bdxady = bdx * ady |
REAL | alift = adx * adx + ady * ady |
REAL | blift = bdx * bdx + bdy * bdy |
REAL | clift = cdx * cdx + cdy * cdy |
m | incirclecount = m->counterclockcount = m->orient3dcount = 0 |
REAL | aheight |
REAL | bheight |
REAL | cheight |
REAL | dheight |
REAL | adheighttail |
REAL | bdheighttail |
REAL | cdheighttail |
INEXACT REAL | at_blarge |
INEXACT REAL | at_clarge |
INEXACT REAL | bt_clarge |
INEXACT REAL | bt_alarge |
INEXACT REAL | ct_alarge |
INEXACT REAL | ct_blarge |
REAL | at_b [4] |
REAL | at_c [4] |
REAL | bt_c [4] |
REAL | bt_a [4] |
REAL | ct_a [4] |
REAL | ct_b [4] |
int | at_blen |
int | at_clen |
int | bt_clen |
int | bt_alen |
int | ct_alen |
int | ct_blen |
INEXACT REAL | bdxt_cdy1 |
INEXACT REAL | cdxt_bdy1 |
INEXACT REAL | cdxt_ady1 |
INEXACT REAL | adxt_cdy1 |
INEXACT REAL | adxt_bdy1 |
INEXACT REAL | bdxt_ady1 |
REAL | bdxt_cdy0 |
REAL | cdxt_bdy0 |
REAL | cdxt_ady0 |
REAL | adxt_cdy0 |
REAL | adxt_bdy0 |
REAL | bdxt_ady0 |
INEXACT REAL | bdyt_cdx1 |
INEXACT REAL | cdyt_bdx1 |
INEXACT REAL | cdyt_adx1 |
INEXACT REAL | adyt_cdx1 |
INEXACT REAL | adyt_bdx1 |
INEXACT REAL | bdyt_adx1 |
REAL | bdyt_cdx0 |
REAL | cdyt_bdx0 |
REAL | cdyt_adx0 |
REAL | adyt_cdx0 |
REAL | adyt_bdx0 |
REAL | bdyt_adx0 |
INEXACT REAL | bdxt_cdyt1 |
INEXACT REAL | cdxt_bdyt1 |
INEXACT REAL | cdxt_adyt1 |
INEXACT REAL | adxt_cdyt1 |
INEXACT REAL | adxt_bdyt1 |
INEXACT REAL | bdxt_adyt1 |
REAL | bdxt_cdyt0 |
REAL | cdxt_bdyt0 |
REAL | cdxt_adyt0 |
REAL | adxt_cdyt0 |
REAL | adxt_bdyt0 |
REAL | bdxt_adyt0 |
REAL | w [16] |
int | vlength |
int | wlength = scale_expansion_zeroelim(bctlen, bct, adheight, w) |
adheight = (REAL) (aheight - dheight) | |
bdheight = (REAL) (bheight - dheight) | |
cdheight = (REAL) (cheight - dheight) | |
m | orient3dcount |
vertex | torg |
vertex | tdest |
vertex | tapex |
vertex | circumcenter = torg[1] + dy |
REAL * | xi = (yao * dx - xao * dy) * (2.0 * denominator) |
REAL * | eta = (xdo * dy - ydo * dx) * (2.0 * denominator) |
int | offcenter |
REAL | dodist |
REAL | aodist = xao * xao + yao * yao |
REAL | dadist |
REAL | denominator |
REAL | dx = (yao * dodist - ydo * aodist) * denominator |
REAL | dy = (xdo * aodist - xao * dodist) * denominator |
REAL | dxoff |
REAL | dyoff |
m | circumcentercount |
xdo = tdest[0] - torg[0] | |
ydo = tdest[1] - torg[1] | |
xao = tapex[0] - torg[0] | |
yao = tapex[1] - torg[1] | |
m | undeads = 0 |
m | samples = 1 |
m | checksegments = 0 |
m | checkquality = 0 |
m | hyperbolacount = m->circletopcount = m->circumcentercount = 0 |
struct otri oppotri | oppooppotri |
vertex | triorg |
vertex | oppoorg |
vertex | oppodest |
int | horrors = 0 |
int | saveexact = b->noexact |
triangle | ptr |
b | noexact = 0 |
struct otri | oppotri |
struct osub | opposubseg |
vertex | oppoapex |
int | shouldbedelaunay |
subseg | sptr |
struct badtriang * | badtri |
int | exponent |
int | expincrement |
int | queuenumber |
int | posexponent = 0 |
m | queuetail [queuenumber] = badtri |
badtri | nexttriang = (struct badtriang *) NULL |
struct otri * | enqtri |
REAL | minedge |
vertex | enqapex |
vertex | enqorg |
vertex | enqdest |
newbad = (struct badtriang *) poolalloc(&m->badtriangles) | |
newbad | poortri = encode(*enqtri) |
newbad | key = minedge |
newbad | triangapex = enqapex |
newbad | triangorg = enqorg |
newbad | triangdest = enqdest |
result = m->queuefront[m->firstnonemptyq] | |
m | queuefront [m->firstnonemptyq] = result->nexttriang |
struct osub * | testsubseg |
struct osub | testsym |
struct badsubseg * | encroachedseg |
REAL | dotproduct |
int | encroached = 0 |
int | sides = 0 |
vertex | eorg |
vertex | edest |
vertex | eapex |
struct otri * | testtri |
struct osub | testsub |
vertex | base1 = tapex |
vertex | base2 = torg |
vertex | org1 |
vertex | dest1 |
vertex | org2 |
vertex | dest2 |
vertex | joinvertex |
REAL | dxao = tapex[0] - torg[0] |
REAL | dyao = tapex[1] - torg[1] |
REAL | dxod2 = dxod * dxod |
REAL | dyod2 = dyod * dyod |
REAL | dxda2 = dxda * dxda |
REAL | dyda2 = dyda * dyda |
REAL | dxao2 = dxao * dxao |
REAL | dyao2 = dyao * dyao |
REAL | apexlen = dxod2 + dyod2 |
REAL | orglen = dxda2 + dyda2 |
REAL | destlen = dxao2 + dyao2 |
REAL | angle = dxod * dxda + dyod * dyda |
REAL | dist1 |
REAL | dist2 |
vertex | searchpoint = pc[0] - (yac * bclen2 - ybc * aclen2) / (2.0 * ccwabc) |
struct otri * | searchtri |
int | stopatsubsegment |
struct osub | checkedge |
vertex | forg |
vertex | fdest |
vertex | fapex |
REAL | orgorient |
REAL | destorient |
int | moveleft |
char * | firsttri |
struct otri | sampletri |
REAL | searchdist |
REAL | dist |
REAL | ahead = counterclockwise(m, b, torg, tdest, searchpoint) |
long | samplesperblock = (m->samples * TRIPERBLOCK - 1) / m->triangles.maxitems + 1 |
long | totalsamplesleft = m->samples |
long | samplesleft |
long | population = m->triangles.itemsfirstblock |
long | totalpopulation = m->triangles.maxitems |
sampleblock = m->triangles.firstblock | |
int | subsegmark |
struct otri * | flipedge |
struct otri topleft | topright |
struct otri | top |
struct otri botlcasing | botrcasing |
struct otri toplcasing | toprcasing ={NULL, 0} |
struct osub botlsubseg | botrsubseg |
struct osub toplsubseg | toprsubseg |
vertex | leftvertex |
vertex | rightvertex = first |
vertex | botvertex |
vertex | farvertex |
int | segmentflaws |
int | triflaws |
struct otri botleft | botright |
struct otri newbotleft | newbotright |
struct otri | newtopright |
struct otri | toplcasing ={NULL, 0} |
struct osub | brokensubseg |
struct osub | checksubseg |
struct osub | rightsubseg |
struct flipstacker * | newflip |
vertex | first |
vertex | topvertex |
vertex | segmentorg |
vertex | segmentdest |
REAL | attrib |
enum insertvertexresult | success = SUCCESSFULVERTEX |
enum locateresult | intersect = ONEDGE |
int | doflip |
int | mirrorflag |
int | enq |
struct otri * | firstedge |
struct otri * | lastedge |
int | edgecount = 1 |
struct otri | besttri |
struct otri | tempedge |
vertex | leftbasevertex |
vertex | rightbasevertex |
vertex | testvertex |
vertex | bestvertex |
int | bestnumber = 1 |
struct otri * | deltri |
struct otri | deltriright |
struct otri lefttri | righttri |
struct otri leftcasing | rightcasing |
vertex | delvertex |
vertex | neworg |
struct otri | gluetri |
int | arraysize |
int | pivot |
REAL | pivotx = sortarray[pivot][0] |
REAL | pivoty = sortarray[pivot][1] |
vertex | temp |
left = -1 | |
right = arraysize | |
int | median |
int | axis |
REAL | pivot1 = sortarray[pivot][axis] |
REAL | pivot2 = sortarray[pivot][1 - axis] |
divider = arraysize >> 1 | |
struct otri * | farleft |
struct otri * | innerleft |
struct otri * | innerright |
struct otri * | farright = farrightflag |
struct otri | baseedge |
struct otri | nextedge |
struct otri sidecasing topcasing | outercasing |
vertex | innerleftdest |
vertex | innerrightorg |
vertex | innerleftapex |
vertex | innerrightapex |
vertex | farleftpt |
vertex | farrightpt |
vertex | farleftapex |
vertex | farrightapex |
vertex | lowerleft = innerleftdest |
vertex | lowerright = innerrightorg |
vertex | upperleft |
vertex | upperright |
vertex | nextapex |
vertex | checkvertex = (vertex) NULL |
int | changemade |
int | badedge |
int | leftfinished |
int | rightfinished |
vertex * | sortarray = (vertex *) trimalloc(m->invertices * (int) sizeof(vertex)) |
int | vertices |
struct otri * | startghost |
struct otri | dissolveedge |
struct otri | deadtriangle |
vertex | markorg |
long | hullsize = 0 |
struct otri hullleft | hullright |
REAL | width |
m | infvertex1 = (vertex) trimalloc(m->vertices.itembytes) |
m | infvertex2 = (vertex) trimalloc(m->vertices.itembytes) |
m | infvertex3 = (vertex) trimalloc(m->vertices.itembytes) |
struct otri | searchedge |
vertex | vertexloop |
int | heapsize = m->invertices |
struct event * | newevent |
int | eventnum |
int | parent |
int | notdone = eventnum > 0 |
eventx = newevent->xkey | |
eventy = newevent->ykey | |
heap [eventnum] = newevent | |
newevent | heapposition = eventnum |
int | leftchild = 2 * eventnum + 1 |
int | rightchild |
int | smallest |
thisevent = heap[eventnum] | |
moveevent = heap[heapsize - 1] | |
struct event *** | eventheap |
struct event ** | events = (struct event *) trimalloc(maxevents * (int) sizeof(struct event)) |
struct event ** | freeevents = (struct event *) NULL |
int | maxevents |
struct otri * | fronttri |
vertex | newsite |
REAL | dxa |
REAL | dya = leftvertex[1] - newsite[1] |
REAL | dxb = rightvertex[0] - newsite[0] |
REAL | dyb = rightvertex[1] - newsite[1] |
REAL | ccwabc = counterclockwise(m, b, pa, pb, pc) |
REAL | aclen2 |
REAL | bclen2 = xbc * xbc + ybc * ybc |
REAL | ablen2 = xab * xab + yab * yab |
m | circletopcount |
xac = pa[0] - pc[0] | |
yac = pa[1] - pc[1] | |
xbc = pb[0] - pc[0] | |
ybc = pb[1] - pc[1] | |
xab = pa[0] - pb[0] | |
yab = pa[1] - pb[1] | |
vertex | eventvertex |
org * | checktri |
struct splaynode * | splaytree |
struct splaynode * | lefttree |
struct splaynode * | righttree = splay(m, splaytree->rchild, searchpoint, searchtri) |
struct splaynode * | leftright |
int | rightofroot |
int | rightofchild |
leftright | rchild = righttree |
struct splaynode * | splayroot = splay(m, splayroot, searchvertex, searchtri) |
struct otri * | newkey |
newsplaynode = (struct splaynode *) poolalloc(&m->splaynodes) | |
splayroot | lchild = (struct splaynode *) NULL |
REAL | topy |
struct otri * | bottommost |
vertex | searchvertex |
farrightflag = 0 | |
struct event * | nextevent |
struct otri | fliptri |
struct otri lefttri righttri farlefttri | farrighttri |
struct otri | inserttri |
vertex | firstvertex = (vertex) eventheap[0]->eventptr |
vertex | secondvertex |
vertex | nextvertex |
vertex | lastvertex = secondvertex |
vertex | connectvertex |
vertex | midvertex |
REAL | lefttest |
REAL | righttest |
int | check4events |
eventheap[0] | eventptr = (VOID *) freeevents |
m | eextras = 0 |
char * | elefilename |
char * | areafilename |
char * | polyfilename |
FILE * | polyfile = (FILE *) NULL |
FILE * | areafile |
char | inputline [INPUTLINESIZE] |
char * | stringptr = readline(inputline, elefile, elefilename) |
int | areaelements |
struct otri | triangleloop |
struct otri | triangleleft |
struct otri | checkleft |
struct otri | checkneighbor |
struct osub | subsegloop |
triangle * | vertexarray |
triangle * | prevlink |
triangle | nexttri |
vertex | checkdest |
vertex | checkapex |
vertex | shorg |
vertex | killvertex |
int | corner [3] |
int | end [2] |
int | killvertexindex |
int | incorners |
int | segmentmarkers = 0 |
int | boundmarker |
int | aroundvertex |
int | notfound |
long | elementnumber = b->firstnumber |
long | segmentnumber |
elefile = fopen(elefilename, "r") | |
m | inelements = (int) strtol(stringptr, &stringptr, 0) |
vertex | startvertex |
REAL | leftccw = counterclockwise(m, b, searchpoint, startvertex, leftvertex) |
REAL | rightccw = counterclockwise(m, b, startvertex, searchpoint, rightvertex) |
int | leftflag = leftccw > 0.0 |
int | rightflag = rightccw > 0.0 |
struct otri * | splittri |
struct osub * | splitsubseg |
vertex | endpoint2 |
vertex | endpoint1 |
REAL | ex = endpoint2[0] - endpoint1[0] |
REAL | ey = endpoint2[1] - endpoint1[1] |
REAL | tx = tdest[0] - torg[0] |
REAL | ty = tdest[1] - torg[1] |
REAL | etx = torg[0] - endpoint2[0] |
REAL | ety = torg[1] - endpoint2[1] |
REAL | split = (ey * etx - ex * ety) / denom |
REAL | denom = ty * ex - tx * ey |
int | newmark |
struct osub | crosssubseg |
enum finddirectionresult | collinear = finddirection(m, b, searchtri, endpoint2) |
vertex | midvertex1 |
vertex | midvertex2 |
struct otri * | fixuptri |
int | leftside |
struct otri | fartri |
struct osub | faredge |
vertex | nearvertex |
struct otri * | starttri |
int | collision = 0 |
int | done = 0 |
triangle | encodedtri |
int | end1 |
int | end2 |
struct osub | hullsubseg |
vertex | horg |
vertex | hdest |
struct otri | neighbor |
triangle ** | virusloop = (triangle **) traverse(&m->viri) |
struct osub | neighborsubseg |
vertex | norg |
vertex | ndest |
vertex | deadorg |
vertex | deaddest |
vertex | deadapex |
int | killorg |
REAL | attribute |
triangle ** | regiontri |
vertex | regionorg |
vertex | regiondest |
vertex | regionapex |
REAL * | holelist |
int | holes = (int) strtol(stringptr, &stringptr, 0) |
REAL * | regionlist |
int | regions = 0 |
struct otri * | regiontris |
triangle ** | holetri |
vertex | searchorg |
vertex | searchdest |
struct osub | testsh |
struct osub | currentenc |
struct badsubseg * | encloop |
REAL | segmentlength |
REAL | nearestpoweroftwo |
REAL | multiplier |
REAL | divisor |
int | acuteorg |
int | acuteorg2 |
int | acutedest |
int | acutedest2 |
vertex | borg |
vertex | bdest |
vertex | bapex |
int | errorflag |
struct osub | checkmark |
m vertices | deaditemstack = (VOID *) NULL |
FILE * | infile |
char * | infilename = nodefilename |
char * | nodefilename |
REAL | x |
REAL | y |
int | firstnode |
int | nodemarkers |
int | currentmarker |
m | xminextreme = 10 * m->xmin - 9 * m->xmax |
REAL ** | hlist = holelist |
REAL ** | rlist = (REAL *) NULL |
int | index |
int | argc |
long | outvertices |
int | vertexnumber = b->firstnumber |
outfile = fopen(nodefilename, "w") | |
vertex | p1 |
vertex | p2 |
vertex | p3 |
vertex | mid1 |
vertex | mid2 |
vertex | mid3 |
long | holenumber |
long | regionnumber |
long | subsegnumber = b->firstnumber |
char * | edgefilename |
struct otri triangleloop | trisym |
long | edgenumber = b->firstnumber |
char * | vnodefilename |
char * | vedgefilename |
long | vnodenumber = b->firstnumber |
long | vedgenumber = b->firstnumber |
char * | neighborfilename |
int | neighbor1 |
int | neighbor2 |
int | neighbor3 |
char * | offfilename |
vertex | p [3] |
REAL | cossquaretable [8] |
REAL | ratiotable [16] = 1.5 |
REAL | edgelength [3] |
REAL | cossquare |
REAL | triarea |
REAL | shortest = minaltitude |
REAL | longest = 0.0 |
REAL | trilongest2 |
REAL | smallestarea = minaltitude |
REAL | biggestarea = 0.0 |
REAL | triminaltitude2 |
REAL | minaltitude = m->xmax - m->xmin + m->ymax - m->ymin |
REAL | triaspect2 |
REAL | worstaspect = 0.0 |
REAL | smallestangle = 0.0 |
REAL | biggestangle = 2.0 |
REAL | radconst = PI / 18.0 |
REAL | degconst = 180.0 / PI |
int | angletable [18] |
int | aspecttable [16] |
int | aspectindex |
int | tendegree |
int | acutebiggest = 1 |
int | ii |
REAL * | holearray |
REAL * | regionarray |
struct timeval tv0 tv1 tv2 tv3 tv4 tv5 | tv6 |
struct timezone | tz |
gettimeofday & | tv0 |
m | steinerleft = b.steiner |
m | edges = (3l * m.triangles.items + m.hullsize) / 2l |
return | |
This file is part of the triangle source code, not part of Chaste per se.
We use the <autogenerated> tag to ignore it from our Doxygen checker.
Definition in file triangle.cpp.
#define Absolute | ( | a | ) | ((a) >= 0.0 ? (a) : -(a)) |
Definition at line 4833 of file triangle.cpp.
Definition at line 1152 of file triangle.cpp.
Definition at line 1216 of file triangle.cpp.
Definition at line 300 of file triangle.cpp.
#define BADTRIPERBLOCK 4092 |
Definition at line 302 of file triangle.cpp.
#define bond | ( | otri1, | |
otri2 | |||
) |
Definition at line 1166 of file triangle.cpp.
#define deadsubseg | ( | sub | ) | ((sub)[1] == (subseg) NULL) |
Definition at line 1349 of file triangle.cpp.
#define deadtri | ( | tria | ) | ((tria)[1] == (triangle) NULL) |
Definition at line 1226 of file triangle.cpp.
#define DEADVERTEX -32768 |
Definition at line 315 of file triangle.cpp.
#define decode | ( | ptr, | |
otri | |||
) |
Definition at line 1021 of file triangle.cpp.
Definition at line 1149 of file triangle.cpp.
Definition at line 1175 of file triangle.cpp.
#define dnext | ( | otri1, | |
otri2 | |||
) |
Definition at line 1095 of file triangle.cpp.
#define dnextself | ( | otri | ) |
Definition at line 1099 of file triangle.cpp.
#define dprev | ( | otri1, | |
otri2 | |||
) |
Definition at line 1107 of file triangle.cpp.
#define dprevself | ( | otri | ) |
Definition at line 1111 of file triangle.cpp.
Definition at line 1208 of file triangle.cpp.
Definition at line 1030 of file triangle.cpp.
#define Fast_Two_Sum | ( | a, | |
b, | |||
x, | |||
y | |||
) |
Definition at line 4853 of file triangle.cpp.
#define Fast_Two_Sum_Tail | ( | a, | |
b, | |||
x, | |||
y | |||
) |
Definition at line 4849 of file triangle.cpp.
#define FILENAMESIZE 2048 |
Definition at line 284 of file triangle.cpp.
Definition at line 304 of file triangle.cpp.
#define FREEVERTEX 2 |
Definition at line 314 of file triangle.cpp.
#define INEXACT /* Nothing */ |
Definition at line 279 of file triangle.cpp.
#define infect | ( | otri | ) |
Definition at line 1193 of file triangle.cpp.
Definition at line 1203 of file triangle.cpp.
#define INPUTLINESIZE 1024 |
Definition at line 289 of file triangle.cpp.
#define INPUTVERTEX 0 |
Definition at line 312 of file triangle.cpp.
#define killsubseg | ( | sub | ) |
Definition at line 1351 of file triangle.cpp.
#define killtri | ( | tria | ) |
Definition at line 1228 of file triangle.cpp.
#define lnext | ( | otri1, | |
otri2 | |||
) |
Definition at line 1051 of file triangle.cpp.
Definition at line 1055 of file triangle.cpp.
#define lprev | ( | otri1, | |
otri2 | |||
) |
Definition at line 1060 of file triangle.cpp.
Definition at line 1064 of file triangle.cpp.
Definition at line 1315 of file triangle.cpp.
#define ONETHIRD 0.333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333 |
Definition at line 354 of file triangle.cpp.
#define onext | ( | otri1, | |
otri2 | |||
) |
Definition at line 1071 of file triangle.cpp.
#define onextself | ( | otri | ) |
Definition at line 1075 of file triangle.cpp.
#define oprev | ( | otri1, | |
otri2 | |||
) |
Definition at line 1083 of file triangle.cpp.
#define oprevself | ( | otri | ) |
Definition at line 1087 of file triangle.cpp.
Definition at line 1146 of file triangle.cpp.
#define otricopy | ( | otri1, | |
otri2 | |||
) |
Definition at line 1180 of file triangle.cpp.
#define otriequal | ( | otri1, | |
otri2 | |||
) |
Definition at line 1186 of file triangle.cpp.
#define PI 3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197169399375105820974944592308 |
Definition at line 346 of file triangle.cpp.
#define REAL double |
Definition at line 223 of file triangle.cpp.
#define rnext | ( | otri1, | |
otri2 | |||
) |
Definition at line 1119 of file triangle.cpp.
#define rnextself | ( | otri | ) |
Definition at line 1124 of file triangle.cpp.
#define rprev | ( | otri1, | |
otri2 | |||
) |
Definition at line 1133 of file triangle.cpp.
#define rprevself | ( | otri | ) |
Definition at line 1138 of file triangle.cpp.
#define SAMPLEFACTOR 11 |
Definition at line 336 of file triangle.cpp.
#define SAMPLERATE 10 |
Definition at line 342 of file triangle.cpp.
#define sbond | ( | osub1, | |
osub2 | |||
) |
Definition at line 1322 of file triangle.cpp.
#define sdecode | ( | sptr, | |
osub | |||
) |
Definition at line 1241 of file triangle.cpp.
Definition at line 1290 of file triangle.cpp.
Definition at line 1329 of file triangle.cpp.
Definition at line 1302 of file triangle.cpp.
Definition at line 313 of file triangle.cpp.
Definition at line 1299 of file triangle.cpp.
Definition at line 1250 of file triangle.cpp.
Definition at line 1161 of file triangle.cpp.
Definition at line 1218 of file triangle.cpp.
#define setdest | ( | otri, | |
vertexptr | |||
) | (otri).tri[minus1mod3[(otri).orient] + 3] = (triangle) vertexptr |
Definition at line 1158 of file triangle.cpp.
#define setelemattribute | ( | otri, | |
attnum, | |||
value | |||
) | ((REAL *) (otri).tri)[m->elemattribindex + (attnum)] = value |
Definition at line 1211 of file triangle.cpp.
Definition at line 1317 of file triangle.cpp.
Definition at line 1155 of file triangle.cpp.
Definition at line 1296 of file triangle.cpp.
Definition at line 1308 of file triangle.cpp.
Definition at line 1305 of file triangle.cpp.
Definition at line 1293 of file triangle.cpp.
#define setvertex2tri | ( | vx, | |
value | |||
) | ((triangle *) (vx))[m->vertex2triindex] = value |
Definition at line 1404 of file triangle.cpp.
#define setvertexmark | ( | vx, | |
value | |||
) | ((int *) (vx))[m->vertexmarkindex] = value |
Definition at line 1394 of file triangle.cpp.
#define setvertextype | ( | vx, | |
value | |||
) | ((int *) (vx))[m->vertexmarkindex + 1] = value |
Definition at line 1399 of file triangle.cpp.
#define snext | ( | osub1, | |
osub2 | |||
) |
Definition at line 1276 of file triangle.cpp.
#define snextself | ( | osub | ) |
Definition at line 1280 of file triangle.cpp.
Definition at line 1287 of file triangle.cpp.
#define spivot | ( | osub1, | |
osub2 | |||
) |
Definition at line 1265 of file triangle.cpp.
#define spivotself | ( | osub | ) |
Definition at line 1269 of file triangle.cpp.
Definition at line 306 of file triangle.cpp.
#define Split | ( | a, | |
ahi, | |||
alo | |||
) |
Definition at line 4879 of file triangle.cpp.
#define Square | ( | a, | |
x, | |||
y | |||
) |
Definition at line 4916 of file triangle.cpp.
#define Square_Tail | ( | a, | |
x, | |||
y | |||
) |
Definition at line 4910 of file triangle.cpp.
#define SQUAREROOTTWO 1.4142135623730950488016887242096980785696718753769480732 |
Definition at line 350 of file triangle.cpp.
#define ssym | ( | osub1, | |
osub2 | |||
) |
Definition at line 1255 of file triangle.cpp.
Definition at line 1259 of file triangle.cpp.
Definition at line 1385 of file triangle.cpp.
Definition at line 1368 of file triangle.cpp.
#define subsegcopy | ( | osub1, | |
osub2 | |||
) |
Definition at line 1334 of file triangle.cpp.
#define subsegequal | ( | osub1, | |
osub2 | |||
) |
Definition at line 1340 of file triangle.cpp.
#define SUBSEGPERBLOCK 508 /* Number of subsegments allocated at once. */ |
Definition at line 296 of file triangle.cpp.
#define sym | ( | otri1, | |
otri2 | |||
) |
Definition at line 1041 of file triangle.cpp.
#define symself | ( | otri | ) |
Definition at line 1045 of file triangle.cpp.
#define TRIPERBLOCK 4092 /* Number of triangles allocated at once. */ |
Definition at line 295 of file triangle.cpp.
Definition at line 1380 of file triangle.cpp.
Definition at line 1361 of file triangle.cpp.
#define Two_Diff | ( | a, | |
b, | |||
x, | |||
y | |||
) |
Definition at line 4875 of file triangle.cpp.
#define Two_Diff_Tail | ( | a, | |
b, | |||
x, | |||
y | |||
) |
Definition at line 4868 of file triangle.cpp.
#define Two_One_Diff | ( | a1, | |
a0, | |||
b, | |||
x2, | |||
x1, | |||
x0 | |||
) |
Definition at line 4927 of file triangle.cpp.
#define Two_One_Product | ( | a1, | |
a0, | |||
b, | |||
x3, | |||
x2, | |||
x1, | |||
x0 | |||
) |
Definition at line 4941 of file triangle.cpp.
#define Two_One_Sum | ( | a1, | |
a0, | |||
b, | |||
x2, | |||
x1, | |||
x0 | |||
) |
Definition at line 4923 of file triangle.cpp.
#define Two_Product | ( | a, | |
b, | |||
x, | |||
y | |||
) |
Definition at line 4893 of file triangle.cpp.
#define Two_Product_Presplit | ( | a, | |
b, | |||
bhi, | |||
blo, | |||
x, | |||
y | |||
) |
Definition at line 4900 of file triangle.cpp.
#define Two_Product_Tail | ( | a, | |
b, | |||
x, | |||
y | |||
) |
Definition at line 4885 of file triangle.cpp.
#define Two_Sum | ( | a, | |
b, | |||
x, | |||
y | |||
) |
Definition at line 4864 of file triangle.cpp.
#define Two_Sum_Tail | ( | a, | |
b, | |||
x, | |||
y | |||
) |
Definition at line 4857 of file triangle.cpp.
#define Two_Two_Diff | ( | a1, | |
a0, | |||
b1, | |||
b0, | |||
x3, | |||
x2, | |||
x1, | |||
x0 | |||
) |
Definition at line 4935 of file triangle.cpp.
#define Two_Two_Sum | ( | a1, | |
a0, | |||
b1, | |||
b0, | |||
x3, | |||
x2, | |||
x1, | |||
x0 | |||
) |
Definition at line 4931 of file triangle.cpp.
#define UNDEADVERTEX -32767 |
Definition at line 316 of file triangle.cpp.
#define uninfect | ( | otri | ) |
Definition at line 1197 of file triangle.cpp.
#define vertex2tri | ( | vx | ) | ((triangle *) (vx))[m->vertex2triindex] |
Definition at line 1402 of file triangle.cpp.
#define vertexmark | ( | vx | ) | ((int *) (vx))[m->vertexmarkindex] |
Definition at line 1392 of file triangle.cpp.
#define VERTEXPERBLOCK 4092 /* Number of vertices allocated at once. */ |
Definition at line 297 of file triangle.cpp.
#define vertextype | ( | vx | ) | ((int *) (vx))[m->vertexmarkindex + 1] |
Definition at line 1397 of file triangle.cpp.
#define VIRUSPERBLOCK 1020 /* Number of virus triangles allocated at once. */ |
Definition at line 298 of file triangle.cpp.
#define VOID int |
Definition at line 326 of file triangle.cpp.
typedef REAL** subseg |
Definition at line 604 of file triangle.cpp.
typedef REAL** triangle |
Definition at line 587 of file triangle.cpp.
typedef REAL* vertex |
Definition at line 621 of file triangle.cpp.
enum finddirectionresult |
Definition at line 468 of file triangle.cpp.
enum insertvertexresult |
Definition at line 460 of file triangle.cpp.
enum locateresult |
Definition at line 452 of file triangle.cpp.
exactinit | ( | ) |
Definition at line 4967 of file triangle.cpp.
for | ( | elementnumber | = 1; elementnumber <= m->inelements; elementnumber++ | ) |
Definition at line 11295 of file triangle.cpp.
for | ( | i | = 0; i < m->eextras; i++ | ) |
Definition at line 4768 of file triangle.cpp.
for | ( | ) |
Definition at line 3406 of file triangle.cpp.
for | ( | j | = 1; j < m->invertices; j++ | ) |
Definition at line 10080 of file triangle.cpp.
if | ( | ! | b->quiet||(b->noholes &&b->convex) | ) |
Definition at line 13085 of file triangle.cpp.
if | ( | !b->quiet &&b->conformdel && | m->badsubsegs.items > 0) &&(m->steinerleft==0 | ) |
Definition at line 13767 of file triangle.cpp.
if | ( | !b-> | quiet | ) |
Definition at line 6794 of file triangle.cpp.
if | ( | !b->refine &&!b-> | poly | ) |
Definition at line 3617 of file triangle.cpp.
if | ( | !b. | quiet | ) |
Definition at line 15811 of file triangle.cpp.
if | ( | ! | deadtribadotri.tri) &&(borg==badtri->triangorg) &&(bdest==badtri->triangdest) &&(bapex==badtri->triangapex | ) |
Definition at line 13593 of file triangle.cpp.
if | ( | ! | scoutsegmentm, b, &searchtri1, endpoint1, newmark | ) |
Definition at line 12054 of file triangle.cpp.
if | ( | ! | scoutsegmentm, b, &searchtri2, endpoint2, newmark | ) |
Definition at line 12060 of file triangle.cpp.
if | ( | !strcmp(&->[->innodefilename - 4] | , |
".ele" | |||
) |
Definition at line 3590 of file triangle.cpp.
if | ( | !strcmp(&->[->innodefilename - 5] | , |
".area" | |||
) |
Definition at line 3594 of file triangle.cpp.
if | ( | !strcmp(&->[->innodefilename - 5] | , |
".node" | |||
) |
Definition at line 3582 of file triangle.cpp.
if | ( | !strcmp(&->[->innodefilename - 5] | , |
".poly" | |||
) |
Definition at line 3585 of file triangle.cpp.
if | ( | ((holes > 0) &&!b->noholes)||!b->convex||(regions > 0) | ) |
Definition at line 13100 of file triangle.cpp.
if | ( | ((leftvertex[0]==endpoint2[0]) &&(leftvertex[1]==endpoint2[1]))||((rightvertex[0]==endpoint2[0]) &&(rightvertex[1]==endpoint2[1])) | ) |
Definition at line 11917 of file triangle.cpp.
if | ( | (acxtail==0.0) &&(acytail==0.0) &&(bcxtail==0.0) &&(bcytail==0.0) | ) |
Definition at line 5285 of file triangle.cpp.
if | ( | (adxtail !=0.0)||(adytail !=0.0) | ) |
Definition at line 5671 of file triangle.cpp.
if | ( | (adxtail !=0.0)||(adytail !=0.0)||(bdxtail !=0.0)||(bdytail !=0.0) | ) |
Definition at line 5548 of file triangle.cpp.
if | ( | (adxtail==0.0) &&(bdxtail==0.0) &&(cdxtail==0.0) &&(adytail==0.0) &&(bdytail==0.0) &&(cdytail==0.0) &&(adheighttail==0.0) &&(bdheighttail==0.0) &&(cdheighttail==0.0) | ) |
Definition at line 6165 of file triangle.cpp.
if | ( | (adxtail==0.0) &&(bdxtail==0.0) &&(cdxtail==0.0) &&(adytail==0.0) &&(bdytail==0.0) &&(cdytail==0.0) | ) |
Definition at line 5512 of file triangle.cpp.
if | ( | (apexlen< orglen) &&(apexlen< destlen) | ) |
Definition at line 7337 of file triangle.cpp.
if | ( | (b->minangle > 0.0)||b->vararea||b->fixedarea||b-> | usertest | ) |
Definition at line 13728 of file triangle.cpp.
if | ( | (b->regionattrib||b->vararea) &&!b-> | refine | ) |
Definition at line 14307 of file triangle.cpp.
if | ( | (b->voronoi||b->neighbors) &&(trisize< 6 *sizeof(triangle)+sizeof(int)) | ) |
Definition at line 4429 of file triangle.cpp.
if | ( | (bdxtail !=0.0)||(bdytail !=0.0) | ) |
Definition at line 5768 of file triangle.cpp.
if | ( | (bdxtail !=0.0)||(bdytail !=0.0)||(cdxtail !=0.0)||(cdytail !=0.0) | ) |
Definition at line 5534 of file triangle.cpp.
if | ( | (cdxtail !=0.0)||(cdytail !=0.0) | ) |
Definition at line 5865 of file triangle.cpp.
if | ( | (cdxtail !=0.0)||(cdytail !=0.0)||(adxtail !=0.0)||(adytail !=0.0) | ) |
Definition at line 5541 of file triangle.cpp.
if | ( | (det > errbound)||(-det > errbound) | ) |
Definition at line 6019 of file triangle.cpp.
if | ( | (det >=errbound)||(-det >=errbound) | ) |
Definition at line 5276 of file triangle.cpp.
if | ( | (dodist< aodist) &&(dodist< dadist) | ) |
Definition at line 6650 of file triangle.cpp.
if | ( | (eindex< elen) &&(findex< flen) | ) |
Definition at line 5071 of file triangle.cpp.
if | ( | (farvertex[0]==endpoint2[0]) &&(farvertex[1]==endpoint2[1]) | ) |
Definition at line 12263 of file triangle.cpp.
if | ( | (firstvertex[0]==secondvertex[0]) &&(firstvertex[1]==secondvertex[1]) | ) |
Definition at line 10934 of file triangle.cpp.
if | ( | (fnow > enow) | = = (fnow > -enow) | ) |
Definition at line 5063 of file triangle.cpp.
if | ( | (holes > 0) &&!b-> | noholes | ) |
Definition at line 13112 of file triangle.cpp.
if | ( | (intersect==ONEDGE)||(intersect==OUTSIDE) | ) |
Definition at line 8358 of file triangle.cpp.
if | ( | (leftvertex[0]==endpoint1[0]) &&(leftvertex[1]==endpoint1[1]) | ) |
Definition at line 11860 of file triangle.cpp.
if | ( | (leftvertex[1]< rightvertex[1])||((leftvertex[1]==rightvertex[1]) &&(leftvertex[0]< rightvertex[0])) | ) |
Definition at line 10549 of file triangle.cpp.
if | ( | (Q !=0.0)||(hindex==0) | ) |
Definition at line 5113 of file triangle.cpp.
else if | ( | (rightvertex[0] !=endpoint1[0])||(rightvertex[1] !=endpoint1[1]) | ) |
Definition at line 11862 of file triangle.cpp.
if | ( | (tdest[0]==searchpoint[0]) &&(tdest[1]==searchpoint[1]) | ) |
Definition at line 7849 of file triangle.cpp.
if | ( | (torg[0]==searchpoint[0]) &&(torg[1]==searchpoint[1]) | ) |
Definition at line 7846 of file triangle.cpp.
if | ( | adheighttail ! | = 0.0 | ) |
Definition at line 6326 of file triangle.cpp.
if | ( | adxtail ! | = 0.0 | ) |
Definition at line 5556 of file triangle.cpp.
if | ( | adxtail | = = 0.0 | ) |
Definition at line 6190 of file triangle.cpp.
if | ( | adytail ! | = 0.0 | ) |
Definition at line 5575 of file triangle.cpp.
else if | ( | ahead | = = 0.0 | ) |
Definition at line 7859 of file triangle.cpp.
if | ( | angle | , |
b-> | goodangle | ||
) |
Definition at line 7393 of file triangle.cpp.
if | ( | area | = = 0.0 | ) |
Definition at line 12274 of file triangle.cpp.
if | ( | arraysize - divider >= | 2 | ) |
Definition at line 9455 of file triangle.cpp.
if | ( | arraysize<= | 3 | ) |
Definition at line 9447 of file triangle.cpp.
if | ( | arraysize | = = 2 | ) |
Definition at line 9296 of file triangle.cpp.
if | ( | b->convex||!b-> | poly | ) |
Definition at line 12631 of file triangle.cpp.
if | ( | b->dwyer && | axis==1 | ) |
Definition at line 9538 of file triangle.cpp.
if | ( | b-> | goodangle = = 1.0 | ) |
Definition at line 3604 of file triangle.cpp.
if | ( | b-> | innodefilename[0] = = '\0' | ) |
Definition at line 3579 of file triangle.cpp.
if | ( | b->jettison &&b->nonodewritten &&!b-> | quiet | ) |
Definition at line 3635 of file triangle.cpp.
if | ( | b->poly||b-> | refine | ) |
Definition at line 15657 of file triangle.cpp.
b goodangle * if | ( | b->refine &&b-> | noiterationnum | ) |
Definition at line 3610 of file triangle.cpp.
if | ( | b->refine||!b-> | poly | ) |
Definition at line 3622 of file triangle.cpp.
if | ( | b->vararea||b->fixedarea||b-> | usertest | ) |
Definition at line 7366 of file triangle.cpp.
if | ( | b->verbose && | m->badsubsegs.items > 0 | ) |
Definition at line 13719 of file triangle.cpp.
if | ( | b-> | verbose, |
1 | |||
) |
Definition at line 8325 of file triangle.cpp.
if | ( | b-> | verbose, |
2 | |||
) |
Definition at line 7000 of file triangle.cpp.
if | ( | b->weighted && | b->poly||b->quality | ) |
Definition at line 3627 of file triangle.cpp.
if | ( | b.nonodewritten|| | b.noiterationnum &&m.readnodefile | ) |
Definition at line 15965 of file triangle.cpp.
if | ( | b. | order, |
1 | |||
) |
Definition at line 15934 of file triangle.cpp.
if | ( | b.poly && | m.triangles.items > 0 | ) |
Definition at line 15880 of file triangle.cpp.
if | ( | b.poly||b. | convex | ) |
Definition at line 16000 of file triangle.cpp.
if | ( | b.quality && | m.triangles.items > 0 | ) |
Definition at line 15913 of file triangle.cpp.
if | ( | b. | refine | ) |
Definition at line 15819 of file triangle.cpp.
if | ( | badtri->key >=1. | 0 | ) |
Definition at line 7010 of file triangle.cpp.
if | ( | bdheighttail ! | = 0.0 | ) |
Definition at line 6332 of file triangle.cpp.
if | ( | bdxtail ! | = 0.0 | ) |
Definition at line 5594 of file triangle.cpp.
if | ( | bdytail ! | = 0.0 | ) |
Definition at line 5613 of file triangle.cpp.
if | ( | bestnumber | , |
1 | |||
) |
Definition at line 8987 of file triangle.cpp.
if | ( | biggestangle >=1. | 0 | ) |
Definition at line 15583 of file triangle.cpp.
if | ( | cdheighttail ! | = 0.0 | ) |
Definition at line 6338 of file triangle.cpp.
if | ( | cdxtail ! | = 0.0 | ) |
Definition at line 5632 of file triangle.cpp.
if | ( | cdytail ! | = 0.0 | ) |
Definition at line 5651 of file triangle.cpp.
if | ( | checkedge. | tri = = m->dummytri | ) |
Definition at line 10241 of file triangle.cpp.
if | ( | checkvertex ! | = endpoint1 | ) |
Definition at line 12361 of file triangle.cpp.
if | ( | checkvertex | = = splaytree->keydest | ) |
Definition at line 10659 of file triangle.cpp.
else if | ( | collinear | = = LEFTCOLLINEAR | ) |
Definition at line 11926 of file triangle.cpp.
if | ( | collision | ) |
Definition at line 12317 of file triangle.cpp.
if | ( | counterclockwise(m, b, innerleftdest, innerleftapex, innerrightorg) | , |
0. | 0 | ||
) |
Definition at line 9581 of file triangle.cpp.
if | ( | counterclockwise(m, b, innerrightapex, innerrightorg, innerleftdest) | , |
0. | 0 | ||
) |
Definition at line 9590 of file triangle.cpp.
if | ( | crosssubseg. | ss = = m->dummysub | ) |
Definition at line 11944 of file triangle.cpp.
if | ( | current+m->vertices.itemsfirstblock<= | number | ) |
Definition at line 4677 of file triangle.cpp.
if | ( | denom | = = 0.0 | ) |
Definition at line 11809 of file triangle.cpp.
if | ( | detleft | , |
0. | 0 | ||
) |
Definition at line 5344 of file triangle.cpp.
if | ( | ) |
Definition at line 5350 of file triangle.cpp.
if | ( | doflip | ) |
Definition at line 9001 of file triangle.cpp.
if | ( | edgecount | , |
3 | |||
) |
Definition at line 9082 of file triangle.cpp.
if | ( | elefile | = = (FILE *) NULL | ) |
Definition at line 11265 of file triangle.cpp.
if | ( | encodedtri ! | = (triangle) NULL | ) |
Definition at line 12357 of file triangle.cpp.
if | ( | encroached && | !b->nobisect||((b->nobisect==1) &&(sides==2)) | ) |
Definition at line 7255 of file triangle.cpp.
if | ( | eventnum | , |
0 | |||
) |
Definition at line 10466 of file triangle.cpp.
if | ( | eventvertex ! | = (vertex) NULL | ) |
Definition at line 10622 of file triangle.cpp.
if | ( | faredge.ss ! | = m->dummysub | ) |
Definition at line 12135 of file triangle.cpp.
if | ( | fartri. | tri = = m->dummytri | ) |
Definition at line 12131 of file triangle.cpp.
if | ( | hh ! | = 0 | ) |
Definition at line 5161 of file triangle.cpp.
if | ( | holes | , |
0 | |||
) |
Definition at line 14833 of file triangle.cpp.
else if | ( | horrors | = = 0 | ) |
Definition at line 6850 of file triangle.cpp.
if | ( | increment | , |
0 | |||
) |
Definition at line 3655 of file triangle.cpp.
else if | ( | increment | = = 0 | ) |
Definition at line 3681 of file triangle.cpp.
if | ( | innerleftdest | = = farleftpt | ) |
Definition at line 9618 of file triangle.cpp.
if | ( | innerrightorg | = = farrightpt | ) |
Definition at line 9622 of file triangle.cpp.
if | ( | intersect | = = ONVERTEX | ) |
Definition at line 8351 of file triangle.cpp.
if | ( | left | , |
1 | |||
) |
Definition at line 9334 of file triangle.cpp.
if | ( | left | , |
median | |||
) |
Definition at line 9412 of file triangle.cpp.
if | ( | leftccw | = = 0.0 | ) |
Definition at line 11742 of file triangle.cpp.
if | ( | leftflag && | rightflag | ) |
Definition at line 11702 of file triangle.cpp.
if | ( | leftside | ) |
Definition at line 12144 of file triangle.cpp.
if | ( | leftsubseg.ss ! | = m->dummysub | ) |
Definition at line 9100 of file triangle.cpp.
else if | ( | lefttree-> | rchild = = (struct splaynode *) NULL | ) |
Definition at line 10732 of file triangle.cpp.
if | ( | lefttree | = = (struct splaynode *) NULL | ) |
Definition at line 10728 of file triangle.cpp.
if | ( | m-> | checksegments = = 0 | ) |
Definition at line 8051 of file triangle.cpp.
else if | ( | m->eextras+b-> | regionattrib, |
0 | |||
) |
Definition at line 4422 of file triangle.cpp.
if | ( | m->mesh_dim ! | = 2 | ) |
Definition at line 14081 of file triangle.cpp.
if | ( | m-> | queuefront[queuenumber] = = (struct badtriang *) NULL | ) |
Definition at line 7046 of file triangle.cpp.
if | ( | m->recenttri.tri ! | = (triangle *) NULL | ) |
Definition at line 7756 of file triangle.cpp.
if | ( | m-> | steinerleft, |
0 | |||
) |
Definition at line 11837 of file triangle.cpp.
if | ( | m->triangles. | items = = 0 | ) |
Definition at line 11136 of file triangle.cpp.
if | ( | m->viri. | items, |
0 | |||
) |
Definition at line 13180 of file triangle.cpp.
if | ( | m->ymax - m-> | ymin, |
width | |||
) |
Definition at line 10156 of file triangle.cpp.
if | ( | m. | regions, |
0 | |||
) |
Definition at line 16030 of file triangle.cpp.
if | ( | maxlen | , |
0.05 *(triorg[0] *triorg[0]+triorg[1] *triorg[1])+0. | 02 | ||
) |
Definition at line 1474 of file triangle.cpp.
if | ( | memptr | = = (VOID *) NULL | ) |
Definition at line 1513 of file triangle.cpp.
if | ( | neighbortri.tri ! | = m->dummytri | ) |
Definition at line 7207 of file triangle.cpp.
if | ( | newseg | = = (struct badsubseg *) NULL | ) |
Definition at line 4637 of file triangle.cpp.
if | ( | newsubseg. | ss = = m->dummysub | ) |
Definition at line 7917 of file triangle.cpp.
if | ( | newsubseg | = = (subseg *) NULL | ) |
Definition at line 4538 of file triangle.cpp.
if | ( | newtriangle | = = (triangle *) NULL | ) |
Definition at line 4492 of file triangle.cpp.
if | ( | newvertex | = = (vertex) NULL | ) |
Definition at line 4584 of file triangle.cpp.
if | ( | outfile | = = (FILE *) NULL | ) |
Definition at line 14482 of file triangle.cpp.
if | ( | posexponent | ) |
Definition at line 7039 of file triangle.cpp.
if | ( | printtri. | tri = = m->dummytri | ) |
Definition at line 3762 of file triangle.cpp.
if | ( | regions | , |
0 | |||
) |
Definition at line 13092 of file triangle.cpp.
if | ( | result | = = m->queuetail[m->firstnonemptyq] | ) |
Definition at line 7146 of file triangle.cpp.
else if | ( | rightccw | = = 0.0 | ) |
Definition at line 11744 of file triangle.cpp.
else if | ( | rightofhyperbola(m, &splayroot->keyedge, searchpoint) | ) |
Definition at line 10776 of file triangle.cpp.
if | ( | rightsubseg.ss ! | = m->dummysub | ) |
Definition at line 9104 of file triangle.cpp.
else if | ( | righttree-> | lchild = = (struct splaynode *) NULL | ) |
Definition at line 10736 of file triangle.cpp.
else if | ( | righttree | = = (struct splaynode *) NULL | ) |
Definition at line 10730 of file triangle.cpp.
if | ( | scoutsegment(m, b, &searchtri1, endpoint2, newmark) | ) |
Definition at line 12379 of file triangle.cpp.
if | ( | scoutsegment(m, b, &searchtri2, endpoint1, newmark) | ) |
Definition at line 12412 of file triangle.cpp.
smallestarea *biggestarea * if | ( | smallestangle >=1. | 0 | ) |
Definition at line 15578 of file triangle.cpp.
if | ( | splayroot | = = (struct splaynode *) NULL | ) |
Definition at line 10773 of file triangle.cpp.
if | ( | splaytree | = = (struct splaynode *) NULL | ) |
Definition at line 10655 of file triangle.cpp.
if | ( | splitseg | = = (struct osub *) NULL | ) |
Definition at line 8329 of file triangle.cpp.
if | ( | success ! | = SUCCESSFULVERTEX | ) |
Definition at line 11830 of file triangle.cpp.
if | ( | success | = = DUPLICATEVERTEX | ) |
Definition at line 12018 of file triangle.cpp.
if | ( | vertexmark(tridest) | = = 0 | ) |
Definition at line 7912 of file triangle.cpp.
if | ( | vertexmark(triorg) | = = 0 | ) |
Definition at line 7909 of file triangle.cpp.
else if | ( | vertices | = = 2 | ) |
Definition at line 9849 of file triangle.cpp.
if | ( | width | = = 0.0 | ) |
Definition at line 10159 of file triangle.cpp.
void info | ( | ) |
Definition at line 1627 of file triangle.cpp.
void internalerror | ( | ) |
Definition at line 3348 of file triangle.cpp.
void precisionerror | ( | ) |
Definition at line 13288 of file triangle.cpp.
void syntax | ( | ) |
Definition at line 1547 of file triangle.cpp.
while | ( | !farrightflag && | rightofhyperbolam, searchtri, searchvertex | ) |
Definition at line 10856 of file triangle.cpp.
while | ( | !otriequal *, | countingtri | ) |
Definition at line 9063 of file triangle.cpp.
while | ( | ! | otriequalnextedge, finaledge | ) |
Definition at line 10252 of file triangle.cpp.
while | ( | *!='\0 'result &&*!='# 'result &&*!=' 'result &&*!='\ ' | t | ) |
Definition at line 13942 of file triangle.cpp.
while | ( | *!='\0 'result &&*!='# 'result &&*!='. 'result &&*!='+ 'result &&*!='- 'result && | (*result< '0')||(*result > '9') | ) |
Definition at line 13907 of file triangle.cpp.
while | ( | (m->badsubsegs.items > 0) &&(m->steinerleft !=0) | ) |
Definition at line 13346 of file triangle.cpp.
while | ( | 1 | ) |
Definition at line 7603 of file triangle.cpp.
while | ( | ) |
Definition at line 5097 of file triangle.cpp.
while | ( | heapsize | , |
0 | |||
) |
Definition at line 10952 of file triangle.cpp.
while | ( | leftflag | ) |
Definition at line 11712 of file triangle.cpp.
while | ( | leftright->rchild ! | = (struct splaynode *) NULL | ) |
Definition at line 10743 of file triangle.cpp.
while | ( | length | , |
2. | 0 | ||
) |
Definition at line 7022 of file triangle.cpp.
while | ( | m->lastflip ! | = (struct flipstacker *) NULL | ) |
Definition at line 9155 of file triangle.cpp.
while | ( | nexttri.tri ! | = m->dummytri | ) |
Definition at line 12470 of file triangle.cpp.
while | ( | notdone | ) |
Definition at line 10372 of file triangle.cpp.
while | ( | rightflag | ) |
Definition at line 11727 of file triangle.cpp.
while | ( | SAMPLEFACTOR *m->samples *m->samples *m->samples< m->triangles. | items | ) |
Definition at line 7780 of file triangle.cpp.
while | ( | subsegloop.ss ! | = (subseg *) NULL | ) |
Definition at line 13270 of file triangle.cpp.
while | ( | totalsamplesleft | , |
0 | |||
) |
Definition at line 7799 of file triangle.cpp.
while | ( | triangleloop.tri ! | = (triangle *) NULL | ) |
Definition at line 6801 of file triangle.cpp.
while | ( | vertexloop ! | = (vertex) NULL | ) |
Definition at line 10323 of file triangle.cpp.
while | ( | virusloop ! | = (triangle **) NULL | ) |
Definition at line 12766 of file triangle.cpp.
while | ( | workstring ! | [j] = '\0' | ) |
Definition at line 3648 of file triangle.cpp.
REAL _0 |
Definition at line 5260 of file triangle.cpp.
Definition at line 5259 of file triangle.cpp.
Definition at line 5259 of file triangle.cpp.
Definition at line 6115 of file triangle.cpp.
REAL aa[4] |
Definition at line 5421 of file triangle.cpp.
Definition at line 5422 of file triangle.cpp.
REAL ab = ab3 |
Definition at line 5404 of file triangle.cpp.
Definition at line 5405 of file triangle.cpp.
REAL abdet |
Definition at line 5412 of file triangle.cpp.
Definition at line 5154 of file triangle.cpp.
int ablen = fast_expansion_sum_zeroelim(alen, adet, blen, bdet, abdet) |
Definition at line 5413 of file triangle.cpp.
ablen2 = xab * xab + yab * yab |
Definition at line 10584 of file triangle.cpp.
REAL abt |
Definition at line 5444 of file triangle.cpp.
int abtlen = fast_expansion_sum_zeroelim(at_blen, at_b, bt_alen, bt_a, abt) |
Definition at line 5445 of file triangle.cpp.
REAL abtt[4] |
Definition at line 5446 of file triangle.cpp.
Definition at line 5448 of file triangle.cpp.
int abttlen |
Definition at line 5447 of file triangle.cpp.
REAL aclen2 |
Definition at line 10584 of file triangle.cpp.
acutebiggest = 1 |
Definition at line 15456 of file triangle.cpp.
int acutedest |
Definition at line 13338 of file triangle.cpp.
int acutedest2 |
Definition at line 13338 of file triangle.cpp.
int acuteorg |
Definition at line 13338 of file triangle.cpp.
int acuteorg2 |
Definition at line 13338 of file triangle.cpp.
acx = (REAL) (pa[0] - pc[0]) |
Definition at line 5262 of file triangle.cpp.
REAL acxtail |
Definition at line 5241 of file triangle.cpp.
acy = (REAL) (pa[1] - pc[1]) |
Definition at line 5264 of file triangle.cpp.
REAL acytail |
Definition at line 5241 of file triangle.cpp.
REAL adet |
Definition at line 5406 of file triangle.cpp.
adheight = (REAL) (aheight - dheight) |
Definition at line 6124 of file triangle.cpp.
REAL adheighttail |
Definition at line 6084 of file triangle.cpp.
adx = (REAL) (pa[0] - pd[0]) |
Definition at line 5460 of file triangle.cpp.
REAL adxadx0 |
Definition at line 5420 of file triangle.cpp.
INEXACT REAL adxadx1 |
Definition at line 5419 of file triangle.cpp.
REAL adxbdy = adx * bdy |
Definition at line 5981 of file triangle.cpp.
REAL adxbdy0 |
Definition at line 5403 of file triangle.cpp.
INEXACT REAL adxbdy1 |
Definition at line 5402 of file triangle.cpp.
REAL adxcdy = adx * cdy |
Definition at line 5981 of file triangle.cpp.
REAL adxcdy0 |
Definition at line 5403 of file triangle.cpp.
INEXACT REAL adxcdy1 |
Definition at line 5402 of file triangle.cpp.
REAL adxt_bdy0 |
Definition at line 6093 of file triangle.cpp.
INEXACT REAL adxt_bdy1 |
Definition at line 6091 of file triangle.cpp.
REAL adxt_bdyt0 |
Definition at line 6103 of file triangle.cpp.
INEXACT REAL adxt_bdyt1 |
Definition at line 6101 of file triangle.cpp.
REAL adxt_cdy0 |
Definition at line 6093 of file triangle.cpp.
INEXACT REAL adxt_cdy1 |
Definition at line 6091 of file triangle.cpp.
REAL adxt_cdyt0 |
Definition at line 6103 of file triangle.cpp.
INEXACT REAL adxt_cdyt1 |
Definition at line 6101 of file triangle.cpp.
REAL adxtail |
Definition at line 5418 of file triangle.cpp.
ady = (REAL) (pa[1] - pd[1]) |
Definition at line 5463 of file triangle.cpp.
REAL adyady0 |
Definition at line 5420 of file triangle.cpp.
INEXACT REAL adyady1 |
Definition at line 5419 of file triangle.cpp.
REAL adyt_bdx0 |
Definition at line 6097 of file triangle.cpp.
INEXACT REAL adyt_bdx1 |
Definition at line 6095 of file triangle.cpp.
REAL adyt_cdx0 |
Definition at line 6097 of file triangle.cpp.
INEXACT REAL adyt_cdx1 |
Definition at line 6095 of file triangle.cpp.
REAL adytail |
Definition at line 5418 of file triangle.cpp.
ahead = counterclockwise(m, b, torg, tdest, searchpoint) |
Definition at line 7735 of file triangle.cpp.
REAL aheight |
Definition at line 6059 of file triangle.cpp.
REAL ahi |
Definition at line 5155 of file triangle.cpp.
int alen = fast_expansion_sum_zeroelim(axxbclen, axxbc, ayybclen, ayybc, adet) |
Definition at line 5407 of file triangle.cpp.
alift = adx * adx + ady * ady |
Definition at line 5982 of file triangle.cpp.
Definition at line 4287 of file triangle.cpp.
REAL alo |
Definition at line 5155 of file triangle.cpp.
angle = dxod * dxda + dyod * dyda |
Definition at line 7311 of file triangle.cpp.
int angletable[18] |
Definition at line 15452 of file triangle.cpp.
aodist = xao * xao + yao * yao |
Definition at line 6617 of file triangle.cpp.
apexlen = dxod2 + dyod2 |
Definition at line 7310 of file triangle.cpp.
REAL area |
Definition at line 1451 of file triangle.cpp.
m areaboundindex = m->elemattribindex + m->eextras + b->regionattrib |
Definition at line 4417 of file triangle.cpp.
int areaelements |
Definition at line 11221 of file triangle.cpp.
FILE* areafile |
Definition at line 11218 of file triangle.cpp.
char* areafilename |
Definition at line 11205 of file triangle.cpp.
int argc |
Definition at line 14377 of file triangle.cpp.
char ** argv |
Definition at line 3368 of file triangle.cpp.
REAL around |
Definition at line 5056 of file triangle.cpp.
int aroundvertex |
Definition at line 11244 of file triangle.cpp.
int arraysize |
Definition at line 9287 of file triangle.cpp.
int aspectindex |
Definition at line 15454 of file triangle.cpp.
int aspecttable[16] |
Definition at line 15453 of file triangle.cpp.
REAL at_b[4] |
Definition at line 6088 of file triangle.cpp.
INEXACT REAL at_blarge |
Definition at line 6085 of file triangle.cpp.
int at_blen |
Definition at line 6089 of file triangle.cpp.
REAL at_c[4] |
Definition at line 6088 of file triangle.cpp.
INEXACT REAL at_clarge |
Definition at line 6085 of file triangle.cpp.
int at_clen |
Definition at line 6089 of file triangle.cpp.
REAL attrib |
Definition at line 8314 of file triangle.cpp.
REAL attribute |
Definition at line 12955 of file triangle.cpp.
REAL avirt |
Definition at line 5056 of file triangle.cpp.
REAL axbc[8] |
Definition at line 5406 of file triangle.cpp.
axbclen = scale_expansion_zeroelim(4, bc, adx, axbc) |
Definition at line 5407 of file triangle.cpp.
int axis |
Definition at line 9363 of file triangle.cpp.
REAL axtbb[8] |
Definition at line 5431 of file triangle.cpp.
int axtbblen |
Definition at line 5432 of file triangle.cpp.
REAL axtbc[8] |
Definition at line 5437 of file triangle.cpp.
int axtbclen =0 |
Definition at line 5438 of file triangle.cpp.
REAL axtbct[16] |
Definition at line 5439 of file triangle.cpp.
int axtbctlen |
Definition at line 5440 of file triangle.cpp.
REAL axtbctt[8] |
Definition at line 5441 of file triangle.cpp.
int axtbcttlen |
Definition at line 5443 of file triangle.cpp.
REAL axtcc[8] |
Definition at line 5431 of file triangle.cpp.
int axtcclen |
Definition at line 5432 of file triangle.cpp.
REAL axxbc[16] |
Definition at line 5406 of file triangle.cpp.
axxbclen = scale_expansion_zeroelim(axbclen, axbc, adx, axxbc) |
Definition at line 5407 of file triangle.cpp.
REAL aybc[8] |
Definition at line 5406 of file triangle.cpp.
aybclen = scale_expansion_zeroelim(4, bc, ady, aybc) |
Definition at line 5407 of file triangle.cpp.
REAL aytbb[8] |
Definition at line 5431 of file triangle.cpp.
int aytbblen |
Definition at line 5432 of file triangle.cpp.
REAL aytbc[8] |
Definition at line 5437 of file triangle.cpp.
int aytbclen =0 |
Definition at line 5438 of file triangle.cpp.
REAL aytbct[16] |
Definition at line 5439 of file triangle.cpp.
int aytbctlen |
Definition at line 5440 of file triangle.cpp.
REAL aytbctt[8] |
Definition at line 5441 of file triangle.cpp.
int aytbcttlen |
Definition at line 5443 of file triangle.cpp.
REAL aytcc[8] |
Definition at line 5431 of file triangle.cpp.
int aytcclen |
Definition at line 5432 of file triangle.cpp.
REAL ayybc[16] |
Definition at line 5406 of file triangle.cpp.
ayybclen = scale_expansion_zeroelim(aybclen, aybc, ady, ayybc) |
Definition at line 5407 of file triangle.cpp.
struct behavior b |
Definition at line 3369 of file triangle.cpp.
B[3] = B3 |
Definition at line 5245 of file triangle.cpp.
Definition at line 5246 of file triangle.cpp.
int badedge |
Definition at line 9529 of file triangle.cpp.
struct badtriang * badtri |
Definition at line 6990 of file triangle.cpp.
vertex bapex |
Definition at line 13579 of file triangle.cpp.
base1 = tapex |
Definition at line 7305 of file triangle.cpp.
base2 = torg |
Definition at line 7305 of file triangle.cpp.
struct otri baseedge |
Definition at line 9515 of file triangle.cpp.
REAL bb[4] |
Definition at line 5421 of file triangle.cpp.
Definition at line 5422 of file triangle.cpp.
REAL bc = bc3 |
Definition at line 5404 of file triangle.cpp.
Definition at line 5405 of file triangle.cpp.
REAL bclen2 = xbc * xbc + ybc * ybc |
Definition at line 10584 of file triangle.cpp.
REAL bct |
Definition at line 5444 of file triangle.cpp.
int bctlen |
Definition at line 5445 of file triangle.cpp.
REAL bctt[4] |
Definition at line 5446 of file triangle.cpp.
Definition at line 5448 of file triangle.cpp.
int bcttlen |
Definition at line 5447 of file triangle.cpp.
bcx = (REAL) (pb[0] - pc[0]) |
Definition at line 5263 of file triangle.cpp.
REAL bcxtail |
Definition at line 5241 of file triangle.cpp.
bcy = (REAL) (pb[1] - pc[1]) |
Definition at line 5265 of file triangle.cpp.
REAL bcytail |
Definition at line 5241 of file triangle.cpp.
vertex bdest |
Definition at line 13579 of file triangle.cpp.
REAL bdet |
Definition at line 5408 of file triangle.cpp.
bdheight = (REAL) (bheight - dheight) |
Definition at line 6125 of file triangle.cpp.
REAL bdheighttail |
Definition at line 6084 of file triangle.cpp.
bdx = (REAL) (pb[0] - pd[0]) |
Definition at line 5461 of file triangle.cpp.
REAL bdxady = bdx * ady |
Definition at line 5981 of file triangle.cpp.
REAL bdxady0 |
Definition at line 5403 of file triangle.cpp.
INEXACT REAL bdxady1 |
Definition at line 5402 of file triangle.cpp.
REAL bdxbdx0 |
Definition at line 5420 of file triangle.cpp.
INEXACT REAL bdxbdx1 |
Definition at line 5419 of file triangle.cpp.
REAL bdxcdy |
Definition at line 5981 of file triangle.cpp.
REAL bdxcdy0 |
Definition at line 5403 of file triangle.cpp.
INEXACT REAL bdxcdy1 |
Definition at line 5402 of file triangle.cpp.
REAL bdxt_ady0 |
Definition at line 6093 of file triangle.cpp.
INEXACT REAL bdxt_ady1 |
Definition at line 6091 of file triangle.cpp.
REAL bdxt_adyt0 |
Definition at line 6103 of file triangle.cpp.
INEXACT REAL bdxt_adyt1 |
Definition at line 6101 of file triangle.cpp.
REAL bdxt_cdy0 |
Definition at line 6092 of file triangle.cpp.
INEXACT REAL bdxt_cdy1 |
Definition at line 6090 of file triangle.cpp.
REAL bdxt_cdyt0 |
Definition at line 6102 of file triangle.cpp.
INEXACT REAL bdxt_cdyt1 |
Definition at line 6100 of file triangle.cpp.
REAL bdxtail |
Definition at line 5418 of file triangle.cpp.
bdy = (REAL) (pb[1] - pd[1]) |
Definition at line 5464 of file triangle.cpp.
REAL bdybdy0 |
Definition at line 5420 of file triangle.cpp.
INEXACT REAL bdybdy1 |
Definition at line 5419 of file triangle.cpp.
REAL bdyt_adx0 |
Definition at line 6097 of file triangle.cpp.
INEXACT REAL bdyt_adx1 |
Definition at line 6095 of file triangle.cpp.
REAL bdyt_cdx0 |
Definition at line 6096 of file triangle.cpp.
INEXACT REAL bdyt_cdx1 |
Definition at line 6094 of file triangle.cpp.
REAL bdytail |
Definition at line 5418 of file triangle.cpp.
bestnumber = 1 |
Definition at line 8955 of file triangle.cpp.
struct otri besttri |
Definition at line 8950 of file triangle.cpp.
vertex bestvertex |
Definition at line 8954 of file triangle.cpp.
REAL bheight |
Definition at line 6060 of file triangle.cpp.
REAL bhi |
Definition at line 5155 of file triangle.cpp.
biggestangle = 2.0 |
Definition at line 15450 of file triangle.cpp.
biggestarea = 0.0 |
Definition at line 15445 of file triangle.cpp.
int blen = fast_expansion_sum_zeroelim(bxxcalen, bxxca, byycalen, byyca, bdet) |
Definition at line 5409 of file triangle.cpp.
blift = bdx * bdx + bdy * bdy |
Definition at line 5982 of file triangle.cpp.
REAL blo |
Definition at line 5155 of file triangle.cpp.
vertex borg |
Definition at line 13579 of file triangle.cpp.
struct otri botlcasing botrcasing |
Definition at line 8005 of file triangle.cpp.
struct otri botleft botright |
Definition at line 8296 of file triangle.cpp.
struct osub botlsubseg botrsubseg |
Definition at line 8007 of file triangle.cpp.
struct otri bottommost |
Definition at line 10842 of file triangle.cpp.
vertex botvertex |
Definition at line 8009 of file triangle.cpp.
int boundmarker |
Definition at line 11243 of file triangle.cpp.
struct osub brokensubseg |
Definition at line 8305 of file triangle.cpp.
REAL bround |
Definition at line 5056 of file triangle.cpp.
REAL bt_a[4] |
Definition at line 6088 of file triangle.cpp.
INEXACT REAL bt_alarge |
Definition at line 6086 of file triangle.cpp.
int bt_alen |
Definition at line 6089 of file triangle.cpp.
REAL bt_c[4] |
Definition at line 6088 of file triangle.cpp.
INEXACT REAL bt_clarge |
Definition at line 6086 of file triangle.cpp.
int bt_clen |
Definition at line 6089 of file triangle.cpp.
Definition at line 5055 of file triangle.cpp.
REAL bxca[8] |
Definition at line 5408 of file triangle.cpp.
bxcalen = scale_expansion_zeroelim(4, ca, bdx, bxca) |
Definition at line 5409 of file triangle.cpp.
REAL bxtaa[8] |
Definition at line 5433 of file triangle.cpp.
int bxtaalen |
Definition at line 5434 of file triangle.cpp.
REAL bxtca[8] |
Definition at line 5437 of file triangle.cpp.
int bxtcalen =0 |
Definition at line 5438 of file triangle.cpp.
REAL bxtcat[16] |
Definition at line 5439 of file triangle.cpp.
int bxtcatlen |
Definition at line 5440 of file triangle.cpp.
REAL bxtcatt[8] |
Definition at line 5441 of file triangle.cpp.
int bxtcattlen |
Definition at line 5443 of file triangle.cpp.
REAL bxtcc[8] |
Definition at line 5433 of file triangle.cpp.
int bxtcclen |
Definition at line 5434 of file triangle.cpp.
REAL bxxca[16] |
Definition at line 5408 of file triangle.cpp.
bxxcalen = scale_expansion_zeroelim(bxcalen, bxca, bdx, bxxca) |
Definition at line 5409 of file triangle.cpp.
REAL byca[8] |
Definition at line 5408 of file triangle.cpp.
bycalen = scale_expansion_zeroelim(4, ca, bdy, byca) |
Definition at line 5409 of file triangle.cpp.
REAL bytaa[8] |
Definition at line 5433 of file triangle.cpp.
int bytaalen |
Definition at line 5434 of file triangle.cpp.
REAL bytca[8] |
Definition at line 5437 of file triangle.cpp.
int bytcalen =0 |
Definition at line 5438 of file triangle.cpp.
REAL bytcat[16] |
Definition at line 5439 of file triangle.cpp.
int bytcatlen |
Definition at line 5440 of file triangle.cpp.
REAL bytcatt[8] |
Definition at line 5442 of file triangle.cpp.
int bytcattlen |
Definition at line 5443 of file triangle.cpp.
REAL bytcc[8] |
Definition at line 5433 of file triangle.cpp.
int bytcclen |
Definition at line 5434 of file triangle.cpp.
REAL byyca[16] |
Definition at line 5408 of file triangle.cpp.
byycalen = scale_expansion_zeroelim(bycalen, byca, bdy, byyca) |
Definition at line 5409 of file triangle.cpp.
Definition at line 5153 of file triangle.cpp.
REAL C1[8] |
Definition at line 5245 of file triangle.cpp.
C1length = fast_expansion_sum_zeroelim(4, B, 4, u, C1) |
Definition at line 5247 of file triangle.cpp.
REAL C2[12] |
Definition at line 5245 of file triangle.cpp.
C2length = fast_expansion_sum_zeroelim(C1length, C1, 4, u, C2) |
Definition at line 5247 of file triangle.cpp.
REAL ca = ca3 |
Definition at line 5404 of file triangle.cpp.
Definition at line 5405 of file triangle.cpp.
REAL cat |
Definition at line 5444 of file triangle.cpp.
int catlen = fast_expansion_sum_zeroelim(ct_alen, ct_a, at_clen, at_c, cat) |
Definition at line 5445 of file triangle.cpp.
REAL catt[4] |
Definition at line 5446 of file triangle.cpp.
Definition at line 5448 of file triangle.cpp.
int cattlen |
Definition at line 5447 of file triangle.cpp.
REAL cc[4] |
Definition at line 5421 of file triangle.cpp.
Definition at line 5422 of file triangle.cpp.
ccwabc = counterclockwise(m, b, pa, pb, pc) |
Definition at line 10579 of file triangle.cpp.
REAL ccwerrboundA |
Definition at line 728 of file triangle.cpp.
REAL ccwerrboundB |
Definition at line 728 of file triangle.cpp.
REAL ccwerrboundC |
Definition at line 728 of file triangle.cpp.
REAL cdet |
Definition at line 5410 of file triangle.cpp.
cdheight = (REAL) (cheight - dheight) |
Definition at line 6126 of file triangle.cpp.
REAL cdheighttail |
Definition at line 6084 of file triangle.cpp.
cdx = (REAL) (pc[0] - pd[0]) |
Definition at line 5462 of file triangle.cpp.
REAL cdxady = cdx * ady |
Definition at line 5981 of file triangle.cpp.
REAL cdxady0 |
Definition at line 5403 of file triangle.cpp.
INEXACT REAL cdxady1 |
Definition at line 5402 of file triangle.cpp.
REAL cdxbdy = cdx * bdy |
Definition at line 5981 of file triangle.cpp.
REAL cdxbdy0 |
Definition at line 5403 of file triangle.cpp.
INEXACT REAL cdxbdy1 |
Definition at line 5402 of file triangle.cpp.
REAL cdxcdx0 |
Definition at line 5420 of file triangle.cpp.
INEXACT REAL cdxcdx1 |
Definition at line 5419 of file triangle.cpp.
REAL cdxt_ady0 |
Definition at line 6092 of file triangle.cpp.
INEXACT REAL cdxt_ady1 |
Definition at line 6090 of file triangle.cpp.
REAL cdxt_adyt0 |
Definition at line 6102 of file triangle.cpp.
INEXACT REAL cdxt_adyt1 |
Definition at line 6100 of file triangle.cpp.
REAL cdxt_bdy0 |
Definition at line 6092 of file triangle.cpp.
INEXACT REAL cdxt_bdy1 |
Definition at line 6090 of file triangle.cpp.
REAL cdxt_bdyt0 |
Definition at line 6102 of file triangle.cpp.
INEXACT REAL cdxt_bdyt1 |
Definition at line 6100 of file triangle.cpp.
REAL cdxtail |
Definition at line 5418 of file triangle.cpp.
cdy = (REAL) (pc[1] - pd[1]) |
Definition at line 5465 of file triangle.cpp.
REAL cdycdy0 |
Definition at line 5420 of file triangle.cpp.
INEXACT REAL cdycdy1 |
Definition at line 5419 of file triangle.cpp.
REAL cdyt_adx0 |
Definition at line 6096 of file triangle.cpp.
INEXACT REAL cdyt_adx1 |
Definition at line 6094 of file triangle.cpp.
REAL cdyt_bdx0 |
Definition at line 6096 of file triangle.cpp.
INEXACT REAL cdyt_bdx1 |
Definition at line 6094 of file triangle.cpp.
REAL cdytail |
Definition at line 5418 of file triangle.cpp.
int changemade |
Definition at line 9528 of file triangle.cpp.
int check4events |
Definition at line 10894 of file triangle.cpp.
vertex checkapex |
Definition at line 11233 of file triangle.cpp.
vertex checkdest |
Definition at line 11233 of file triangle.cpp.
struct otri checkedge |
Definition at line 7588 of file triangle.cpp.
struct otri checkleft |
Definition at line 11226 of file triangle.cpp.
struct osub checkmark |
Definition at line 13805 of file triangle.cpp.
struct otri checkneighbor |
Definition at line 11227 of file triangle.cpp.
m checkquality = 0 |
Definition at line 6732 of file triangle.cpp.
m checksegments = 0 |
Definition at line 6731 of file triangle.cpp.
struct osub checksubseg |
Definition at line 8306 of file triangle.cpp.
struct otri checktri |
Definition at line 10621 of file triangle.cpp.
vertex checkvertex = (vertex) NULL |
Definition at line 9527 of file triangle.cpp.
REAL cheight |
Definition at line 6061 of file triangle.cpp.
m circletopcount |
Definition at line 10586 of file triangle.cpp.
REAL circumcenter = torg[1] + dy |
Definition at line 6609 of file triangle.cpp.
m circumcentercount |
Definition at line 6621 of file triangle.cpp.
int clen = fast_expansion_sum_zeroelim(cxxablen, cxxab, cyyablen, cyyab, cdet) |
Definition at line 5411 of file triangle.cpp.
clift = cdx * cdx + cdy * cdy |
Definition at line 5982 of file triangle.cpp.
collinear = finddirection(m, b, searchtri, endpoint2) |
Definition at line 11911 of file triangle.cpp.
collision = 0 |
Definition at line 12247 of file triangle.cpp.
b conformdel = 0 |
Definition at line 3396 of file triangle.cpp.
vertex connectvertex |
Definition at line 10890 of file triangle.cpp.
int corner[3] |
Definition at line 11238 of file triangle.cpp.
REAL cossquare |
Definition at line 15441 of file triangle.cpp.
REAL cossquaretable[8] |
Definition at line 15436 of file triangle.cpp.
m counterclockcount |
Definition at line 5334 of file triangle.cpp.
struct osub crosssubseg |
Definition at line 11909 of file triangle.cpp.
REAL ct_a[4] |
Definition at line 6088 of file triangle.cpp.
INEXACT REAL ct_alarge |
Definition at line 6087 of file triangle.cpp.
int ct_alen |
Definition at line 6089 of file triangle.cpp.
REAL ct_b[4] |
Definition at line 6088 of file triangle.cpp.
INEXACT REAL ct_blarge |
Definition at line 6087 of file triangle.cpp.
int ct_blen |
Definition at line 6089 of file triangle.cpp.
current = b->firstnumber |
Definition at line 4671 of file triangle.cpp.
struct osub currentenc |
Definition at line 13330 of file triangle.cpp.
int currentmarker |
Definition at line 13992 of file triangle.cpp.
REAL cxab[8] |
Definition at line 5410 of file triangle.cpp.
cxablen = scale_expansion_zeroelim(4, ab, cdx, cxab) |
Definition at line 5411 of file triangle.cpp.
REAL cxtaa[8] |
Definition at line 5435 of file triangle.cpp.
int cxtaalen |
Definition at line 5436 of file triangle.cpp.
REAL cxtab[8] |
Definition at line 5437 of file triangle.cpp.
int cxtablen =0 |
Definition at line 5438 of file triangle.cpp.
REAL cxtabt[16] |
Definition at line 5439 of file triangle.cpp.
int cxtabtlen |
Definition at line 5440 of file triangle.cpp.
REAL cxtabtt[8] |
Definition at line 5442 of file triangle.cpp.
int cxtabttlen |
Definition at line 5443 of file triangle.cpp.
REAL cxtbb[8] |
Definition at line 5435 of file triangle.cpp.
int cxtbblen |
Definition at line 5436 of file triangle.cpp.
REAL cxxab[16] |
Definition at line 5410 of file triangle.cpp.
cxxablen = scale_expansion_zeroelim(cxablen, cxab, cdx, cxxab) |
Definition at line 5411 of file triangle.cpp.
REAL cyab[8] |
Definition at line 5410 of file triangle.cpp.
cyablen = scale_expansion_zeroelim(4, ab, cdy, cyab) |
Definition at line 5411 of file triangle.cpp.
REAL cytaa[8] |
Definition at line 5435 of file triangle.cpp.
int cytaalen |
Definition at line 5436 of file triangle.cpp.
REAL cytab[8] |
Definition at line 5437 of file triangle.cpp.
int cytablen =0 |
Definition at line 5438 of file triangle.cpp.
REAL cytabt[16] |
Definition at line 5439 of file triangle.cpp.
int cytabtlen |
Definition at line 5440 of file triangle.cpp.
REAL cytabtt[8] |
Definition at line 5442 of file triangle.cpp.
int cytabttlen |
Definition at line 5443 of file triangle.cpp.
REAL cytbb[8] |
Definition at line 5435 of file triangle.cpp.
int cytbblen |
Definition at line 5436 of file triangle.cpp.
REAL cyyab[16] |
Definition at line 5410 of file triangle.cpp.
cyyablen = scale_expansion_zeroelim(cyablen, cyab, cdy, cyyab) |
Definition at line 5411 of file triangle.cpp.
REAL D[16] |
Definition at line 5245 of file triangle.cpp.
dadist |
Definition at line 6617 of file triangle.cpp.
dalen = dxda * dxda + dyda * dyda |
Definition at line 1457 of file triangle.cpp.
vertex deadapex |
Definition at line 12754 of file triangle.cpp.
vertex deaddest |
Definition at line 12754 of file triangle.cpp.
m vertices deaditemstack = (VOID *) NULL |
Definition at line 13820 of file triangle.cpp.
vertex deadorg |
Definition at line 12754 of file triangle.cpp.
triangle ** deadtriangle |
Definition at line 10001 of file triangle.cpp.
degconst = 180.0 / PI |
Definition at line 15451 of file triangle.cpp.
setorg * deltri |
Definition at line 9038 of file triangle.cpp.
struct otri deltriright |
Definition at line 9044 of file triangle.cpp.
vertex delvertex |
Definition at line 9048 of file triangle.cpp.
denom = ty * ex - tx * ey |
Definition at line 11792 of file triangle.cpp.
REAL denominator |
Definition at line 6618 of file triangle.cpp.
vertex dest1 |
Definition at line 7306 of file triangle.cpp.
vertex dest2 |
Definition at line 7306 of file triangle.cpp.
destlen = dxao2 + dyao2 |
Definition at line 7310 of file triangle.cpp.
REAL destorient |
Definition at line 7590 of file triangle.cpp.
REAL det = estimate(4, B) |
Definition at line 5244 of file triangle.cpp.
detleft = (pa[0] - pc[0]) * (pb[1] - pc[1]) |
Definition at line 5242 of file triangle.cpp.
REAL detlefttail |
Definition at line 5243 of file triangle.cpp.
detright = (pa[1] - pc[1]) * (pb[0] - pc[0]) |
Definition at line 5242 of file triangle.cpp.
REAL detrighttail |
Definition at line 5243 of file triangle.cpp.
REAL detsum |
Definition at line 5236 of file triangle.cpp.
REAL dheight |
Definition at line 6062 of file triangle.cpp.
struct otri nextedge finaledge dissolveedge |
Definition at line 10000 of file triangle.cpp.
REAL dist |
Definition at line 7734 of file triangle.cpp.
REAL dist1 |
Definition at line 7313 of file triangle.cpp.
REAL dist2 |
Definition at line 7313 of file triangle.cpp.
int divider = arraysize >> 1 |
Definition at line 9446 of file triangle.cpp.
REAL divisor |
Definition at line 13337 of file triangle.cpp.
Dlength = fast_expansion_sum_zeroelim(C2length, C2, 4, u, D) |
Definition at line 5247 of file triangle.cpp.
do |
Definition at line 4490 of file triangle.cpp.
b docheck = 0 |
Definition at line 3394 of file triangle.cpp.
dodist |
Definition at line 6617 of file triangle.cpp.
int doflip |
Definition at line 8318 of file triangle.cpp.
done = 0 |
Definition at line 12248 of file triangle.cpp.
REAL dotproduct |
Definition at line 7193 of file triangle.cpp.
*int *m dummytri |
Definition at line 4246 of file triangle.cpp.
m dummytribase |
Definition at line 4284 of file triangle.cpp.
b dwyer = 1 |
Definition at line 3392 of file triangle.cpp.
REAL dx = (yao * dodist - ydo * aodist) * denominator |
Definition at line 6619 of file triangle.cpp.
REAL dxa |
Definition at line 10543 of file triangle.cpp.
dxao = tapex[0] - torg[0] |
Definition at line 7308 of file triangle.cpp.
dxao2 = dxao * dxao |
Definition at line 7309 of file triangle.cpp.
dxb = rightvertex[0] - newsite[0] |
Definition at line 10543 of file triangle.cpp.
REAL dxda = tridest[0] - triapex[0] |
Definition at line 1462 of file triangle.cpp.
dxda2 = dxda * dxda |
Definition at line 7309 of file triangle.cpp.
dxoa = triorg[0] - triapex[0] |
Definition at line 1460 of file triangle.cpp.
REAL dxod = triorg[0] - tridest[0] |
Definition at line 1464 of file triangle.cpp.
dxod2 = dxod * dxod |
Definition at line 7309 of file triangle.cpp.
REAL dxoff |
Definition at line 6619 of file triangle.cpp.
REAL dy = (xdo * aodist - xao * dodist) * denominator |
Definition at line 6619 of file triangle.cpp.
return dya *dxb *dxb dyb *dyb dyb *dxa *dxa dya * dya = leftvertex[1] - newsite[1] |
Definition at line 10543 of file triangle.cpp.
dyao = tapex[1] - torg[1] |
Definition at line 7308 of file triangle.cpp.
dyao2 = dyao * dyao |
Definition at line 7309 of file triangle.cpp.
dyb = rightvertex[1] - newsite[1] |
Definition at line 10543 of file triangle.cpp.
REAL dyda = tridest[1] - triapex[1] |
Definition at line 1456 of file triangle.cpp.
dyda2 = dyda * dyda |
Definition at line 7309 of file triangle.cpp.
struct badsubseg* dyingseg |
Definition at line 4605 of file triangle.cpp.
subseg* dyingsubseg |
Definition at line 4510 of file triangle.cpp.
triangle* dyingtriangle |
Definition at line 4464 of file triangle.cpp.
vertex dyingvertex |
Definition at line 4556 of file triangle.cpp.
dyoa |
Definition at line 1456 of file triangle.cpp.
REAL dyod = triorg[1] - tridest[1] |
Definition at line 1456 of file triangle.cpp.
dyod2 = dyod * dyod |
Definition at line 7309 of file triangle.cpp.
REAL dyoff |
Definition at line 6619 of file triangle.cpp.
REAL * e |
Definition at line 5045 of file triangle.cpp.
vertex eapex |
Definition at line 7196 of file triangle.cpp.
vertex edest |
Definition at line 7196 of file triangle.cpp.
int edgecount = 1 |
Definition at line 8943 of file triangle.cpp.
char* edgefilename |
Definition at line 14885 of file triangle.cpp.
REAL edgelength[3] |
Definition at line 15439 of file triangle.cpp.
edgenumber = b->firstnumber |
Definition at line 14903 of file triangle.cpp.
m edges = (3l * m.triangles.items + m.hullsize) / 2l |
Definition at line 15932 of file triangle.cpp.
b edgesout = b->voronoi = b->neighbors = b->geomview = 0 |
Definition at line 3387 of file triangle.cpp.
m eextras = 0 |
Definition at line 11107 of file triangle.cpp.
int eindex = findex = 0 |
Definition at line 5057 of file triangle.cpp.
elefile = fopen(elefilename, "r") |
Definition at line 11264 of file triangle.cpp.
char * elefilename |
Definition at line 11204 of file triangle.cpp.
m elemattribindex = (trisize + sizeof(REAL) - 1) / sizeof(REAL) |
Definition at line 4413 of file triangle.cpp.
long elementnumber = b->firstnumber |
Definition at line 11247 of file triangle.cpp.
else |
Definition at line 1476 of file triangle.cpp.
struct badsubseg* encloop |
Definition at line 13331 of file triangle.cpp.
encodedtri |
Definition at line 12345 of file triangle.cpp.
struct badsubseg * encroached = 0 |
Definition at line 7194 of file triangle.cpp.
struct badsubseg* encroachedseg |
Definition at line 7192 of file triangle.cpp.
int end[2] |
Definition at line 11239 of file triangle.cpp.
int end1 |
Definition at line 12526 of file triangle.cpp.
int end2 |
Definition at line 12526 of file triangle.cpp.
vertex endpoint1 |
Definition at line 11783 of file triangle.cpp.
vertex endpoint2 |
Definition at line 11778 of file triangle.cpp.
REAL enow = e[0] |
Definition at line 5058 of file triangle.cpp.
int enq |
Definition at line 8320 of file triangle.cpp.
vertex enqapex |
Definition at line 7098 of file triangle.cpp.
vertex enqdest |
Definition at line 7100 of file triangle.cpp.
vertex enqorg |
Definition at line 7099 of file triangle.cpp.
struct otri* enqtri |
Definition at line 7096 of file triangle.cpp.
vertex eorg |
Definition at line 7196 of file triangle.cpp.
REAL epsilon |
Definition at line 726 of file triangle.cpp.
REAL err1 |
Definition at line 5156 of file triangle.cpp.
REAL err2 |
Definition at line 5156 of file triangle.cpp.
REAL err3 |
Definition at line 5156 of file triangle.cpp.
REAL errbound = ccwerrboundB * detsum |
Definition at line 5244 of file triangle.cpp.
int errorflag |
Definition at line 13583 of file triangle.cpp.
REAL eta = (xdo * dy - ydo * dx) * (2.0 * denominator) |
Definition at line 6611 of file triangle.cpp.
etx = torg[0] - endpoint2[0] |
Definition at line 11791 of file triangle.cpp.
ety = torg[1] - endpoint2[1] |
Definition at line 11791 of file triangle.cpp.
eventheap |
Definition at line 10499 of file triangle.cpp.
int eventnum |
Definition at line 10364 of file triangle.cpp.
eventheap [0] eventptr = (VOID *) freeevents |
Definition at line 10920 of file triangle.cpp.
Definition at line 10500 of file triangle.cpp.
vertex eventvertex |
Definition at line 10618 of file triangle.cpp.
REAL eventx = newevent->xkey |
Definition at line 10368 of file triangle.cpp.
REAL eventy = newevent->ykey |
Definition at line 10369 of file triangle.cpp.
ex = endpoint2[0] - endpoint1[0] |
Definition at line 11789 of file triangle.cpp.
int expincrement |
Definition at line 6995 of file triangle.cpp.
exponent |
Definition at line 6995 of file triangle.cpp.
ey = endpoint2[1] - endpoint1[1] |
Definition at line 11789 of file triangle.cpp.
REAL* f |
Definition at line 5047 of file triangle.cpp.
vertex fapex |
Definition at line 7589 of file triangle.cpp.
struct osub faredge |
Definition at line 12123 of file triangle.cpp.
struct otri * farleft |
Definition at line 9506 of file triangle.cpp.
vertex farleftapex |
Definition at line 9523 of file triangle.cpp.
vertex farleftpt |
Definition at line 9522 of file triangle.cpp.
* farright = farrightflag |
Definition at line 9509 of file triangle.cpp.
vertex farrightapex |
Definition at line 9523 of file triangle.cpp.
int farrightflag = 0 |
Definition at line 10855 of file triangle.cpp.
vertex farrightpt |
Definition at line 9522 of file triangle.cpp.
struct otri lefttri righttri farlefttri farrighttri |
Definition at line 10886 of file triangle.cpp.
struct otri fartri |
Definition at line 12122 of file triangle.cpp.
vertex farvertex |
Definition at line 8010 of file triangle.cpp.
vertex fdest |
Definition at line 7589 of file triangle.cpp.
REAL fin1 |
Definition at line 5414 of file triangle.cpp.
REAL fin2 |
Definition at line 5414 of file triangle.cpp.
int findex |
Definition at line 5057 of file triangle.cpp.
int finlength = fast_expansion_sum_zeroelim(ablen, abdet, clen, cdet, fin1) |
Definition at line 5416 of file triangle.cpp.
return finnow = fin1 |
Definition at line 5415 of file triangle.cpp.
REAL * finother = fin2 |
Definition at line 5415 of file triangle.cpp.
REAL * finswap = finnow |
Definition at line 5415 of file triangle.cpp.
vertex first |
Definition at line 8311 of file triangle.cpp.
onext * firstedge |
Definition at line 8941 of file triangle.cpp.
int firstnode |
Definition at line 13990 of file triangle.cpp.
b firstnumber = 1 |
Definition at line 3386 of file triangle.cpp.
char* firsttri |
Definition at line 7730 of file triangle.cpp.
firstvertex = (vertex) eventheap[0]->eventptr |
Definition at line 10888 of file triangle.cpp.
lprevself * fixuptri |
Definition at line 12116 of file triangle.cpp.
int flen |
Definition at line 5046 of file triangle.cpp.
setapex * flipedge |
Definition at line 7998 of file triangle.cpp.
struct otri fliptri |
Definition at line 10885 of file triangle.cpp.
fnow = f[0] |
Definition at line 5058 of file triangle.cpp.
vertex forg |
Definition at line 7589 of file triangle.cpp.
foundvertex |
Definition at line 4669 of file triangle.cpp.
Definition at line 10501 of file triangle.cpp.
apex * fronttri |
Definition at line 10537 of file triangle.cpp.
getblock = m->vertices.firstblock |
Definition at line 4673 of file triangle.cpp.
struct otri gluetri |
Definition at line 9147 of file triangle.cpp.
b goodangle = cos(b->minangle * PI / 180.0) |
Definition at line 3603 of file triangle.cpp.
REAL * h |
Definition at line 5048 of file triangle.cpp.
vertex hdest |
Definition at line 12670 of file triangle.cpp.
heap[eventnum] = newevent |
Definition at line 10386 of file triangle.cpp.
moveevent heapposition = eventnum |
Definition at line 10387 of file triangle.cpp.
int heapsize = m->invertices |
Definition at line 10358 of file triangle.cpp.
REAL hh |
Definition at line 5054 of file triangle.cpp.
m highorderindex = 6 + (b->usesegments * 3) |
Definition at line 4407 of file triangle.cpp.
return hindex = 0 |
Definition at line 5057 of file triangle.cpp.
* hlist = holelist |
Definition at line 14263 of file triangle.cpp.
REAL* holearray |
Definition at line 15778 of file triangle.cpp.
REAL * holelist |
Definition at line 13068 of file triangle.cpp.
long holenumber |
Definition at line 14759 of file triangle.cpp.
int holes = (int) strtol(stringptr, &stringptr, 0) |
Definition at line 13069 of file triangle.cpp.
triangle** holetri |
Definition at line 13078 of file triangle.cpp.
vertex horg |
Definition at line 12670 of file triangle.cpp.
int horrors = 0 |
Definition at line 6787 of file triangle.cpp.
struct otri hullleft hullright |
Definition at line 10062 of file triangle.cpp.
return hullsize = 0 |
Definition at line 10003 of file triangle.cpp.
struct osub hullsubseg |
Definition at line 12668 of file triangle.cpp.
m hyperbolacount = m->circletopcount = m->circumcentercount = 0 |
Definition at line 6734 of file triangle.cpp.
int i = 0 |
Definition at line 3380 of file triangle.cpp.
REAL iccerrboundA |
Definition at line 729 of file triangle.cpp.
REAL iccerrboundB |
Definition at line 729 of file triangle.cpp.
REAL iccerrboundC |
Definition at line 729 of file triangle.cpp.
int ii |
Definition at line 15457 of file triangle.cpp.
m incirclecount = m->counterclockcount = m->orient3dcount = 0 |
Definition at line 5986 of file triangle.cpp.
int incorners |
Definition at line 11241 of file triangle.cpp.
increment = 0 |
Definition at line 3645 of file triangle.cpp.
b incremental = b->sweepline = 0 |
Definition at line 3391 of file triangle.cpp.
int index |
Definition at line 14274 of file triangle.cpp.
m inelements = (int) strtol(stringptr, &stringptr, 0) |
Definition at line 11272 of file triangle.cpp.
FILE* infile |
Definition at line 13891 of file triangle.cpp.
char * infilename = nodefilename |
Definition at line 13892 of file triangle.cpp.
m infvertex1 = (vertex) trimalloc(m->vertices.itembytes) |
Definition at line 10163 of file triangle.cpp.
m infvertex2 = (vertex) trimalloc(m->vertices.itembytes) |
Definition at line 10164 of file triangle.cpp.
m infvertex3 = (vertex) trimalloc(m->vertices.itembytes) |
Definition at line 10165 of file triangle.cpp.
sym * innerleft |
Definition at line 9507 of file triangle.cpp.
vertex innerleftapex |
Definition at line 9521 of file triangle.cpp.
vertex innerleftdest |
Definition at line 9519 of file triangle.cpp.
struct otri innerleft innerright |
Definition at line 9508 of file triangle.cpp.
vertex innerrightapex |
Definition at line 9521 of file triangle.cpp.
vertex innerrightorg |
Definition at line 9520 of file triangle.cpp.
b innodefilename[0] = '\0' |
Definition at line 3403 of file triangle.cpp.
char inputline |
Definition at line 11219 of file triangle.cpp.
struct otri inserttri |
Definition at line 10887 of file triangle.cpp.
enum locateresult intersect = ONEDGE |
Definition at line 8317 of file triangle.cpp.
int j = 1 |
Definition at line 3380 of file triangle.cpp.
vertex joinvertex |
Definition at line 7307 of file triangle.cpp.
int k |
Definition at line 3380 of file triangle.cpp.
newbad key = minedge |
Definition at line 7109 of file triangle.cpp.
int killorg |
Definition at line 12755 of file triangle.cpp.
vertex killvertex |
Definition at line 11235 of file triangle.cpp.
int killvertexindex |
Definition at line 11240 of file triangle.cpp.
struct otri firstedge lastedge |
Definition at line 8942 of file triangle.cpp.
lastvertex = secondvertex |
Definition at line 10889 of file triangle.cpp.
splayroot lchild = (struct splaynode *) NULL |
Definition at line 10783 of file triangle.cpp.
left = -1 |
Definition at line 9312 of file triangle.cpp.
vertex leftbasevertex |
Definition at line 8952 of file triangle.cpp.
leftccw = counterclockwise(m, b, searchpoint, startvertex, leftvertex) |
Definition at line 11689 of file triangle.cpp.
leftchild = 2 * eventnum + 1 |
Definition at line 10406 of file triangle.cpp.
int leftfinished |
Definition at line 9530 of file triangle.cpp.
leftflag = leftccw > 0.0 |
Definition at line 11690 of file triangle.cpp.
struct splaynode* leftright |
Definition at line 10651 of file triangle.cpp.
int leftside |
Definition at line 12117 of file triangle.cpp.
REAL lefttest |
Definition at line 10892 of file triangle.cpp.
return lefttree |
Definition at line 10650 of file triangle.cpp.
vertex leftvertex |
Definition at line 8009 of file triangle.cpp.
longest = 0.0 |
Definition at line 15443 of file triangle.cpp.
lowerleft = innerleftdest |
Definition at line 9524 of file triangle.cpp.
lowerright = innerrightorg |
Definition at line 9524 of file triangle.cpp.
triangledeinit & m |
Definition at line 4714 of file triangle.cpp.
vertex markorg |
Definition at line 10002 of file triangle.cpp.
b maxarea = -1.0 |
Definition at line 3400 of file triangle.cpp.
maxevents |
Definition at line 10506 of file triangle.cpp.
maxlen = (dalen > oalen) ? dalen : oalen |
Definition at line 1458 of file triangle.cpp.
int median |
Definition at line 9362 of file triangle.cpp.
memptr = (VOID *) malloc((unsigned int) size) |
Definition at line 1512 of file triangle.cpp.
meshnumber |
Definition at line 3378 of file triangle.cpp.
vertex mid1 |
Definition at line 14616 of file triangle.cpp.
vertex mid2 |
Definition at line 14616 of file triangle.cpp.
vertex mid3 |
Definition at line 14616 of file triangle.cpp.
vertex midvertex |
Definition at line 10891 of file triangle.cpp.
vertex midvertex1 |
Definition at line 11995 of file triangle.cpp.
vertex midvertex2 |
Definition at line 11995 of file triangle.cpp.
minaltitude = m->xmax - m->xmin + m->ymax - m->ymin |
Definition at line 15447 of file triangle.cpp.
b minangle = 0.0 |
Definition at line 3399 of file triangle.cpp.
REAL minedge |
Definition at line 7097 of file triangle.cpp.
int minus1mod3[3] = {2, 0, 1} |
Definition at line 1012 of file triangle.cpp.
int mirrorflag |
Definition at line 8319 of file triangle.cpp.
moveevent = heap[heapsize - 1] |
Definition at line 10465 of file triangle.cpp.
int moveleft |
Definition at line 7591 of file triangle.cpp.
REAL multiplier |
Definition at line 13337 of file triangle.cpp.
vertex ndest |
Definition at line 12753 of file triangle.cpp.
REAL nearestpoweroftwo |
Definition at line 13335 of file triangle.cpp.
vertex nearvertex |
Definition at line 12124 of file triangle.cpp.
REAL negate |
Definition at line 5449 of file triangle.cpp.
struct otri neighbor |
Definition at line 12748 of file triangle.cpp.
int neighbor1 |
Definition at line 15266 of file triangle.cpp.
int neighbor2 |
Definition at line 15266 of file triangle.cpp.
int neighbor3 |
Definition at line 15266 of file triangle.cpp.
char* neighborfilename |
Definition at line 15250 of file triangle.cpp.
struct osub neighborsubseg |
Definition at line 12751 of file triangle.cpp.
newbad = (struct badtriang *) poolalloc(&m->badtriangles) |
Definition at line 7107 of file triangle.cpp.
struct otri newbotleft newbotright |
Definition at line 8298 of file triangle.cpp.
struct event * newevent |
Definition at line 10359 of file triangle.cpp.
struct flipstacker* newflip |
Definition at line 8310 of file triangle.cpp.
struct otri * newkey |
Definition at line 10763 of file triangle.cpp.
int newmark |
Definition at line 11904 of file triangle.cpp.
vertex neworg |
Definition at line 9049 of file triangle.cpp.
struct otri* newotri |
Definition at line 4746 of file triangle.cpp.
return newseg |
Definition at line 4641 of file triangle.cpp.
vertex newsite |
Definition at line 10538 of file triangle.cpp.
return newsplaynode = (struct splaynode *) poolalloc(&m->splaynodes) |
Definition at line 10770 of file triangle.cpp.
struct osub newsubseg |
Definition at line 4542 of file triangle.cpp.
struct otri newtopright |
Definition at line 8299 of file triangle.cpp.
return newtriangle |
Definition at line 4496 of file triangle.cpp.
vertex newvertex = (vertex) poolalloc(&m->vertices) |
Definition at line 4588 of file triangle.cpp.
vertex nextapex |
Definition at line 9526 of file triangle.cpp.
struct otri nextedge |
Definition at line 9516 of file triangle.cpp.
struct event* nextevent |
Definition at line 10880 of file triangle.cpp.
struct otri nexttri |
Definition at line 11231 of file triangle.cpp.
badtri nexttriang = (struct badtriang *) NULL |
Definition at line 7073 of file triangle.cpp.
vertex nextvertex |
Definition at line 10889 of file triangle.cpp.
b nobisect = 0 |
Definition at line 3395 of file triangle.cpp.
b nobound = b->nopolywritten = b->nonodewritten = b->noelewritten = 0 |
Definition at line 3388 of file triangle.cpp.
char * nodefilename |
Definition at line 13978 of file triangle.cpp.
int nodemarkers |
Definition at line 13991 of file triangle.cpp.
b noexact = 0 |
Definition at line 6793 of file triangle.cpp.
b noholes = b->noexact = 0 |
Definition at line 3390 of file triangle.cpp.
b noiterationnum = 0 |
Definition at line 3389 of file triangle.cpp.
vertex norg |
Definition at line 12753 of file triangle.cpp.
int notdone = eventnum > 0 |
Definition at line 10366 of file triangle.cpp.
int notfound |
Definition at line 11246 of file triangle.cpp.
int number |
Definition at line 4664 of file triangle.cpp.
REAL o3derrboundA |
Definition at line 730 of file triangle.cpp.
REAL o3derrboundB |
Definition at line 730 of file triangle.cpp.
REAL o3derrboundC |
Definition at line 730 of file triangle.cpp.
oalen = dxoa * dxoa + dyoa * dyoa |
Definition at line 1457 of file triangle.cpp.
odlen = dxod * dxod + dyod * dyod |
Definition at line 1457 of file triangle.cpp.
int offcenter |
Definition at line 6612 of file triangle.cpp.
char* offfilename |
Definition at line 15354 of file triangle.cpp.
vertex oppoapex |
Definition at line 6886 of file triangle.cpp.
vertex oppodest |
Definition at line 6786 of file triangle.cpp.
struct otri oppotri oppooppotri |
Definition at line 6784 of file triangle.cpp.
vertex oppoorg |
Definition at line 6786 of file triangle.cpp.
struct osub opposubseg |
Definition at line 6884 of file triangle.cpp.
struct otri oppotri |
Definition at line 6883 of file triangle.cpp.
b order = 1 |
Definition at line 3398 of file triangle.cpp.
vertex org1 |
Definition at line 7306 of file triangle.cpp.
vertex org2 |
Definition at line 7306 of file triangle.cpp.
orglen = dxda2 + dyda2 |
Definition at line 7310 of file triangle.cpp.
REAL orgorient |
Definition at line 7590 of file triangle.cpp.
triangleloop orient = 0 |
Definition at line 4775 of file triangle.cpp.
m orient3dcount |
Definition at line 6497 of file triangle.cpp.
struct otri sidecasing topcasing outercasing |
Definition at line 9517 of file triangle.cpp.
outfile = fopen(nodefilename, "w") |
Definition at line 14481 of file triangle.cpp.
long outvertices |
Definition at line 14445 of file triangle.cpp.
vertex p[3] |
Definition at line 15435 of file triangle.cpp.
vertex p1 |
Definition at line 14615 of file triangle.cpp.
vertex p2 |
Definition at line 14615 of file triangle.cpp.
vertex p3 |
Definition at line 14615 of file triangle.cpp.
vertex pa |
Definition at line 5325 of file triangle.cpp.
int parent |
Definition at line 10365 of file triangle.cpp.
vertex pb |
Definition at line 5234 of file triangle.cpp.
vertex pc |
Definition at line 5235 of file triangle.cpp.
vertex pd |
Definition at line 5394 of file triangle.cpp.
REAL permanent |
Definition at line 5395 of file triangle.cpp.
int pivot |
Definition at line 9292 of file triangle.cpp.
pivot1 = sortarray[pivot][axis] |
Definition at line 9369 of file triangle.cpp.
pivot2 = sortarray[pivot][1 - axis] |
Definition at line 9369 of file triangle.cpp.
pivotx = sortarray[pivot][0] |
Definition at line 9293 of file triangle.cpp.
pivoty = sortarray[pivot][1] |
Definition at line 9293 of file triangle.cpp.
int plus1mod3[3] = {1, 2, 0} |
Definition at line 1011 of file triangle.cpp.
b poly = b->refine = b->quality = 0 |
Definition at line 3383 of file triangle.cpp.
FILE * polyfile = (FILE *) NULL |
Definition at line 11207 of file triangle.cpp.
char * polyfilename |
Definition at line 11206 of file triangle.cpp.
newbad poortri = encode(*enqtri) |
Definition at line 7108 of file triangle.cpp.
population = m->triangles.itemsfirstblock |
Definition at line 7737 of file triangle.cpp.
posexponent = 0 |
Definition at line 6997 of file triangle.cpp.
triangle* prevlink |
Definition at line 11230 of file triangle.cpp.
struct osub printsh |
Definition at line 3756 of file triangle.cpp.
vertex printvertex |
Definition at line 3757 of file triangle.cpp.
REAL product0 |
Definition at line 5148 of file triangle.cpp.
INEXACT REAL product1 |
Definition at line 5147 of file triangle.cpp.
triangle ptr |
Definition at line 6789 of file triangle.cpp.
return Q = e[0] |
Definition at line 5202 of file triangle.cpp.
Definition at line 5053 of file triangle.cpp.
m queuefront[m->firstnonemptyq] = result->nexttriang |
Definition at line 7143 of file triangle.cpp.
int queuenumber |
Definition at line 6996 of file triangle.cpp.
m queuetail[queuenumber] = badtri |
Definition at line 7071 of file triangle.cpp.
b quiet = b->verbose = 0 |
Definition at line 3401 of file triangle.cpp.
radconst = PI / 18.0 |
Definition at line 15451 of file triangle.cpp.
randomseed = 1 |
Definition at line 734 of file triangle.cpp.
ratiotable[15] = 1.5 |
Definition at line 15437 of file triangle.cpp.
newsplaynode rchild = righttree |
Definition at line 10746 of file triangle.cpp.
vertex regionapex |
Definition at line 12965 of file triangle.cpp.
REAL* regionarray |
Definition at line 15779 of file triangle.cpp.
b regionattrib = b->convex = b->weighted = b->jettison = 0 |
Definition at line 3385 of file triangle.cpp.
vertex regiondest |
Definition at line 12965 of file triangle.cpp.
REAL * regionlist |
Definition at line 13070 of file triangle.cpp.
long regionnumber |
Definition at line 14759 of file triangle.cpp.
vertex regionorg |
Definition at line 12965 of file triangle.cpp.
m regions = 0 |
Definition at line 13071 of file triangle.cpp.
triangle ** regiontri |
Definition at line 12963 of file triangle.cpp.
struct otri* regiontris |
Definition at line 13077 of file triangle.cpp.
return result = m->queuefront[m->firstnonemptyq] |
Definition at line 7141 of file triangle.cpp.
REAL resulterrbound |
Definition at line 727 of file triangle.cpp.
return |
Definition at line 16088 of file triangle.cpp.
right = arraysize |
Definition at line 9313 of file triangle.cpp.
vertex rightbasevertex |
Definition at line 8952 of file triangle.cpp.
struct otri leftcasing rightcasing |
Definition at line 9046 of file triangle.cpp.
rightccw = counterclockwise(m, b, startvertex, searchpoint, rightvertex) |
Definition at line 11689 of file triangle.cpp.
int rightchild |
Definition at line 10406 of file triangle.cpp.
int rightfinished |
Definition at line 9530 of file triangle.cpp.
rightflag = rightccw > 0.0 |
Definition at line 11690 of file triangle.cpp.
int rightofchild |
Definition at line 10653 of file triangle.cpp.
int rightofroot |
Definition at line 10653 of file triangle.cpp.
struct osub leftsubseg rightsubseg |
Definition at line 8307 of file triangle.cpp.
REAL righttest |
Definition at line 10892 of file triangle.cpp.
righttree = splay(m, splaytree->rchild, searchpoint, searchtri) |
Definition at line 10650 of file triangle.cpp.
struct otri lefttri righttri |
Definition at line 9045 of file triangle.cpp.
vertex rightvertex = first |
Definition at line 8009 of file triangle.cpp.
* rlist = (REAL *) NULL |
Definition at line 14265 of file triangle.cpp.
REAL s0 |
Definition at line 5251 of file triangle.cpp.
Definition at line 5250 of file triangle.cpp.
sampleblock = m->triangles.firstblock |
Definition at line 7797 of file triangle.cpp.
m samples = 1 |
Definition at line 6730 of file triangle.cpp.
samplesleft |
Definition at line 7736 of file triangle.cpp.
samplesperblock = (m->samples * TRIPERBLOCK - 1) / m->triangles.maxitems + 1 |
Definition at line 7736 of file triangle.cpp.
struct otri sampletri |
Definition at line 7731 of file triangle.cpp.
int saveexact = b->noexact |
Definition at line 6788 of file triangle.cpp.
vertex searchdest |
Definition at line 13080 of file triangle.cpp.
searchdist |
Definition at line 7734 of file triangle.cpp.
struct otri searchedge |
Definition at line 10215 of file triangle.cpp.
vertex searchorg |
Definition at line 13080 of file triangle.cpp.
vertex searchpoint = pc[0] - (yac * bclen2 - ybc * aclen2) / (2.0 * ccwabc) |
Definition at line 7581 of file triangle.cpp.
apex * searchtri |
Definition at line 7582 of file triangle.cpp.
vertex searchvertex |
Definition at line 10843 of file triangle.cpp.
vertex secondvertex |
Definition at line 10888 of file triangle.cpp.
vertex segmentdest |
Definition at line 8313 of file triangle.cpp.
int segmentflaws |
Definition at line 8289 of file triangle.cpp.
REAL segmentlength |
Definition at line 13335 of file triangle.cpp.
int segmentmarkers = 0 |
Definition at line 11242 of file triangle.cpp.
long segmentnumber |
Definition at line 11247 of file triangle.cpp.
vertex segmentorg |
Definition at line 8313 of file triangle.cpp.
vertex shorg |
Definition at line 11234 of file triangle.cpp.
shortest = minaltitude |
Definition at line 15443 of file triangle.cpp.
int shouldbedelaunay |
Definition at line 6887 of file triangle.cpp.
sides = 0 |
Definition at line 7195 of file triangle.cpp.
int smallest |
Definition at line 10407 of file triangle.cpp.
smallestangle = 0.0 |
Definition at line 15450 of file triangle.cpp.
smallestarea = minaltitude |
Definition at line 15445 of file triangle.cpp.
sortarray = (vertex *) trimalloc(m->invertices * (int) sizeof(vertex)) |
Definition at line 9833 of file triangle.cpp.
struct splaynode * splayroot = splay(m, splayroot, searchvertex, searchtri) |
Definition at line 10762 of file triangle.cpp.
struct splaynode* splaytree |
Definition at line 10643 of file triangle.cpp.
REAL split = (ey * etx - ex * ety) / denom |
Definition at line 11792 of file triangle.cpp.
struct osub * splitseg = 0 |
Definition at line 3393 of file triangle.cpp.
snextself * splitsubseg |
Definition at line 11777 of file triangle.cpp.
REAL splitter |
Definition at line 725 of file triangle.cpp.
apex * splittri |
Definition at line 11776 of file triangle.cpp.
subseg sptr |
Definition at line 6891 of file triangle.cpp.
subsegloop ss = (subseg) m->dummysub |
Definition at line 4796 of file triangle.cpp.
subsegloop ssorient = 0 |
Definition at line 4809 of file triangle.cpp.
otricopy * startghost |
Definition at line 9995 of file triangle.cpp.
struct otri starttri |
Definition at line 12236 of file triangle.cpp.
vertex startvertex |
Definition at line 11687 of file triangle.cpp.
b steiner = -1 |
Definition at line 3397 of file triangle.cpp.
m steinerleft = b.steiner |
Definition at line 15800 of file triangle.cpp.
int stopatsubsegment |
Definition at line 7583 of file triangle.cpp.
char * stringptr = readline(inputline, elefile, elefilename) |
Definition at line 11220 of file triangle.cpp.
int subsegbytes |
Definition at line 4277 of file triangle.cpp.
struct osub subsegloop |
Definition at line 11228 of file triangle.cpp.
int subsegmark |
Definition at line 7896 of file triangle.cpp.
subsegnumber = b->firstnumber |
Definition at line 14763 of file triangle.cpp.
enum insertvertexresult success = SUCCESSFULVERTEX |
Definition at line 8316 of file triangle.cpp.
org * t |
Definition at line 3751 of file triangle.cpp.
REAL t0 |
Definition at line 5251 of file triangle.cpp.
Definition at line 5250 of file triangle.cpp.
vertex tapex |
Definition at line 6608 of file triangle.cpp.
vertex tdest |
Definition at line 6607 of file triangle.cpp.
vertex temp |
Definition at line 9294 of file triangle.cpp.
REAL temp16a[16] |
Definition at line 5427 of file triangle.cpp.
int temp16alen |
Definition at line 5429 of file triangle.cpp.
REAL temp16b[16] |
Definition at line 5427 of file triangle.cpp.
int temp16blen |
Definition at line 5429 of file triangle.cpp.
REAL temp16c[16] |
Definition at line 5427 of file triangle.cpp.
int temp16clen |
Definition at line 5429 of file triangle.cpp.
REAL temp32a[32] |
Definition at line 5428 of file triangle.cpp.
int temp32alen |
Definition at line 5430 of file triangle.cpp.
REAL temp32b[32] |
Definition at line 5428 of file triangle.cpp.
int temp32blen |
Definition at line 5430 of file triangle.cpp.
REAL temp48[48] |
Definition at line 5428 of file triangle.cpp.
int temp48len |
Definition at line 5430 of file triangle.cpp.
REAL temp64[64] |
Definition at line 5428 of file triangle.cpp.
int temp64len |
Definition at line 5430 of file triangle.cpp.
REAL temp8[8] |
Definition at line 5427 of file triangle.cpp.
int temp8len |
Definition at line 5429 of file triangle.cpp.
struct otri tempedge |
Definition at line 8951 of file triangle.cpp.
int tendegree |
Definition at line 15455 of file triangle.cpp.
struct osub testsh |
Definition at line 13329 of file triangle.cpp.
struct osub testsub |
Definition at line 7303 of file triangle.cpp.
ssym * testsubseg |
Definition at line 7186 of file triangle.cpp.
struct osub testsym |
Definition at line 7191 of file triangle.cpp.
struct otri testtri |
Definition at line 7298 of file triangle.cpp.
vertex testvertex |
Definition at line 8953 of file triangle.cpp.
thisevent = heap[eventnum] |
Definition at line 10410 of file triangle.cpp.
REAL ti0 |
Definition at line 5424 of file triangle.cpp.
Definition at line 5423 of file triangle.cpp.
REAL tj0 |
Definition at line 5424 of file triangle.cpp.
Definition at line 5423 of file triangle.cpp.
struct otri top |
Definition at line 8004 of file triangle.cpp.
struct otri toplcasing ={NULL, 0} |
Definition at line 8301 of file triangle.cpp.
struct otri botlcasing botrcasing toprcasing ={NULL, 0} |
Definition at line 8006 of file triangle.cpp.
struct otri botleft botright topright |
Definition at line 8003 of file triangle.cpp.
struct osub botlsubseg botrsubseg toprsubseg |
Definition at line 8008 of file triangle.cpp.
vertex topvertex |
Definition at line 8312 of file triangle.cpp.
REAL topy |
Definition at line 10806 of file triangle.cpp.
vertex torg |
Definition at line 6606 of file triangle.cpp.
totalpopulation = m->triangles.maxitems |
Definition at line 7737 of file triangle.cpp.
totalsamplesleft = m->samples |
Definition at line 7736 of file triangle.cpp.
triangleloop tri = (triangle *) poolalloc(&m->triangles) |
Definition at line 4752 of file triangle.cpp.
newbad triangapex = enqapex |
Definition at line 7110 of file triangle.cpp.
newbad triangdest = enqdest |
Definition at line 7112 of file triangle.cpp.
int trianglebytes |
Definition at line 4276 of file triangle.cpp.
struct otri triangleleft |
Definition at line 11224 of file triangle.cpp.
struct otri triangleloop |
Definition at line 11223 of file triangle.cpp.
newbad triangorg = enqorg |
Definition at line 7111 of file triangle.cpp.
vertex triapex |
Definition at line 1450 of file triangle.cpp.
REAL triarea |
Definition at line 15442 of file triangle.cpp.
REAL triaspect2 |
Definition at line 15448 of file triangle.cpp.
vertex tridest |
Definition at line 1449 of file triangle.cpp.
int triflaws |
Definition at line 8290 of file triangle.cpp.
REAL trilongest2 |
Definition at line 15444 of file triangle.cpp.
REAL triminaltitude2 |
Definition at line 15446 of file triangle.cpp.
vertex triorg |
Definition at line 6785 of file triangle.cpp.
trisize |
Definition at line 4409 of file triangle.cpp.
struct otri triangleloop trisym |
Definition at line 14900 of file triangle.cpp.
gettimeofday& tv0 |
Definition at line 15791 of file triangle.cpp.
struct timeval tv0 tv1 tv2 tv3 tv4 tv5 tv6 |
Definition at line 15786 of file triangle.cpp.
tx = tdest[0] - torg[0] |
Definition at line 11790 of file triangle.cpp.
ty = tdest[1] - torg[1] |
Definition at line 11790 of file triangle.cpp.
struct timezone tz |
Definition at line 15787 of file triangle.cpp.
REAL u = u3 |
Definition at line 5248 of file triangle.cpp.
Definition at line 5249 of file triangle.cpp.
m undeads = 0 |
Definition at line 6729 of file triangle.cpp.
vertex upperleft |
Definition at line 9525 of file triangle.cpp.
vertex upperright |
Definition at line 9525 of file triangle.cpp.
b usesegments = b->poly || b->refine || b->quality || b->convex |
Definition at line 3602 of file triangle.cpp.
REAL v |
Definition at line 5425 of file triangle.cpp.
Definition at line 5426 of file triangle.cpp.
b vararea = b->fixedarea = b->usertest = 0 |
Definition at line 3384 of file triangle.cpp.
char* vedgefilename |
Definition at line 15046 of file triangle.cpp.
vedgenumber = b->firstnumber |
Definition at line 15068 of file triangle.cpp.
vertexarray |
Definition at line 11229 of file triangle.cpp.
vertex vertexloop |
Definition at line 10314 of file triangle.cpp.
m vertexmarkindex |
Definition at line 4363 of file triangle.cpp.
int vertexnumber = b->firstnumber |
Definition at line 14446 of file triangle.cpp.
vertexsize = (m->vertexmarkindex + 2) * sizeof(int) |
Definition at line 4366 of file triangle.cpp.
int vertices |
Definition at line 9834 of file triangle.cpp.
triangle ** virusloop = (triangle **) traverse(&m->viri) |
Definition at line 12749 of file triangle.cpp.
int vlength |
Definition at line 6106 of file triangle.cpp.
char* vnodefilename |
Definition at line 15045 of file triangle.cpp.
vnodenumber = b->firstnumber |
Definition at line 15068 of file triangle.cpp.
REAL w[16] |
Definition at line 6104 of file triangle.cpp.
width |
Definition at line 10149 of file triangle.cpp.
wlength = scale_expansion_zeroelim(bctlen, bct, adheight, w) |
Definition at line 6106 of file triangle.cpp.
workstring[increment+2] = 'd' |
Definition at line 3381 of file triangle.cpp.
worstaspect = 0.0 |
Definition at line 15449 of file triangle.cpp.
REAL x |
Definition at line 13989 of file triangle.cpp.
xab = pa[0] - pb[0] |
Definition at line 10592 of file triangle.cpp.
REAL xac = pa[0] - pc[0] |
Definition at line 10588 of file triangle.cpp.
xao = tapex[0] - torg[0] |
Definition at line 6626 of file triangle.cpp.
REAL xbc = pb[0] - pc[0] |
Definition at line 10590 of file triangle.cpp.
xdo = tdest[0] - torg[0] |
Definition at line 6624 of file triangle.cpp.
REAL xi = (yao * dx - xao * dy) * (2.0 * denominator) |
Definition at line 6610 of file triangle.cpp.
m xminextreme = 10 * m->xmin - 9 * m->xmax |
Definition at line 14155 of file triangle.cpp.
REAL y |
Definition at line 13989 of file triangle.cpp.
yab = pa[1] - pb[1] |
Definition at line 10593 of file triangle.cpp.
REAL yac = pa[1] - pc[1] |
Definition at line 10589 of file triangle.cpp.
yao = tapex[1] - torg[1] |
Definition at line 6627 of file triangle.cpp.
REAL ybc = pb[1] - pc[1] |
Definition at line 10591 of file triangle.cpp.
ydo = tdest[1] - torg[1] |
Definition at line 6625 of file triangle.cpp.