Chaste Commit::333233612e3dcc941d260418acd7b5ccdc30390e
DistributedBoxCollection< DIM > Class Template Reference

#include <DistributedBoxCollection.hpp>

+ Inheritance diagram for DistributedBoxCollection< DIM >:
+ Collaboration diagram for DistributedBoxCollection< DIM >:

Public Member Functions

 DistributedBoxCollection (double boxWidth, c_vector< double, 2 *DIM > domainSize, bool isPeriodicInX=false, bool isPeriodicInY=false, bool isPeriodicInZ=false, int localRows=PETSC_DECIDE)
 ~DistributedBoxCollection ()
void EmptyBoxes ()
void UpdateHaloBoxes ()
unsigned GetNumLocalRows () const
bool IsBoxOwned (unsigned globalIndex)
bool IsInteriorBox (unsigned globalIndex)
bool IsHaloBox (unsigned globalIndex)
unsigned CalculateGlobalIndex (c_vector< unsigned, DIM > gridIndices)
unsigned CalculateContainingBox (Node< DIM > *pNode)
unsigned CalculateContainingBox (c_vector< double, DIM > &rLocation)
c_vector< unsigned, DIM > CalculateGridIndices (unsigned globalIndex)
Box< DIM > & rGetBox (unsigned boxIndex)
Box< DIM > & rGetHaloBox (unsigned boxIndex)
unsigned GetNumBoxes ()
unsigned GetNumLocalBoxes ()
c_vector< double, 2 *DIM > rGetDomainSize () const
bool GetAreLocalBoxesSet () const
double GetBoxWidth () const
bool GetIsPeriodicInX () const
bool GetIsPeriodicInY () const
bool GetIsPeriodicInZ () const
bool GetIsPeriodicAcrossProcs () const
c_vector< bool, DIM > GetIsPeriodicAllDims () const
unsigned GetNumRowsOfBoxes () const
int LoadBalance (std::vector< int > localDistribution)
void SetupLocalBoxesHalfOnly ()
void SetupAllLocalBoxes ()
std::set< unsigned > & rGetLocalBoxes (unsigned boxIndex)
bool IsOwned (Node< DIM > *pNode)
bool IsOwned (c_vector< double, DIM > &location)
unsigned GetProcessOwningNode (Node< DIM > *pNode)
std::vector< unsigned > & rGetHaloNodesRight ()
std::vector< unsigned > & rGetHaloNodesLeft ()
void SetCalculateNodeNeighbours (bool calculateNodeNeighbours)
void CalculateNodePairs (std::vector< Node< DIM > * > &rNodes, std::vector< std::pair< Node< DIM > *, Node< DIM > * > > &rNodePairs)
void CalculateInteriorNodePairs (std::vector< Node< DIM > * > &rNodes, std::vector< std::pair< Node< DIM > *, Node< DIM > * > > &rNodePairs)
void CalculateBoundaryNodePairs (std::vector< Node< DIM > * > &rNodes, std::vector< std::pair< Node< DIM > *, Node< DIM > * > > &rNodePairs)
void AddPairsFromBox (unsigned boxIndex, std::vector< std::pair< Node< DIM > *, Node< DIM > * > > &rNodePairs)
std::vector< int > CalculateNumberOfNodesInEachStrip ()

Private Member Functions

void SetupHaloBoxes ()
template<class Archive >
void serialize (Archive &archive, const unsigned int version)

Private Attributes

std::vector< Box< DIM > > mBoxes
std::vector< Box< DIM > > mHaloBoxes
std::vector< unsignedmHalosRight
std::vector< unsignedmHalosLeft
std::vector< unsignedmHaloNodesRight
std::vector< unsignedmHaloNodesLeft
std::map< unsigned, unsignedmHaloBoxesMapping
c_vector< double, 2 *DIM > mDomainSize
double mBoxWidth
unsigned mNumBoxes
c_vector< unsigned, DIM > mNumBoxesEachDirection
unsigned mNumBoxesInAFace
std::vector< std::set< unsigned > > mLocalBoxes
unsigned mMinBoxIndex
unsigned mMaxBoxIndex
bool mIsPeriodicInX
bool mIsPeriodicInY
bool mIsPeriodicInZ
bool mIsPeriodicAcrossProcs
bool mAreLocalBoxesSet
bool mCalculateNodeNeighbours

Static Private Attributes

static const double msFudge = 5e-14


class TestDistributedBoxCollection
class boost::serialization::access

Detailed Description

template<unsigned DIM>
class DistributedBoxCollection< DIM >

A collection of 'boxes' partitioning the domain with information on which nodes are located in which box.

Definition at line 54 of file DistributedBoxCollection.hpp.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ DistributedBoxCollection()

template<unsigned DIM>
DistributedBoxCollection< DIM >::DistributedBoxCollection ( double  boxWidth,
c_vector< double, 2 *DIM >  domainSize,
bool  isPeriodicInX = false,
bool  isPeriodicInY = false,
bool  isPeriodicInZ = false,
int  localRows = PETSC_DECIDE 
boxWidththe width of each box (cut-off length in NodeBasedCellPopulation simulations)
domainSizethe size of the domain, in the form (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax) (etc)
isPeriodicInXwhether the domain is periodic in the x direction (defaults to false)
isPeriodicInYwhether the domain is periodic in the y direction (defaults to true)
isPeriodicInZwhether the domain is periodic in the z direction (defaults to true)
localRowsthe number of local rows in a parallel DistributedBoxCollection.

Note that the domain size may be increased because each process should have at least one slice of boxes in the largest dimension. For example, if the box size is 1 and the domain is [(0,0,0), (3,3,3)] then, if there are more than 3 processes the domain will be swollen to [(0,0,0), (3,3,num_procs)]. The user is warned when this happens.

Definition at line 45 of file DistributedBoxCollection.cpp.

References DistributedVectorFactory::GetHigh(), DistributedVectorFactory::GetLow(), DistributedBoxCollection< DIM >::GetNumLocalRows(), PetscTools::GetNumProcs(), DistributedBoxCollection< DIM >::mBoxes, DistributedBoxCollection< DIM >::mBoxWidth, DistributedBoxCollection< DIM >::mDomainSize, DistributedBoxCollection< DIM >::mIsPeriodicAcrossProcs, DistributedBoxCollection< DIM >::mIsPeriodicInX, DistributedBoxCollection< DIM >::mIsPeriodicInY, DistributedBoxCollection< DIM >::mIsPeriodicInZ, DistributedBoxCollection< DIM >::mMaxBoxIndex, DistributedBoxCollection< DIM >::mMinBoxIndex, DistributedBoxCollection< DIM >::mNumBoxes, DistributedBoxCollection< DIM >::mNumBoxesEachDirection, DistributedBoxCollection< DIM >::mNumBoxesInAFace, DistributedBoxCollection< DIM >::mpDistributedBoxStackFactory, DistributedBoxCollection< DIM >::msFudge, and DistributedBoxCollection< DIM >::SetupHaloBoxes().

◆ ~DistributedBoxCollection()

Destructor - frees memory allocated to distributed vector.

Definition at line 112 of file DistributedBoxCollection.cpp.

Member Function Documentation

◆ AddPairsFromBox()

template<unsigned DIM>
void DistributedBoxCollection< DIM >::AddPairsFromBox ( unsigned  boxIndex,
std::vector< std::pair< Node< DIM > *, Node< DIM > * > > &  rNodePairs 

A method pulled out of CalculateNodePairs methods that adds all pairs of nodes from neighbouring boxes of the box with index boxIndex.

boxIndexthe box to add neighbours to.
rNodePairsthe return value, a set of pairs of nodes

Definition at line 1771 of file DistributedBoxCollection.cpp.

References Box< DIM >::rGetNodesContained().

◆ CalculateBoundaryNodePairs()

template<unsigned DIM>
void DistributedBoxCollection< DIM >::CalculateBoundaryNodePairs ( std::vector< Node< DIM > * > &  rNodes,
std::vector< std::pair< Node< DIM > *, Node< DIM > * > > &  rNodePairs 

The same as CalculateNodePairs() only we only work on boxes that are ''not'' interior on this process. I.e. some of their local boxes are halo boxes.

rNodesall the nodes to be consider
rNodePairsthe return value, a set of pairs of nodes

Definition at line 1743 of file DistributedBoxCollection.cpp.

◆ CalculateContainingBox() [1/2]

template<unsigned DIM>
unsigned DistributedBoxCollection< DIM >::CalculateContainingBox ( c_vector< double, DIM > &  rLocation)
rLocationThe point
the global index of the box that contains the rLocation.

Definition at line 315 of file DistributedBoxCollection.cpp.

◆ CalculateContainingBox() [2/2]

template<unsigned DIM>
unsigned DistributedBoxCollection< DIM >::CalculateContainingBox ( Node< DIM > *  pNode)
pNodeaddress of the node
the global index of the box that contains pNode.

Definition at line 307 of file DistributedBoxCollection.cpp.

References Node< SPACE_DIM >::rGetLocation().

Referenced by FineCoarseMeshPair< DIM >::SetUpBoxes().

◆ CalculateGlobalIndex()

template<unsigned DIM>
unsigned DistributedBoxCollection< DIM >::CalculateGlobalIndex ( c_vector< unsigned, DIM >  gridIndices)

Given the (i,j,k) grid indices of a box in the collection, calculate its global index.

gridIndicesthe (i,j,k) grid indices of the box
the global index of the box in the collection.
#2308 etc. We need to make allowance for periodicity here...

Definition at line 273 of file DistributedBoxCollection.cpp.

◆ CalculateGridIndices()

template<unsigned DIM>
c_vector< unsigned, DIM > DistributedBoxCollection< DIM >::CalculateGridIndices ( unsigned  globalIndex)

Calculate x,y,z indices of box given its 'global' index.

globalIndexthe global index of the box
the grid indices (boxes across, boxes up, boxes deep) of a box

Definition at line 357 of file DistributedBoxCollection.cpp.

◆ CalculateInteriorNodePairs()

template<unsigned DIM>
void DistributedBoxCollection< DIM >::CalculateInteriorNodePairs ( std::vector< Node< DIM > * > &  rNodes,
std::vector< std::pair< Node< DIM > *, Node< DIM > * > > &  rNodePairs 

The same as CalculateNodePairs() only we only work on boxes that are interior on this process. I.e. none of their local boxes are halo boxes.

rNodesall the nodes to be consider
rNodePairsthe return value, a set of pairs of nodes

Definition at line 1699 of file DistributedBoxCollection.cpp.

◆ CalculateNodePairs()

template<unsigned DIM>
void DistributedBoxCollection< DIM >::CalculateNodePairs ( std::vector< Node< DIM > * > &  rNodes,
std::vector< std::pair< Node< DIM > *, Node< DIM > * > > &  rNodePairs 

Compute all the pairs of (potentially) connected nodes for cell_based simulations, ie nodes which are in a local box to the box containing the first node. **Note: the user still has to check that the node pairs are less than the cut-off distance apart.** The pairs are checked so that index1 < index2, so each connected pair of nodes is only in the set once.

rNodesall the nodes to be consider
rNodePairsthe return value, a set of pairs of nodes

Definition at line 1660 of file DistributedBoxCollection.cpp.

◆ CalculateNumberOfNodesInEachStrip()

template<unsigned DIM>
std::vector< int > DistributedBoxCollection< DIM >::CalculateNumberOfNodesInEachStrip ( )

Calculate how many cells lie in each strip / face of boxes, used in load balancing

A vector containing the number of nodes in each of the strips of boxes.

Definition at line 1836 of file DistributedBoxCollection.cpp.

◆ EmptyBoxes()

template<unsigned DIM>
void DistributedBoxCollection< DIM >::EmptyBoxes ( )

Remove the list of nodes stored in each box.

Definition at line 118 of file DistributedBoxCollection.cpp.

◆ GetAreLocalBoxesSet()

template<unsigned DIM>
bool DistributedBoxCollection< DIM >::GetAreLocalBoxesSet ( ) const
Whether or not the local boxes have been set up.

Definition at line 435 of file DistributedBoxCollection.cpp.

◆ GetBoxWidth()

template<unsigned DIM>
double DistributedBoxCollection< DIM >::GetBoxWidth ( ) const

Definition at line 441 of file DistributedBoxCollection.cpp.

◆ GetIsPeriodicAcrossProcs()

template<unsigned DIM>
bool DistributedBoxCollection< DIM >::GetIsPeriodicAcrossProcs ( ) const
Whether the domain is periodic across processors

Definition at line 465 of file DistributedBoxCollection.cpp.

◆ GetIsPeriodicAllDims()

template<unsigned DIM>
c_vector< bool, DIM > DistributedBoxCollection< DIM >::GetIsPeriodicAllDims ( ) const

A function to get whether each dimension is periodic

A vector containing booleans of the periodicity

Definition at line 471 of file DistributedBoxCollection.cpp.

◆ GetIsPeriodicInX()

template<unsigned DIM>
bool DistributedBoxCollection< DIM >::GetIsPeriodicInX ( ) const
Whether the domain is periodic in x

Definition at line 447 of file DistributedBoxCollection.cpp.

◆ GetIsPeriodicInY()

template<unsigned DIM>
bool DistributedBoxCollection< DIM >::GetIsPeriodicInY ( ) const
Whether the domain is periodic in y

Definition at line 453 of file DistributedBoxCollection.cpp.

◆ GetIsPeriodicInZ()

template<unsigned DIM>
bool DistributedBoxCollection< DIM >::GetIsPeriodicInZ ( ) const
Whether the domain is periodic in z

Definition at line 459 of file DistributedBoxCollection.cpp.

◆ GetNumBoxes()

template<unsigned DIM>
unsigned DistributedBoxCollection< DIM >::GetNumBoxes ( )
the total (global) number of boxes.

Definition at line 417 of file DistributedBoxCollection.cpp.

◆ GetNumLocalBoxes()

template<unsigned DIM>
unsigned DistributedBoxCollection< DIM >::GetNumLocalBoxes ( )
the number of locally owned boxes. Not including halos.

Definition at line 423 of file DistributedBoxCollection.cpp.

◆ GetNumLocalRows()

template<unsigned DIM>
unsigned DistributedBoxCollection< DIM >::GetNumLocalRows ( ) const
the number of local rows / faces (2d, 3d) of boxes owned.

Definition at line 231 of file DistributedBoxCollection.cpp.

Referenced by DistributedBoxCollection< DIM >::DistributedBoxCollection().

◆ GetNumRowsOfBoxes()

template<unsigned DIM>
unsigned DistributedBoxCollection< DIM >::GetNumRowsOfBoxes ( ) const
the number of rows in the DIM-1th direction on this process.

Definition at line 487 of file DistributedBoxCollection.cpp.

◆ GetProcessOwningNode()

template<unsigned DIM>
unsigned DistributedBoxCollection< DIM >::GetProcessOwningNode ( Node< DIM > *  pNode)

Get the process that should own this node. Currently only returns +/-1 of this process so assumes nodes don't move too far. //\ todo this should be fixed.

pNodethe node to be tested
the ID of the process that should own the node.

Definition at line 1609 of file DistributedBoxCollection.cpp.

References PetscTools::AmMaster(), PetscTools::AmTopMost(), PetscTools::GetMyRank(), and PetscTools::GetNumProcs().

◆ IsBoxOwned()

template<unsigned DIM>
bool DistributedBoxCollection< DIM >::IsBoxOwned ( unsigned  globalIndex)
globalIndexthe global index of the box.
whether the box with global index globalIndex is owned by this process.

Definition at line 237 of file DistributedBoxCollection.cpp.

Referenced by FineCoarseMeshPair< DIM >::SetUpBoxes().

◆ IsHaloBox()

template<unsigned DIM>
bool DistributedBoxCollection< DIM >::IsHaloBox ( unsigned  globalIndex)
globalIndexthe global index of the box.
whether the box with global index globalIndex is a halo to this process.

Definition at line 243 of file DistributedBoxCollection.cpp.

◆ IsInteriorBox()

template<unsigned DIM>
bool DistributedBoxCollection< DIM >::IsInteriorBox ( unsigned  globalIndex)

Get whether the box with global index globalIndex is interior on this process. A box is interior if it doesn't share any boundary (even of zero length) with a halo box.

globalIndexthe global index of the box to check.
whether the box is interior or not.

Definition at line 265 of file DistributedBoxCollection.cpp.

◆ IsOwned() [1/2]

template<unsigned DIM>
bool DistributedBoxCollection< DIM >::IsOwned ( c_vector< double, DIM > &  location)
locationthe location to test.
whether the point at location is owned on this process.

Definition at line 1601 of file DistributedBoxCollection.cpp.

◆ IsOwned() [2/2]

template<unsigned DIM>
bool DistributedBoxCollection< DIM >::IsOwned ( Node< DIM > *  pNode)
pNodethe node to test.
whether the point at pNode->rGetLocation() is owned on this process.

Definition at line 1593 of file DistributedBoxCollection.cpp.

Referenced by FineCoarseMeshPair< DIM >::SetUpBoxes().

◆ LoadBalance()

template<unsigned DIM>
int DistributedBoxCollection< DIM >::LoadBalance ( std::vector< int >  localDistribution)

A helper function to work out the optimal number of rows to be owned by this process, to balance the number of nodes.

localDistributiona vector containing the number of nodes in each row/face of boxes in 2d/3d
the updated number of rows, which will differ from current number by at most 2.

Shift information on distribution of nodes to the right, so processes can manage their left/bottom/back boundary (1d/2d/3d)

Calculate change in balance of loads by shifting the left/bottom boundary in either direction

Definition at line 493 of file DistributedBoxCollection.cpp.

References PetscTools::AmMaster(), PetscTools::AmTopMost(), and PetscTools::GetMyRank().

◆ rGetBox()

template<unsigned DIM>
Box< DIM > & DistributedBoxCollection< DIM >::rGetBox ( unsigned  boxIndex)

If this box is out-of-bounds to the local process then it will attempt to return a halo box (and trip an assertion is the box is completely out of scope.

boxIndexthe index of the box to return
a reference to the box with global index boxIndex.

Definition at line 394 of file DistributedBoxCollection.cpp.

Referenced by FineCoarseMeshPair< DIM >::CollectElementsInContainingBox(), FineCoarseMeshPair< DIM >::CollectElementsInLocalBoxes(), and FineCoarseMeshPair< DIM >::SetUpBoxes().

◆ rGetDomainSize()

template<unsigned DIM>
c_vector< double, 2 *DIM > DistributedBoxCollection< DIM >::rGetDomainSize ( ) const

Definition at line 429 of file DistributedBoxCollection.cpp.

◆ rGetHaloBox()

template<unsigned DIM>
Box< DIM > & DistributedBoxCollection< DIM >::rGetHaloBox ( unsigned  boxIndex)

Get a halo box.

boxIndexthe index of the box to return
a reference to the halo box with global index boxIndex.

Definition at line 407 of file DistributedBoxCollection.cpp.

◆ rGetHaloNodesLeft()

template<unsigned DIM>
std::vector< unsigned > & DistributedBoxCollection< DIM >::rGetHaloNodesLeft ( )
mHaloNodesRight the list of nodes that are close to the left boundary

Definition at line 1648 of file DistributedBoxCollection.cpp.

◆ rGetHaloNodesRight()

template<unsigned DIM>
std::vector< unsigned > & DistributedBoxCollection< DIM >::rGetHaloNodesRight ( )
mHaloNodesRight the list of nodes that are close to the right boundary

Definition at line 1642 of file DistributedBoxCollection.cpp.

◆ rGetLocalBoxes()

template<unsigned DIM>
std::set< unsigned > & DistributedBoxCollection< DIM >::rGetLocalBoxes ( unsigned  boxIndex)

Get the set of all the local boxes, i.e. itself and its nearest-neighbours.

boxIndexthe index of the box
the set containing the indices of boxes local to box boxIndex. i.e. the box boxIndex itself and its nearest-neighbours.

Definition at line 1585 of file DistributedBoxCollection.cpp.

Referenced by FineCoarseMeshPair< DIM >::CollectElementsInLocalBoxes().

◆ serialize()

template<unsigned DIM>
template<class Archive >
void DistributedBoxCollection< DIM >::serialize ( Archive &  archive,
const unsigned int  version 

Serialize the box collection. It is possible to save and load on a different # of processes.

archivethe archive.
versionthe version number.

Definition at line 146 of file DistributedBoxCollection.hpp.

◆ SetCalculateNodeNeighbours()

template<unsigned DIM>
void DistributedBoxCollection< DIM >::SetCalculateNodeNeighbours ( bool  calculateNodeNeighbours)

Set whether to record node neighbour in the map rNodeNeighbours during CalculateNodePairs. Set to false for efficiency if not needed.

calculateNodeNeighbourswhether to store the neighbours.

Definition at line 1654 of file DistributedBoxCollection.cpp.

◆ SetupAllLocalBoxes()

template<unsigned DIM>
void DistributedBoxCollection< DIM >::SetupAllLocalBoxes ( )

Set up the local boxes (ie itself and its nearest-neighbours) for each of the boxes.

Definition at line 834 of file DistributedBoxCollection.cpp.


Referenced by FineCoarseMeshPair< DIM >::SetUpBoxes().

◆ SetupHaloBoxes()

template<unsigned DIM>
void DistributedBoxCollection< DIM >::SetupHaloBoxes ( )

Setup the halo box structure on this process. (Private method since this is called as a helper method by the constructor.)

Sets up the containers mHaloBoxes, mHalosRight, mHalosLeft

Definition at line 131 of file DistributedBoxCollection.cpp.

Referenced by DistributedBoxCollection< DIM >::DistributedBoxCollection().

◆ SetupLocalBoxesHalfOnly()

template<unsigned DIM>
void DistributedBoxCollection< DIM >::SetupLocalBoxesHalfOnly ( )

Set up the local boxes (ie itself and its nearest-neighbours) for each of the boxes. This method just sets up half of the local boxes (for example, in 1D, local boxes for box0 = {1} local boxes for box1 = {2} not {0,2}, and so on. Similar to 2d, 3d.

Definition at line 581 of file DistributedBoxCollection.cpp.


◆ UpdateHaloBoxes()

template<unsigned DIM>
void DistributedBoxCollection< DIM >::UpdateHaloBoxes ( )

Update the halo boxes on this process, by transferring the nodes to be sent into the lists mHaloNodesRight / Left.

Definition at line 204 of file DistributedBoxCollection.cpp.

Friends And Related Symbol Documentation

◆ boost::serialization::access

template<unsigned DIM>
friend class boost::serialization::access

Needed for serialization

Definition at line 137 of file DistributedBoxCollection.hpp.

◆ TestDistributedBoxCollection

template<unsigned DIM>
friend class TestDistributedBoxCollection

Definition at line 57 of file DistributedBoxCollection.hpp.

Member Data Documentation

◆ mAreLocalBoxesSet

template<unsigned DIM>
bool DistributedBoxCollection< DIM >::mAreLocalBoxesSet

Whether the local boxes have been setup or not.

Definition at line 117 of file DistributedBoxCollection.hpp.

◆ mBoxes

template<unsigned DIM>
std::vector< Box<DIM> > DistributedBoxCollection< DIM >::mBoxes

A vector of boxes to store rough node/element positions.

Definition at line 60 of file DistributedBoxCollection.hpp.

Referenced by DistributedBoxCollection< DIM >::DistributedBoxCollection().

◆ mBoxWidth

template<unsigned DIM>
double DistributedBoxCollection< DIM >::mBoxWidth

The width of each box.

Definition at line 84 of file DistributedBoxCollection.hpp.

Referenced by DistributedBoxCollection< DIM >::DistributedBoxCollection().

◆ mCalculateNodeNeighbours

template<unsigned DIM>
bool DistributedBoxCollection< DIM >::mCalculateNodeNeighbours

A flag that can be set to not save rNodeNeighbours in CalculateNodePairs - for efficiency

Definition at line 126 of file DistributedBoxCollection.hpp.

◆ mDomainSize

template<unsigned DIM>
c_vector<double, 2*DIM> DistributedBoxCollection< DIM >::mDomainSize

The domain being partitioned.

Definition at line 81 of file DistributedBoxCollection.hpp.

Referenced by DistributedBoxCollection< DIM >::DistributedBoxCollection().

◆ mHaloBoxes

template<unsigned DIM>
std::vector< Box<DIM> > DistributedBoxCollection< DIM >::mHaloBoxes

A vector of boxes owned on other processes sharing a boundary with this process

Definition at line 63 of file DistributedBoxCollection.hpp.

◆ mHaloBoxesMapping

template<unsigned DIM>
std::map<unsigned, unsigned> DistributedBoxCollection< DIM >::mHaloBoxesMapping

Map of global to local indices of halo boxes in mHaloBoxes.

Definition at line 78 of file DistributedBoxCollection.hpp.

◆ mHaloNodesLeft

template<unsigned DIM>
std::vector<unsigned> DistributedBoxCollection< DIM >::mHaloNodesLeft

Set of Nodes that are halos of adjacent left process, but lie locally

Definition at line 75 of file DistributedBoxCollection.hpp.

◆ mHaloNodesRight

template<unsigned DIM>
std::vector<unsigned> DistributedBoxCollection< DIM >::mHaloNodesRight

Set of Nodes that are halos of adjacent right process, but lie locally

Definition at line 72 of file DistributedBoxCollection.hpp.

◆ mHalosLeft

template<unsigned DIM>
std::vector<unsigned> DistributedBoxCollection< DIM >::mHalosLeft

A vector of the global indices of boxes, owned by this process, but on a boundary with left process.

Definition at line 69 of file DistributedBoxCollection.hpp.

◆ mHalosRight

template<unsigned DIM>
std::vector<unsigned> DistributedBoxCollection< DIM >::mHalosRight

A vector of the global indices of boxes, owned by this process, but on a boundary with right process.

Definition at line 66 of file DistributedBoxCollection.hpp.

◆ mIsPeriodicAcrossProcs

template<unsigned DIM>
bool DistributedBoxCollection< DIM >::mIsPeriodicAcrossProcs

Whether the domain is periodic across different processors (i.e. in parallel if DIM==3 and periodic in z, or DIM==2 and periodic in Y)

Definition at line 114 of file DistributedBoxCollection.hpp.

Referenced by DistributedBoxCollection< DIM >::DistributedBoxCollection().

◆ mIsPeriodicInX

template<unsigned DIM>
bool DistributedBoxCollection< DIM >::mIsPeriodicInX

Whether the domain is periodic in the X dimension.

Definition at line 105 of file DistributedBoxCollection.hpp.

Referenced by DistributedBoxCollection< DIM >::DistributedBoxCollection().

◆ mIsPeriodicInY

template<unsigned DIM>
bool DistributedBoxCollection< DIM >::mIsPeriodicInY

Whether the domain is periodic in the Y dimension.

Definition at line 108 of file DistributedBoxCollection.hpp.

Referenced by DistributedBoxCollection< DIM >::DistributedBoxCollection().

◆ mIsPeriodicInZ

template<unsigned DIM>
bool DistributedBoxCollection< DIM >::mIsPeriodicInZ

Whether the domain is periodic in the Z dimension.

Definition at line 111 of file DistributedBoxCollection.hpp.

Referenced by DistributedBoxCollection< DIM >::DistributedBoxCollection().

◆ mLocalBoxes

template<unsigned DIM>
std::vector< std::set<unsigned> > DistributedBoxCollection< DIM >::mLocalBoxes

The boxes local (itself and nearest neighbour) to a given box.

Definition at line 96 of file DistributedBoxCollection.hpp.

◆ mMaxBoxIndex

template<unsigned DIM>
unsigned DistributedBoxCollection< DIM >::mMaxBoxIndex

The largest index of the boxes owned by this process.

Definition at line 102 of file DistributedBoxCollection.hpp.

Referenced by DistributedBoxCollection< DIM >::DistributedBoxCollection().

◆ mMinBoxIndex

template<unsigned DIM>
unsigned DistributedBoxCollection< DIM >::mMinBoxIndex

The smallest index of the boxes owned by this process.

Definition at line 99 of file DistributedBoxCollection.hpp.

Referenced by DistributedBoxCollection< DIM >::DistributedBoxCollection().

◆ mNumBoxes

template<unsigned DIM>
unsigned DistributedBoxCollection< DIM >::mNumBoxes

The total number of boxes across all processes

Definition at line 87 of file DistributedBoxCollection.hpp.

Referenced by DistributedBoxCollection< DIM >::DistributedBoxCollection().

◆ mNumBoxesEachDirection

template<unsigned DIM>
c_vector<unsigned, DIM> DistributedBoxCollection< DIM >::mNumBoxesEachDirection

Number of boxes in each direction.

Definition at line 90 of file DistributedBoxCollection.hpp.

Referenced by DistributedBoxCollection< DIM >::DistributedBoxCollection().

◆ mNumBoxesInAFace

template<unsigned DIM>
unsigned DistributedBoxCollection< DIM >::mNumBoxesInAFace

Number of boxes in a face (1 in 1d, mNumBoxesEachDirection(0) in 2d, mNumBoxesEachDirection(0)*mNumBoxesEachDirection(1) in 3d

Definition at line 93 of file DistributedBoxCollection.hpp.

Referenced by DistributedBoxCollection< DIM >::DistributedBoxCollection().

◆ mpDistributedBoxStackFactory

template<unsigned DIM>
DistributedVectorFactory* DistributedBoxCollection< DIM >::mpDistributedBoxStackFactory

A distributed vector factory that governs ownership of rows of boxes

Definition at line 123 of file DistributedBoxCollection.hpp.

Referenced by DistributedBoxCollection< DIM >::DistributedBoxCollection().

◆ msFudge

template<unsigned DIM>
const double DistributedBoxCollection< DIM >::msFudge = 5e-14

A fudge (box swelling) factor to deal with 32-bit floating point issues.

Definition at line 120 of file DistributedBoxCollection.hpp.

Referenced by DistributedBoxCollection< DIM >::DistributedBoxCollection().

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: