Chaste Commit::333233612e3dcc941d260418acd7b5ccdc30390e
Hdf5DataWriter Class Reference

#include <Hdf5DataWriter.hpp>

+ Inheritance diagram for Hdf5DataWriter:
+ Collaboration diagram for Hdf5DataWriter:

Public Member Functions

 Hdf5DataWriter (DistributedVectorFactory &rVectorFactory, const std::string &rDirectory, const std::string &rBaseName, bool cleanDirectory=true, bool extendData=false, std::string datasetName="Data", bool useCache=false)
virtual ~Hdf5DataWriter ()
void DefineFixedDimension (long dimensionSize)
void DefineFixedDimension (const std::vector< unsigned > &rNodesToOuputOriginalIndices, const std::vector< unsigned > &rNodesToOuputPermutedIndices, long vecSize)
void DefineUnlimitedDimension (const std::string &rVariableName, const std::string &rVariableUnits, unsigned estimatedLength=1)
void AdvanceAlongUnlimitedDimension ()
int DefineVariable (const std::string &rVariableName, const std::string &rVariableUnits)
bool IsInDefineMode ()
virtual void EndDefineMode ()
void PossiblyExtend ()
void EmptyDataset ()
void PutVector (int variableID, Vec petscVector)
void PutStripedVector (std::vector< int > variableIDs, Vec petscVector)
bool GetUsingCache ()
void WriteCache ()
void PutUnlimitedVariable (double value)
void Close ()
int GetVariableByName (const std::string &rVariableName)
bool ApplyPermutation (const std::vector< unsigned > &rPermutation, bool unsafeExtendingMode=false)
void SetFixedChunkSize (const unsigned &rTimestepsPerChunk, const unsigned &rNodesPerChunk, const unsigned &rVariablesPerChunk)
void SetTargetChunkSize (hsize_t targetSize)
void SetAlignment (hsize_t alignment)
- Public Member Functions inherited from AbstractHdf5Access
 AbstractHdf5Access (const std::string &rDirectory, const std::string &rBaseName, const std::string &rDatasetName, bool makeAbsolute=true)
 AbstractHdf5Access (const FileFinder &rDirectory, const std::string &rBaseName, const std::string &rDatasetName)
virtual ~AbstractHdf5Access ()
bool IsDataComplete ()
std::vector< unsignedGetIncompleteNodeMap ()
std::string GetUnlimitedDimensionName ()
std::string GetUnlimitedDimensionUnit ()

Private Member Functions

void CheckVariableName (const std::string &rName)
void CheckUnitsName (const std::string &rName)
void ComputeIncompleteOffset ()
void OpenFile ()
hsize_t CalculateNumberOfChunks ()
void CalculateChunkDims (unsigned targetSize, unsigned *pChunkSizeInBytes, bool *pAllOneChunk)
void SetChunkSize ()

Private Attributes

const bool mCleanDirectory
const bool mUseExistingFile
bool mIsInDefineMode
bool mIsFixedDimensionSet
unsigned mEstimatedUnlimitedLength
unsigned mFileFixedDimensionSize
unsigned mDataFixedDimensionSize
unsigned mLo
unsigned mHi
unsigned mNumberOwned
unsigned mOffset
std::vector< unsignedmIncompletePermIndices
bool mNeedExtend
std::vector< DataWriterVariablemVariables
long unsigned mCurrentTimeStep
Mat mSinglePermutation
Mat mDoublePermutation
bool mUseOptimalChunkSizeAlgorithm
hsize_t mChunkSize [DATASET_DIMS]
hsize_t mNumberOfChunks
hsize_t mFixedChunkSize [DATASET_DIMS]
hsize_t mChunkTargetSize
hsize_t mAlignment
bool mUseCache
long unsigned mCacheFirstTimeStep
std::vector< doublemDataCache


class TestHdf5DataWriter

Additional Inherited Members

- Protected Member Functions inherited from AbstractHdf5Access
bool DoesDatasetExist (const std::string &rDatasetName)
void SetUnlimitedDatasetId ()
void SetMainDatasetRawChunkCache ()
- Protected Attributes inherited from AbstractHdf5Access
std::string mBaseName
std::string mDatasetName
FileFinder mDirectory
bool mIsDataComplete
std::string mUnlimitedDimensionName
std::string mUnlimitedDimensionUnit
bool mIsUnlimitedDimensionSet
std::vector< unsignedmIncompleteNodeIndices
hid_t mFileId
hid_t mUnlimitedDatasetId
hid_t mVariablesDatasetId
hsize_t mDatasetDims [DATASET_DIMS]
- Static Protected Attributes inherited from AbstractHdf5Access
static const unsigned DATASET_DIMS = 3

Detailed Description

A concrete HDF5 data writer class.

Definition at line 48 of file Hdf5DataWriter.hpp.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ Hdf5DataWriter()

Hdf5DataWriter::Hdf5DataWriter ( DistributedVectorFactory rVectorFactory,
const std::string &  rDirectory,
const std::string &  rBaseName,
bool  cleanDirectory = true,
bool  extendData = false,
std::string  datasetName = "Data",
bool  useCache = false 


rVectorFactorythe factory to use in creating PETSc Vec and DistributedVector objects.
rDirectorythe directory in which to write the data to file, relative to chaste test output.
rBaseNamethe name of the file in which to write the data
cleanDirectorywhether to clean the directory (defaults to true)
extendDatawhether to try opening an existing file and appending to it.
datasetNameThe name of the HDF5 dataset to write, defaults to "Data".
useCacheWhether to cache writes so only whole chunks are written to disk.

The extendData parameter allows us to add to an existing dataset. It only really makes sense if the existing file has an unlimited dimension which we can extend. It also only makes sense if cleanDirectory is false, otherwise there won't be a file there to read...

1300 We can't set mDataFixedDimensionSize, because the information isn't in the input file. This means that checking the size of input vectors in PutVector and PutStripedVector is impossible.

Definition at line 52 of file Hdf5DataWriter.cpp.

References AdvanceAlongUnlimitedDimension(), ComputeIncompleteOffset(), AbstractHdf5Access::DATASET_DIMS, AbstractHdf5Access::DoesDatasetExist(), EXCEPTION, DistributedVectorFactory::GetLocalOwnership(), mCacheFirstTimeStep, mChunkSize, mCleanDirectory, mCurrentTimeStep, mDataCache, mDataFixedDimensionSize, AbstractHdf5Access::mDatasetDims, AbstractHdf5Access::mDatasetName, mFileFixedDimensionSize, AbstractHdf5Access::mFileId, mFixedChunkSize, AbstractHdf5Access::mIncompleteNodeIndices, mIncompletePermIndices, AbstractHdf5Access::mIsDataComplete, mIsFixedDimensionSet, mIsInDefineMode, AbstractHdf5Access::mIsUnlimitedDimensionSet, mLo, mNumberOwned, mOffset, mrVectorFactory, AbstractHdf5Access::mUnlimitedDatasetId, mUseCache, mUseExistingFile, DataWriterVariable::mVariableName, mVariables, AbstractHdf5Access::mVariablesDatasetId, DataWriterVariable::mVariableUnits, OpenFile(), and AbstractHdf5Access::SetUnlimitedDatasetId().

◆ ~Hdf5DataWriter()

Hdf5DataWriter::~Hdf5DataWriter ( )


Definition at line 271 of file Hdf5DataWriter.cpp.

References Close(), PetscTools::Destroy(), mDoublePermutation, and mSinglePermutation.

Member Function Documentation

◆ AdvanceAlongUnlimitedDimension()

void Hdf5DataWriter::AdvanceAlongUnlimitedDimension ( )

◆ ApplyPermutation()

bool Hdf5DataWriter::ApplyPermutation ( const std::vector< unsigned > &  rPermutation,
bool  unsafeExtendingMode = false 

Apply a permutation to all occurences of PutVector Should be called when in define mode

rPermutationa forward/?reverse permutation
unsafeExtendingModeis true when we are extending a file which requires a permutation to be applied to it. In particular we are extending a cardiac simulation with "original node ordering"
success value. A value "false" indictates that the permutation was empty or was the identity and was not applied

Definition at line 1196 of file Hdf5DataWriter.cpp.

References EXCEPTION, mDataFixedDimensionSize, mDoublePermutation, mFileFixedDimensionSize, mHi, mIsInDefineMode, mLo, mSinglePermutation, and PetscTools::SetupMat().

◆ CalculateChunkDims()

void Hdf5DataWriter::CalculateChunkDims ( unsigned  targetSize,
unsigned pChunkSizeInBytes,
bool pAllOneChunk 

Calculate (and save in the member variables) chunk dimensions based on a target size. Chunks are kept as "square" as possible while wasting as little space around the edges of the dataset as possible.

[in]targetSizeThe target number of entries in each dimension in the chunk.
[out]pChunkSizeInBytesThe size of the resulting chunk in bytes.
[out]pAllOneChunkWhether the dataset is spanned by a single chunk.

Definition at line 1308 of file Hdf5DataWriter.cpp.

References AbstractHdf5Access::DATASET_DIMS, mChunkSize, and AbstractHdf5Access::mDatasetDims.

Referenced by SetChunkSize().

◆ CalculateNumberOfChunks()

hsize_t Hdf5DataWriter::CalculateNumberOfChunks ( )

Little method to calculate the number of chunks resulting from given chunk dimensions.

The number of chunks resulting from chunk dimensions (stored in member variable).

Definition at line 1297 of file Hdf5DataWriter.cpp.

References AbstractHdf5Access::DATASET_DIMS, mChunkSize, and AbstractHdf5Access::mDatasetDims.

Referenced by SetChunkSize().

◆ CheckUnitsName()

void Hdf5DataWriter::CheckUnitsName ( const std::string &  rName)

Check name of unit is allowed, i.e. contains only alphanumeric & _, and isn't blank.

rNameunit name

Definition at line 508 of file Hdf5DataWriter.cpp.

References EXCEPTION.

Referenced by CheckVariableName(), and DefineVariable().

◆ CheckVariableName()

void Hdf5DataWriter::CheckVariableName ( const std::string &  rName)

Check name of variable is allowed, i.e. contains only alphanumeric & _, and isn't blank.

rNamevariable name

Definition at line 499 of file Hdf5DataWriter.cpp.

References CheckUnitsName(), and EXCEPTION.

Referenced by DefineVariable().

◆ Close()

◆ ComputeIncompleteOffset()

void Hdf5DataWriter::ComputeIncompleteOffset ( )

Compute mOffset and mNumberOwned from mIncompleteNodeIndices when we have incomplete data.

Definition at line 430 of file Hdf5DataWriter.cpp.

References mHi, AbstractHdf5Access::mIncompleteNodeIndices, mIncompletePermIndices, mLo, mNumberOwned, and mOffset.

Referenced by Hdf5DataWriter(), and DefineFixedDimension().

◆ DefineFixedDimension() [1/2]

void Hdf5DataWriter::DefineFixedDimension ( const std::vector< unsigned > &  rNodesToOuputOriginalIndices,
const std::vector< unsigned > &  rNodesToOuputPermutedIndices,
long  vecSize 

Define the fixed dimension, assuming incomplete data output (subset of the nodes).

rNodesToOuputOriginalIndicesNode indices to be output as in the original mesh (precondition: to be monotonic increasing)
rNodesToOuputPermutedIndicesNode indices to be output as they are in the runtime parallel partitioned mesh

Definition at line 404 of file Hdf5DataWriter.cpp.

References ComputeIncompleteOffset(), DefineFixedDimension(), EXCEPTION, mFileFixedDimensionSize, AbstractHdf5Access::mIncompleteNodeIndices, mIncompletePermIndices, and AbstractHdf5Access::mIsDataComplete.

◆ DefineFixedDimension() [2/2]

◆ DefineUnlimitedDimension()

void Hdf5DataWriter::DefineUnlimitedDimension ( const std::string &  rVariableName,
const std::string &  rVariableUnits,
unsigned  estimatedLength = 1 

◆ DefineVariable()

int Hdf5DataWriter::DefineVariable ( const std::string &  rVariableName,
const std::string &  rVariableUnits 

◆ EmptyDataset()

void Hdf5DataWriter::EmptyDataset ( )

Reset mCurrentTimeStep to 0 and resize the dataset and unlimited dataset to size 1 in the first dimension. Future writes will therefore overwrite the original contents.


Definition at line 1166 of file Hdf5DataWriter.cpp.

References mCurrentTimeStep, AbstractHdf5Access::mDatasetDims, mNeedExtend, and PossiblyExtend().

Referenced by PostProcessingWriter< ELEMENT_DIM, SPACE_DIM >::WriteOutputDataToHdf5().

◆ EndDefineMode()

◆ GetUsingCache()

bool Hdf5DataWriter::GetUsingCache ( )

Whether we're caching writes

whether we're caching writes

Definition at line 991 of file Hdf5DataWriter.cpp.

References mUseCache.

◆ GetVariableByName()

int Hdf5DataWriter::GetVariableByName ( const std::string &  rVariableName)

Get the id of the given variable, the variable must already exist or an exception will be thrown.

rVariableNamevariable name to look up
HDF5 id for the given variable.

Definition at line 1176 of file Hdf5DataWriter.cpp.

References EXCEPTION, and mVariables.

Referenced by PostProcessingWriter< ELEMENT_DIM, SPACE_DIM >::WriteOutputDataToHdf5().

◆ IsInDefineMode()

bool Hdf5DataWriter::IsInDefineMode ( )

Check whether writer is in define mode.

When in define mode variables can be defined but no data may be written, and vice versa. When extending, the writer will be in define mode if the dataset does not exist, and vice versa.

whether in define mode.

Definition at line 520 of file Hdf5DataWriter.cpp.

References mIsInDefineMode.

Referenced by PostProcessingWriter< ELEMENT_DIM, SPACE_DIM >::WriteOutputDataToHdf5().

◆ OpenFile()

◆ PossiblyExtend()

void Hdf5DataWriter::PossiblyExtend ( )

Extend the dataset to the correct to the correct dimensions if needed.

Definition at line 1156 of file Hdf5DataWriter.cpp.

References AbstractHdf5Access::mDatasetDims, mNeedExtend, AbstractHdf5Access::mUnlimitedDatasetId, and AbstractHdf5Access::mVariablesDatasetId.

Referenced by EmptyDataset(), PutStripedVector(), PutUnlimitedVariable(), and PutVector().

◆ PutStripedVector()

void Hdf5DataWriter::PutStripedVector ( std::vector< int >  variableIDs,
Vec  petscVector 

◆ PutUnlimitedVariable()

◆ PutVector()

◆ SetAlignment()

void Hdf5DataWriter::SetAlignment ( hsize_t  alignment)

Set the alignment parameter to pass through to H5Pset_alignment. Every file object will be aligned on the disk to a multiple of this parameter. See the H5P docs for more information.

Especially useful with SetTargetChunkSize to ensure each chunk (each chunk is an 'file object') is aligned to a disk stripe on a striped file system with minimal wastage.

This method only has an effect when creating a NEW HDF5 FILE. Must be called in define mode with extendData set to False.

alignmentAlignment (bytes)

Definition at line 1390 of file Hdf5DataWriter.cpp.

References EXCEPTION, mAlignment, mIsInDefineMode, and mUseExistingFile.

◆ SetChunkSize()

void Hdf5DataWriter::SetChunkSize ( )

This method sets the chunk size by building up in each dimension until a threshold is reached, unless user-specified values have been set using SetFixedChunkSize. By default, chunks of 128 K are used, which seems to be a good compromise. For large problems performance will usually improve by increasing this value (to e.g. 1 M).

Note: The public method for altering the algorithm's target chunk size is SetTargetChunkSize.

Definition at line 1332 of file Hdf5DataWriter.cpp.

References CalculateChunkDims(), CalculateNumberOfChunks(), AbstractHdf5Access::DATASET_DIMS, mChunkSize, mChunkTargetSize, mFixedChunkSize, mNumberOfChunks, and mUseOptimalChunkSizeAlgorithm.

Referenced by EndDefineMode().

◆ SetFixedChunkSize()

void Hdf5DataWriter::SetFixedChunkSize ( const unsigned rTimestepsPerChunk,
const unsigned rNodesPerChunk,
const unsigned rVariablesPerChunk 

Use a particular chunk size, ignoring the algorithm that figures out a sensible value.

This method may be useful in very specific circumstances, e.g. if you want chunks to align perfectly with stripes on a Lustre file system, or if you have a parallel problem where every process can be assigned the same size and shape hyperslab of the HDF5 file (thus getting rid of contention between processes when reading/writing).

USE WITH CAUTION - as it can degrade performance.

rTimestepsPerChunkThe number of unlimited dimension steps (usually time steps) per chunk.
rNodesPerChunkThe number of objects (usually nodes) per chunk in the second dimension.
rVariablesPerChunkThe number of objects (usually output variables) per chunk in the third dimension.

Definition at line 1285 of file Hdf5DataWriter.cpp.

References mFixedChunkSize, mIsInDefineMode, and mUseOptimalChunkSizeAlgorithm.

◆ SetTargetChunkSize()

void Hdf5DataWriter::SetTargetChunkSize ( hsize_t  targetSize)

Adjust the target (max) chunk size in the chunking algorithm. Useful when one knows roughly how big a chunk should be but doesn't care about the exact dimensions or shape. Default is 128 K.

Especially useful with SetAlignment for ensuring each chunk gets its own stripe on striped file systems.

This method only has an effect when creating a NEW DATASET. Must be called in define mode.

targetSizeMax chunk size (bytes)

Definition at line 1379 of file Hdf5DataWriter.cpp.

References EXCEPTION, mChunkTargetSize, and mIsInDefineMode.

Referenced by PostProcessingWriter< ELEMENT_DIM, SPACE_DIM >::WriteOutputDataToHdf5().

◆ WriteCache()

Friends And Related Symbol Documentation

◆ TestHdf5DataWriter

friend class TestHdf5DataWriter

Definition at line 50 of file Hdf5DataWriter.hpp.

Member Data Documentation

◆ mAlignment

hsize_t Hdf5DataWriter::mAlignment

User-provided alignment parameter

Definition at line 84 of file Hdf5DataWriter.hpp.

Referenced by OpenFile(), and SetAlignment().

◆ mCacheFirstTimeStep

long unsigned Hdf5DataWriter::mCacheFirstTimeStep

Coordinate to keep track of cache writes

Definition at line 87 of file Hdf5DataWriter.hpp.

Referenced by Hdf5DataWriter(), and WriteCache().

◆ mChunkSize

hsize_t Hdf5DataWriter::mChunkSize[DATASET_DIMS]

◆ mChunkTargetSize

hsize_t Hdf5DataWriter::mChunkTargetSize

User-provided target chunk size (for the algorithm)

Definition at line 82 of file Hdf5DataWriter.hpp.

Referenced by SetChunkSize(), and SetTargetChunkSize().

◆ mCleanDirectory

const bool Hdf5DataWriter::mCleanDirectory

Whether to wipe the output directory

Definition at line 56 of file Hdf5DataWriter.hpp.

Referenced by Hdf5DataWriter(), and OpenFile().

◆ mCurrentTimeStep

long unsigned Hdf5DataWriter::mCurrentTimeStep

◆ mDataCache

std::vector<double> Hdf5DataWriter::mDataCache

Cache results here before writing

Definition at line 88 of file Hdf5DataWriter.hpp.

Referenced by Hdf5DataWriter(), EndDefineMode(), PutStripedVector(), PutVector(), and WriteCache().

◆ mDataFixedDimensionSize

unsigned Hdf5DataWriter::mDataFixedDimensionSize

The size of the fixed dimension (size of the vector of nodes)

Definition at line 63 of file Hdf5DataWriter.hpp.

Referenced by Hdf5DataWriter(), ApplyPermutation(), DefineFixedDimension(), PutStripedVector(), and PutVector().

◆ mDoublePermutation

Mat Hdf5DataWriter::mDoublePermutation

Stores a permutation of a striped structure (u_0 v_0 u_1 v_1) as a matrix

Definition at line 76 of file Hdf5DataWriter.hpp.

Referenced by ~Hdf5DataWriter(), ApplyPermutation(), and PutStripedVector().

◆ mEstimatedUnlimitedLength

unsigned Hdf5DataWriter::mEstimatedUnlimitedLength

An estimate of the unlimited dimension length for performance reasons.

Definition at line 61 of file Hdf5DataWriter.hpp.

Referenced by AdvanceAlongUnlimitedDimension(), DefineUnlimitedDimension(), EndDefineMode(), and OpenFile().

◆ mFileFixedDimensionSize

unsigned Hdf5DataWriter::mFileFixedDimensionSize

The size of the fixed dimension (number of rows)

Definition at line 62 of file Hdf5DataWriter.hpp.

Referenced by Hdf5DataWriter(), ApplyPermutation(), DefineFixedDimension(), DefineFixedDimension(), EndDefineMode(), and OpenFile().

◆ mFixedChunkSize

hsize_t Hdf5DataWriter::mFixedChunkSize[DATASET_DIMS]

User-provided chunk size

Definition at line 81 of file Hdf5DataWriter.hpp.

Referenced by Hdf5DataWriter(), SetChunkSize(), and SetFixedChunkSize().

◆ mHi

unsigned Hdf5DataWriter::mHi

Local ownership of a PETSc vector of size mFileFixedDimensionSize

Definition at line 65 of file Hdf5DataWriter.hpp.

Referenced by ApplyPermutation(), ComputeIncompleteOffset(), and DefineFixedDimension().

◆ mIncompletePermIndices

std::vector<unsigned> Hdf5DataWriter::mIncompletePermIndices

The actual runtime indices of the incomplete data nodes (used when running in parallel and a permutation has been applied)

Definition at line 68 of file Hdf5DataWriter.hpp.

Referenced by Hdf5DataWriter(), ComputeIncompleteOffset(), DefineFixedDimension(), PutStripedVector(), and PutVector().

◆ mIsFixedDimensionSet

bool Hdf5DataWriter::mIsFixedDimensionSet

Is the fixed dimension set

Definition at line 59 of file Hdf5DataWriter.hpp.

Referenced by Hdf5DataWriter(), DefineFixedDimension(), and EndDefineMode().

◆ mIsInDefineMode

◆ mLo

unsigned Hdf5DataWriter::mLo

Local ownership of a PETSc vector of size mFileFixedDimensionSize

Definition at line 64 of file Hdf5DataWriter.hpp.

Referenced by Hdf5DataWriter(), ApplyPermutation(), ComputeIncompleteOffset(), DefineFixedDimension(), PutStripedVector(), and PutVector().

◆ mNeedExtend

bool Hdf5DataWriter::mNeedExtend

Used so that the data set is only extended when data is written

Definition at line 69 of file Hdf5DataWriter.hpp.

Referenced by AdvanceAlongUnlimitedDimension(), EmptyDataset(), and PossiblyExtend().

◆ mNumberOfChunks

hsize_t Hdf5DataWriter::mNumberOfChunks

The total number of chunks in the dataset

Definition at line 80 of file Hdf5DataWriter.hpp.

Referenced by SetChunkSize().

◆ mNumberOwned

unsigned Hdf5DataWriter::mNumberOwned

mNumberOwned=mHi-mLo; except with incomplete data

Definition at line 66 of file Hdf5DataWriter.hpp.

Referenced by Hdf5DataWriter(), ComputeIncompleteOffset(), DefineFixedDimension(), EndDefineMode(), PutStripedVector(), PutVector(), and WriteCache().

◆ mOffset

unsigned Hdf5DataWriter::mOffset

mOffset=mLo; except with incomplete data

Definition at line 67 of file Hdf5DataWriter.hpp.

Referenced by Hdf5DataWriter(), ComputeIncompleteOffset(), DefineFixedDimension(), PutStripedVector(), PutVector(), and WriteCache().

◆ mrVectorFactory

DistributedVectorFactory& Hdf5DataWriter::mrVectorFactory

The factory to use in creating PETSc Vec and DistributedVector objects.

Definition at line 54 of file Hdf5DataWriter.hpp.

Referenced by Hdf5DataWriter(), and DefineFixedDimension().

◆ mSinglePermutation

Mat Hdf5DataWriter::mSinglePermutation

Stores a permutation as a matrix

Definition at line 75 of file Hdf5DataWriter.hpp.

Referenced by ~Hdf5DataWriter(), ApplyPermutation(), and PutVector().

◆ mUseCache

bool Hdf5DataWriter::mUseCache

◆ mUseExistingFile

const bool Hdf5DataWriter::mUseExistingFile

Whether we are using an existing file (for extending existing dataset, or adding a new one)

Definition at line 57 of file Hdf5DataWriter.hpp.

Referenced by Hdf5DataWriter(), OpenFile(), and SetAlignment().

◆ mUseOptimalChunkSizeAlgorithm

bool Hdf5DataWriter::mUseOptimalChunkSizeAlgorithm

Whether to use the built-in algorithm for optimal chunk size

Definition at line 78 of file Hdf5DataWriter.hpp.

Referenced by SetChunkSize(), and SetFixedChunkSize().

◆ mVariables

std::vector<DataWriterVariable> Hdf5DataWriter::mVariables

The data variables

Definition at line 71 of file Hdf5DataWriter.hpp.

Referenced by Hdf5DataWriter(), DefineVariable(), EndDefineMode(), GetVariableByName(), and OpenFile().

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: