Chaste Commit::7e8afda1e5f5e40645afa05bf4ed0e1e7e465c89
Exception.hpp File Reference
#include <string>
#include <sstream>
#include <cfloat>
#include <climits>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <exception>
#include <boost/preprocessor/stringize.hpp>
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class  Exception


#define EXCEPTION(message)
#define EXCEPT_IF_NOT(test)    if (!(test)) EXCEPTION("Assertion tripped: " BOOST_PP_STRINGIZE(test))
#define EXCEPT_IF(test)    if (test) EXCEPTION("Assertion tripped: " BOOST_PP_STRINGIZE(test))
#define TERMINATE(message)
#define NEVER_REACHED   TERMINATE("Should have been impossible to reach this line of code"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE)
#define UNUSED_OPT(var)
#define ABORT_IF_THROWS(block)
#define EXPECT0(cmd, arg)
#define ABORT_IF_NON0_WITH_MSG(retcode, msg)
#define ABORT_IF_NON0(cmd, arg)
#define EXPECT_NON0(cmd, arg)
#define IGNORE_RET(cmd, arg)


const unsigned UNSIGNED_UNSET = UINT_MAX
const int INT_UNSET = INT_MAX
const double DOUBLE_UNSET = DBL_MAX

Detailed Description

Contains the Exception class, along with some macros that are widely used throughout the code.

Definition in file Exception.hpp.

Macro Definition Documentation


#define ABORT_IF_NON0 (   cmd,
{ \
std::string _arg(arg); \
int ret = cmd(_arg.c_str()); \
ABORT_IF_NON0_WITH_MSG(ret, "Error executing command: " #cmd "(" + _arg + ")") \
This macro is deprecated, and no longer used by core code.

Handy for calling functions like system which return non-zero on error. Terminate if an error occurs.

This macro should be used instead of EXPECT0 within blocks that are only executed by one process, but need to kill all processes if an error occurs.

cmdcommand to call
argits argument (will be converted to std::string)

Definition at line 308 of file Exception.hpp.


#define ABORT_IF_NON0_WITH_MSG (   retcode,
if (retcode != 0) { \
This macro is deprecated, and no longer used by core code.

Handy for calling functions like system which return non-zero on error. Terminate if the return code is non-zero, printing a suitable message.

retcodecommand return code
msgerror message to display

Definition at line 291 of file Exception.hpp.


#define ABORT_IF_THROWS (   block)
try { \
block; \
} catch (const Exception& e) { \
TERMINATE(e.GetMessage()); \
} catch (const std::exception &e) { \
TERMINATE(e.what()); \
} catch (...) { \
TERMINATE("Unexpected exception thrown."); \

Convenience function to convert an exception thrown by a single process into termination of the entire program.

blockthe block of code to execute

Definition at line 246 of file Exception.hpp.


#define EXCEPT_IF (   test)     if (test) EXCEPTION("Assertion tripped: " BOOST_PP_STRINGIZE(test))

Convenience macro for the opposite truth condition as EXCEPT_IF_NOT.

testthe test that must always be false.

Definition at line 179 of file Exception.hpp.


#define EXCEPT_IF_NOT (   test)     if (!(test)) EXCEPTION("Assertion tripped: " BOOST_PP_STRINGIZE(test))

Convenience macro for changing an assert into an exception - has the same calling semantics, but throws.

testthe test that must always be true.

Definition at line 171 of file Exception.hpp.


#define EXCEPTION (   message)
do { \
std::stringstream msg_stream; \
msg_stream << message; \
throw Exception(msg_stream.str(), __FILE__, __LINE__); \
} while (false)

Convenience macro for throwing an exception, in order to add file and line info.

messagethe error message to use, as a streamed expression

Definition at line 156 of file Exception.hpp.


#define EXPECT0 (   cmd,
{ \
std::string _arg(arg); \
int retcode = cmd(_arg.c_str()); \
if (retcode != 0) { \
EXCEPTION("Error executing command: " #cmd "(" + _arg + ")"); \
} }
This macro is deprecated.

Handy for calling functions like system which return non-zero on error. Throws if an error occurs.

DO NOT use this macro within an if (PetscTools::AmMaster) block, as then you'll get deadlock if an exception is thrown when running in parallel! (Unless the block is wrapped in a try-catch and exception replication handler.) Instead, use ABORT_IF_NON0.
cmdcommand to call
argits argument (will be converted to std::string)

Definition at line 275 of file Exception.hpp.


#define EXPECT_NON0 (   cmd,
{ \
std::string _arg = (arg); \
int ret = cmd(_arg.c_str()); \
if (ret == 0) { \
EXCEPTION("Command: " #cmd "(" + _arg + ") succeeded and it shouldn't have"); \
} }
This macro is deprecated, and no longer used by core code.

Handy for calling functions like system which return non-zero on error. This time we expect failure; throws if the command succeeds.

cmdcommand to call
argits argument (will be converted to std::string)

Definition at line 322 of file Exception.hpp.


#define IGNORE_RET (   cmd,
{ \
std::string _arg = (arg); \
int ret = cmd(_arg.c_str()); \
ret = ret; \
This macro is deprecated.

Handy for calling functions like system which return non-zero on error. This version ignores the return code, in case you don't care about errors for some reason...

cmdcommand to call
argits argument (will be converted to std::string)

Definition at line 337 of file Exception.hpp.


#define NEVER_REACHED   TERMINATE("Should have been impossible to reach this line of code"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE)

Use for control paths that will never be executed, just to make sure they aren't.

The exit statement at the end of NEVER_REACHED is not really needed but prevents g++ from complaining about uninitialised variables when you have code that looks like:

RelativeTo::Value relative_to;
switch (rPath.relative_to())
case cp::relative_to_type::cwd:
relative_to = RelativeTo::CWD;
case cp::relative_to_type::chaste_test_output:
case cp::relative_to_type::chaste_source_root:
case cp::relative_to_type::absolute:
relative_to = RelativeTo::Absolute;

relative_to is considered potentially uninitialised in the default branch unless the compiler finds a exit, assert or throw statement.

Definition at line 227 of file Exception.hpp.


#define TERMINATE (   message)
do { \
std::stringstream msg_stream; \
msg_stream << message; \
Exception::Terminate(msg_stream.str(), __FILE__, __LINE__); \
} while (false)

Terminate execution safely, even when running in parallel. Use for level 4 errors: execution cannot continue from this point and hence should be terminated (even when running with NDEBUG).

messageexplanatory message

Definition at line 189 of file Exception.hpp.


#define UNUSED_OPT (   var)

This is to cope with NDEBUG causing variables to not be used, when they are only used in assert()s.

varthe "unused" variable

Definition at line 237 of file Exception.hpp.

Variable Documentation


const double DOUBLE_UNSET = DBL_MAX

Use when initialising a double variable that doesn't have a sensible default value.

Definition at line 57 of file Exception.hpp.

Referenced by ImmersedBoundaryPalisadeMeshGenerator::ImmersedBoundaryPalisadeMeshGenerator(), OffLatticeRandomFieldGenerator< SPACE_DIM >::OffLatticeRandomFieldGenerator(), QuadraturePointsGroup< DIM >::QuadraturePointsGroup(), CellProperties::CalculateActionPotentialDurations(), AbstractCvodeCell::Compute(), ImmersedBoundaryMesh< ELEMENT_DIM, SPACE_DIM >::DivideElement(), ImmersedBoundaryMesh< ELEMENT_DIM, SPACE_DIM >::GetAverageNodeSpacingOfElement(), ImmersedBoundaryMesh< ELEMENT_DIM, SPACE_DIM >::GetAverageNodeSpacingOfLamina(), AbstractCellWriter< ELEMENT_DIM, SPACE_DIM >::GetCellDataForVtkOutput(), CellCycleModelOdeHandler::GetDt(), AbstractCvodeCellWithDataClamp::GetExperimentalVoltageAtTimeT(), AbstractOdeBasedCellCycleModel::GetOdeStopTime(), AbstractOdeBasedPhaseBasedCellCycleModel::GetOdeStopTime(), SimulationTime::GetTime(), AbstractCellWriter< ELEMENT_DIM, SPACE_DIM >::GetVectorCellDataForVtkOutput(), CellAppliedForceWriter< ELEMENT_DIM, SPACE_DIM >::GetVectorCellDataForVtkOutput(), SimulationTime::IsStartTimeSetUp(), SimulationTime::ResetEndTimeAndNumberOfTimeSteps(), SimulationTime::SetEndTimeAndNumberOfTimeSteps(), Kerchoffs2003ContractionModel::SetInputParameters(), Nash2004ContractionModel::SetInputParameters(), NhsContractionModel::SetInputParameters(), SimulationTime::SetStartTime(), AbstractCvodeCell::SolveAndUpdateState(), LinearParabolicPdeSystemWithCoupledOdeSystemSolver< ELEMENT_DIM, SPACE_DIM, PROBLEM_DIM >::SolveAndWriteResultsToFile(), ContactInhibitionCellCycleModel::UpdateCellCyclePhase(), NormallyDistributedTargetAreaModifier< DIM >::UpdateTargetAreaOfCell(), SimpleTargetAreaModifier< DIM >::UpdateTargetAreaOfCell(), TargetAreaLinearGrowthModifier< DIM >::UpdateTargetAreaOfCell(), AbstractHdf5Converter< ELEMENT_DIM, SPACE_DIM >::WriteInfoFile(), and ImmersedBoundaryCellPopulation< DIM >::WriteVtkResultsToFile().


const int INT_UNSET = INT_MAX

Use when initialising an int variable that doesn't have a sensible default value.

Definition at line 55 of file Exception.hpp.


const unsigned UNSIGNED_UNSET = UINT_MAX

Use when initialising an unsigned variable that doesn't have a sensible default value.

Definition at line 53 of file Exception.hpp.

Referenced by CellId::CellId(), CellProperties::CalculateActionPotentialDurations(), ExclusionCaBasedDivisionRule< SPACE_DIM >::CalculateDaughterNodeIndex(), ShovingCaBasedDivisionRule< SPACE_DIM >::CalculateDaughterNodeIndex(), CardiacElectroMechanicsProblem< DIM, ELEC_PROB_DIM >::DetermineWatchedNodes(), NodePartitioner< ELEMENT_DIM, SPACE_DIM >::GeometricPartitioning(), Cell::GetAncestor(), CellAncestorWriter< ELEMENT_DIM, SPACE_DIM >::GetCellDataForVtkOutput(), CellId::GetCellId(), VertexMesh< ELEMENT_DIM, SPACE_DIM >::GetDelaunayNodeIndexCorrespondingToVoronoiElementIndex(), CellId::GetMaxCellId(), VertexMesh< ELEMENT_DIM, SPACE_DIM >::GetVoronoiElementIndexCorrespondingToDelaunayNodeIndex(), SimpleWntCellCycleModel::GetWntType(), CellCycleModelOdeSolver< CELL_CYCLE_MODEL, BackwardEulerIvpOdeSolver >::Initialise(), CellCycleModelOdeSolver< CELL_CYCLE_MODEL, BackwardEulerIvpOdeSolver >::IsSetUp(), AbstractHdf5Converter< ELEMENT_DIM, SPACE_DIM >::MoveOntoNextDataset(), CellCycleModelOdeSolver< CELL_CYCLE_MODEL, BackwardEulerIvpOdeSolver >::Reset(), AbstractConductivityModifier< ELEMENT_DIM, SPACE_DIM >::rGetModifiedConductivityTensor(), AbstractCellCycleModel::SetDimension(), CardiacElectroMechanicsProblem< DIM, ELEC_PROB_DIM >::Solve(), MutableMesh< ELEMENT_DIM, SPACE_DIM >::SplitEdge(), and CellAncestorWriter< ELEMENT_DIM, SPACE_DIM >::VisitCell().